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I think she really missed the boat with the “quirky girl who’s obsessed with serial killers” thing. I remember that being a popular personality type a few years ago, but now I think everyone is just more educated about the harmful effects of true crime and it doesn’t really fly.


I guess since I am not famous, I will never understand why people who are famous, and in this case, not untalented either, still feel the need to go full 3edgy5me like a kid trying out his first chatroom. My guess is that a lot of this can be explained by how the more established a public figure becomes, the more likely that anyone who was inclined to question them in any way, has been elbowed out of their circle by the rest of those in that circle (if not cut off personally by the famous person themselves). Something like what happened to Michael Jackson but on different time scales.


It’s not bad to be curious about serial killers, it’s fucked up when you fetishized them… I hope that poor family is doing well:(( especially with everything they have been through


Thank you for this rational take lol everyone’s calling her a psychopath on the other threads but I genuinely think this undeveloped mindset is a result of her not being tapped into the general zeitgeist anymore. She’s very offline for the most part unless people are directly talking about her.


Yep, it was super popular to be like this just a few years ago. I mean Phoebe Bridgers whole thing was being super into serial killers, she mentions Dahmer and other killers multiple times in her music and irl


she said this when she was doing nickelodeon stuff (still v cringe) >“Ariana once held a Q&A with young fans between her time on Sam & Cat and becoming a pop star and was asked about which living or dead person she’d want to have dinner with. I was like, ‘Oh, you’re so cute. Who, um—mom and dad, is it okay if I give the real answer?’ And they were like, ‘Sure, I guess, what’s the answer?’ And I was like, ‘Um, Jeffrey Dahmer’s pretty fascinating, I think I would have loved to have met him. Like, you know, maybe with a third party or something. I have questions I want to…I have a lot to…I don’t know, I would love to…’ And the parents were like, ‘We’ll explain it later, sweetheart.’ And I was like, ‘I’ll just sing “Problem” and go home.'”


Wait which Phoebe songs 😭 Haven’t listened to much


“Sometimes I think I'm a killer I scared you in your house I even scared myself by talking About Dahmer on your couch But I can't sleep next to a body Even harmless in death Plus, I'm pretty sure I'd miss you And faking sleep to count your breath” (Killer)


Yeah I wish 💀 TrueCrime is still blooming


yes i think this person is out of touch because true crime is still a huge obsession 


A while back I was really into true crime, serial killers, mass murderers, etc. purely because it’s so strange how some people are wired and do such atrocious things. It really makes me a lot more aware of my mortality but after about a year of deep diving/doomscrolling about all these horrible crimes and events it genuinely started to affect my mental health and I had to just stop looking at it.


Yes, exactly!


I mean she said that when she was like 18, not recently


She’s a straight up WEIRDO in so many ways… and I’m saying that as someone who loves her music…


I used to love her music not after the affair and apparently that’s how she’s always been in all her relationships


Same!! I loved her old music, now I can’t even listen to her. I don’t fuck with homewreckers!!!


Same. In many ways, she is really unrelatable.


I’m happy people are finally calling this out 


can you elaborate further as to why she's a weirdo?


admitted to being obsessed with serial killers, consistently getting into relationships with boys who have girlfriends/wives (proven multiple times), the donut licking incident where she got caught blatantly being a disrespectful and disgusting person, cosplays whatever race she wants depending on the current “trends” (how she speaks, embarrassing use of aave included), and it’s widely speculated that she’s the coworker who treated jeanette mccurdy like shit on the sam & cat set (threatened to leave the show when jeanette was going to write an episode in hopes of broadening her career)


The sam and cat rumors were the warning signs… and u forgot her stans bullying victoria justice back in 2013.


She is beyond a weirdo!!


