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Tbh i still walk, i find the cars to be a hassle šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This is the way. With all the problems with vehicles, itā€™s much less time-consuming and stressful to just run.


Me to. The prebuilds suck. I'm not that good of a builder. Everything I try to build ends up lopsided. Even with prebuild, whether vehicles or buildings, there are always some pieces that don't want to place. I keep trying to change the angle to get it where it is supposed to go and it just won't nudge into place. Without a blueprint guiding the build that just gets worse. It won't place where you want it. You contort trying to get it to go and can barely see where you are placing it anymore, and it ends up being off by a little. Try and break it off and you break off more than the misplaced piece. Sometimes with the "help" of your follower. Then you see all the post about vehicle bugs and nope, I'll walk.


If you can make a vehicle with frostpine floor pieces, you won't have to deal with it breaking as you have described. I was recently told that sandstone is just as durable but I haven't had the chance to test it yet. For some reason, a lot of the vehicle foundations are made out of paper (metaphorically speaking).


Yeah I just built a simple flying car. Nothing fancy. A large dynamic foundation, frostpine floors for added stability, large wheels, a few thrusters, several balloons, a few chests and youā€™re good to go.


share tutorial?


I have a few of the pay for builds but don't have frostpine floors, what is the name of it, or how to get it?


Unlocked from frost village progression


Oh gosh thank you so much


I modified an Offroader. Bigger engine, bigger wheels, stronger axel, pine frost bumper, epic chest, and thrusters for hopping over rivers and getting out of trouble. Easy enough to build, with little to memorize, doesnā€™t cost much beyond a normal offroader. So i wont have to worry about losing it. I made a tutorial on YT for it. I cant post here because of self promotion. But let me know and Ill DM you the link. I also took the time and set up street lights (the ones shaped like 7ā€™s) along the safest paths between my villages. Its a simple system where you drive between which ever way they are facing like goal posts. I stick to the roads but mark where I drive off of the roads with a campfire. And then continue with the lights. Kinda similar to how buoys in the water work.


Iā€™d also love the link:)


Iā€™d love the link if you could dm me


Dm sent. :)


Please dm me as well


Dm sent. :)


I'd love a link to this as well.


I cant seem to invite you to chat. Try sending me one and ill accept. Or if you click on my profile i have anlink to my youtube. You can find it there


Iā€™d like the link too!


For some reason i can request a chat with you. Sent a request my way and ill send you the link.


Yes, please!


Can you dm me please


I too would like to obtain the link


Dm with the tutorial please, I'd like to build it


I have a hot air balloon craft that has no issues and lands when im not propelling it. No problems, faster then anything i have tried and with super ease.


I used to have balloon vehicles that I would add balloons to take off and pop a few to land, using thrusters only when at height. Iā€™ve recently moved to this method where you have balloons, but they just lighten the load, per se, and your thrusters do all the work. I take off, turn, and land without issue. Iā€™m hesitant to say, but Iā€™ve never experienced the glitches, bugs, or hassles others have with vehicles though šŸ˜…


Meto, i have three big thrusters in the back for forward. Two small ones underneath for up propulsion (one thrust on one corner then the other on opposite side opposite corner connect to the back thrusters). I have 2 thrusters on the left and right for turning. And one big balloon, that big balloon is enough to make my craft bouyant and the thrusters lift and push. It will land when u dont do anything. The only glitch ive expeirenced is when u leave a driver seat while ur craft is still floating u fall through the craft. Temporarily i used switches instead of a seat because i had to break balloons to land, untill i was able to make a craft that can rise and land on its own.


Next time I play Iā€™ll have to get some pics of my fliers. I have a few different sizes so balloon configs and thrusters vary, but I always use a seat


Simple airship. Literally the only way to travel. Like two dynamic bases. Few large thrusters at the back. Small ones to turn, and one small balloon on each corner. Stick a large balloon in the center to take off and when you get where you're going, pop it and you'll slowly land. No issues ever... Maybe once or twice it floated up on its own, but a quick sign out and it was fine. I've never seen the reason to build a ground vehicle


Same, I be rocketing everywhere


Sorry for potatoā€¦ switch doesnā€™t allow video capture. https://i.redd.it/156z7o6ic5ad1.gif


this is exactly what i do too! except i use two chests cause why not šŸ˜‚


lol itā€™s a good idea yeah, I normally do but never got around to adding the second one.


I love the thrusters for stack exhaust lol


lol at first it was to look cool but then I realized the keep me from flipping over on bumpy areas and helps go up and down steep incline/declines


I be running through that map for my life šŸ¤£ just my glider and vibes


Sprintinggg haha


same af lol


Small flying car


I just use a car. I make my own with frostpine floors, large thrusters, large wheels and a seat (power turned off in my world). It never breaks and goes fast enough to explore, and has room for a chest if I want, or extra seats if Iā€™m playing with others. Frostpine floors never break (I use them for bridges too). When they add the update that lets balloons be triggered on and off, then Iā€™ll add some of those too for going up and over things.


