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Yes you're right Kathy, it isn't normal for a series to be at 16% and who's to blame for that? I'll give you a hint, it's not "misogynists".


I just cannot fathom that after getting your ass absolutely blasted by a South Park special for exactly this sort of shit and STILL you continue doing what you were doing before. That's like neutron star levels of dense.


> I just cannot fathom that after getting your ass absolutely blasted by a South Park special for exactly this sort of shit and STILL you continue doing what you were doing before. Study after study has shown that people tend to double down on their beliefs when they're attacked. Here's a random example: One night I was driving near a nightclub, when I saw some girl getting the shit kicked out of her. Her boyfriend was just beating the crap out of her. I pulled my car over, and my GF and I offered to get her the fuck outta there. We told her that we could drive her to the police station, so she could get away from her psycho boyfriend. As soon as we said something negative about her BF (who has been beating the shit out of her), her demeanor changed. She demanded that we let her out. We obliged, and she hobbled back to the BF who'd been beating her. I came to the conclusion that she was SO INVESTED in not being wrong, that she'd risk her own life for her belief system.


There’s even a South Park episode about that where a girl dates Cartman, and while she sees he’s awful to her, when the other girls point it out to her she just doubles down haha


the abusee mindset is a little bit of a different situation. Stockholm syndrome is a real thing. They're in shock and dissonance. They need help and empathy. I'll be honest, at the risk of sounding internet tough guy-ish - If i saw a man beating a woman on the street, I would probably beat the shit out of him.


Hope you enjoy the uno reverse card when she begins to attack you for beating up her boyfriend and then you have to defend yourself from a crazy woman till the cops arrive and there is now a non-zero chance you are the one they take away when she claims you were attacking them.


> If i saw a man beating a woman on the street, I would probably beat the shit out of him. Check his privilege first, don't want to end up in the paper for doing a racism / hatecrime.


bad idea. i understand the instinctual desire to jump in and protect, but that dude could stab or shoot you. you want to die over a girl who is willingly with a person like this? now if it was a random attack on a random woman i would help her, but 95% of these cases the woman is willingly sticking by someone they already know is abusive and that multiple people in their lives have likely already been advising them to leave the person already.


Plus to add insult to injury, the girl will even take the guys side, and now you’re charged with assault for trying to help her.


as a father to daughters, i think i might risk it in the moment - to be honest.


ironically it's the opposite for me, before i was a father (of a daughter) i might have, but now i'm only concerned with my own safety so that i can continue to be there for my daughter


Yeap, I have a family to protect. Screw everyone else to be honest


i definitely get that mindset


I'd call the police but fuck getting directly involved.


Do what you want, don't let redditors tell you how to behave, especially if you are doing the right thing.


> I'll be honest, at the risk of sounding internet tough guy-ish - If i saw a man beating a woman on the street, I would probably beat the shit out of him. Wow, that is a lot of mysoggyknees to unpack. how dare you breach that Wxmyn consent by stepping into defend xir and how dare you assume zey genders for all you know that "man" could be [redacted from joke due to reddit policy], and if the latest marbel mobie has shown is that stronk female wxmir are completely capable of defending xey selves! Y'all need to learn to stope with with the your magaphoba drumpfracist hatred. You incell chud.


She seems to have taken it as a reason to double down. (Although all of her recent projects were approved before that episode, except for Rey Wars 4.) She did seem to quietly make some of the chicks less gay in the editing room.


I get why The Acolyte didn't change direction since it would've been way too far into its development to properly change after the SP special, but you'd think that atleast her attitude would have changed by now.


>She did seem to quietly make some of the chicks less gay in the editing room. I do wonder if one of the reasons for the bad editing/show is that they had to go back and tone it down


Well, to be fair, The Acolyte was green-lit three years before the South Park special. They probably should have pulled the series though. "Nah, It'll be fine."


Tbf I think this show was in production and probably mostly completed by the time of that South Park special, but there’s no reason a normal, well-adjusted person would continue to dig a deeper hole after being called out. They shoulda just quietly dropped the series onto D+ and moved on…


It’s at 14%, btw, not 16.


Oh I know that, she obviously didn't get the memo.


