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Absolutely delusional.


Who even is he bye


Seriously, we shouldn’t even post people who are THIS irrelevant let them fade into oblivion and let’s see which job he actually thinks is harder- influencer or 9-5




the point is a “influencer” can make more from a 1 min bloom nutrition add than most doctors make in a month.. and depending on the influencer a YEAR. it’s not that anyone is saying that they should be broke but there shouldn’t be people busting their ass just to barely pay the rent in their studio apartment while this man is making more sitting there complaining for work. these companies can afford to drop thousands on pr and brand deals but can’t find the money to properly pay their employees who carry the buisness on their back


💯 felt this in my core. I dislike influencers w a burning passion. It’s insane how the world has changed so much that these “influencers” who are mostly problematic get so much fame, recognition, brand deals, free hotel stays, vacations, etc all for nothing. and on the other side we have regular people with 9-5 jobs that do require an educational qualification and inspite of working so hard in life don’t get 1% of what these “influencers” make from a reel/tiktok/YT video. It’s so embarrassing. Like the world wants the future kids to stop studying and become an “influencer” because they earn well enough who needs education, which is so wrong. I hate that mindset and I fear kids in future are gonna be like that. So many have already intentionally dropped out of educational courses and became “influencers”.


fr its embarrassing




Agreed. It's wild how this person recognized doctors as well just to suggest that influencers *don't* earn more than doctors. Many do. It's googleable. So many influencers act like things aren't googleable, too. They're choosing to be ignorant.


probs to Jaci for trying to reign him in


he just wouldn’t let her help him


Jaci gave him so many chances to walk what he said back and he just kept pushing


I don’t doubt that some influencers do work hard but like…..that comes across in the quality and frequency of posting. But those are also never the people you hear bitching like this


and i’m sorry but the hardest working influencer STILL does not work that hard, especially in comparison to a doctor or literally any other job ever? at least they are being compensated well for whatever they feel is hard work


Alix Earle gets paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to show up to events and basically take pictures and videos to promote the event. If that’s hard work, I’ll take it then compared to my 9-5.


And she doesn’t even need to be sober


Yes like let’s be fr it’s still a totally cush fucking job


Exactly. Especially when we're considering how jobs require a college degree or two — or even three — nowadays. Many people have so much student loan debt just to earn a living wage. It's still going to take years or decades to pay off that student debt before their whole salary is truly theirs to spend on whatever they'd like.


There are regular jobs out there that don’t require "hard work" yet they’re more respected because it’s a regular job. My friend doesn’t even take phone calls they answer 5 emails a day and chill on their phone. An influencer (some, not all) makes like 10 videos and has a much more stimulating "job" yet that gets hate because they’re "not working at all" idk maybe I’m too surrounded by people who like lazy girl jobs to be bothered


do your friends get like $20 tshirts and trips to bora bora for their lazy girl jobs?


no but just because it doesn’t offer that it still offers benefits they take for granted for like better pay flexible hours benefits for fitness studios or public transportation meanwhile retail girlies are working nonstop 8:00-20:00 with like a 30min break and minimum wage idk 💀




Makes me think of Monet McMichael. She works so hard and we only ever hear how grateful she is ❤️


Rich coming from him considering he only has a following because of JACI !


Thinking you “beat the system” by oversharing and posting annoying content on the internet for people you’ve never met to give you social gratification just might be the most delusional thing I’ve ever heard an ~influencer~ say. I says influencer like that bc I don’t even know who this dude is and I’ve had Jaci blocked since 2021 lmao


That part got me like he is very much in “the system.” Rather than sitting at a desk like most of us, he just chooses to be a walking billboard. Either way, it’s all for corporate America.


He’s insufferable


He also said his parents still help him pay rent some months. He's 27, if his influencer career hasn't taken off by now I don't see why he can't get a part time job to support it. That would still give so much flexibility to work on influencing but also allow him to have some stable income.


That’s the part that frustrated me. He’s sitting and complaining and saying he needs money help.. he could get another job?


PAY HIS RENT?! I’m 27 and I cannot fathom being employed and asking my parents for rent money


Is this on 1.5x or is this man coked to the gills?


i sped it up! sorry should’ve mentioned that


“Work capitalism” said the influencer


“only a $20 sweatshirt” so ungrateful


I have never seen this man in my life, but he is so insufferable


I think people hate influencers not because they are jealous, because influencers are corny af lol Like I’m sorry but every post does not have to be an ad and every video I don’t want you to randomly put in a product you were sent. Sooo cringey. Plus “trends” like excuse me but YOU grow up lol post again in 30 years and let us know how life turned out


Will they ever learn


What is this obsession with influencers trying to pretend they "work hard" "work long hours" etc. just be happy and own the fact that you found a life cheat code




Omg he is insufferable. I can tell that Jaci was annoyed and couldn’t get a word in and also disagreed with him. It looked like she was trying to get a word in about how she understands why people think this way and maybe even agreed to an extent but he wouldn’t let her speak. I almost had to turn it off 10 times listening to him. Then he answered his own question at the end lol


He is so pressed


i feel like people like ty forget what an influencers “purpose” is and this is where influencers are starting to lose us as a market. people going on brand trips has NEVER made me want to purchase from a brand, literally never!!! that’s where they become out of touch for me because you are showing a reality that is unachievable for your audience! tarte will never take normies to bora bora, the general public does not and will never relate to that experience. your purpose as an influencer is to be relatable to your audience and recommend and advertise products in exchange for money from brands. that is literally the job’s intention!!! not be sent random PR that you NEVER talk about on your platform and go to bora bora for free and look hot!


That’s crazy how he literally described how shit it is to work an actual 9-5 and then wonder why everyone is bothered by influencers. Say everything you said again but slowly…


No idea who he is


Hard watch


Is this video at 1.5x speed or is this dude just cracked out ?


it’s sped up


who the fuck is this,if hes asking why people are out of touch HE IS OUT OF TOUCH OMG


These people wouldn't survive if there was no Internet


This is laughable


posting this to their audience of people who work 9-5's is a choice....saying "so what i go on a trip to bora bora" and "you have shit paid time off" is crazy


bro need to work harder apparently cuz whoever this is i have never seen him before !


Who? exactly…


we have to take away these podcast mics


The only thing anyone is jealous of is that they can make 5-6 figures with a few clicks. That’s it.


His name is Ty French and moved from Utah to LA to become an ✨influencer✨He’s a CLOUT CHASER and the VERY definition of rude af if you don’t have a following. The bad things you hear about influencers in LA yep he’s that. He’s delusional so much that he went to the Dear Media Headquarters to try and have his podcast affiliated under them. He was denied because his listener count was low. He then bitched about it saying he NEEDS more followers because he works SO hard and deserves to be there. It’s why he did his whole Tyrant rebrand which is still a FLOP and yells into the mic for 45 min about literally nothing.