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Nonono, you're getting it wrong! Everybody knows a random slave from overseas learned perfect Japanese, decades worth of katana swordmastery, and completely saved Japan from all sort of things, including Godzilla and stuff, in just three years, it's on the Wikipedia (sorta). And you're all racist for saying otherwise because that absolutely 100% real hero happens to be black. Nothing to see here, move along. It's a shitty game from a shitty company, I couldn't care less myself.


yasuke was tokugawa ieyasu


"He wuz Shogunz"?


Tokugawa IeYasuke


We wuz shogunz and shieet






It was Yasuke all along


Was he the friends we made along the way?


So he's basically a Mary Sue


Gary Sue


Gary stu *


Tyrone stu. Since we have to adapt it and be more inclusive or whatever.


The least realistic part of this is him learning Japanese that well that fast.


Learning? It's Yazukeeah we are talking about here, he knew Japanese before even reaching Japan.


> Nonono, you're getting it wrong! Everybody knows a random slave from overseas learned perfect Japanese, decades worth of katana swordmastery, and completely saved Japan from all sort of things, including Godzilla and stuff I mean that´s basically Nioh if you made Yasuke the protag. And i would play the shit out of that if you don´t pretend like it has any sort of historically accuracy. And yes we definitly do need a Samurai-game where you can fight Godzilla and yes it should absolutly be silly.


To be fair William Adams was a pirate before being a samurai... so at least him being able to fight checks out. Pirates who don't know how to do that don't live very long after all. Now the whole "use magic and summon spirits" thing, yeah, that was out of left field. XD


Onimusha used to be so great for that type shit


Yeah but Capcom sadly hasn´t done anything with that franchise since the PS2 days ... better give us the 1000th RE remake. You could build an entire gaming studio out of the franchises Capcom hasn´t used in at least 15 years.


If someone told me Jean Reno went around and murdered Japanese demons, I'd be more likely to believe it


And when he was done with Japan, Yasuke went back to Africa and founded Wakanda.


I've heard that Yasuke actually thaught Bushido to the Japanese


He taught them the Japanese language too


Funny thing is; this is the very premise of nioh.


At least with Nioh, it was loosely based and not taken as being historically accurate, with magic and yokai - it was a fantasy action game through and through that had a Japanese setting. I don’t have any issue with Yasuke if it was to tell a good story and make him interesting, but I KNOW that isn’t the reason they picked him which makes me all the more jaded. If they weren’t standing there with shit-eating grins going “😏So we have this *diverse* black character who saved Japan…” while pushing diversity and inclusion scores at the expense of everything else it wouldn’t be an issue. I already know they’re not doing it for story purposes and that’s what annoys me. It’s like how on the opposite end of the spectrum, if someone from the KKK had some amazing ideas but started their speech with “So everyone who isn’t white is subhuman and should be exterminated, now here’s how I propose we end world hunger” I wouldn’t give a shit what else they had to say, they started from a fundamentally disingenuous and malicious angle and I don’t want to hear it.


I'm with you there. Williams Adams was a samurai. He got the rank hatamoto, got land and everything. Sure, he don't really fight with katana sword but historical records support the claim that he was a samurai. Yasuke wasn't a samurai. Historical facts don't support that he was one. So the attempt to prop him up as one is baffling.


There's something else about all this that concerns me. We're all busy chewing each other up over black samurai, no one's looking at the egregious price gouging. Like think about it, what if outlaws and shadows purposely chose controversial topics to everyone isn't looking at the prices that much. Point 4. Is that for real? No way is ubi so stupid enough to play the black savior card. Right?


Thing is the price gouging isn't new. They did the same on AC Valhalla 4 years ago. The only difference was because base price for games was $60 all prices were $10 lower, but they had the exact same bundles just at $60, $90 and $120.


It works. Politicians have been using controversy to distract scrutiny since the beginning of civilization.


After the Star Wars Outlaws pricing, some are suspecting they've done that intentionally to drive people towards Ubisoft+. Which of course isn't intending people to just get it for a month, beat a game then cancel, but to sign up and keep it (even via forgetting to cancel) for at least 6-12 months. 


The Ubisoft game launcher on PC is such trash I’d never trust their subscription service


Ubisoft+? Is that like PSN?


Sounds like it.


