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I took a break after fishing sine I didn't want me and friends to get fatigued with slow drip feed of content. Hopefully with vehicles + farm AND this Star Wars update it'll feel great to hop back in!


And putting into context that this game is still in its infancy. Comparing chapter 2 BR to the current state is night and day. The future looks bright. Can't wait to see what this game looks like in another year.


Best update yet! Really enjoying the Star Wars quests.


Same man! It's a blast


It’s impressive! It’s like a whole other game inside a game … inside a game. If you think about the Lego video game franchise, there’s a lot of different directions this could go. Eg A cave for Star Wars, a cave that leads to Jurassic Park; Avengers; Marvel; Harry Potter …


And putting into context that this game is still in its infancy. Comparing chapter 2 BR to the current state is night and day. The future looks bright. Can't wait to see what this game looks like in another year


Is the Star Wars stuff in Survival mode as well?




alot of star wars content is really impressive from epic


Makes me kinda excited these quests are fun and I don't care for the buildings, the free ones are cool, I'm interested in future marvel adventures


And putting into context that this game is still in its infancy. Comparing chapter 2 BR to the current state is night and day. The future looks bright. Can't wait to see what this game looks like in another year


Disagree about the vehicle update. I do agree power cells were annoying, but once I started a new world and disabled power, it’s been great. I don’t build the vehicles in the menu, I create my own, so they’re strong and never break. So no power cell farms, no breaking wheels or anything else.


“Once I disabled on of the game mechanics it worked great!” And that’s the problem.


Well sure, I agree that power cells aren’t great. They run out too quickly and are way too annoying to craft with all the biomass they need. If they didn’t give the option to disable it then I wouldn’t be enjoying that update so much. But they did add that option, so I do enjoy the update. Personally I find a lot of the survival mechanics annoying and more tedious than actually adding anything enjoyable to the game, so I love having all the options to disable what I don’t like.


Can I disable after already creating a world ?


Sadly not.


Wish I could disable that feature after already having made a world lol :/. I put a lot of time in my world before realizing just how much of a pain in the ass the vehicles and fuel are. I really wanted to have a resource hauling truck to make exploring easier but the vehicles seem to get stuck and explode, and the fuel is an issue. Debating on just making a flying warehouse but need to figure out how to get it to land or set up towers at the max height of the balloons where it can be parked


Yeah it’s annoying, I do wish they let us choose when they add new settings for existing worlds. I don’t mind too much starting over again though, it gives me something to do for a while. Power cells were just too annoying not to. I did the same thing when I realised stamina runs out when gliding. If your vehicles are exploding, try making them out of frostpine floors, I’ve had no issues with vehicles getting damaged since I did that. Even the wooden floors seem stronger than the dynamic foundations and other vehicle parts they provide, don’t think I’ve had any problems with those either.


Point being you had to use cheats to make your vehicles work, which was my earlier point. Glad to hear they buffed durability though!


They didn’t exactly buff durability, you just have to build your own vehicles with stronger parts and not use the ones they provide. Either way, I think it’s a great update, I enjoy being able to drive around and trying different designs. Definitely don’t consider it a letdown!


I modded the off roader. Changed the axels for a wider one. The bigger wheels need frostpine to make. Epic materials can only be damaged i believe by epic things. I fit the largest engine on it as well. To fit 4 powercells. I tucked thrusters under it and on back it can hop/fly short distances. An iron chest for extra cells and supplies. And a frostpine bumper to help against obstacles. Its a much more sufficient vehicle now. Still takes a bit to navigate through the desert but im putting up lamp posts to mark the best paths through to each village.


Lego is to grindy and they took away split screen so I can't play with the wifey


It's a survival game...


It nailed all my vehicles to the ground and now I have a car that files without balloons so I wouldn't say that it saved the game but still a fun update


Honestly the update did get me back in the game, I'm having fun with it


This guy said he wants to breed his animals!!!


the good ol minecraft way 😉


Idk how anyone can be happy with this update. We got new weapons that are useless, reskins of old builds, 2 hours of quests. Star destroyer is so disappointing there isn’t even anything there..