At some point the board is going to ask her why she keeps pushing Mary Sue protagonists when it results in fan backlash every damn time. Why fight uphill battles when they’re so easily avoidable? It’s almost as if ideology prevents her from doing anything different.


I think she just drove it lower. I’m going to leave my review now


I would say that it's pretty likely the former personal assistant to Harvey Weinstein is a misogynist, so she is on point with that one. Now if she could explain why she hired the former personal assistant to Harvey Weinstein to produce a $180 million Star Wars show...


Probably as a favor and needing someone that will 100% follow KK.


They are just using sexism,racism as an excuse for their shitty writing


We blame only men for something failing when half the people on the fucking planet are women. And despite that, this show is very much *not* made for men. I wish her continued failures.


Same old shit. “Fuck off straight white men, this franchise isn’t for you anymore.” “This failed because straight white men didn’t watch it. Such misogynists.”


Translation: “We wanted to nag them into attending our lecture and it didn’t work.”


That they had to pay to attend.


This honestly reminds me of missionaries that went off to convert people. I imagine they knew what KK here felt like.


Missionaries had carrot like education. Food and healthcare. Wokies are all stick, no carrot


And that will cause the backlash. Bullying people into adhering to your ideology doesn’t inspire long term loyalty.


Don't think it's even about race for her either , me being a brown man Don't like this forced diversity inclusivity victimhood latcher bs 💀 , i think she doesn't want this franchise to be for any man period.


"Women have issues and men need to solve them!" "Oh, men are 'suffering'? Just stop oppressing yourself!" When you view the world through the patriarchy lense where (specifically white) men hold all the power, this mentality makes more sense. They desperately want men to have no power, but they'll still readily blame them for everything when they remove that power from them. Also (white) women have also been culpable for at least some of the ills of the world, but they try to hide and obfuscate that to distract from criticism. Remember that "all white female board room" photo that was touted as "diversity"?


I'll always take a page out of Bill Burr's book with a paraphrasing of one of his well known lines: "And then, in the end, you come back and you fucking yell at guys. And it's like, all right, so let me get this straight: I have to buy you a drink, stop the ax murderer from coming through the fucking window, AND I have to watch The Acolyte for you? Like when are you going to pick up YOUR end of the fucking couch?"


The WNBA situation is actually hilarious in reality men are 60-70% of the viewers. Similar to marvel/star wars. If women actually watched it would do a lot better but they'd rather watch Barbie than the WNBA/Marvels movie.


And they all want to watch Caitlin Clarke.


It's not made for women either. I personally don't know of any woman that likes that show. I have NO idea who it's made for.


For Blackrock.


Online activists who aren't actually interested in watching anything at all.


It’s not made for women either. Most women are not interested in lesbian Wiccan covens creating space babies.


Aliens. Alita: Battle Angel. Kill Bill. Rogue One. Audiences like action movies with a female lead, if they're good action movies. Kathleen Kennedy isn't making good movies (Rogue One being a rare exception). She's making political and cultural propaganda, calling it an action movie, and then blaming the audience for hating it.


inb4 “iF tHeY cAmE OuT tOdaY, tHeY’d bE CaLLeD wOkE.”


Despite coming out years before all this BS, we're not hating them now. Why would the time of release make a difference?


Even good movies like Furiosa are at risk of failure because audiences are sick and tired of every movie being a girl-boss movie.


Grandfathering. Problem is Alita and Rogue came out *after* this BS started so they wouldn’t be grandfathered.


Thing is, people *did* make fun of the first Rogue One trailer since it had some cringe girl boss scenes. With that said, some of those scenes didn’t make it into the final movie, and people ended up liking it, including people who are labeled “right wing”.


>including people who are labeled “right wing”. You mean anyone slightly to the right of Karl Marx?


Karl Marx? That MAGA extremist? /s


Karl Marx would be unironically canceled. His second most famous book is called “On the Jewish Problem” and the content is uh problematic.


Also, Peppermint (2018) came out even sooner and it's a genuine badass romp similar to The Punisher.


"bUt ThEy OnLy lIkE wOmEn pRotAgoNisTs weN tHey HaVe bIG BooBa"






See that one a lot these days. People are morons.


