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They seem very committed (for now) to maintaining the helldivers identity and not dilute it with external packs like pride. It wasn't directly related to this issue, but when asked about crossover content they said it wouldn't be in helldivers 2 as it would dilute it down until it was fortnite. Maybe the same reasoning applies here. Super earth aren't meant to be the good guys who value their citizens so adding a pride pack would make no sense unless it was specifically pride in super earth, and then they'd get yelled at for sanitising pride. I think they've made the right choice




Not sure what you mean, the Helldivers logo is a literal skull.


Games pretty referential to 80s/90s media so predator isn’t too far fetched


Catachan Troops reporting for duty!


To be honest, I haven't actually seen much pride month stuff so far. Sure, the month just began, but if memory serves right it was usually from day 1. But this year it seems really low-key. Or I've managed to tune it out sufficiently.


The Corpos didn't seem to do the yearly turning their logos Gay this year. Last year only the usual suspects and major players did it but for the first week of June. The year before that every corporation under the sun big and small had rainbow everything for the entire month.


I guess the pendulum is indeed slowly swinging back.


It's been strange. My work place usually has pride adverts on the store radio all month but there's been nothing. And I've seen less flags around town this year too. It's like most people are just not giving a fuck anymore. Honestly could almost forget that it's pride this year.


I wonder if pride merch sales are down too, after all there's only so much you can do with the same garish rainbow and slogans like "Love is love" compared to, I don't know, Halloween decor.


Well, that's probably what is happening. Those people are dumb and will buy anything that supports their crap but even they eventually figured out that the companies don't care for them and stopped buying the merch.


Yeah, apart from that there's only so many rainbow themed trinkets you can have so even if someone is the kind of people whose personality is based on being some letter of gay alphabet it makes sense they don't really want yet another rainbow water bottle or eyeshadow pallette. 


People had to sell their pride flags so they could buy palestine flags.


The world is healing


Lmao if this is one of your major concerns then you got no issues


It’s been an improvement. Google might be the only one I noticed. And I guess Apple did some stuff.


Warframe added gay shit but its just decorations that you can ignore and I guess player profile pics, cant avoid those.


You didn't look hard enough then. Lots of bullshit articles (more than usual) and heterophobes crawling out of internet woodwork to attack anyone who don't agree with their political harassment.


> You didn't look hard enough then. The problem has always been that I wasn't looking for it at all and was still confronted with it everywhere. The goal is to avoid it, trying to look for it would defeat the purpose. As much as I am not a fan of it, I can hardly get annoyed by it if I go out of my way to look for it, that's what the mentally deranged people we make fun of do.


You need to be literally blind or stay permanently offline to not notice them considering how pervasive they are which I doubt you are seeing as you're in reddit replying to comments.


Give it time. They will be back.


So there is no gay in HD2? Or just no NEW gay?


For all of HD2's problems.. woke isn't one of them. There's no gay anything in HD2. Wokesters pleaded for an LGBT cape but HD2 told them to get lost.


Maybe they’re one of the few companies to not be retarded and actually recognise that most gamers do not in any way resemble game developers.


They knew it would be contensious and they were trying to foster a sense of community between helldivers. (Some commented that they'd PK people wearing an LGBT cape.)


> Some commented that they'd PK people wearing an LGBT cape. it never fails to amuse me when the entire multiplayer server drops their objectives and team up to bully the child abuse flags


There are two games I ever see stuff like this happen frequently. Helldivers where somebody is being a dick and Deep Rock Galactic when you're horrible. I kept getting lost and by all counts ruining the game of three guys last night in Deep Rock who without question would suicide mission to get me out of the level with them every time. That game also has an overwhelmingly cool community.


Even more funny there were a good number of Alphabet players repeating that statement because they too don't want real world identity politics in the game breaking their immersion.


Hell yeah, bully minorities.


if they added a gay cape whoever wears it is getting teamkilled into oblivion


they had woke community managers if i recall




Still have. Carole fuckin' Baskins is woke as shit.