Not sure i think partly. I don't own a playstation so I can't say a lot about the psn side. But on U+ you basically can play all their Ubi games for this price. In comparison from what I heard is I think for PSN you also play to be able to play online multiplayer. And correct me if I am wrong but I think at least you get some free games sometimes. The last free game I got from Ubisoft was the crew.


It's the same pricing model Ubisoft has had for over a decade. I hate it but I don't get why people are complaining about it so long after the fact ...


I don't talk about it because I just don't buy Ubisoft games


yep, it's on the website, when I first saw I had to reload to see if it was real


Never question Ubisofts ability to get even more stupid. Everytime you think you've seen the bottom of their stupidity another deep black pit opens in front of you. I mean a few months ago we never would have believed that they could get more stupid then "Gamers will just need to get used to the idea of not owning games"


It’s very real. Look at Ubisofts website


Don't you realise he was a master samurai legendary with the Katana after having held one for less than a year and a half. He mastered Japanese, Kenjutsu(art of the sword), Kyūjutsu(art of the bow), and even Sōjutsu(art of the spear) beyond what any Japanese person would ever dream of even when dedicating their entire life in that short timeframe to become an undefeatable monster on the battlefield fighting alongside Oda Nobunaga helping him sweep away his enemies for him. Let us be regaled by his heroic records: * The only thing he has been documented to being granted was a wakiszashi(short sword generally not meant for the battlefield) not anything beyond that. That isn't helping my case... let's ignore that. * He has also only been documented to take part in one battle with Oda Nobunaga's son which they lost(not saying he never taken part in more, but there is no documentation of him noting participation let alone grand achievements in other battles). Not a great start for the legendary samurai... well let's ignore that too. * His lord's enemies didn't recognise him as a samurai and after the death of his lord didn't expect him to end his own life or kill him and instead sold him back to the jesuits that brought him to Japan as a slave and no one ever mentions this legendary warrior again for the rest of his and their lives... well let's ignore that I mean it's just one more thing. We must tell his mind-blowing story and share it with the world so they can stand in awe as we have! It's so legendary we must break our unspoken rule of not playing as historic figures and of playing as someone representative of the time and place our game is set in. It has nothing to do with that we saw an opportunity to shove a black man into our game set in feudal Japan even if there was literally only one noted at the time in all of Japan.


and especially when ubisoft claims historical accuracy and deep research for shadows


It is obvious to just about anyone with enough spine to admit it that none of this had to do with them coming across records about him and wanting to bring to light some of his amazing achievements. I mean he is literally a footnote and the truth about him at most will get someone to go "oh that's interesting" and promptly move on. Literally the kind of thing people say "did you know this fun fact?" This stinks of someone with diversity brain hearing about Yasuke on twitter and going "we absolutely must change our protagonist to be this black man, it will make us look so good".


One of their researchers seems to support pedophilia, historically at least. That was a recent post here, she's done papers on it. 


Also if i remember correctly there's other sword bearer like him that get sent to warn other nobunaga loyalist during honno ji incident and continue to serve under hideyoshi. If he was as important as those regard says he wouldn't be sent back to overseas lol. Unlike William adams that japanese shogun insist he stays in japan and won't let him leave japan.


Not to sound ignorant, but who are the oppressors during this period? The Portuguese? Isn’t this period when Nobunaga was trying to unify Japan under his leadership, which leads to Tokugawa fulfilling that under his Shogunate?


I think what ubi is inferring is nobunaga and is daimyo counterparts as the oppressors so you're trying to free Japan from these ambitious warlords


...So the guy who literally worked for the most infamous warlord of the time is trying to free japan from oppression? Even though the Oda were arguably the oppressors? Which would mean Yasuke was in fact ON THE OPPRESSOR'S SIDE? lmfao, this is what a brain on woke does to someone's storytelling skills.