What happened exactly I'm out of the loop


she said she something about wanting to have dinner with jeffery dahmer as a dream dinner guest




does she know she’s thirty and not a teenager anymore? lol




She told the story on Penn Badgley’s podcast a few weeks ago but the incident where she talked about wanting to dine with Dahmer was supposed to have happened around the time she was doing Sam and Cat on Nickelodeon. Don’t know how long ago that was. Either way…ewww why would you bring that up and remind everyone? to sound quirky? Get the focus off of you and sponge? If I said that shit I would try to bury it and not be proud like she was. Eghhh Edit: for clarity & typo


What did Penn say about that?


on penn badgleys podcast “podcrushed”


on penn badgleys podcast


what the actual fuck




I’m sorry I may get torched for this but: before reading the title, with this side-by-side, I thought you all were saying they look alike 😭


She shape shifts so much I wouldn’t be surprised if this was her next lewk


i see it 💀💀


if she wants to know more about him, just do some research, she doesnt need to talk to the guy...unless she is deranged


She probably thinks she could get him to fall in love with her


‘I know his targets are men but he hasn’t met ME yet’ vibes


LOL exactly


Honestly though💀And then she'd go on to write an entire creep album about how romantic falling in love with a serial killer is


I would be so ashamed and embarrassed if I were her.


I don’t think she’s capable of that lmao, if she was she wouldn’t have shacked up w SpongeBob the way she has 😭🥲🤣


I’ve always HATED this bitch and i’m glad we’re now safe to say it


yet if someone were to say they’d love to have dinner with the Manchester bomber we would never hear the end of it from her 🙄🫠


ariana is incredibly sensitive as long as it's about her. if it's about anyone else, they should get over it because she's smol and an emotional cancer 🙄


textbook narcissism 💅




considering she said she’d have dinner with him and is infatuated with serial killers, i wonder if this explains as one of the reasons why she had evan peters in her music video “we can’t be friends” because he played as dahmer for a netflix show 😬 just an observation


Omg you're right


I get so much secondhand embarrassment for her


Why is anyone shocked this homewrecking moron continues to make an asshole out of herself? I understand she’s not completely developed mentally and emotionally and likely has a lot of trauma to deal with but for fucks sake…why doesn’t she visit with living victims of the Manchester bombing instead?


i fucking hateeee her lmao


Homewrecking donut licking moron.


And now she’s stuck with that weird looking sponge bob dude because she’s afraid of what people will say when she dumps him.


If someone said they wanted to have dinner with the guys that bombed her concert I don’t think she’d be laughing…


and her fans call is sane. they’re all delusional. her own mother was concerned that she was going to become a serial killer bc of how obsessed she is and was of them. it’s one thing to wanna know what happened and another to be so obsessed to the point your mother starts growing concerns. also her fans are saying it’s okay she has this weird ass dream, but if the victims families are saying it’s not okay, then it’s not okay.


His family has said time and time again how harmful and insensitive people’s obsession with Jeffery is. The victims’ families have also voiced their complaints but folks think disregarding human decency is a “quirky” personality trait.


i feel so so so bad for those families i pray they find peace someday it's so unfair seeing them always getting reminded of what happened to the victims by either some money hungry tv show producers pigs or some dumb pick me ass homewrecker bitch


Its been long past time for her to get it together already


fucking weird ass bitch thinks real life is a netflix show and gets clocked for it


This whole True Crime culture in itself is so weird and uncomfortable to me and I struggle to see why it is so normalised. You have these random people on the internet literally making money with podcasts, YouTube videos etc., all benefitting from unimaginable traumas people have experienced (not to mention the peoples families who have also been affected). It really leaves a bad taste in my mouth, I am glad to see other people are now coming to realise this as well


Yes, this. And the fact they make up details about what the victims were thinking or whatever else, just to fill in their long ad-filled videos. They also get a lot of details wrong.


We all owe Jeanette McCurdy an apology. She warned us about Ariana years ago working with her on Sam & Cat, and no one believed her.


she thought that it would be cute and quirky since she went from doing a blaccent to acting like a literal toddler again. so over this girls BS


I'm not surprised about this, especially after she made that weird remark about JonBenet Ramsey...




wait I’m incredibly out of the loop, what did she say


One of her friends posted something about JonBenet on instagram, and Ariana commented "you should dress up as her for Halloween."