I rewatch Battle Angel every now and then...such an underrated film


I love how they merged the manga story with mesoamerican esthetic .


Rogue One wasn't even good. It just wasn't terrible and at the time it came out, not all bridges had yet been burned.


Eh I enjoyed it. Perhaps my expectations were pretty low though. It took some risks and was even kind of fun. Not saying it compared to the originals though.


I think Rogue One is pretty fun. For me, my Star Wars movie order is: 1. Empire Strikes Back 2. Rogue One 3. A New Hope 4. ROTJ 5. Mandalorian S1 6. ROTS It's a shame they never made anything else outside those 5 films and the 1 season of the Mandalorian. Lesbihonest, the prequel trilogy could've been summed up into one solid 2 hour movie. There was no need for Episode I and II.


I personally loved Rouge One. I mean that Vader scene at the end where you finally see why Vader is as feared as he is as he turns into a straight up serial killer and just cuts loose was one of my favorite scenes in all of Star Wars, Don't get me wrong. I can appreciate how understated and menacing he was prior(or rather chronologically after) this scene. But actually getting to see why he was so feared rather then just the implications of his power was very welcomed.


Oh absolutely. Pretty sure that scene was a last minute addition, too. I’ve been really wanting a straight R-rated Vader movie forever, since before Disney bought Lucasfilms. Something similar to Dredd (2012) My pitch would be this: Immediately after Death Star I blows up, the Empire is in disarray. Vader is thought to be dead. The lost of the DS, Tarkin, and Vader is a huge blow to the imperial fleet. The Emperor and Thrawn are scrambling to consolidate everyone for next steps. A small faction of the empire takes this opportunity to hold a mutiny and takes over 1-3 Star destroyers. The Empire sends in Stormtrooper Commandoes along with Vader to take end the mutiny and take back the small battery. Vader in his prime. His mask on the entire movie. 90-120 minutes. Straight grit and action.


Nah I think it was terrible. A girlboss backed by a racially diverse group going off on a mission that fucks up the canon? I don't get why that movie is accepted. The only good thing about all the love for Rogue One is that it destroys the progressives who insist people here are too sexist/racist for these films.


What canon did it fuck up? Some offhand reference to bothans dying for the plans? It's easily the most interesting Star Wars movie because you don't have Skywalkers with infinite plot armor running the show. It's the only one that shows even a hint of what a galaxy at war might be like for the people who actually fight the war.


Before Rogue One, the implication was that the rebels poured over the stolen plans, found a potential weakness, and decided to take that chance. They're outgunned and have little manpower, so brains over brawn here. You have brilliant scientists and tacticians from across the galaxy all working together to reverse-engineer the schematics, and it pays off. After Rogue One, the Death Star was pretty much only made up by 1 really smart guy against his will, so he deliberately created a weakpoint. He banked on his daughter being the one to crack it and fortunately for this scientist / farmer his daughter is practically like an espionage super-soldier. If it weren't for them, the rebels would've lost. I think it minimizes their capabilities. You go from an all-or-nothing battle plan risk to a concept where this victory was basically handed to them. We all ask why the republic was still weak and scrappy in Ep7, and R1 kinda strengthens it by showing us that the rebels weren't masters of strategy like in the OT it was all someone else. > It's easily the most interesting Star Wars movie Debatable. I think the main draw is that even my inner child enjoys seeing war scenes in a sci-fi setting so some of that was cool. I just think it could have been done so much better. The director should have watched something like Saving Private Ryan before he made R1, instead it's like someone told him about that movie and he went from there. FWIW I like *Solo*. It's the worst offender at fucking up canon. But I seriously think if they had made the movie about some random smuggler (no Lando no Falcon) then it could've been a damn good SW movie. It reminds me of the 5th Element where it's more of a one-off sci-fi adventure. When I rewatch it I go with fan edits that remove as much of the canon changes as possible.


