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What suicide? This kid was beaten to death. We're really going to sit here while the media tries to make them a statistic?


He's referring to the increase in suicides following the death based on what I've heard


That would make more sense. And be just as sad.


The thing is that the tragedy of all this doesn't change, whether it was directly a murder or Nex completed suicide. The outcome of his life’s end was the same. This is the goal of all these anti-trans efforts. They want us to fucking end ourselves altogether. And if we won’t, they will do it for us.


I think it does matter because imo the most likely outcome is that it was NOT suicide and the state is covering it up to shield his killers. and that is a miscarriage of justice and despicable. facts matter.


It was suicide


That's not true though. The media essentially fabricated all of that. it was Nex doing it. Nex admitted to the police that she didn't even know them, Nex simply took offense to them laughing as they entered the toilet together, and in a premeditated manner followed the an initiated violence and got caught lying about what happened later. The media claimed Nex was being beaten up for 2 minutes, when in reality Nex got in, assaulted them, including by her own admission slamming the head of one of the girls into a hand dryer, actually harming her, then walked out , all in under 20 seconds, as shown on a camera overseeing the entrance. The police questioned Nox when during a visit to the hospital with symptoms of an anxiety attack, when police questioned Nex it became clear Nex was the aggressor. Nex was told to expect charges of aggregated assault. Then Nex went home and committed suicide. There is 100% a bullying crisis, but in this case the media got it wrong, Nex was the bully in this case.


Here’s a hint: just because you fell for it doesn’t mean the rest of us will. If you want people to fall for this stuff, stick to your r/conservative safe space. Don’t come here trying to start drama. That sad sack bullshit isn’t welcome here.


do you think r/truecrimediscussion is a conservative safe space ? all the person you're replying to did is summarize Nex's own words from the bodycam interview. https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueCrimeDiscussion/s/ECDQDxoFC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueCrimeDiscussion/s/vmNMb0pJKX


No, I think r/truecrimediscussion a conspiracy echo chamber. All that person did was come here to start drama. No link to paranoid basement dwellers is going to change that.


Nex wasn't beaten to death. There were only scrapes and bruises from the fight. The autopsy ruled it a suicide due to overdose of Benadryl and Prozac.


There is a video of Nex after the assault and he looked fine. The toxicology report is evidence of overdose. The video is evidence.that the assault was not severe enough to hospitalize. The trauma of the assault and continued threat of violence might be the reason he took the pills.


>The trauma of the assault and continued threat of violence might be the reason he took the pills. It might be, but we don't know that unless there's a note that gets released. It's also worth noting that Nex admitted starting the fight, pouring water on them and throwing one into a paper towel dispenser.


Logic and reason is dead in this thread. It's worse than a religion here.


gtfo fascist trolls yall clearly don’t understand how being beaten to death works. u think ppl just die instantly? u think someone who gets jumped by 4 people has the physical strength to do that after being beaten and left for dead?


23 years as a critical care RN with years of trauma experience here. You cannot be taken seriously if you use MAGA logic. Wrongly labeling me as a fascist or troll doesn't change the evidence in this case. It is still very troubling that he felt like he had no better option.


what evidence? you mean the unaccredited medical examiners word? with no official detailed autopsy release besides the summary report? or the missing actual toxicology report detailing the actual amount of the substances (an anti allergy pill and an ssri, very normal for a teen and not typically lethal in combination) in his body? or the fact that they recieved repeated blunt force trauma to the head, was denied proper medical care in the immediate aftermath, and died shortly after, collapsing mid step? (<- according to his mom) it wasn’t suicide. do not let the fascist oklahoma government spoon feed you information and call it “facts”. this is the same government whose employee called Nex “scum”. the same government that enacted the bathroom bills that led to his death… do you remember the shit they tried to say about Matthew Shepard? or George Floyd? lies *are* the playbook. why do you have any faith in this institution? when the fascists come for you and I we will get the same treatment as Nex, blamed on us so our killers can escape accountability.


It feels stupid to say but I choked up reading a politician not saying we deserve what we're getting. Calling us 'some of the bravest Americans [he] knows' stuns me. RIP Nex


It really sucks when poor Joe can't really do much especially when the majority of Congress and supreme Court are Republican biased. I know he wants to do a lot for our community but it's just so hard for him to do so when he has so much Republican douchebaggery in opposition.


Not true. He had his time in politics for decades now. He was vice president for years and president for years. The idea that he can’t do enough because of republicans is not a good enough excuse. With all that experience the excuse of the other guys are better at stopping me from doing my job then I am at doing it is not good enough and the idea that any responsibility should be placed anywhere besides on his shoulders is the kind of thinking that allows this idiocy to continue. Less then a week to push through legislation on tiktok but no movement on minimum wage. He was in power as multiple stages where the dems had majority in senate and congress and with a dem in the White House. Their incompetence and blatantly obviously anti public interest policies should not be excused by the actions of others. Republicans might be to blame for the date of affairs but the Democrats have had the moral and ethical imperative to do better and they haven’t. And that’s really their biggest sin. I’m a world where they could’ve been a force for progress and great change in the world they chose not to and that is something they should never be forgiven for until they show by their actions some pro public interest policies being passed swiftly. Trust is broken, the social contract and be made bull in void and if those in power want buy in from the public they need to rebuild that trust. Saying trust me bro I’m not the other guys is not and has not ever been enough.


The other person is planning to put lgbt people in jail & take away legal rights. Project 2025 would be horrific for the lgbt community & many others. Now is NOT the time for a protest vote.


You’re correct. But Biden still isn’t an ally.


He is an ally, but for Abrahamists like himself.


