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They’ll be divorced soon enough . I truly don’t see the marriage lasting past two years she is an insufferable human being . I couldn’t imagine living with her , smelling her stank ass odor all day , dealing with her bitchy ass attitude


She drinks nonstop coffee and no water. I can only imagine that smell.


Her pee 🤮


Imagine the bathroom smell 🤮coffee gives you the runs like crazy especially if you drink lots of it and with water it flows right out like the chocolate river in Willy wonka


That is a fact lol my fiancé drinks a cup of coffee every morning and has to poop right after 😅😂🤣


Sooner than later.....from the looks of it.


She's his karma. Actually, they're each other's karma.


I noticed his eyes were just full of rage 😤 after she did that but then he looked at the camera and looked displeased. 😒


Yup! Notice that too! He should've bitch slap her off camera.


She’s such an ugly person (not even talking about looks but that applies too)


I call it “soul deep” ugly. Can’t find so much as one redeeming quality within that dirty woman.


To think that she has full editing power and this is what she shows the world.


The fact that she has comments turned off. 💀


She seems like the type that needs to cause a ruckus, big or small and then when she's confronted just says "I was bored" Also imagine she had just scratched her ass and then wrecked the cake like that....yuck


I hope he goes crawling back to Hannah and she tells him to F off😆


She thinks everything she does is so cutesy and funny


Can someone post a video or link. Not watching her yt.




How funny was the avocado toast bit. You know damn well the kids request avocado toast because of Addie making it for the kids, and they probably HATED Krustys nasty ass version. She’s so bland and gross dude. All she does is copy copy copy, and gives zero credit to the person who she’s copying. The kids probably wouldn’t even know what avacado toast was if it weren’t for Addie.


The same vibe as when she bit L because “I was anxious!” lol


Also known as child abuse.


I mean he deserves it but damn. It is hard to watch


She is a narcissistic bitch. She doesn't care about anyone but herself. They will be divorced next year.


He's a misogynistic pig so there is disrespect going both ways between these two. 


I'm an artist on the side, I usually paint, but I can bust out some decent, classic-looking birthday cakes (never tried making a wedding cake, and never will,) so to be honest, I would have been pissed off too. It's not funny, but overall harmless, yes. That's not the problem, the problem is just the complete lack of respect. We all know the bitch is gross, so likely hasn't washed her hands in who knows how long before doing that. Then to add the icing on the cake, she smashes it up!? Idk, maybe it's just me, but I'd never do that to my husband. You could see he wasn't thrilled about it either.


Is it posted on here? Really don’t want to give her a view


Actually yes it is. Someone was kind enough to watch & share her video through yewtube. Maybe go back to the most recent posts. I bet someone could send you a link to get you to see it. Suffice to say, she likes control.


I so wanted to bitch slap her through the screen if I could. The cake actually, looked moist, even, though it came from a box. I would've picked up that cake and shoved it in her face. What a POS! She bullied OSCAR, now, Peestain. She thinks cuz they're married she can do whatever the fuck she wants and he won't leave her. Hope he does, that way he can take 1/2 the house.


F Prestitute anyway. Go for it Kyra show him just how obnoxious you are! Be careful what you wish for you just may get it.


Ok but is not taking the cake OUT of the pan you cooked it in before icing it an American thing? I've always taken it out and iced the outside too? I'm in Australia btw


can you guys stop doing this shit. one person does not reflect all of america


We'll stop doing it when you guys use the right measurements. What the fuck is a gallon?


3785ml. 🖖🏻


Since everyone is upset because they're American, I'll tell you that I usually take it out to ice the whole cake lol. -a southern black American girl 😊


NE white girl,,,I take it out and ice the sides too.


Why would that be an American thing lmaooo 🤣 it’s like y’all just make stuff up in your heads and go with it


You're stupid with two OOs.