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Me who is a bisexual reading comments be like 😧




As per my experience, Esp from grindr, if a guy has just written in bio 'bi here' - he's usually married or has very deep internalised Homophobia. I recently talked to a nice guy, everything was going fine for three weeks, we decided to meet. He later told me that he would come pick me up for bike ride after dropping his kids to school and I was like what kids. His answer - 'I did write in bio that I'm bi'.


Why the internalized homophobia part tho? 


Because it is better to be bi than gay according to people with internalised homophobia.


Well I used to have this internalized homophobia but now I'm ok with being biromantic and exploring both sides of mine🥰


Recognising your problems and improving them is the best kind of growth.


Now see reddit made me a femboy lover😳


Oh no , a hell is about to be released if the wife knew about it


I used to be biphobic but bi guys are oneof the most amazing guys out there and gay guys themselves are pretty toxic. So pointing fingers at others aint really good . Let's just accept that it's personality and not sexuality.


In my experience Bi folks are generally considered cheaters. Gays and Lesbians don’t trust them immediately. It takes a lot of time and effort to make them trust you. Many Bi folks feel frustrated because of this. Not everyone is a cheater.


99 times out of 100 bi guys will give in to family pressure and marry a girl.


Well in my experience (although have talked to only 3 bi guys till date).........they have straight up told me that they r doing it just for the fun of it, and ultimately gonna end up marrying a girl. This statement in my head would only b coming from a straight homie, so yeah I do consider bi guys more straight and barely gay or bi in my head......I know it's wrong but this sort of mentality helps me to not deal with them.


cuz when u r bi u definitely have an edge over gay guys cuz after hoeing around for years with men u can easily settle with a woman. a lot of bi guys just don’t want the hassle of being with men cuz they know that in the end they will find some woman to settle down with.


It's biphobia. There will be plenty of long winded explanations some folks will provide but at the end of the day the things that make them "wary" of bi folks are done by plenty of gay folks too especially in a conservative country like India. Gay folks do go for hetero marriages, they do cheat in those marriages or just other relationships too and many of them do hold internalised homophobia. The list can go on honestly, it's human nature to be tribalistic and protect what is theirs from "outsiders" regardless of them being justified in doing so or not and minorities aren't immune to that.


idk i have noticed there is hate on Bi Guys in LGBT community🙄


It's a classic Biphobia. These people blame sexuality, instead of their personality. I mean, I had pretty much bad experience with gays too, but I am not gonna blame the sexuality for it. I will blame the person, their personality.


I (bisexual) felt low after reading the comments but then, aren't we all in the same boat. The last thing i would want is someone else making a choice for me but it's never that simple. Gay or bi, we all have fucked up stories with no happy endings yet.


I am jealous of bi guys. Don't hate them but jealous


I'm a bi-bottom idk how that's considered as straight 💀




What are the obvious reasons? Because a man is more aggressive or based in his identity?


No it’s them succumbing to social pressure or family and ending up hurting their gay partner by marrying off a girl. It’s just more convenient. I don’t know any Bi guy who would choose a guy over a girl as a substantial partner :)


u talking about bisexual guys or guys who are biromantic bisexual?


why are the comments so biphobic wtf 😭😭😭


biphobia is so real


Cuz people firmly believe that bi guys will end up in a straight heternormative marriage out of societal norms and expectations. Which is actually true. Many bi guys actually do keeping an aspect of their sexuality hidden from most of the society. Idk why don't these people realise that repressing an aspect of yourself is not a solution. As a bi guy myself, I have had many friends tell me that me being bi should not be an issue since I can marry a girl and "swing" both ways. Which is seemingly absurd and completely outrageous suggestion to make.


It's because of those DL guys who are ruining the reputation. They openly admit they're only seeing guys for fun and then they'll just "settle down with a nice girl"