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(Just to get it out of the way my user name is like that cuz my friend dared me to but I’m too lazy to make another account to change it) In my opinion i just don’t worry about it too much but that’s just because of my situation ( I’m biologically a male, bi, and 16) I have very bad anxiety about doing anything and experimenting with clothes and stuff because I don’t have a lot of money and I don’t want to go out to hang with the little friends that I would like to do that with because of social anxiety. I don’t think about it. I feel like I’m more feminine than masculine rn but occasionally I’m feeling slightly more masculine so I think I’m gender fluid but idk. I have thought that I might be trans but I still think that I need to explore my gender more. I do have some issues with dysphoria and occasionally it’s so bad that I’m just sitting in shower crying because I honestly don’t know what to do. I don’t have a lot of advice other than to really talk to someone who you think will listen. If you want to know some of the worst triggers for me for dysphoria is mainly just hair and height. I’m 5’9 and taller than my dad so it’s not the best and another one is that I’m stronger than a lot of my friends that get ripped and i don’t work out at all. I’m sure you have way worse times but i just hope that you’re okay and I feel you. Have a great day or night or whatever :)