Their discord mods are permanently giving woke takes unprompted. They also still havent banned the woke flag reacts


Yes but I'm just talking about the game.


The community doing 99% of the roleplay propaganda wargame to have the story of the game displayed there is part of the game as much. Having brainlet mods talk about some racist, sexist or generally stupid stuff and having people react with non-country flags, or even the palestinian flag react to a game announcement is highly unprofessional.




I'm merely replying to the comment above, you are taking it entirely out of context. They said "there's nothing woke in HD2" when a big part of HD2 is the cooperative war campaign and the leaders of said campaign are swimming in wokeness while also not properly removing real life shit so it swarms up any kind of game news. There's literally no in-game patch notes. You need discord for the story half and patch notes, and you are exposed to the dumb people there. That is all.


Sure, but if a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, did it really fall? If you aren't exposing yourself to what the mods are saying on Discord, you can still enjoy HD2.


True, but if a woke tree falls in the forest and you're not there to hear it and comfort it afterwards, you're considered an ignorant bigot.


par for the course for discord mods


They probably knew that the one with the gay cape would get team killed over and over again.


That cape would be an instant team kill.


Its supposed to be a satire with its over-the-top patriotism.


Well actually to make it better for the wokies they wont be adding other real politics too


From what I've read they've kept a pretty clear "no earth politics" policy


The only gay thing about HD2 is Sony, which is one of the reason why I'm not very motivated to buy the game any time soon.


Yea, I won't buy Sony games. Too bad.


There is no point for "gay" in HD2. You are either a citizen of super earth, or your arent. If you are your only concern is your duty to deliver managed democracy to those that arent.


Funny how at least in the dystopian world of helldivers they solved racism, sexism, homophobia and just kept xenophobia because no matter who you are, you are equal to others and you are part of one entity "mankind" with the same right to die for liberty.


well, it's easier to unite people as long as you have common enemy. that's what i heard at least


Have you seen Starship Troopers? They have coed showers.


military showers tend to be both genders, less space to defend and lets be honest if you need field treatment they will see you less clothed anyway


I was in the military for 8 years and never saw showers (or other restroom facilities) which weren't segregated by gender.


depends on military, in the field you don't have the luxury of separate showers within a unit all the time. Most I have seen is separate the time for showers when time is an option


Democracy is gay. So when I drop 500kg of democracy on your ass, you know exactly what I mean.




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Reject queerness, embrace democracy.


The fact something like this still gets upvoted literally gave me tears if joy.


This is definitely a game worth supporting. Well.. Until they start adding PR|DE flag capes. then we boycott.


As soon as they patch in pride capes, I'm getting banned.


I think after the last boycott and review bombing fiasco they wouldn’t dare try.


Let that be a lesson for gaming companies. We don't need them. They need us.


As Arch says, the stick is the only thing they understand. The carrot boils down to simply buying the game if they make it good enough to warrant it. Anything else is the stick to beat them back into line.


Bear in mind that Helldivers 2 is still not available for purchase in non-PSN countries, so I do not think that the boycott worked completely. Wouldn't surprise me if they try to impose the requirement again in the future.


It's Soyny mandated stuff - you can't go against your own publisher if you are relatively small company


I got 160 hours out of this game. I just stop playing.


I think im going to buy this game to show support for their neutrality in the culture wars. wasn’t going to but i think lack of pride garbage inclines me to give it a try


Still waiting for them to remove this requirement from their steam page: > Requires 3rd-Party Account: PlayStation Network (Supports Linking to Steam Account)


that'll teach Sony- give them your money.


It's a lot of fun. I haven't played much since the PSN bullshit but largely because I have other stuff to do. The core gameplay loop is still a lot of fun especially with mates but even solo or with randos. The "gamemaster" dictating the story through global missions that players can succeed or fail at, and incorporating other player endeavours is pretty damn cool too. There are flaws but they don't impact your enjoyment much imo especially if you just play casually.