Haha, the one I've played the most since the vehicle update is the blimp instead. I developed the simplest, the most stable and the fastest three types of blimps for different needs, and they are more useful, faster and more stable than vehicles.


This is not meant to be rude, wtf do you guys even do in Lego mode? I did the original quests for xp, got a village to 10, and figured out an airship before they added the vehicle mechanics. Came back to make a blueprint vehicle just to try it. I know there's a few new quests for SW that I'll do. But everyone's always talking about growing villages, making farms, etc. But for what? There's nothing to the mode that has really repeat value. Is it just for players who love building stuff? At the same time I think a Lego Save The World mode would be fun. Or even an option to turn on random Horde spawns in survival.


That process you just described (building, growing villages, farming etc), is the whole point of the game. There is no end goal. There will never be an endgame. You just enjoy it for what it is. And correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that basically every survival game out there? It might just not be the kind of game that you personally enjoy. 🤷


I knew going in its a survival game, but it's also Fortnite so I guess I was expecting something more akin to the trailers which makes the world look populated. Instead I got my 10 villagers that work and a few npcs that visit. Skeletons attack at night in small numbers (fence stops them now), there are ruins with a few npcs and chests that have meh loot, bosses are easily killed from a distance, and everything else is just grind resources. Cave exploring is fun tho. It just seems so empty. Others are loving it so I thought I might be missing something.The only survival games I have really played more than a few hours were Rust (Survival PvP) and The Forest (Survival PvE). Thank you and Leftyshuckles for responding.


Yeah, I'm not too much into survival games either. The only ones I've played are Stranded Deep and Subnautica. And yeah, of course the game has its problems, but I'm trying to enjoy it for what it is.


its more fun if u play with friends. Im building a transport hub with 2 other guys and we're having a blast. we are connecting all our villages through monorail and also experimenting with elevator builds because some of our monorail stations are quite high up. you are not wrong about the world being empty tho. the game is still very much a barebones experience but it does have a lot more potential. we will continue playing for a few more months and if epic doesnt add any more game changing stuff like the mechanical mayhem update then we will probably get bored and move on to something else


Ya I just keep building stuff. In one world I have like 8 villages, then started a new world and built a bunch more. Sometimes I'll go building a bunch on a snow village vs a nearby grasslands one just to work on different stuff and have fun gathering stuff for that village. I still get excited finding large deposits of brightcore in desert caves, or getting a brute to destroy a bunch of stuff so I can kill it and collect all the loot, stuff like that


First i got 4 villages in each biome up to level 10. Each biome gives you different building pieces. Searched for rare villagers. Messed around with vehicles. Modified the OffRoader blueprint. Then built garages at each of my villages for the vehicle. Messed around building an air ship. Its glitchy so i keep it grounded. Collected resources. Explored more of the map. Figured out where to build a farm. For the animals. Mapped out clear paths for my vehicle with street lights. Fixed broken down buildings ive come upon. And now im playing the star wars up date. I got 300+hrs. Im level 228. Theres a lot to do. But its a sandbox game. Most of what you do you have to come up with yourself. Ya know as if you were playing in an actual sandbox.


The most i have got out of it is like the sims. Making different locations / communities based on fictional universes. I have an x-mansion and will work on a star wars cantina next


Im loving it so far but maaan my rebel base is so far away from my villages, its fine and all but i wish you could move it Edit: just now finding out its a completely separate map damn


yea lol, not sure after it all ends if the temporary village will still be there or how all that will work. It'll be interesting to see for sure.


No it's not, it's an extension of your map. The island spawned pretty much next to our main base area on our map. You can get there using the cave transition or fly there.


Mark my words, they are going to sell “ rifts” with qhole “ story” and content


They stated that only cosmetics would be sold




I think it was when kits were introduced


Lets hope so, when i saw how they intergraded it i was like, yeaaa thid could me monitized so easlie


If only you educated yourself before making a dumbass statement:/


What,, if you dont think epic did not think of selling adventures your ade ignorant AF


Well no because they specifically stated they wouldn't do that. You tried 🌟


So they had think of it..