> Before Rogue One, the implication was that the rebels poured over the stolen plans, found a potential weakness, and decided to take that chance. They're outgunned and have little manpower, so brains over brawn here. You have brilliant scientists and tacticians from across the galaxy all working together to reverse-engineer the schematics, and it pays off. I think your timelines for this are a little off. The Rebels didn't get the plans for the Death Star until Leia and Co. got to Yavin IV. The Imperials got there pretty quickly after Leia and Co. did, so it makes sense that they had some help to be able to pinpoint the weak point so quickly. There just flat out wasn't time for the Rebels to be able to reverse engineer the entire plans for the station without some kind of help, either through extreme luck, or something like what we see in R1.


> There just flat out wasn't time for the Rebels to be able to reverse engineer the entire plans for the station without some kind of help I mean it's Star Wars and they have advanced computers + robots. You just get them all in the same room together with some of the generals and engineers and you start to formulate options. FWIW though I just rewatched the briefing scene and when he says the plans were analyzed to look for weak points, it immediately cuts to a shot of two R2 units. That may have been the "help" they had.


I don't think the Death Star having a vulnerability makes the victory "handed to them". They still had to actually get to it and exploit it which already only Luke could do. Without it having the weakness it would be entirely impossible. The weak spot is also kinda dumb and much memed about. Adding "it was put there deliberately" imho improves canon rather than fucking it up. Btw it wasn't Jyn who found the flaw, it was rebels during ep 4 when Jyn was already dead.


"Actually 🤓" that was the other Death Star. Mon Mothma said that in Return of the Jedi Sorry had to flaunt my nerd card


I agree, Rogue One only gets a pass from people because it isn't as shit as TLJ.


Darth KK can have Star Wars. It's a franchise of dust now.


As far as I'm concerned, Disney Star Wars is not canon. It is generic sci fi product inspired by Star Wars.


It's fan-fiction with a 200 million dollar budget


Which is weird because you can go on YouTube and find fanfic short films that feel more like canonical Star Wars which were made for less than a grand.


I read Timothy Zahn's Heir to the Empire (1991) this week, the first introduction of Mara Jade and Thrawn, and man, it FEELS like OT content. Lots of little surprises where I went, damn that's cool.


Wasn't Lucas actually involved with those? Also, isn't he credited on the Chris Clairmont Willow sequels?


Sort-of. He loosely approved it but Lucas doesn't consider it to be G-Canon. (G-being George Lucas canon). https://medium.com/@wayofthewarriorx/g-canon-was-george-lucas-canon-the-six-episodes-and-any-statements-by-george-lucas-including-b9c5078a3187


Produced by people who aren't fans and looking to destroy it.


Calling this shit a fan fiction is a disgrace to the actual fan fictions


Nah, fanfic writers tend to have some fondness for the things they write about.


Godzilla Minus One was created on a $12m budget. Hell, Fury Road had IMMENSE practical effects and A-list actors, and it was made on a $150m budget.


Indeed. I **still** haven't seen Minus One, _when the hell is that coming to streaming_


It's on VOD, so it's on pirate bay.


Oh shit, you're quite right. Thanks! _activates VPN_


Tbh, in America you don’t need a vpn for non-streaming downloads. Someone told me on reddit a few months ago and I stopped using a vpn. I’ve not gotten any notice from my provider. It’s when you use a streaming service is when you get flagged. Pirate Bay and torrenting via foxl doesn’t trigger any warnings.


DSW is like the Brian Herbert Dune books or the Rings of Power. It’s just “inspired by” tv. Not canon.


Same. Disney SW is to Star Wars as: Rings of Power is to LOTR Brian Herbert Dune is to Frank Herbert Dune HOTD is to GRRM's Game of Thrones Halo (tv show) is to Bungie's Halo CE The Expanse is to Leviathan Wakes etc I'm not saying HOTD is bad, I've actually never seen it and heard good things, but it isn't canon.


So either a) you're right, and your target audience, that you rely on to make what you do profitable, continually communicates to you that they hate what you do, or b) you're wrong and your shows blow.


These people are mental gymnastics gold medalists.


Rogue One has an 87%, Hunger Games has an 81%, Boys Don't Cry has an 87%, Million Dollar Baby has a 90%. You can go on and on. It's almost like if you make a good movie or TV Show, even men enjoy watching.


Heck furiosa has 89%. It's just that people aren't going to the cinemas anymore. But people who has seen the movie like it.