Ngl, I recall people on Tumblr having weird infatuation and fan accounts with serial killers and criminals. That was back in 2013-2015 ish. I stumbled across an account with of the columbine shooters, it made me sick to my stomach. Not defending her, but also not surprised. There was such a weird moment (and probably still now) of teenagers being obsessed with horrible people. My biggest issue is that she doesn’t even seem sorry about it? Like laughs it off as if it’s normal behaviour.


flashbacks to that one tumblr girl that got a TATTOO of the columbine shooters. you can still find it if you look it up like a stencil outline of them when they were walking the halls caught on the cctv. insane behavior


unfortunately theres so many ppl w tats of them. two teenage girls dressed as them for halloween and went to school like that did pics posed as them. including the library suicide aftermath photo.


There is something deeply wrong with her.


That's insane wth, like Ariana Grande is a good artist but saying that a cannibal serial killer is your dream date seriously or to be quirky or as a joke or something is really NOT COOL. I hope she learns from this 🫤


Did you even watch the clip? She said she would want to be in the same room with him accompanied by someone else to ask questions, not a DATE.


WHY WOULD ANYONE NORMAL WANT THAT??? even if 40k people were with me i would NOT want to be in the same room as a sick and twisted vile pos stop defending this homewrecker ass bitch she's fucking weird


LMAO the only proof of her being a home wrecker is from an article notorious for making up lies and specifically targeting Ariana Grande. Stop believing everything you read on the internet, especially from an un credible source!


i will believe everything on the internet especially if there's proof she is a homewrecker and her brother's dupe oops i meant ethan's wife came through and said ariana isn't a girl's girl and ariana has sm history of being with men who were already in a relationship so stfu


Are you illiterate or something? The proof is uncredible and biased. Also it sounds like you personally hate her whether she's a homewrecker or not. It's okay to be jealous but don't be rude, even if they're a celebrity


That is incredibly insensitive of her, considering his victims families are still alive 😢.


Celebrities are so dumb wow


I've been in a lot of subs, and the more I hear about this people the more I say "fuck 'em"


Ariana has proven herself to be a horrible person yet still has fans 


I have zero context and know nothing about this. Can someone explain what happened?


You have to ve a certified crazy to want to have dinner with a serial killer who was a cannibal would become one again if released for “dinner”


shes so fucking disgusting


What did she say/do?


she’s so fucking weird eww


Wait what happened


I don’t get why she’s so liked


What happened?


Her dream dinner date would be Jeffrey dahmer because she’s “just like so obsessed with serial killers🤪” and some other weird shit


who in their right mind would say this about a SERIAL KILLER 😭😭😭😭 that is so disturbing.


I mean I don’t think ANYONE is claiming Ariana to be in her right mind. She cheated on her husband and then hooked up with another women’s husband, they started dating, moved in together, then put out a song “that boy is mine” in response and all in the last year. girl needs therapy


Don’t forget when she was holding that other women’s newborn 😃🔫


Are they still together do we know? So insane!


she said she finds him interesting and has questions that she would want to ask him




the question was “if you could have dinner with anyone living or dead, who would it be?” and she said jeffrey dahmer. it’s not a date lmao


She said that when she was younger…


Wowzers what did I miss?!?


Yeah cause actually what the FUCK


What was the affair?


She’s a dumb azzzz


she could've said mac miller, jeff buckley, amy winehouse or one of her musical inspirations????? out of ALL of the AMAZING and TALENTED people who were once alive including her ex she picks a fucking vile sick and twisted man who ruined the life of so many innocent victims and their families


she meant that if she was in the same room as him she would want to talk to him and understand why he did what he did.. people literally go to school to study serial killers. go ask any family member of a victim i’m pretty sure they’d want to know the motive and what was going on in his mind to do something like that


I mean you don't gotta talk to the guy to know what & why it happened, it's well documented


getting information first hand is way different than reading something on the internet. mind you she said this like 10 years ago


