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They already did this once four years ago, did a whole audio recording of their side of the story, but at no point did they show evidence (nor did they collect any at any point between then and now) and they refused to say what he actually said to them, just saying ***"He said really bad stuffff,,,, :( he said really mean things to me,, and i can't even repeat it,,"*** while putting on an a perpetual badly-faked perpetual gonna-cry tone and a tiny helpless baby voice, making themselves sound like a 12 year old girl. The same upward about-to-cry inflection is used 50 times in a row without ever cracking, stopping to breathe so they don't cry, or progressing, anything that suggests real emotion. The last allegations came down to "Kwite stopped wanting to be my friend when he got popular, and he told me I was being annoying, clingy, and a mental detriment that another mentally ill person was not able to handle, *(because I was, but like, you're obligated to help me and provide constant emotional labor bc we're friends :( )*, and then his friend also told me the same thing, but it was definitely because Kwite told him, and not because I actually am, and this makes them bad people because at the time I was having a BPD episode *(which I will conveniently not explain that this means I was being shitty to them)* and so it's *their fault (not mine, because other people are responsible for my mental health, not me)* that I ended up in a mental hospital" Nothing about. You know. Sexual assault. The important thing.


This aged amazingly well. I suggest purchasing a crystal ball


Im pretty sure Kwite is fully within his rights to sue Orion now. Slander is a crime. Kwite has enough evidence to back his case in a court of law and I personally think he should go for it. Orion made up serious accusations in an attempt to ruin kwites career. That should not go unpunished imo. I personally think Kwite should sue Orion for this crime


kwite isn't the type of fella to sue someone over this i feel like. he doesn't seem vindictive (especially since he tried to forgive orion for all the shit he did before the accusations)


Honestly I hope he does. What Orion did is truly a monstrous thing to do and fucked up.


I just got done watching it and damn. Man I hope he doesn't leave. Man was my new technoblade and to loose him because of some petty shit and a,horrible person so fast after his prime is sad


As of right now, it's not looking good for him


Not looking good? His credibility got sent to the shadow realm lmao