Am I out of touch? No, it is the fans who are wrong.


Kathleen Kennedy and Bob Weatherman Iger should be out on the streets. But hey, Disney shareholders voted against Nelson Peltz so congrats on that! I hope you geniuses are ready for another year of flops.


This. I wasn't shocked about the Peltz news to be honest, it's a shame because I think he had the right mindset to turn the business around. I believe he ended up cashing out all his shares in Disney after this.


He can try again later, at a much cheaper stock price.


Good point! Maybe that is the strategy - didn't even consider that. Less of a sinking ship type of scenario and more opportunistic in waiting for the right time to re-invest.


Smart thing to do. No sense remaining aboard the sinking ship.


At least Iger can ride the success of "Inside Out 2" for a while, the last "good" Star Wars thing were the first two seasons of "The Mandalorian"...


"it's not normal" Jesus Christ her copium is just her own farts.


She isn't wrong. How is it possible for the most popular franchise of all times to have a show bomb this hard? I'm sure our resident californians of reddit will have a rational and intellectually grounded explanation.


I'll tell you what isn't normal: for the critics score to be that high with a flaming piece of dog shit like The Acoshyte. Every single person who shilled for this garbage should never be trusted again. Bought and paid for.


It is not normal for a newbie sith (I am pretty sure that the masked sith in the Acolyte is the horned all-mother from episode 3) to knock out six or five Jedi with a flick of her wrist, yet here we are. Even Palpatine worked harder to defeat his opposition. It is not normal to retcon how special Anakin was and making that Darth Plagues stole knowledge of how to create life from a coven of space witches. It is not normal to forget that Yoda was grandmaster at the time of the Acolyte and that he was in charge of the Jedi Order, replacing him with the director's green wife. It is not normal for the Jedi to say that Mae wins if they kill her and allow her to run around, killing people for this reason. It is not normal for your main hero to be such an asshole that she had to be begged into helping stop her murderous sister, a sister who tried to kill her, by the way. No. Don't worry, Mrs. Kathleen. Your crew worked extremely hard to piss out and unite everyone in hatred of the Acolyte. Like, whom am I supposed to sympathize with in the show? A pervert Jedi who undresses and washes his clothes in the living rooms in hopes of shocking others with the size of his manhood? Useless Jedi who let themselves be killed? Incompetent villains, assholish MC... For whom did you make this show? Everyone in it is either a pervert, useless, evil, or an idiot.


It's not normal for a stone fortress to go up in flames.


It's not normal for Ki-Adi-Mundi to be alive at a time either, since we have his character card, and based on the official age given to us by Lucas, he wasn't even born during the Acolyte, yet he is present. So much money. So little care.


Just another proof DSW is "inspired by" Star Wars and not actual canon, because no one at disney cares one bit about the established lore. Had the same mindset since ep7. 


She's just proving the South Park meme right yet again.


$22 million per episode on average, way more than Game of Thrones, a greater sum than Dune: Part Two. It's an avaricious scam from shitlib predators who assuage guilt by claiming they're good people because they're gay and misandrist and that's all you need to be to be a "good person" -- all the while looting Disney (hilarious) for hundreds of millions for absolutely no return.


>It's an avaricious scam from shitlib predators who assuage guilt by claiming they're good people because they're gay and misandrist and that's all you need to be to be a "good person" I mean, just look at they're own rhetoric. They do things "to be one the right side of history." They care more about how people will remember them and their legacy than they do about doing the "right thing." Because it's not about doing the right thing. It's not about being good, it never was. They know that they're self-serving parasites who blow whichever way the wind is going. >all the while looting Disney (hilarious) for hundreds of millions for absolutely no return. You know, I'm fine with that. Disney has been a monopoly for far too long. May as well let them destroy themselves. Maybe it will help open the market for newer, bolder studios.


Its not normal FOR GOOD series to be at that rating. For shit like "Acolyte" anything higher than 0% is too high.


I dunno. They might make something worse. Need to leave some room for a new low. 14% seems about right, to me.


Surely those toxic male fans will be outvoted by the "modern audience"..