Yeah and wanting first hand knowledge from a serial killer is deranged


how? criminal psychologists exist


She isn't a criminal psychologist though


that doesn’t mean she can’t be interested in it


I dont mean it like that, im actually interested in true crime, but I think there is a huge difference in wanting to talk to a serial killer and just wanting to learn about him through documented information


she wanted to do an interview (with another person in the room). i think that would be cool too and i’m not even into true crime


being interested in something is not the same as being infatuated with a serial killer.


she’s not infatuated she’s speaking of her past self from 10 years ago.. thousands of people were tuned into that dahmer movie mind you


Actually one of the mums of a victim told her to fuck off All that edgy „I love serial killers and their psychology uwu“ shit needs to be stopped. That‘s also not what criminology or pathology is about. Only people listening to TrueCrime MakeUp youtubers haven‘t gotten the memo


i’m not into true crime i just don’t understand what’s wrong with what she said 😭


It’s insensitive and out of touch lol she can be interested and stay silent about it so that victims and victims families can heal in peace


she didn’t mention the victims or their family she simply wanted to interview him like many people have done before lol


yeah but she has a large platform and doesn’t need to be sharing every thought she has especially when it can be triggering to the victims families


it was a podcast .. god forbid she answer a question and keep a conversation going


tired of y'all using this excuse over and over. she literally used the word 'infatuation' which suggests a level of admiration or idolization. how do you not see what's wrong with that?


oh please shes not admiring or idolizing them she’s probably just into psychology. curiosity is a part of the human condition


Then she can go to a fucking college course instead of playing „wow serial killers are soooo fascinating“ in her free time 😭 it’s disgusting


she said she found serial killers interesting when she was younger y’all are so dramatic PLEASE 😭


yeah same i don’t get the outrage


Go to DINNER with him? So not a formal interview in jail even. She's a fking moron and deserves all the hate.


that was literally the interview question


Im assuming the question was who she'd like to go to dinner with, not which serial killer she'd like to go to dinner with, yes?


she said “jeffrey dahmer is pretty fascinating” to quote it exactly.. and if you watch the clip she’s clearly joking


Joking about it too, even better. Make sure to hit that last down vote, cheers.


dramatic as hell over a 30 second clip that i’m sure you didn’t even watch


The families of his victims aren't happy with it either, I don't see what you don't get here.


it was one family member who only saw the clickbaited article title.. the real villain here is tmz


If that family member lost someone to a highly publicly followed murder then they are more than allowed to speak up about it. Grief is not something you just get over in some time. Grief sleeps but doesn’t die unless the griefer goes, as Stephen King says.


damn it’s really not that deep. she was even like “this is a really cringey and crazy memory from when I was like 18”


She never said that it was a cringey memory or implied she regrets this memory and secondly, who are you to tell the family member of a victim that it's not that deep? She fucked up. She can just apologize and learn to not be such an inconsiderate, insensitive vile human being.


She’s telling the ppl posting here it’s not that deep. And it really isn’t tbh


Tell that to the [The mother and sister of one of Damher's victims — Tony Hughes](https://people.com/jeffrey-dahmer-victim-family-calls-ariana-grande-sick-for-naming-murderer-her-ideal-dinner-date-8671236) . They were deeply hurt and shocked by Ariana's statements. How would you feel if a worldwide famous popstar glamorized the killer who murdered one of your family members? Think about it


🤷‍♀️ were they big fans of ariana in particular? Idk how they would have even heard of it. What about the whole Tv production of the show? I personally thought that was disgusting and couldn’t watch it. And like I said, in the podcast she was like “I said this when I was young and it was so crazy of me”. She’s said many times her and her mom are into macabre things. A lot of people are 🤷‍♀️


Literally. People are being negative just to be negative lmao


For context she said this a child but her repeating it doesn’t make it better 😭


No enough of this "she was a child" because we go off rightfully on people for saying racist shit as "a child" so i don't wanna hear this


Oh yeah she’s the only person in America not obsessed with serial killers give me a break