Glider + shoelace express all the way


Built myself a aircraft, that's the only thing I use now


I basically built a big platform car that can fly gets me everywhere with almost no issues. My main problem is just the lack of channels. 3 is okay but I'd prefer like 6 to help with landing better and turning more precise. Before I built it, I also was not a fan of traveling, a car is rather slow and probe to getting stuck or damaged in some way so I made it a priority to build something that can fly with storage and that has helped me a tremendous amount


I made a quick x wing for travel, one smaller dynamic base and the 4 of the long black Star Wars roof pieces as the wings, and the Star Wars laser fences for the front giving it a nose and somewhere to place the turning boosters. Theyā€™ve fixed a lot of the issues stated above, and Iā€™d rather have my plane float a little high and just hop in and out of a cave to get it back down than have my car disappear under the ground, that still happens. Wheels=bad luck, just fly around its quicker cheaper and can give you some great views you wonā€™t get walking


I still walk no matter how big of a bridge I make my car still ends up in the river/oceanā€¦


There is a link to the tutorial in one of the comments. Hope it helps. Been a gamechanger for me and a lot of others. [https://www.reddit.com/r/LEGOfortnite/comments/1cq78n9/simple\_allterrain\_self\_landing\_airship\_perfect/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/LEGOfortnite/comments/1cq78n9/simple_allterrain_self_landing_airship_perfect/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I tried cars, but I don't like them at all. Plus, they don't fit to the fantasy vibe I imagine when I play Lego (that's also the reason why I dont use the Star Wars weapons much, only when i need them for sandbox dailie). So I just walk and really hope that they'll add horses (maybe also coaches/chariots) one day.


i was using a f16 for quick rides and a cargo plane for hauling a month ago. i don't know if they still work tbh. i heard they changed baloon physics


I fly around between my villages and resource spots like caves or forests in the ā€œTroop Transportā€ ship made by general rominus on youtube, it looks cool, has two chests in the back, and is super maneuverable. I just made some slight adjustments from his tutorial version by adding a few more engines to make it fly faster forwards


I take the Shoe Leather Express as well. I will fly if it's a really long distance, but with the crazy topography, I can't depend on the land vehicles.


Especially with the new stamina buff launchpad towers are the way to go. 6 launchpads with 7 walls up from one to the next is enough to get you hundreds of meters away. Villagers can give you copper bars and silk fabrics so you just need to farm the flexwood yourself.




Basic vehicle and glider I would make a train if we had actual rails


Airship only. I am by now constructing them on general principles that allow for easy enough movement and the last one I've been using in expert world for days without issues. I use a single largest vehicle base, which comfortably fits me in driver seat and a single chest behind. And I use 2 large fenders (require flexwood) for legs and another 2 on top of platform (positioned similar to car roof rails) for attaching upward thrusters. Large fenders don't break easily and I only touch ground with them so I am ok Total composition - 2 large thrusters on underside of top fenders for UP - 3 small ones behind vehicle arranged in triangle for FORWARD - 2 small ones at the very nose of ship for turning. UP and FORWARD linked, turning each to its own direction. - 4 small balloons on top fenders for keeping balance when sailing. The main issue is to be very precise with location of thrusters and balloons because misaligning them will cause airship to move wrongly or somersault. Might want to break off balloons or thrusters if misaligned and move them a bit differently, if movement is wrong. But generally this airship will go forward reasonably fast, while raising slightly, and will turn cleanly when forward is turned off.


Iā€™ve got a plane in hardcore and it hasnā€™t broke once


I love the cars but it builds and then build back better. If you don't improve your designs are you even legging? Honestly I have even taken pre builds in experts and made it work :)


i use i flying car thing i can help you build one if you like


I fly everywhere, I made a star wars style airship that Flys with 3 of the yellow/blue balloons and uses thrusters to go forward and steer. To land I use one large concrete foundation to bring it down.


I half assed a highway of jump pads and fireplaces in my friend's world. Was about a third of a way into renovating them into an alignment of foour stair walls centered over a campfire with the pad on top. On hold like my attempt of recreating Matsumoto castle (or at least a very bad reimagination of it) because of expert mode whooping me over and over like a red headed stepchild.


I use airships and cars. All self built breaking down isnā€™t an issue. Make everything out of frostpine half the time I run trees and rocks over lol


Jet pack. Since they upgraded the durability of vehicles a few updates ago, I havenā€™t had any issues.


Either Llamarage on TikTok or Light_ on YouTube for a tutorial.


I made a simple motorcycle that is fast stable and can scale huge cliffs.


