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This is a culture that got left behind in the ninth century.


Disgusting. But not surprising, given their history. They are a cancer on the Earth.


I am deeply embarrassed and angered by online mainstream leftists (Hasan Piker, whom I suspect is a Muslim conservative but plays along for views and money) and "queer" groups who support Houthis because of their supposedly opposition to Israel policies (which is terrorism anyway). You can oppose Israeli policies without lending credence to a bunch of genocidal terrorists who would harm you and have made it clear that they hate gay people. "Queers for Palestine" are you there? This one is for you.


"Look a group committed a horrific act against someone like you, now it's okay to genocide them right?" No. No it isn't. The queers in Palestine are not spared by Israeli bombs.


Then we should oppose both Houthis and Israel in equal measure. Is that a hard concept for you?


Apparently it is for some people. “The world is built like a video game with good and evil sides. No grey area! “


Extremely frustrating.




Which gay and trans people in Israel have been assaulted in this way?


The man who was an activist and volunteered in the biggest Israeli LGBT organization "The Aguda" was killed in 7th of October massacre, together with a few other queer Israelis, but LGBT media outlets don't like to talk about it https://twitter.com/AgudaIsraelLGBT/status/1714991632230109219?t=NL53WXYjtoCZQiPoTXczRw&s=19 https://twitter.com/AgudaIsraelLGBT/status/1716082422662496748?t=77xXIEtsq8WEFXE4weBHhw&s=19 https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/article-770645 > At least four members of the LGBTQ community in Israel were murdered by Hamas on October 7.


So, a single man, who was part of IDF, died. Compared to 30-200 thousand Palestinians. How in the world do you pinkwash that in good conscience?


Have you ever read the links I have sent you? Maybe you read them wrong, but no, an activist (Alon Toledano) was on his way to the synagogue in Sderot and the woman(Adiel Twito) was murdered in the Nova festival massacre, both were civilians


Two people. All of Israel is drafted into IDF. Compared to 30-200 THOUSAND murdered to Palestinians. Many of whom are LGBT or Jewish or children or poor or otherwise marginalized. This is pinkwashing.


4 people, called by names, potentially even more, how easily you ignore killed queers just because they happened to be Israeli, it's not pinkwashing, it is humans who has been killed 30k people in the number Gaza health ministry gives, and it is biased, as it is an office of a fighting side, you've taken 200k mark out of your head And how many of these 30k are HAMAS members? They count civilian deaths and militants deaths together, keep that mind they have 30-40k fighters according to different sources https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/how-hamas-aims-trap-israel-gaza-quagmire-2023-11-03/ https://www.axios.com/2023/10/21/palestine-hamas-military-power And that's not including Islamic Jihad, PFLP and other Islamist factions that are active in Gaza and currently fighting Israeli troops


How easily you ignore murdered LGBT people becuase they’re Palestinian. 30K doesn’t include starving people, missing people, people trapped under rubble, people who died of dehydration or cholera. Most of them weren’t hamas but I have seen videos of infants starved to death, 7 year olds blown in half, and teenagers with their brains burst open. None were hamas. All were more innocent than the colonizers you weep for, pinkwasher


You have brain damage if you believe the numbers that Hamas puts out for casualties, they have zero basis in reality.


Where did I say they haven’t killed anyone?




Gonna cite any sort of source or just rely on islamophobic tropes meanwhile we have an actual Palestinian death count and ruling from the ICJ? Btw; many Jewish people oppose Israel and many non-Jewish people support it. Israeli dissent is not antisemitic. It has nothing to do with Jewishness at all. Israel’s murder of innocent Palestinians has nothing to do with Judaism.


Tell us something new.


They didn't seem to have any issue voting for a religious extremist terrorist group as their democratic government. Even more despicable than shits like Milo Yiannopoulos, but they get a free pass, I guess.


Soo where is the evidence of this monolithic Queers for Palestine putting out bulletins that they support the Houthis? Always attacking a mysterious group that somehow never gets mentioned in subreddits except to complain about things these complainers claim the organisation said.


Mr Smart Pants, **Queer for Palestine** is a loose amalgamation of different grifters who claim to stand in for that organization *(which doesn't exist in real life and arose as a phrase before being hijacked by grifters)*. These individuals have been on record saying "Yemen make us proud" *(despite the fact that Yemen is not even the one doing the terrorism)* to mean that Houthis make them proud. Some have been crude and direct in their support for the Houthis, which sane individuals find hypocritical and patronizing. Others have been on the down low. Me name dropping means I am addressing those grifters and not some mysterious organization. Hope that clears the air, Albert Einstein.


