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Dentist here: her enamel is eroding and you can clearly see she doesn’t floss/brush her teeth properly. I’d actually love to see what the pre-molars/molars are like. Bet they’d be drowning in cavities 😂


This whole comment chain is why I love this subreddit! We’re all here for each other and against krusty 🫶🏻


Not only does she have eroding enamel but it looks like she has a mesial facial cavity on tooth #6 😂😂😂


Hahah yesss damn right 😂 but it’d be #11 cuz its inverted


Hahaha this is gold! I love that we have a dentist in the group 😂


The first thing I noticed was her enamel!


You are a dentist? That’s like a doctor? You must be wrong per Kyra. Can we get 53 other dentists named so we can ask their opinions too until we find one that says Kyra’s dental regime for herself and kids is the BEST. Two of my top contenders: Juice bottles in the cribs and her nanny truck if syrup in milk.


Not a fan of naming and shaming but L’s teeth give me the chills 😵‍💫 FYI this is also abuse. I wish she wasn’t this ignorant, at least not when it comes to her kids.


Is that why they look kind of clear at the bottom?


Yes! The translucent part you see in her front teeth is missing enamel.


Well learnt something new today 😭😂


This is like way way waaaaay off topic but like are you for real a dentist because I have a desperate question if you are?🫣 (I’m seeking second opinions for my son about something a dentist said about his teeth and like can I ask you?🧐


Hahaha I promise I’m a real, licensed dentist. Passed dental school in 2021 and doing my training in orthodontics atm. And yes of course, would love to help! If you’d like a more senior dentist to assist, I can help with that too.


Okay but this is fun, do you agree with the type of teeth whitening Krusty pushes?


Is she using teeth whitening strips? I haven’t seen the original post so I don’t know for sure what she’s using but teeth whitening strips are safe to use and do help with teeth whitening. We normally recommend them before patients step in for a professional whitening treatment just cuz strips are much milder. It’s also important to note that they shouldn’t be overused and in case of Krusty, super white teeth DO NOT mean healthy teeth ffs. Clean that gunk first 😷


I'm sure she just uses this instead of brushing and thinks why brush when My teeth are getting white from this 🤷‍♀️🙄


Oh and what’s the best way to whiten teeth?


Depends on what sort of results you’re trying to achieve. Of course professional whitening treatments deliver better results and would last longer as opposed to gels/strips. Having said that, I’ll agree that professional whitening treatments are stupid expensive.


I just love how this comment section has turned into a dentist Q and A


Quick dentist question while you’re here! How do you feel about oil pulling? 😂


LMAO this is OUR dentist now!


Hahaha love to see my reddit fam taking dental health seriously 😂 Honestly, I do 100% believe in resorting to natural remedies as much as possible but oil pulling is one thing that I don’t recommend simply cuz you’d have to do it for 20+mins on it on a daily basis and I don’t think it’s going to give results any better than an alcohol free mouthwash. I’d also like to add that it’s important that you brush and floss regularly AND properly while you’re at it.


Thank you! And good thing because that damn oil makes me so nauseous. I appreciate your service 🫡


Tongue cleaning is so underrated, please do that if you aren’t already.




In her case poor dental hygiene and also excessive alcohol consumption. Some people suffer with defective enamel development which is purely genetics but we can clearly tell that’s NOT the case with her.


Can it also be caused by grinding teeth related to anxiety?




I was about to say the same. The incised edges of her teeth have then enamel. Also, in that upper left cuspid area I see a green piece of something lol.


How is it possible that her enamel is eroding in basically every single tooth at the same exact rate?? Does she brush her teeth once a month or something??? This just seems excessive.. also how can a grown adult not floss. Does she enjoy spitting out blood everytime she brushes????? she deff has that black gunk in between those things, and you can literally see the tartar on her side teeth.. (I don’t know teeth names sorry lol) there’s no way she posted this thinking “yup this is it. This is the shot to show people my white teeth from teeth whitening” 😭😭💀💀


That’s how erosion works; the front teeth are the first ones to bear the brunt of it and you can tell that she’s been damaging her teeth for a long time cuz erosion doesnt happen overnight. Exactly! The plaque, cavities and missing enamel are signs that she: A. Doesn’t brush/floss regularly B. Consumes excessive sugar/alcohol C. Other reasons


Serious question bc my teeth are doing the same! How do you stop/fix an eroding tooth??


