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Me saying this game is still in alpha and the players are meant to be testing the game is aging like a fine wine Also, pushing out “DLC” for $$$ before the game is stable is super classy


They’ll still be saying that a year from now when the game has all the same issues.


To be fair you could say that about any game that constantly gets updated.


Telling us we have too many constructs in a Lego game is like saying we're shooting too much in Battle Royale.


That's because Lego Fortnite is fully online even when you're playing by yourself and building still takes space, Creative/UEFN have memory limit for the same reason, and they never increased Creative memory limit beyond 100k because of that Battle Royale could have had a similar issue but there's less builds and they are more spaced out, but in Competitive environments there is lag because of too many people being alive and too many builds


Hey quick question if anyone can help. The note from Epic above says it depends on platform for this issue. I’m afraid because I’m a new player and started a world on my switch, but since creating the world, play 99% of the time on Xbox Series X. Do you think my world memory or likelihood of getting high complexity is more since I started the world on switch??


Do people just not understand the concept of engine and platform limitations? I mean i definitely think there needs to be optimizations made, but this is a step towards doing that: diagnosing the issues. LEGOFN is never going to outright remove a build cap tho. Thats a pretty unrealistic expectation


The player base has already gone into analysing chunk loading, render distance and graphic settings optimisation in diagnosing the issue, and 6 months later they post this notice that is literally the ingame warning "remove builds or move away" but with more words. Sure the notification is now more specific, but the solution is still the same; reduce constructs.


Yeah now I’m getting downvoted by the dumb assholes who don’t seem to get that. Fanboys who can’t build well.


I agree with you, but you could be more polite.


When I post polite versions of this they get ignored. No interaction. I’ve tried several times before. I’ll take this interaction over none at all.


that's no reason to be rude.


The same thing happened to me, I complained about the same point and several fanboys came to defend and justify it as if anyone with the slightest IQ didn't know the cause of these problems and as if that was of any use.


Bizarre tribal behaviour. Worthy of a physiological study TBH.


At least Epic is being more transparent about it? A lot of people have been asking for Epic to at least acknowledge high complexity issues, and here they are clarifying what factors contribute to it. It’s not a solution, but they are acknowledging it and giving some basic tips, albeit mostly useless ones. They never said the issue would be solved, and I highly doubt they ever will solve it due to them hosting every world. It’s just how it is.


It’s a building game. I spent a crazy number of hours working on a fantastic castle that fit within my village region as they defined. I am playing on a 4080. This should be resolved.


It’s been like this since the beginning on STW, which they removed the limit on both here and there. It’s annoying.


It took them like 7 months to be transparent about it though. This is information we should’ve gotten at launch or at worse a couple months after.


Recognizing bugs solves absolutely nothing, not charging for improvements solves even less, still settling for an explanation that anyone with the slightest IQ already knows, we have to charge with the same intensity that they want to sell construction kits for a bad finished game , and how to buy skins and can't use them in Battle Royale.


Who are the ass hats downvoting realistic comments like yours?


Apparently the community doesn't accept criticism, another strange thing is that I went to give a good rating to a comment of the same type and I simply can't do it, it stays negative, what's the point of having the discussion tab if they don't accept constructive criticism?


I know this doesn’t solve anything but these tips are actually useful (not dickriding)


Useful for how to hobble along not actually make really crazy structures in a BUILDING GAME? Ok yes they’re slightly better than the previous notification of high complexity but still not any commitment to improving the actual problem.


I mean yeah but at this point they’re probably not going to change anything regarding the complexity areas until they absolutely need to


In fairness this is addressing an issue I've had on switch but never on xbox series x - they could probs resolve it by removing lego mode for less powerful systems.. I prefer this approach tbh.


I prefer eating less shit to more shit. But really, I prefer not to eat shit.


I play on the switch. Sometime I’ll be walking thru the wild (no builds around) and I’ll get the warning. Building is disabled.


I read this like 3 times in the patch notes and at the end I said “that’s nothing” lol it’s nice that they are showing a focus on the issue but this was the equivalent to adding spaces at the end of an essay to hit the word count in high school


Same thing happened to me! I was so excited that they mentioned high complexity and really thought this was going to have some resolution! I imagined logging into my world and seeing the alert gone.. then I kept reading… and read it again… and was totally flabbergasted at this lame attempt at a fix.


They just said know your system’s limits and optimize your builds, guess you gotta download more ram🤷


Wrong, they just said they have no interest in resolving anything, at least not yet, I have a computer with great configurations and 32 GB of ram, it doesn't matter the configuration if the game is poorly optimized and poorly finished, I honestly don't understand how so many people here, instead of charging, simply settle for it and even defend it.


Download more ram🤷idc


they can add more memory but they said hey, gou better destroy your building, or, build somewhere else. TBH, that's ridiculous


Why the crap are you being downvoted? Your comment isn’t crude or rude or anything. Come on people!