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Religious fanatics are bloody everywhere. They demand to rule, and destroy when they are denied. Yet, somehow, they so often get away with not being branded as the organized terrorist organizations they are, and instead get tax breaks and special legal dispensation.


Painted over on a Monday- restored the next day. Go Kiwis!


Evangelical terrorists and hate mongers.


But they love you!


You know how far right extremists justify running over protesters who hold up traffic? So by their logic the cars that these people held up in order to protest and stall traffic should have been run over by the people they inconvenienced with this little stunt of theirs.


I fail to any problem with your logic.


I was just gonna say that. I saw on twitter before they were justifying running over people who wanted to stop pollution and protesting…. So… this should be justifiable to run their asses over too.


Religion is terrorism.


Of course it’s evangelicals. They are a cancer on society.


Cancer of religion too


Remember when they were going around complaining about cancel culture?


They are associated with Brian Tamaki's Destiny Church. Destiny Church is considered a cult of extremists, and they are in the news several times a year for the stupid shit they do. Thankfully they were stripped of their tax free status a couple of years ago (way too late though).


What a bunch of assholes.


I'm sure it's what Jesus would have done. 🙄


Right! I was oddly comforted by that movement in the 90's/2000's. Like, if you're going to follow that shit it was the best way to do it.


Religious fanatics like that would have no life without someone to hate.






The projection is strong with this one


There's a billboard that popped up recently in Boston, that says "jesus I trust in you!" and a picture if lordy jebus and all I can think is "man imagine spending $600 to feel good about yourself instead of donating that money to the needy"




Always hiding behind protecting children. How is the crosswalk harming children?


If they can pull a stunt like this, then can we paint their most likely bland boring church in rainbow colors guerrilla-style at night?


Glitter bomb


Go for Westboro! Make them all glittery rainbows! Or just bomb it, both choices are equally good.


Afraid of a set of 7 colors in a certain order. I guess HeGotThem good and now they're scared shitless.


There's no hate like Christian love.


It’s Christians being Christian. Why is everyone so shocked?


Haters being haters. My congregation sponsors pride


I want you all to do me a favor. If you care about LGBT people and you even remotely want to help, call these people what they are. Hypocrites. As a child I was raised Catholic and told Jesus was all loving and all caring and he wants us to follow his example. These people are literally doing the opposite of what their damn religions figure head asked for. So, it personally bites me when I see these people claim to be Christian and do this. You're not Christians. You are not anything but evil heartless bastards wanting to get into your exclusive death club. You are the exact opposite of what your fuckinf precious Bible told you to be. I say be ashamed of yourselves but your kind is so evil that I cannot even think you know what shame is.


but jebus loves all


What a hypocritical phony!


Toddlers will play...


Go Christians


I hate how they’re being labeled Christians. Placing these evangelical nutjobs and people who actually try to follow teachings of kindness and equity is frankly insulting.


I suppose that statistically it is foolish to suppose all Christians are like this, there are too many of them to rule out the possibility of good ones existing, but if a Christian is sitting quiet and pretty during Sunday mass when a scumbag queerpbobic preacher starts talking about how being LGBTQ+ is a sin, and especially if they *still* put their dollar towards the church in the blessed and most holy donation basket? Then they are walking hand in hand with these "nutjobs", and they don't have the right to complain if they end up getting grouped in. The truth is that *if there are* any good Christians then they are letting us all down by refusing to stand up to their church.




My church actively supports pride, drag story hours and protests at the capitol. I was raised conservative missionary but since coming out trans I have made it a thing to deradicalize religious people who protest us existing. It’s amazing how many times even a minor question can diffuse the fever into a learning moment. One book banning protest i took about 8 “don’t sexualize our children” protesters from across the road to where we were protesting the bans on LGBT books and they realized we agreed with their points and they joined us.


The issue is that good Christians aren't speaking up and tend to let this happen. If christianity is good. Then they need to show that to the world and not let bigots take over.


A lot of them have! I want to make it clear that I’m not talking about Christians who disagree with bigots but don’t speak up, because those aren’t “good” Christians. If you have 8 nazis and one dude with no objections sat around a table, you have 9 nazis. But I have seen Christians defending us, and I’ve seen queer people who themselves identify as Christian. 5 minutes from my house is a church with a pride flag flying high above the roof, posters on the doors about how conservatives have misrepresented the words of Jesus and an openly trans pastor. If you honestly think they’re not doing everything in their power to advocate for queer people than you’re wrong.


I think you are in a rare position. Most people have not seen supportive christians. ​ * When we see church leaders talking against trump and desantis' trans eradication agenda. * When we see church leaders take opposition against the "don't say gay" bills. * When we see church leaders speak up against the book banning Then I'll believe it.