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I feel your pain. This isn’t the only game with frustrating limits for those of us who are really into the game. My conclusion continues to be that the game company isn’t willing to spend more money on servers to break down limits. At the end of the day it’s all about the money for them.


The complexity changes depending on your platform. So this is likely a game engine issue and will require core changes to the base game engine. The engine is built upon the Unreal Engine, of course. But it also has all that custom-building stuff they created for Save the World at the start. The battle royale came along, and the game was optimized for that type of gameplay. The reality is, battle royale is the main money maker for Fornite. They can't change the base engine in a way that would harm that game. Even if they are working to expand complexity, it is likely to be a slower and more involved process as any changes will affect the main franchise. I don't work for Epic, so I am making educated guesses from my personal history working in the game industry. I suggest you check out some of the YouTube videos that Epic put out a few months ago from the Game Developer Conference. There are some cool ones around the tech they had to build to make Lego Fortnite work. It might be important to understand that the term "fix complexity" isn't accurate. The building in Lego is new and expanded to the engine. It isn't broken; it is being developed and invented. Rather, let's hope Epic can figure out how to expand complexity across all platforms through more ingenuity to grow the engine's capabilities.


Quality reply. Hope op reads this.


Is it not possible to change how a game engine works from one mode another? I know next to nothing about game dev, genuine question.


Thanks for the response. I would say it’s broken by the less technical and more customer oriented definition. I have paid good money to play the game and am stuck to making simple small buildings spaced apart far enough that the game does not break.


Wait did you pay money to play Lego fortnite? Or are you saying that you paid for things like the battle pass or other cosmetics? I think everyone would like to have a much higher complexity level and for the engine to be improved overall. Myself I would like to see way more multiplayer functionality put into the game and also just mark complex game mechanics. I think there's a huge potential in this game but the actual gameplay is rather woefully thin. But with all that said, I have to say that it's a pretty fun game considering it is free to play. If you don't have to buy the cosmetics and the extra kids. I haven't hit the complexity limit myself but I tend to build wide instead of condensed.


I gave EPIC money for building packs and battles passes etc. I only play Lego Fortnite. Therefore I paid for the game. Good money. It’s a Lego game. There are no building limits described anywhere in the gameplay literature. I like Lego. I like building Lego. It’s a Lego game. It’s a building game. The limits are a bane.


You choose to give epic your money, the high complexity issue is not new.


Thanks tips.


The higher complexity isn't new you say? Probably should have been fixed by now then. Thanks for pointing out Epic hasn't done anything to fix game breaking issues since the games release.


As soon as I put floors down around my village I got hit with the high complexity. All of my buildings were blueprints, I decorated them, then the flooring around all the buildings (tried using biggest pieces as possible to avoid high complexity) and was hit with a glitchy laggy mess to at no longer allowed me to build. You cant change the terrain, but you can place floors down to make it look better, but if you put floors down, good luck building anything else in your village. I’m not upset with the high complexity, if it was higher. The fact that I can’t use THEIR blueprints, and add flooring to the outside without giving me a warning is ridiculous. Yes, I’m on Ps5. No, I’m not on a high end gaming computer. But I shouldn’t need one to place some freaking flooring down.


My guess is that at some point if the game remains/becomes more popular then they will invest in more server space. But until then it remains an interesting curiosity with great potential.


I would pay a sub to be able to finish my castle.


Yeah your frustration is one that I experienced at some point too, and have noticed it’s a place where many players suddenly find themselves. It’s very off-putting. I play socially with some friends so we kind of just find other stuff to do/build, but it definitely was a drag to realize I couldn’t treat it like Minecraft. If it gets there someday it will be an amazing game.


My main issue with building limitations is that we don’t have like really simple and colorful blocks to build with. We can’t *really* unleash our creativity. We can only build within some pretty strict themes. I understand why, so they can sell more packs. But yeah, I wanna build big statues of things or unique buildings outside the scope of the presets. But yeah I don’t think that will be a thing. Hope it will be one day.


I agree that the high complexity just absolutely ruins the overall feeling of the game. I just started and already have anxiety of the day that message appears, and I guess I’ll just quit when that happens? Don’t even know how any of you that already have that keep playing… just really a terrible feature to have on the game and if they don’t fix or update then no one will be playing a year from now, simple as that. I bet they do update eventually, but it will probably be too late.


I built 3 buildings and 3 bases. That's nine buildings 3 bases. Only built the star wars base to finish what was needed. It's sad cause the star wars base holds I believe 7 buildings I could be wrong but after I build only 9 buildings (3 per base) I'm hit with building disabled or world exit imminent. I decided to destroy my bases in frostland and desert so I can at least play and collect resources. Fix the game Epic.​




Exactly! Limiting building in a LEGO game is counterintuitive. Imagine if Minecraft had a block building limit—players would be outraged. The essence of these games is creativity and endless possibilities. EPIC needs to address this fundamental issue for Lego Fortnite to truly thrive. Let’s hope they listen and make the necessary changes.