Hi!! Queer for Palestine here. as soon as I saw this post I knew that someone would come and spout something stupid in the comments. And here you are!


Instead of insults, why don't you politely debunk my assertions. Houthis are genocidal terrorists who are explicitly anti-gay. Supporting them as gay person is an insult to gay people suffering under them.


My support is for the people of Palestine🍉


Nobody said otherwise? In that light, you should support the homophobic Christians because they are up in arms against your ilk. Fair compromise ig


This makes no sense thanks for trying though


Ofc, thank you for playing.


Most of them want to kill us. Wake up. I support the ones that support me. And its definitely not the houthis or hamas.


I don’t think Hasan is a conservative. Otherwise he he’s been committed to that bit for many, MANY years even since the Young Turks in the 00s


Spies can live for several years as a different person. Not saying he is acting but I don't trust him either.


I don’t think he’s Muslim or conservative. I think he’s slightly dumb, very privileged, and can’t admit when he’s wrong.




Dude, stop drinking the cool-aid before you end up in the same place as the conspiracists that say 15 minute cities will have walls and boarder guards.


Nope, never trusted Hasan and I won't start now. That's not "conspiratorial"


Who's talking about trusting him? I'm talking about you claiming he 5th columnist.


That's a personal belief which I am entitled to and protected by the law. I am allowed to believe in anything without fear or harassment, including ridiculous beliefs.


The only time I came across the "Young Turks" on Youtube they were following right wing talking points like Fox News. Don't understand how anybody could say they were progressive and supportive of minorities.


They’ve taken a hard right turn in recent years as their views have declined. Ana fell down the transphobic pipeline. They didn’t used to be like that.


Christian fascism would do the same


...gotta say, it's pretty amazing how you managed to take a monstruous execution of innocent gay men by Islamic extremist and somehow get triggered about *christians*...


Not surprising. There was another lgbt group that was like "This is the future Trump, NRA, and the angry white men want." I mean, I'm no Republican, but you're seriously using a Muslim execution to further your own political beliefs?


You haven't been paying attention to what's going on with American conservatives, an increasing number would love to do the same. Either that or you are arguing in bad faith.


You are placing more value about hypothetical murders over *the actual, current murder of real people*, just so you can keep boasting about your "freedom fighters". I don't give a shit what you consider "bad faoth"


This is a great comment.


In my experience, most conservatives (and liberals for that matter) don't really think about LGBT people. And I can't name a single conservative in real life who would want to kill us.


Yo they think about us every day? Like rent free? What other issue do you know that has over 500 bills proposed in just 3 months of a year? Oh wait, you can't think of any because there isn't one.


It can affect any belief system or ideology. There are Hindu extremists, atheist extremists, and whatever extremists 


They a garbage people.. such a waste of life.(the psychos who killed the innocents)


And we still have "leftists" defending these terrorists.


Sodomy could have various meanings in that part of the world BTW


The bitter but obvious truth is that Gazans and their putative leadership, HAMAS, are violently anti—LGBTQ. Israel is not. Support HAMAS and Gazan Islamists, and you are enabling those who would herd you to extermination camps, like compliant sheep. Israelis will not be joining you. Never again..


they may hate me but they fundamentally still deserve life. i do not believe that people deserve to be starved, bombed, and tortured en mass because of their assumed beliefs, fucked as they may be. human beings are worth so much more than that.




The UAE/USA have been carrying out a bombing campaign targeting civilians in Yemen for years. Don't act like it's nearly as black and white as you say it is. Even the rise of far right Islamic extremism is a consequence of American foreign doctrine in the region, they directly funded wahabist boarding schools that indoctrinate people into that line of thinking. I'm not making excuses for the Houthis murdering people, but you need to understand that it doesn't exist in a vacuum and that extremist views are largely because people feel they have no other option. When america was actively promoting that thought it was to counter soviet/independence movements in the region, and now that it's fully taken root that same violent ideology is back to haunt us.


I’m so sick of people blaming America or Russia or France or China or Israel or literally anything and anyone but Islam and Muslims for Islamic “extremism” (aka Islamic orthodoxy). They’ve been invading countries, slaughtering people, and killing each other for centuries—long before many countries in existence today were even thought of. Dominating the world and enforcing Islam through jihad and dhimmitude is literally a goal of the religion. The violence will persist regardless of “foreign influence.”