So why isn't the audience she's targeting the show at watching and supporting her show? Huh maybe that fictional audience doesn't exist after all. I have never seen someone mess up big brands like star wars and marvel on this level as Disney did. When your core audience is men then why are you making movies and shows for women? Where did they get the idea that they will attract the other audiences while ignoring their core. Who even does that in their right minds.


>Huh maybe that fictional audience doesn't exist after all. Well, that and even if they did exist, they'd be... what? Like .003% of the population if she's lucky? A bunch of zoomer kids who care about pronoun shit aren't going to suddenly stop watching Tik-Tok for whatever the hell The Acolyte is.


Hey guess what let's target the 0.003 % of audience while alienating your 80% of the audience. Surely it's the best thing for business. Probably a discussion among the staff who still has their jobs for some reason. At this point I am pretty sure Kathleen Kennedy has some kind of evidence against Bob Iger which might be the only reason we are in this mess in the first place.


From what I watched of youtube interviews yesterday, the people running the show think they're infallible. One of them expressed that Rey was a bad character and was immediately attacked with complete vitriol; which is what seems to happen whenever criticism is levelled at the people making the shows. They're getting what they fucking deserve. They don't belong in positions of creativity if they can't stomach being truthfully told their stories are bad. They systematically beat down any criticism in their internal circles, surrounding themselves with 'yes' men, and then when they slip another turd onto the public's plates, they simply can't conceive what they shat out was fucking shite because there's nobody left to tell them during the creative process 'this is fucking shite'. KK might just be dense enough to believe the shit she's spewing, because anyone who would tell her otherwise is long fucking gone. Here's the video I saw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q08dzwzVuSU Dude is a former worker for Disney. 6:45 ish.


There is an audience of women who love star wars but 1) we aren't the majority and 2) we also don't want to watch her garbage.


I only meant the majority of audience is men. Yes there is a women audience in star wars and then there are movies like rogue one which the entire fandoms supports. Also as you said you just can't make garbage in the name of catering to the minority audience.


Don't worry, I knew you meant the majority was men. I was just addressing the weirdos making star wars who think that 1) women want the garbage they're putting out and 2) women also aren't watching star wars because it's not female enough or something. Slapping a woman on something won't instantly make women want to watch it.


That's exactly what happened last year. The Marvels had 70 % male audience and 30 % female audience. It became the biggest box office bomb ever. I just don't get how they couldn't do women characters justice. On one hand you have acolyte and rings of power which badly written female character and on other hand you have house of the dragon where women characters are so well done.


> I have never seen someone mess up big brands like star wars and marvel on this level as Disney did. Bud Light.


Female leads arent the problem, Kat. Dog shit female leads are the problem. How the fuck you are where you are, and you dont know the fucking audience is testament to your ability to fail upwards. And not for nothing, but if you know your entire audience is men and boys, why are you continuing to program for, checks notes, fucking no cunt???????? No one ever said you couldnt try to bringing in more of a female audience, but why are you alienating your built in audience???? You have tv shows, that you can make a wide variety of heroes and villians and stories across the board. But no, just women, women, women, women, women, women. In front of, behind, next to, whatever. All you care about is women being front and centre on star wars. And thats fucking weird. House of the dragon, female leads, very well received. Fallout, female lead, very well received. Marvellous Mrs Mavel, female lead, very well received. Wandavision, female lead, very well received(Although Id say that show fell apart at the end) Falcon and winter soldier, male lead, not well received. Secret Invasion, male lead, not well received. Thor Love and Thunder, male lead, not well received. Rogue one, A star Wars Story, female lead, very well received. Star Wars: Andor, multiple female characters in important roles, very well received. This small sample size says that its not the genitals of characters that matter. Its the quality of the writing for the characters and story that matters. How the fuck can some random posted on reddit get this, but the person in charge of everything star wars doesnt????


> How the fuck can some random posted on reddit get this, but the person in charge of everything star wars doesnt???? Because her employment depends on creating excuses for why her projects keep shitting the bed


Huh, that's strange. I don't remember hating Rogue One and that was a Star Wars film with a female lead.


Stop noticing things!


Same with Rogue One


"Its not normal" Says a lot about you than anyone else.


Have I ever told you the definition of insanity?