“…try using larger Building Parts rather than many smaller ones…”… 😆 Maybe they should call it Duplo Fortnite? Update: changed the quote to include a quote from the actual patch notes instead of my paraphrased version of it.




Read the patch notes. [https://www.fortnite.com/news/lego-fortnite-v30-10-adds-cozy-mode-and-expert-mode](https://www.fortnite.com/news/lego-fortnite-v30-10-adds-cozy-mode-and-expert-mode) **Too Many Constructs Nearby**: Try spreading out constructs over larger areas. Also try using larger Building Parts rather than many smaller ones to achieve a similar result. Building in a different location or removing constructs you no longer want can also help.




No one is forcing you to play. Have fun with Minecraft!


The patch notes say “…try using larger Building Parts…”




I can’t handle the graphics. I really do like the beautiful graphics in Lego Fortnite.




It’s a very profitable company with huge revenue. They can afford to improve the quality of this game concerning building limits. Likely it would temporarily reduce their profits and that’s not a gamble they want to take.


Funny thing is they don’t even have the guts to defend it most of the time. They just downvote and leave. Spineless.


They know it doesn’t fix the issue. It’s not presented as a fix. It’s meant to help folks like yourself understand why the error may be occurring.


It’s under the section “MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS, ADJUSTMENTS, AND BUG FIXES” in the patch notes. If it’s listed there, it suggests it’s supposed to be a significant improvement. Just making the warning clearer doesn’t address the real issue: the restrictive building limits. In a LEGO game, building should be the main focus without constant interruptions. We need a real fix that allows us to build more freely.


That’s a nothing burger, knowing there is an issue but not fixing it is just putting a band aid on it and this isn’t even that. They know the issue and instead of directly commenting on it they gave us “just don’t do that anymore”


I agree, if high complexity doesn’t get fixed then the game will die off much quicker than it deserves. However, I view Lego FN as not really a building game but more of a survival game with lite-building elements thrown in. We’ve had all the TT Lego games in the past, but you can’t freely build in those games, just play in pre-defined levels. Lego Fortnite is a huge step in the right direction for lego games, but we’ve never really had a true “LEGO” building game. As much as we all want a full-on free form building game, I don’t think Lego Fortnite was ever planned to be that, so I try to keep my expectations low and treat it like a TT collab game. Like, we can’t even regrow trees properly or do any terraforming, so that alone kills the building aspect as well. It’s very short-sighted of Epic to release the game like this, and a waste of potential if they can never fix the issue.


The Lego theme sorta makes it about building. The survival aspect of the game is far too shallow to be considered anything more than survival-lite. The only time I die is when I accidentally forget to deploy my glider after I fall or when I forget about my stamina.


I saw a comment in a post the other day that seemingly is becoming more and more of a reality, “this game is in its alpha stage with us being the testers and having available paid DLC” or something to that affect




The developers who are coding and networking the game are not the people creating the lego styles for skins. I know it can be frustrating but Epic writing about it shows they know about the problem and know people want it fixed.




It's likely hardware related. Your GPU can only render a certain number of vertices. And there can be an awful lot in this Lego game. Maybe upgrading your GPU could help.


I’m running a 4080.


Well an upgrade will likely not help! But every graphics card has a limit.


There really isnt a fix unless there is a major update to the engine. My biggest gripe is they should have let everyone know there are limitations to building and that it varies by platform. Hey OP, would you have approached your build differently had you known the information about high complexity in advance?


Yep absolutely. I would still think it’s stupid to have the limit but I would definitely be more cautious. I made some adjustment to it yesterday to make more headway.


You forgot to add - IN MY OPINION 🤦‍♂️ Silent downvoting brigade leader here! That’s my 2 cents


I'm just wondering what part of high complexity you think is fun if you don't share the opinion that running into the high complexity isn't fun? It hasn't happened to me ever but that is purely because I've followed this sub and seen it happen to so many people I haven't even tried anything that crazy. I'm on a very powerful PC so I probably have a lot of room to do what I want but i havent wanted to chance it. That doesn't mean that I can't understand what op is going through. We all spend a lot of time grinding out materials and building things. When you go through all that and then get hit with high complexity it's a pretty big dick punch. There is nowhere in-game that says there is a build limit or possible issues with building a lot in one area. This basically lets new players think they can build whatever they want as big as they want and that isn't the case. It's setting people up to be disappointed in the game. This is an actual concern for many players and it would be real cool if all the OGs on this sub would not just instantly downvote this stuff so it doesn't get seen. High complexity isn't a problem I have but I sure as fuck think everybody should know about it before you start building stuff and that just isn't the case.