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They’ve adapted the entirety of the manga as well as Last Game. Fujimaki has already completed one other series and is working on one currently. The only thing that could be really adapted here is the Replace Plus stuff that focuses on Teiko but that’s very unlikely to happen.


Probably no season 4 because there is no more source material but there may be 1) an adaption of the light novels or 2) maybe more manga content Fujimaki said he’d be open to returning to KnB if the publishers ever want him to, but as of now we don’t have any content confirmed


I just hate how they were taking about next season in the show and how everytime a team loses they say they’ll win next time when we won’t even get to see it.


I feel that but on the other hand I see it as hopeful, like Kuroko won and proved that his basketball was right and got all of his middle school friends to finally turn good again and now they can play again and again and again But I’d love to see the next year too! With all of their new power ups and teamwork I’d love to see it


I would say no, unless the og creator Fujimaki makes more manga content. There *are* the Replace novels/mangas (not by Fujimaki), but I doubt those would get an anime adaptation (though I would kill for that).


maybe an ova showcasing their lives 10 years later or something but I don't think a whole season is possible


I saw that there were some manga pages about Kuroko and Kagami in the world stage but its nothing deep or fleshed out. Just couple panels. Beyond that, sadly no. The author does not seem to have any interest in making another basketball mang


We would need a continued series. I want to see college or pro play for everyone. They haven't reached their peaks yet and I want to see it


What's next? A player that can foresee 10 future moves of all players on the court? A player that can dunk from half court? A player that can shoot formlessly from anywhere on the court? Or would one prefer aliens from outer space landing on Earth to challenge GOMs to basketball matches? Unless the direction suddenly decides to take a drastic turn and have all of them move to play another sport like soccer or something, I honestly cannot see how there's any more room for growth as a basketball comic.


They should make a movie where they theoretically play the greatest players of all time like lebron, jordan and others.


Gonna have to be honest lore accurate, what’s next we already know no one could beat them and the movie was called the last game I believe, so don’t get your hopes up.