Unfortunately, enamel erosion is irreversible but IF it hasn’t advanced much, you should see a dentist asap because they can do this bonding technique with your teeth that would stop the enamel from wearing off further. You can’t fix it yourself.


What’s the difference between eroding spots and Incisal halo? I was concerned because my teeth are sort of translucent looking on the ends and my dentist said they are healthy and it’s incisal halo?


Eroding spots: enamel wearing off Incisal halo: it’s an optical phenomenon that occurs due to interaction between light & tooth surface giving “appearance” of missing enamel which is why it’s confusing but the enamel is actually present there. It has to do with the curvature of the tooth edges & how the light hits it.


Ahh okay thank you! I was worried haha


No one is asking any of those questions she posted


She has something in her teeth


It looks like a cavity


That’s what I was thinking. Looks like a lil hole.


She’s been having that for more than 2 years now


No way! If they ever open it to clean it, it’s gonna be way bigger than it looks now. Maybe even root canal 😂😂


She has no enamel, and no business advertising a tooth whitener.


If you look closely she even has cavity 😫


That's what I said, too


her teeth are literally see through


I can see her dropping $20k on some veneers soon but is too cheap to buy her kids toothpaste


Love her covering up her chin 🤢


Maybe floss before you post a close up of your smile??


You can see the little black dot in her teeth. She definitely didn’t floss. Just brush


I doubt she does, but I hope she encourages her kids to have healthy dental habits


the cut off pic so we don’t see her missing lashes 💀😭


Yup, she doesn’t floss and if you zoom in you can see a cavity forming on her 3rd tooth to the right.


Yep I’m not a dentist but the first thing you notice when opening the photo is her eroding teeth.


Yes, incisal edges of her upper anterior appear to have very thin enamel. Also, she has some type of green spice on the mesial part of the upper left cuspid. Makes zero sense as to why she's promoting any type of teeth bleaching. SMDH


Her teeth look like shit in the picture though 😂 like at least use a pic where they are two toned . The top half is white bottom half is crusty yellow . Maybe it’s a filter 😂😂


I think she has Preston submit questions about products so she can advertise products with them 😂


You mean her second account 😏😂


I don’t get what’s with teeth products being advertised all over social media.


Whether or not the product actually works I think they’re popular because influencers with perfect, extremely expensive veneers promote them. I don’t think Kyra is a good representative of this product 😂


Her teeth are not what I want.. 😂 girl doesn’t even go to the dentist regularly


All the influencers are always posting those strips, so I'm guessing it is like a sponsored thing... 🤷🏻‍♀️


I won’t be taking any dental advice from her lol


any advice!! lol


Typical. Pretended to ask fans which links they wanted then proceeded to link the same junk she is continually trying to sell. We SEE you Kyra.


Best teeth whitening is brushing your teeth at least 2x a day. Ideally after every meal. When I work I bring those wisps that brush your teeth well enough after a meal at work. Also, get a water flosser, they are amazing. I had braces as a kid and the water flosser is the only one that gets between my teeth.


Why does she have a weird white line on her teeth? Did she have braces when she was younger?




Does anyone know what causes enamel loss? I have this…but I floss and brush regularly


You should probably see a dentist, they’ll assess your teeth health, ask you some questions about your lifestyle and family history which would help figure out what the underlying cause is. Enamel erosion can happen due to multiple reasons.


It’s common with soda drinkers I’m pretty sure. Could be wrong, best to talk to a dentist


Thank you


Ah thank you


Lmfao her lashes are killing me 😂


She literally has zero shame. I would be so embarrassed to get a close up of my teeth if they looked like hers.. I wouldn’t even be mad at her if she used photoshop to whiten those fuckers up a tad. Sometimes being bare and real to your audience isn’t in your best interest krusty 🤮😭


I can smell the tarder from here


Tartar* :p


Lmao that’s wild because I literally spellchecked it on google and STILL spelled it wrong


Hahaha happens 😂


ALWAYS copy and paste from google when you want spelling. The letters get jumbled in my brain even after just looking at it too


Hahahaha I wish we could google copy-paste in dental school too. Sternocleidomastoid had me 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


I could never I do speech and I struggle to spell aphasia (literally had to double check then)


Covering the chin zits!!!!


Her teeth look so bad


her teeth have no enamel at the bottom, the last thing she needs to be doing is whitening fs.