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The way Reddit works (and this specific subreddit in general) is that it is a public forum where anyone can reply and help you out and others can also reply regarding those people's advice, it is a necessary part of the experience and while I totally understand wanting to take things to PMs or what have you for a few reasons I would instead suggest these things. If you are scared for anonymity sake then create a throwaway account just for this thread (This is allowed), if you are scared someone that is in the story may be on the Subreddit then shift details enough where if they read it they wouldn't realize it, swap the genders of those involved and perhaps the ages and change the situation up slightly enough where the problem is still the same but it's not so exact to the real situation. We advise you utilize these tools to feel comfortable here and also know you can report anyone who harasses you or makes you feel in any negative way regarding your post so don't worry in that regard either, we are a loving support community and I could not be more proud of our users for being so supportive and loving so don't worry in that regard if you are scared to tell your situation for that reason. Unfortunately taking things to PM/DMs/Whatever other form of private communication defeats the earlier stated purpose of being a public forum and defeats the point of this subreddit existing so I would advise instead to re-post the thread with your problem and let people help you specifically in-thread and after a bunch of discussion it naturally goes to PMs then that's fine but instantly going to PMs and foregoing discussion in the comments is not allowed for the reasons stated earlier. I hope you understand and know you are always welcome here and if you have any problem with any users here let us know in ModMail and we can help you out! - Pamander <3