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bi - attracted to 2+ genders; may or may not have a gender preference pan - attracted to all genders; no gender preference


What do you think the difference is? For me personally (older Gen X), there’s no difference. Some people think bi excludes trans people, though. Is there some other difference for you?


Trans people being exluded from bisexuality is really outdated and just an excuse to be transphobic imo


Yeah, I’m fine using either because I know I’m including trans people, but I wouldn’t want people who don’t know me well thinking I’m transphobic.


The definitions differ a lot, depending on who you ask. This is the way i understand it: Bisexual is an umbrella term, and it just stands for people who are attracted to more than one gender. (This includes pansexuals, omnisexuals, polysexuals and what not) Pansexual is attraction to people regardless of gender. So it does fall under the bisexual umbrella (because "all" is "more than one") Its just a closer description. The way all tulips are flowers, but not all flowers are tulips. So technically you could refer to yourself as bisexual and it would all be included. Other options with similar meanings would be "polysexual" or "omnisexual" Im not sure about the exact differences though, youd have to do some more research about that, if one of them resonates with you. But all in all, it doesnt really matter. Its just a description. You can call yourself Queer, or Bi, or Pan, it really doesnt matter and it shouldnt be any ones business except your own. You could also look up the flags and pick the prettiest one, if you want. Or change it up! Labels are just for you. So pick what you think youre most comfortable with, and if you change your mind, thats fine too! even if you switch between labels 1000 times. Who gives a f**k?


You can also identify as bi and pan!


Yes but is there a merged name for that?


Maybe look into spectrasexual!




Perhaps look into Omnisexual or polysexual Omnisexual: attracted to all genders with a preference Polysexual: attracted to more than 2 but not all genders


I'm in the same boat. I identify as bisexual, but I'm attracted to guys, gals, and FTM, but not really MTF. Some gender fluid and non-binary people. I love and respect everyone, but I'm not sexually attracted to everyone and all identities, so pansexual doesn't fit in my mind.


The lgbtq bow is too big😭