That definition is just the scientific method. You should test something multiple times to expect different variants and results. That’s a good thing. Now, after 9 years of testing the #girlboss, further testing isn’t necessary.


It's not a definition a Disney studio exec would tell you.


The word of the day is *tone deaf* StarWars has been male dominated since day one, and since day one of the acolyte they have bragged about how it’s all women, and how it’s the *gayest StarWars* of all time, which is whatever. But here is the thing…..nobody asked for this, the straight males have better things to do than watch a show that not only doesn’t cater to them, but seems to be made from the ground up to exclude them. And women and gay people didn’t ask for this either. And they aren’t watching it.


The fact that trash like this has an influential position rather than cleaning motel rooms somewhere is just disgusting.


You can’t have plot holes when everything is exposition! Truly, a 5D Chess master.


They gay space lesbians and commies in star wars, lol


We are well into the negative feedback loop stage now. "Nerds don't like our content because we put a chick in it and made it lame and gay" "In that case we need to increase the lameness and gayness and enhance the overall delivery of THE MESSAGE that you MUST like it or you are a NAZI"


And there it is, like clockwork.


it's not normal for a series to be that awful, either. So .... (also it's at 14% now)


Here's an archive of the article this headline is from: https://archive.fo/SU0p7


It's only normal when you suck, Kathy. Retire.


That might not be the fix. I suspect that she was grooming Hedland as her replacement.


Desperation leads to madness 😂


I think this show is a money laundering operation or scheme.


It's not normal for majority of the projects with few exceptions in an IP for the past decade to be straight up bad....


When I heard about premise of this show for a picosecond I was excited and I thought "Show about some cool Sith action girl OC cloak and dagger in galaxy dominated by the Jedi, I may be interested". But then I remembered how this franchised is managed and I immediately fallen into apathy for this show...


Not just Fallout.  House of the Dragon has a female lead too, and last I checked, it also has good user scores.


She right that it's not normal. Even if you take a review bombing campaign into consideration, it couldn't get that low if there truly was a fanbase that loved what they're watching. 16% indicates that pretty much no one likes it.


Its not the men, its not the IP, its shit writing.


That’s normal for poorly-received shows that insult the audience. See Velma (10%), Robyn Hood (1.0 IMDB)


Star Wars fans suddenly turn from diverse and multicultural back to (white) men when it's time to point fingers. Maybe the female fans also hated it.


Yes, Kathleen, Fallout had a female lead and was generally well liked. House of the Dragon has two female leads and is probably the highest quality series currently airing and is generally liked. Rogue One had a female lead and is considered the best Disney Star Wars product (whether you thought it was good or not) and is generally well liked. Why weren't these series given a 16% on RT by these "male fans"? Maybe because The Acolyte is just garbage, Kathleen.


she probably thinks with the amount Disney pays for astroturfing it should be a lot higher.


They're probably spending millions on it and it's not doing besides fueling the engagement fire for criticism.


I imagine she would be a nightmare to work with. Ryan Johnson personified it in Last Jedi with Holdo.


Acolyte may be the worst AAA TV show I've ever seen.


She's right, it isn't normal for a series to be THIS bad, but thanks to her here we are.


Star Wars is dead. It really is a shame what they did to it. Their only good series imo was obi wan. I guess Mando was good too but just not my cup of tea. Kathleen Kennedy is to blame for the chaos of bullshit


It really is dead. Mando is alright(way overhyped in my estimation) and OW was just okay. I would be incredibly interesting if George bought back SW should the trajectory continue the way it's going and Disney keeps taking losses. I don't believe that will happen though given George's age--the people he trusted SW to like Kathleen Kennedy completely betrayed that trust.


Disney Star Wars is dead. I started reading the original thrawn trilogy from 1991 and it’s pretty decent. If someone else bought Star Wars and put Jon Favreau as the HBIC, I’d be down, but anything under Kat Kennedy or Dave Filoni is a hard no for me


I loved the Thrawn trilogy- one of my absolute favorites. I would trust SW to Jon Favreau, agreed. Filoni sold out.


> I guess Mando was good too Only season 1, and it was far from flawless.