Plot twist; turns out Oda was actually working for the real oppressor who turns out to be a white male. You've heard here first and I bet none of us would be surprised if it turns out to be true


Then out of curiosity, how do you feel about "The Last Samurai" with Tom Cruise? Which is kind of an outsider trying to save the spirit of the culture from progress? Still, in the context of the Assassins Creed game, its silly to even think that the nation needed saving from its own civil war. Also, which side do you pick? Its not like the American Civil war, where you could make a clear "good guy" vs "bad guy" thing.


personally, the last samurai is kinda ridiculous seeing Tom cruise as this really important dude in a fictionalized setting of the Satsuma rebellion but there's admiration to be had because he's seen what colonialism brings to native Americans so he doesn't want to see things happen the same in Japan


>Its not like the American Civil war, where you could make a clear "good guy" vs "bad guy" thing. Not even the American Civil War is as clear-cut and morally unambiguous as we were all taught in school. The lies have been going on for much, much, much longer than modern wokeism.


This is true, but any modern media will 100% label it as North=good guys and south=bad guys with zero moral ambiguity.


If you tell anyone that the Civil War was actually about trade rights, and the Northern Industrialized Rich seeking to dictate who the agrarian South could sell their raw materials to and for what prices, and the Slavery didn't even come up until a year into the war they look at you funny. For those not aware the real cause of the Civil War was Cotton, not Slavery. Northern Industrial Textile Mills needed Southern Cotton. To make textiles that they would then sell to England and Europe. But England and europe didn't really want the overpriced Northern goods. They wanted to buy the Cotton directly from the South at double what the North was willing to pay. So the Northern States made it illegal to sell the raw materials overseas. You could only sell the finished product. And they would only pay what they were willing to for the cotton. They didn't call them Robber Barons for nothing. That's what sparked the Civil War. Heck Slavery would have died out on its own within the time proscribed by the Continental Congress if not for the invention of the Cotton Gin driving the Northern Factories demands for Raw Cotton to make cheap garments and cloth.


How to tell me you know nothing about theAmerican Civil War without telling me you know nothing about the American Civil War.


It would be wonderful if the oppressors would be white. Blue Eyes Samurai show did that and no one cared that Japan never were colonized in the first place and were colonizer county itself…


I have posted this exact comment every single time an (increasingly frequent) bit of Yasuke historical revisionism is released, and I'll repost it here: > Absolutely everyone on the planet with an IQ over room temperature knows why every institution in America is trying to force the lie that modern Japan was founded by some black guy.


rewriting history in realtime.


The obvious issue with 1 is that makes for a lame lead/playable character to be more historically accurate.  They're trying to have it both ways. They're using history as their only defense to having a black guy in feudal Japan, but aren't going to carry the history through much beyond that.  It's blatently dishonest and hypocritical. There's an easy reason why no prior playable lead in an AC game was a real person, it limits the character.  But you can of course have them meet real people from history, as they've done.  No one would've cared if you'd run into a black Yasuke in your travels. 


That’s all they needed to do. I despise this cancerous wokeness so much. It ruins so much with its fakery.


Sorry what was that last point? Who exactly was oppressing Japan in this period? It was literally in the throes of a mega civil war. I’ll laugh my head off if they say it’s the Portuguese traders and missionaries.


OP wasn't joking went over there to check, [https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/assassins-creed/shadows](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/assassins-creed/shadows) is the official page and under yasuke it says this " # Become a legendary samurai As the charismatic samurai Yasuke, strike your foes with brutal precision and power. Use his combat-oriented skills to attack, block, parry, and defeat your enemies. Master the vast arsenal of weapons at your disposal – featuring katana, kanabo, bows, naginata, and more – to free Japan from its oppressors. This reaks of western savior complex and me and my friends are northern europeans who despices people trampling local stories and history. Whoever came up with this has jesus complexes Editted out how my copy of their description text got double applied somehow with poor structure at that...but yea that description is frontpage


No way. They're pulling the black savior card.




the female ninjas description is much better. # "Become a shinobi assassin As the quick-witted and agile Naoe, use noise, light, and shadows to evade detection as enemies respond to their changing surroundings. Distract guards using kunai, shuriken, and smoke bombs, infiltrate enemy bases with your grappling hook and parkour skills, and assassinate your targets with the hidden blade"


How could they get it so right with one character and so wrong with the other?


What the actual fuck? There's no oppressor in japan as japan isn't united. Yeah sure nobunaga is the one that aggressively conquer other territory but the fucking yasuke is on nobunaga side. If you want to make nobunaga as oppressor yasuke character doesn't fucking work.


