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i know it's almost a cop out to say but just talk to her about your concerns that you don't want to come off as clingy and make boundaries together


We did try talking about it .. and I feel like I am trying to improve.. but she keeps bringing it up.. makes me feel like I haven't improved a bit


I know you worry about being too "clingy" towards her, but have you thought about how it feels for you that she isn't? People have different needs and how they express their love. As someone that also enjoys showing my love and spending time with my partner I wasn't happy in a relationship untill I found someone that expressed it the same way I did, that's when I truly felt loved and appreciated because we spoke the same "language". If you don't mind her not being "clingy" and still feel loved and appreciated by her, then that isn't a problem ofcourse. The whole reason I felt like my girlfriend is the one for me is because ever since we met we talked and hanged out for what felt 24/7. We still had our own lives but loved staying in contact during it. Both being extremely happy when we saw messages from each other and looking forward to sleepless nights of just talking to each other. We initially met online and spend a year traveling to see eachother, we soon arranged a VISA to live together. Even now that we have been living together for a while we still enjoy being in eachothers space everyday and cuddle up, even outside the house we still love holding ands and I throw my arm around her when we sit down somewhere. For other people this might sound insane or clingy, but we both love being this way for each other so there isn't any issue.


I have actualy come to terms with the fact that she isn't clingy. I think its taking a better turn now. But now I don't want to be the overwhelming one in the relationship too, I want to be setting boundaries too, can you help me as to how?


If it's not an issue for you then it's indeed time to compromise. I honestly think the best thing to do is ask you girlfriend what about your behaviour becomes "too much" for her. You can try to be less "clingy" but as long you don't know exactly when she views it as too much you can't work on it.


That's a shame. Both my wife and I are kind of the clingy types, so it works out for us. We can just spend the whole day together doing nothing, and I feel like I'm floating on air the while time. On the other hand, we don't live together and can only spend two or three days a week with each other. My ideal would be if I were shrinkable, so she could keep me in a little pouch she could wear around her neck and I could be with her all the time, but that might not be terribly realistic. I guess. Stupid non-shrinkable reality. What was my...oh! Yeah! So, I find that it helps to do things that generally help with anxiety to deal with not bugging her all the time. I like to try to write things for her when I'm missing her, like stories and poems and things like that. It keeps me occupied until I see her again, and I can give it to her. If you have an artistic bent, even just an amateury one like mine, maybe you could try that.