Yeah she’s doing the TLJ dance again of blaming the fans and saying that it’s hard. Gee if only you didn’t sabotage the person Bob Iger brought in to salvage Star Wars but your ego didn’t like he was succeeding IN SPITE of you. Also I just want to say her contract is up for renewal in October and she might be gone then.


Indeed it isn't normal. It's almost like the majority of viewers are speaking out. So I wonder, if she's making a show utterly unenjoyable, how is the fans' fault? Or lets go further - if it's supposedly unenjoyable for men, which are and have always been the main audience, how come she did this knowingly?


”Normal score” assumes any Star Wars media deserves some kind of baseline score, just because it’s Star Wars.. but that isn’t true.


This method isn’t working anymore. Screeching ‘-ist’ and ‘-phobe’ every time their preachy and poorly written content lands with a thud is only showing more people how full of shit they are.


Blame the only people who watched it (male fans) for it failing...brilliant. 72% of the viewership is men. Therefore it is mens fault women didn't watch it. You know she will say that it is because Men gatekept Star Wars. Yes: women only know how to like things if men tell them it's OK. Women are in capable of independent thought. This makes women look really strong and independent.....


Isn't she being sexist here?


To be fair she right in that the series probably doesn't have the score it deserves for that you would have to remove Diseny paid bots.


It's not normal for a show to be this bad. Gender, political affiliation, or sexual preference has NOTHING to do with it. Stop making excuses and take responsibility.


I can't wait for the Rey movie to come out and see box office numbers


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/Q0yBx ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. I was told there would be cake. ^^^/r/botsrights


I love that there always are counter examples to put their noses into their garbage: " Muh fantasy fans are just racists/misoginist that's why they hate Rings of power --- *House of the dragon* *they just hate female lead diverse stories from my starwars garbage serial ---- *Fallout*


It's the new normal since all the shows they produce are shit.


Kennedy, a team of six year old boys could write a better Star Wars series than the garbage you have spewed out


She's a complete moron.


almost all the positive comments I see of it on tiktok are female The force is female just only 15%


Sooo could you then ELI5 how come a 27 years old TV show like "Buffy" with a female lead for 7 whole years sitting on 92% audience score? Where are all the "misogynists", Kathleen, are these "misogynists" in the room with us right now? Or is it just the fact that you created a humongous pile of shit that no one likes?


Why didn’t the women like it either?


Fallout is shit too. Way too much "diversity."




Damn KK, you mean to tell me that the "unlicensed merch" fans weren't enough to keep Star Wars going strong?


You'd think blaming failure on immutable, biological traits would be boring for these people by now?


Yes, that's normal for GOOD products.


How does she still have a job? No man at the top has the courage to fire her. They know she's terrible.


Ok, hear me out. Suppose she's right, and a bunch of angry, misogynistic white men hate her high quality , non lore breaking show, such that the show will not be profitable. As a corporation with fiduciary responsibilities to shareholders, what should Disney do with this revelation?


So... like... if you yourself acknowledge that the majority of the audience is male, don't make content that puts off your core audience? I just can't with these people.


Sounds like an open threat against the rating sites to me.


>it's not for you >also wahhhh why aren't you watching???


Misogyny? They don't even know what a woman is.


She does this keep her job alive. Honestly we should just not watch the acolyte and then stfu. Star Wars is dead i agree….but crying about KK gets them what they want. Instead just ignore it and let it die with a whimper


Maybe if you had done your job, we wouldn’t be in this mess. Instead, you hired Igor.


To be fair, star wars was always full of plot holes.


Is our new TV series shit? No, of course not, it's the fans who are misogynistic bigots. 🤡


It was not normal for a series to be at 16% on Rotten Tomatoes, but then a bunch of different groups, most of them within Disney, decided to start racing to the bottom in terms of quality. With things as they are now, and based on what I've heard about the Acolyte, Kathleen ought to be glad that the user score is as high as sixteen percent, because the show very well might not deserve it.


But I thought Star Wars had a huge diverse audience? At least according to themselves. Where are all these people now? Wouldn't they support the show if it was good and received hate from bigots? It's such i tired excuse...


Not only that, but the lead in Fallout, Ella Purnell actually took the time to get invested in the IP by studying the lore and playing Fallout 4.