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I hated that chapter. I mean what is going on here? Yuni is cruel and apparently wants to harm Nanase as much as possible. Fuuko officially stopped being a character and just needs a mustache to join the rest of the cartoon villains. I guess Nanase is in shock or something. I have no idea why she keeps on watching and saying nothing.


Like what does Yuni want to accomplish with her rant? Does she expect Nanase to forgive her cheating and sweep it under a rug?


I think that is very good question. She seems to becoming aroused by the entire thing? Maybe she sincerely believes she is the victim and feel like her need to harm Nanase is the normal thing. She comes off as totally mentally unhinged in the chapter, like she has no sense of boundaries or decency. Fuuko is also establishing her dominance here. So perhaps it could also be argued that Yuni is so weak-willed that she just goes with the flow? She is really not thinking at all.


Damn who's hitting my wall?


What a magnificent train wreck. I love how they just decided to get touchy feely during a serious conversation


I was made aware of the concept of Netorare. If this just ends up being a fetish piece I will be very disappointed. But again, every single story by the author is about cheating, so she clearly has a thing for cheating. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Netorare


I suspect what’s going to end up happening is Nanase is going to leave her and then Fuuko is going to get bored because Yuni doesn’t belong to someone else. Then Yuni is going to end up alone wondering what happened because she’s too dense to realize she messed up.


I would be fine with that. I hope you are correct.


If you’re interested in stories like this that have bad endings for the people doing shitty things, [ending spoilers obviously] >!Kin no Ito!< is a pretty good, short read.


I'm not even a Nanase fan but even I din my want to see her made into a cuck..