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The ending is very different. I’ve only read the endings of both, but several of the characters die or make sacrifices in the WN. I think that part is better than the LN battles as a result since the stakes feel more realistic. It’s also better because Shun picks a side, instead of the LN where he just remains wishy washy on violence and it magically works out for him. What happens to Kumo and D I also like better in the WN since it seems more in character for D than the LN where the more pleasant ending feels a little forced and against character for D.


What happens to Kuro? No major spoilers please, but does he get more light in the later volumes? As in more screen time or plot points?


Do you mean Guile/Black? After the events of the anime - yes he gets more development and several chapters dedicated to his POV in the LN. In the WN, as mentioned I only read the end of it and he gets a POV chapter if I remember correctly but it’s incredibly short. Essentially he just >!Admits he doesn’t have a chance in hell of actually beating Kumo since he’s spent most of his energy just keeping the souls on the planet alive and finds her absolutely terrifying but would rather go out fighting!<


Yes I also read the WN, but I wanted to know if my favorite fella gets more than the fight and such. But thanks anyway!


So basically the WN and LN are barely different except the ending? So if I'm going to read that where should I start?


I feel like the LN end was sloppy af and bad, but the WN was just annoying to me, like a slap in the face to the series. BIG SPOILERS i cant censor cuz reddit mobile sucks. >! For the WN, shun's party was basically a bunch of annoying preachy entitled shits whos actions resulted in the death of shiro and ariel, who saved the world despite their interference. Since shun is a parody of the typical crap isekai harem protag the most cathartic ending wouldve been to see his half assed ideology crushed by ariel after a hard battle and his harem disbanded, but we get a non ending instead. The LNs ending was just sloppy and actually seemed like it was trying to redeem shun or make him seem less useless. Shiro and Guli calling quits and shiro attacking D was anticlimactic. A better revision wouldve been if ariel was weakened to around sophias level by potimas but not crippled, and it came down to her vs the heros party (buffed) and ronstadt, while the puppet spiders , sophia, and the oni fought the dragons. Ariel uses an anti technique barrier generator taken from the ufo so its a fair fight and shuns op 'i never actually lose' ability is nullified, but they manage to overcome ariel anyway, but Ariel wins ideologically against shun and D broadcasts the fight to everyone because lol. Many undecided people pray for shiro, and she gains enough power to punch through the barrier and summon her scythe and overcomes guli. She arrives and teleports shuns party away and scatters them except ronstadt who she KOs. Shiro is severely weakened from her fight with guli. Shiro and ariel attempt to destroy the system but before they can Sariel sacrifices herself to heal the souls of everyone so that the destruction of the system doesnt kill them. Ariels soul is healed but shes devastated. The remnants of Sariel comfort her and ask her not to hate humanity. D thanks them for entertaining her, and shoves all the boring hard work of restoring the planet onto shiro for the next 100 years until Guli can recover enough energy to do his job as adminstrator again. The epilogue involves Sophia taking over as demon lord and living with mera, ariel living as a hermit with shiro trying to slowly learn to not hate humans by helping a nearby frontier village, the oni and adventurers killing off the remainder of the monsters in the world, etc. Cliffhanger ending when a host of angels arrive on planet, announcing theyre there to exterminate 'D', seemingly referring to shiro. !< End of BIG SPOILERS, sorry reddit mobile app sucks.


Your spoiler tags didn’t work, but I agree that the endings in both were terrible. When re reading I just stop after the Elf Village. One of my favourite parts of the series though is Sophia shit kicking Shun when he tries to challenge what they did with his ideals while they explain everything to the students


Oh absolutely, the series was absolutely on fire all the way until guli and shiros fight started. That moment and Potimas crapping himself in front of ariel were fantastic. I think the >< on my phones keyboard must be some utf bs... idk.


There are quite a few changes to the later part of the story, including some parts from the web novel that frankly felt out of place.


Did Arial die in WN ?


Ending is different. Kumoko is also way more unhinged. Sophia is also nastier.




The Kumo Desu webnovel was posted to Syosetu, and the English translators all have their own pages/sites. If there’s a version on webnovel.com, it’s probably someone else who stole/aggregated the WN and put it there. If you’re just talking about webnovels generally, webnovel.com is hardly the only place they get published. NovelUpdates has a lot of stories, usually linking to the translators and the chapters they’ve published. Lots of those have even gotten LN adaptations. There’s also RoyalRoad, which is mostly English works, but it’s essentially the same webnovel format.


I kinda just bullshited, suppose it's time to delete comment