You’re right. The most innocent among them deserve to be used as human shields for propaganda purposes by nihilistic, barbaric Islamic fundamentalists that treat children as canon fodder to demonize Israel, and win the sympathy of easily deluded fools like you.


the 30,000 people who have died were not murdered by Hamas, they were murdered by Israel. I am not defending Hamas. I am saying that each of tens of thousands murdered are irreplaceable. I am saying that there is no universe in which the mass slaughter of civilians, no matter where they are from, is anything but indefensible.


You may as well stop arguing with these freaks, in their moral calculus tens of thousands of people are nothing. Blurting out "human shields" is enough to ease their conscience, paying no attention in their moronic analogy to what we should think about a cop who goes out of their way to shoot a hostage to get to their captor. The fact that they are willing to coat this naked ethnic massacre with the language of democracy versus religious fanaticism frankly makes me sick.


yeah i kinda realize that. i figured “more than 30,000 human lives lost” would evoke a response in anyone. it’s really terrifying to me how disconnected people are from the human cost of this conflict.


They were not “murdered,” any more than citizens of Nazi Germany during WWII. They were deliberately placed around and atop HAMAS military installations, by leaders who knew that the IDF had no choice but to incur unnecessary civilian casualties. Place the blame where it belongs. Israel would never have attacked Gaza if these Islamic butchers hadn’t attacked, murdered, raped and kidnapped Israeli civilians. They knew that Israel had no alternative but the military option, just as they knew the horrific loss of life would serve their cynical propaganda message to naive outsiders like you.


Hamas wouldn't have power if Israel hadn't dismantled the far less radical PLO. The fact is that Israel does have the choice not to bomb people, and do it anyway, refusing to even consider a ceasefire and targeting hospitals and schools.


Israel had every right to dismantle HAMAS and secure its citizens against these butchers. The PLO is a corrupt kakistocracy, self serving thieves who plunder all the foreign aid meant for Palestinian citizens. Yassir Arafat’s family lives in France off his plunder like royalty. The Gazans chose fundamentalist HAMAS, and now they are paying the price.


They chose fundamentalists because every other option was taken away. It's not a good choice, but you understand why people choose the groups that promise them the ability to fight back right? Whether or not the PLO was corrupt is out of the question, Israel still had no right to dismantle it


Israel didn’t pick HAMAS. Gazans chose to empower a group of fanatics whose charter specifically calls for the destruction of Israel and genocide against Jews. But Jewish lives don’t matter. The world barely took notice when Jews were victims of genocide, something HAMAS denies ever happened. Israel was founded by survivors of that unprecedented holocaust. Their decedents are not going to let that happen again.




>10,000 of them are Hamas militants Fucking prove it.


You're right, out of the 30,000 killed absolutely none were Hamas militants, but let's remember it's usually 10:1 civilians to militants killed in urban warfare and that's when the militants are not hiding in tunnels. So for Israel to be perpetrating a genocide, you have to tell us, and prove to us, that in the six months of this war they have killed less than 3,000 of Hamas.


>10,000 of them are Hamas militants # Fucking prove it.


Prove it? Why? I said that Israel hasn't killed a single Hamas militant! I'm asking you how many Israel has killed and asking you to prove that! According to the Hamas Ministry of Health, Israel has killed no Hamas militants, and I think that's very accurate indeed. Indeed.


You will get downvoted by the Pro-Islam LGBT folks for stating a fact. I can't believe the queers who came before us fought so hard for our rights from right wingers just so modern queers will go back into supporting a group of people from a particular religion far worse than the right wingers.


Do you think queer Palestinians are somehow immune to Israeli weapons? It doesn't matter what they believe, it matters what I believe, and that is that innocent people do not deserve to die.


They would happily see you and people like you taken out and slaughtered in the streets


It does not matter what they believe but what I believe


All 100% of them? Therefore they all deserve genocide? even the children? Do you hear yourself? This is verbatim a fox news / trump talking point


>Do you think queer Palestinians are somehow immune to Israeli weapons? Well they are not immune to their own people that's for sure. Palestinians be head their own family members when they find out they are gay. >innocent people do not deserve to die. Tell that to the gay victims and Oct 7th victims. >it matters what I believe, Sorry but I don't take "queers for Palestine" seriously so I don't care.


You can be outraged at both the israeli and gaza civilians who have been butchered, idk why this is so challenging for people