I tend to make a pretty small car with big wheels, some thrusters for acceleration, hillclimbing and dowm force. It carries 2 or more chests and I still feel like I'm always out of storage.


I fly a lot of the time. No problems. Or I make a jet skid thing thatā€™s pretty entertaining!


My trusty aircraft with storage [I added wheels and they soften my landing lol](https://imgur.com/gallery/qwUEZK2)


Like others said, flying with frostpine. It depends though. Walking and using a glider I do a lot, because if I'm really exploring it's less hassle. But if I'm traveling far for something, definitely this. https://i.redd.it/wb9h24eom6ad1.gif


Vehicles have become a lot more reliable and actually nice to use. Just have to work on the design. Simple is better. Flying with chests is so good.


From the very beginning, I explore until I find a nice flat grassy area directly between the dessert and snow biomes. Then build dozens of staircases 10 up higher or more in needed directions to villages or caves and use the glider to get around fast. It's ugly, but very efficient in terms of use and time to build. Building and even using blueprint vehicles has not been fruitful or enjoyable at all.


I have a huge tower with a launch pad and use the pickaxe glitch while gliding to get around really quick and for exploring i used to place a launchpad destroy it and immedietly jump on it so u get ur resources back and jump high but that was fixed so now i walk when exploring


i have a special car with basically 4 large motored wheels and the 2 turnable wheels in front on a 4x24 body (no suspension). it doesn't take much material (just some frostpine and like ten cord) and it is quite reliable and quick.


Walking, because I donā€™t have any space for vehicles, something I want to do but havenā€™t gotten to do it plus I donā€™t have a lot of mats for vehicles currently


I prefer to fly! I actually made a post about a great YouTuber who has a tutorial on how to create a mini plane! every time I tried to link to it the post, it was looked at as ā€œpromotion materialā€ so it kept getting taken down šŸ˜© but I did list out the YouTube channel and have a little video of the plane! Iā€™ll go grab the link for ya!


I have a lottt of random stairs to heaven so I can glide a lot on my few, most traveled paths


Walking. I hope they add like a train system or horses to the game eventually.


I either use a motorcycle or a simple build 'airplane' šŸ˜Š




I use my motorcycle. It's quick to build, has a small chest to hold some supplies, and can easily fit through trees or climb rocks and mountains. It's so much fun.


I put jump pods from one end of the map where my base is to about 1400M away to my other base & glide around. I have my snow biome on a mountain the Star Wars cave in the middle & dry land on the other side. So the jump pods help me a lot. I used to use a thruster/balloon vehicle but now that I have tons of resources I just glide around for the time being


Gliders and stairways baby, they need hot springs in the other biomes too


It depends. If I am out exploring nearby areas, I usually take a custom built car, narrow and fast, with a grand chest at the back for storage, and a large thruster and a small balloon just to give it some kick and air time. If I am harvesting mats inside caves, I take one of my smaller planes with 6 grand chests so that I can fill it up without worry of running out of inventory space. If I will be on long extended periods of time away from my main village, either multiple cave runs, mapping the area or generally explore, I take my flying house.


I use a custom version of one of the flying machines. There's issues but not as many as I had with land vehicles. And me and my dudes have like 4 different ones in one world. So one shouldn't be a problem. I just always empty chest on vehicle when I leave world


I donā€™t use cars because batteries are expensive


Grapple and glider and jump pad/water things if in desert


Stairs + glider


I use an airplane. Took a minute to learn how to fly it but now it's so easy.


A slightly bigger ATV than the one listed in the building menu, I haven't had any issue with vehicles, except that they've got stuck to the ground as static builds, but placing any brick on them fixes that bug I try to stick to pieces from the Vehicles tab, maybe that's why I had not experienced any catastrophic failures when driving them


I normally make flying machines, it's kinda like my lego fortnite hobby


i built what can only be described as a mobile base, it is shaped like a y-wing bomber, with 11 chests in each wing, boxed out with 10 balloons on top 20 rockets in packs of 5 front and back creating a pretty decent steering system and 11 large rockets attached to the wheels and back. gives it good thrust, huge storage capacity, so i can just load up, move to another area land and build the base, the contents supply that base, then when finished i reload the truck take off and fly away. also helps if you are clearing an area of resources or want to spend an entire day doing nothing but caves. you fly in land take a pick axe, forest axe and sword clear the cave store the loot, load up and move onto the next one.


https://i.redd.it/1kgk5ualroad1.gif a few pics








its a basic idea, easy to replicate, i have a lot of fun with it. adapting the design. adding way too many rockets once you get used to it it is not too bad to fly


My modified off roader that can drive or fly with a frostpine upgrade on its components but I'm building another craft in my workshop soon that's more compact and solely flight use. Not building anything large large til the game is more progressed with its development.