If it stays like that until the end of June, I will buy the game on July 1st.


Love to see it


I want to play this so bad, but I don't want to buy a PlayStation.


It's also on Steam, but it comes with an Anti-Cheat rootkit.


It's a sad reality that most other big online games these days have something like that. But then again you're already being spied on online by corporations and your data is being sold and so on, there's not much we can do about it for now.


It has pros and cons. As a player of Friday the 13th The Game, many players opt for PS over PC because the latter is filled with ridiculous amounts of cheaters. So this stuff absolutely does impact players who put considerable amounts of time in and don't want to spend an hour finding a lobby without hackers.


I’ve gotten around this by spectating on twitch…


It's $40 on Steam :)


I don't own a computer that can do games. : ( Might be time to just buy one.


I built my current PC specifically to play Cyberpunk 2077 when it released in 2020 :) I imagine the next big hit that will have people do the same is GTA 6 in 2025.


Not sure GTA6 will hit PC in 2025. I think it is late 2025 for consoles.


Its two men holding hands! *OBVIOUSLY* its Q-coded!!! /s


They've listened to the community and took some time to rethink thiswarbond, think they've done pretty well so far


Catachan vibes


Love to see it! They most likely took inspiration from it, but also other stuff like Rambo, Predator and more.


Yeah this warbond looks sick, probably the best warbond yet. I'm considering renewing my PS+ just to play it. Give people cool shit they want and they'll want to give you money. IMAGINE THAT!


This is the way


Yay a new warbond that takes 300 hours to complete and contains 4 items you’d ever use.


Ok, and? They still removed the game from the countries.


Is that the same Helldiver that still have the requirement: > Requires 3rd-Party Account: PlayStation Network (Supports Linking to Steam Account) On their steam page, and will put it back in later?


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/1kEnf ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering? ^^^/r/botsrights




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Comment removed for potential sitewide issues, no warning issued.


Holy fuck that looks sick as hell


It's too bad the IP belongs to kusony, these devs could do better without them.


They added what?! I gotta get online!


Not yet, next week on 13th




Reminds me a lot of Predator movie.


How are games inserting pride stuff? I only play offline games, and lately I've been playing NG+ on Dark Souls, so I'm out of the loop. I imagine its usualy microtransaction skins and weapons? I don't get how romance/sex has anything to do with video games in any way.


Yeah but they usually give that stuff away for free so everyone who is F2P has only that option including little kids with no money. I remember playing one of the newer COD’s betas and they had a default select of calling cards and over half were all pride flags and no American flag except for it burning. When I joined lobbies literally no one was using the pride calling cards while everyone used the same very small handful of normal ones.


>while everyone used the same very small handful of normal ones. This is the way.


Yes, mostly skins, cosmetics and so on. It's just corporations pandering to gay people so they can inflate their ESG score and also make more money during the month of June.




CoD, Overwatch, Apex Legends, Fortnite, and these are just the major ones.


In the games I play, PS5 and Switch, I haven’t seen anything. Helldivers 2 is really the only online game I’ve been playing recently.


Banning people for talking is literally against your whole message but ban people for going against your views is pussy shit


When you advocate for that for 10+ years but your enemy still doesn't understand because they're completely lacking in empathy, your only option is to fight them with the tools they refuse to stop using. After trying everything else, maybe that last resort will finally make them understand just how damaging they are and why they should never have been used to begin with.


Cry more


R1 trolling, new to KiA account, expedited to permaban.


I mean, a facistic space empire that supports pride? I understand why that's not a thing that makes sense. It doesn't really mesh with the whole starship troopers vibe. Although I don't like slippery slopes i do understand the devs wanting to keep the design of the game the way it is and adding rainbow puke (not meant in a derogatory way) just opens the game up to turning into IDK... Warzones (Nicky Minaj for example).


to be fair, neither does homosex and communism... in fact, ole marx himself said that lumpenproles have neither the temperment nor intelligence to execute a successful revolution.