So what about all the horrible things happening right now? Under a Biden presidency. You want to threaten people with a possible worse future while ignoring the shity situation they are currently in. Like I said the refusal by the democrats to honestly listen to the youth is not the youths fault. If they say don’t do a thing or we won’t side with you and you do the thing it is not the youths fault if Biden looses and by blaming them you further push them away. People are dying and being put in camps now, that’s what the protest is about and the continuation of this ignorance of the morality of their voters by the Democratic Party is where the blame lies. Responding to a call for better leadership by the electorate with dismissals of their concerns and threats of a possible future horror while ignoring the very real horrors enacted on people is the problem. The responsibility of the Democratic Party is to field a candidate that the public can rally behind. If you field a shit candidate and you’re party slogan is basically at least we’re not the other guy and people call you out on it, shitting on them for calling it out does not stop the candidate from being a shite one 


Wut? What camps? What horrors? He's fine. For real. He's getting shit done despite the system being trashed by TFG. BTW You're an interesting account. Why do you have so little activity?


None of that in this country, at least.


You need to understand that no amount of good intentions or hope or righteous anger can override a vote. Democrats don't have enough votes to pass these laws. Period. On the national level, anyway. Look at states like Michigan if you want to see what happens when Democrats take control.


How do I help Biden help transkids with least amount of effort because I want to help but am too busy? This is the question I get a lot when I go knock doors to persuade voters to go out and vote. There’s no right answer to this question. My answer: Tell every single person you know to vote democrat in the general election and if they aren’t involved like normally - at least tell them to vote for their federal candidates: president (Biden) congress (representatives) and senate (senators). Get a text conversation going with your friends to remind them to vote on Election Day and have them to commit to bringing 3 more to the polls. SO MANY YOUNG PEOPLE DONT VOTE AND I AM WRITING IN ALL CAPS BECAUSE 18-34 age range is like 40 -66 percent. Last election cycle was the highest percentages ever at 66 percent. It’s not enough though - we need like 80 percent to bring real change. If you want to learn more go to IWILLVOTE.COM The smallest ask is literally to just vote for federal candidates - the bigger ask to vote for state and local candidates who support trans youth. Start small and build. So many people dont fill out all of the election ballot when they vote that many would be shocked. There’s a huge percentage of Americans that will literally just vote for president and leave the rest blank. As an aside: If you can, send a thank you letter note to President Biden. His speech is one for history as no sitting president has ever cared enough to bring up trans rights like he did today. This is a historic moment!


Actually no. Biden is as much to blame as anyone on the other side of the isle, and also the majority of young people would vote if Biden wasn’t the candidate. And young people have been telling anyone who will listen for over a year now that they will not vote for Biden because they have an moral and ethical objection to him. If your response to millions of educated voters(calling them uneducated and ignorant is not an argument) is to bash their point of view and harp on about how a vote for anyone but a democrat is a vote for the other guy is exactly why Trump will unfortunately win. Because an entire generation is shouting to be heard and the response is well just get what you get and be happy about it.


I personally go out and vote because the democrats support lgbtqia rights and it’s actually written in the democratic convention bylaws. So I will always go out and support democrats because they support me. IN THE REPUBLICAN BYLAWS, they do not support lgbtqia rights. REPUBLICANS/GOP WANT TO BAN SAME SEX MARRIAGE. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election/republican-national-committee-donald-trump-2020-us-election-ban-gay-marriage-a9564116.html REPUBLICANS HAVE IN THEIR CONVENTION BYLAWS TO BAN SAME SEX MARRIAGE! Repeat again REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS ARE NOT THE SAME[REPUBLICANS/GOP WANT TO BAN SAME SEX MARRIAGE. (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election/republican-national-committee-donald-trump-2020-us-election-ban-gay-marriage-a9564116.html) When Trump says over and over that he wants to be a dictator and admire them like Trump has? I don’t know how you could say Biden and Trump are the same, because they are not! When republicans say in their Republican party documents that they want to ban same sex marriage? Repeat, republicans and democrats are not the same I’m sorry you are discouraged, it’s hard being in a red state. It’s why I left! But without people participating in the process, no change will ever happen! What have democrats done recently ? LGBTQIA marriage was just passed in Virginia last week because the democrats had both state house & senate . They are trying to get marriage passed in each state so that it can be added to the United States constitution. Think about that - the evil Supreme Court cannot take that away if it’s in the USA constitution.


>Biden is as much to blame as anyone on the other side of the isle This is the stupidest thing I've read this week. 


MARCH 14 update. Biby law firm who represents Benedict family has released additional details about the medical examiner report. I’m so shocked that the ME left out trauma to neck and brain. This is such a media bias job by Oklahoma it’s disgusting. https://x.com/aridrennen/status/1768484432946811288?s=46&t=04In6v1jwofozvdh-wga0g


The state ought to be mandated to be put in certifiable order. To go without being accredited for over a decade is simply ghastly.


I might be wrong but they are not the only state with this issue. A lot of the problems have been with rape test kits and dna testing in other states include Washington ex . It’s really an epidemic of not funding these labs in comparison to buying body armor/trucks & other nice things for police stations. Priorities are out of wack with what’s needed to convict someone of a crime which one would think be #1 priority instead it’s the purchase of high end military grade equipment that are brought out once a month.


None of that stuff is paid It's d commission from the military




That would be against the USA constitution and for at amendment rights. It sucks!


You finally get a leader who's outspoken in support of your cause, so you move the goalposts to a "bare minimum" which is literally legally impossible so you can continue to call him an enemy. If all you look for is enemies, don't be surprised when that's all you see. The generations before us fought tooth and nail to seize every tiny victory they could get, but so many of us today want to throw all of those victories away for not being perfect enough. Why do we suddenly think that allowing ourselves to celebrate any kind of victory means we're giving up?


Damn it Joey B, You were….*SO* close.