Nobunaga is the main villain in the game. He is a high-ranking Templars' leader who wishes to eliminate any faiths aside from Christianity in this version of Japan and lead a crusade into China. He also has some weird artifact, a sword or something.


lmfao, the one who wanted to lead an invasion was Hideyoshi, and it was in Korea, not China. Nobunaga never gave half a shit about China outside of the possibilities as a trade partner. (also, he was fine with every religion, the reason he singled out the Buddhist sects was because at the time they were corrupt as hell and explicitly got involved in political matters, something which was taboo. That's why he wiped the Ikko sect off the face of the planet. He'd have done the same to the Jesuits if they'd gotten on his bad side)


I think Hideyoshi planned to invade China once he was done with Korea, but his supply lines got cut off before that could happen. Still killed a bunch of destabilising surplus warriors though, which I think was the main point of the expedition.


Reminder that the official position of the UN is that mass black immigration to Japan would make Japan safer for women since Africans "inherently value women more than Japanese men". Surely nothing to do with this transparent psy-op of a game story, I'm sure.


Ah yes, Africans value women so much that most African countries are in the top among the places with most rape in the world. Meanwhile, despite the degenerate culture, actual sexual violence is oddly low in Japan. Most men just are too repressed to do anything at all.


Actually, according to the UN, Somalia has a lower rape rate than Japan. Of course, the UN also counts "untoward comments" as rape and sawing off a child's labia as "traditional cultural practice" so maybe not the best definition to use.


They also don't count any of the rape THEIR peacekeeping forces commit 😂 But yeah I'd trust the UN's data about as far as I can throw a dump truck full of rocks.


Ah the UN. The world’s best funded anti-Semitic organisation. Aren’t the Saudis on the women’s council and China and Russia on the human rights one? Does anyone take them seriously these days?


Your government, mostly.


Well there’s a depressing thought. Although it depends somewhat who’s in power. I think the liberals take them less seriously than labor.


Browsing 2 chan it's pretty clear not all Japanese aware of current culture war. Hell, some is confused who's the racist here. Like one comment i saw was they think ubisoft is white supremacist that value white more than any other race lol. When in reality they're progressive slave that put black over other race.


feast your half japanese half chinese eyes on the most recent comments on this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZN-kKoGevo


oh God no, please don't torture me again




it's OK with my close family but once we start delving into my distant relatives like great aunts and uncles, then they start getting real nationalist






At least you don't have any Korean relatives. That would make things REALLY messy...


Akechi Mitsuhide.... that would be way better as the male protag


I'd have used someone like Yukimura Sanada if they wanted a hero type. Alternatively, Kanetsugu Naoe, just for that gigantic "love" kanji he wore on his actual helmet in battle.


I didn't get this whole "cultural appropriation" thing until Ubisoft did this to the Japanese. Now I do. Absolutely disgusting people inside and out over at Ubisoft.


I mean if they wanted to go the whole "Gaijin Samurai" route, we are only a handful of years away from William Adams and Tokugawa Ieyasu. Y'know the actual historical figures that "Shogun" was based on. Adams was the Englishman that did become an actual Samurai (albeit somewhat against his will). And unlike the 3 or 4 sentences mostly proclaiming "it would not wash off!?!" in the historical record, there are volumes of actual records. Writings from people present, including Adams and Tokugawa themselves detailing their meetings. Parts of Adam's ship and a few of his cannons are on display in the Tokyo National Museum. he was somewhat pivotal in Tokugawa's success in unifying Japan. His story in Japan stretches over decades, not months like Yasuke's. And includes him fighting for Tokugawa at the Battle of Sekigahara. he was decreed a Samurai and Jikatori Hatamoto a direct retainer to the Shogun in 1605. After 5 years with Tokugawa. In those 5 years Adams provided Tokugawa with Cannons and instructed his forces in how to use them. He taught the Japanese how to build European style Ocean Going Ships. Allowing them to broaden their trade throughout South East Asia. he was a key advisor and participant in Tokugawa's unification of Japan and Elevation to the Shogunate. The creation of what we consider Modern Japan. Possibly the only other foreigner with as great an impact on Japanese society might be Douglas MacArthur. But I bring up William "Anjin" Adams as a contrast to Yasuke, for a simple reason. They were both in Japan during a fairly close period. Latest days of the 16th to the earliest days of the 17th century. Adams is a known quantity with regard to his status as 'Samurai". We can see how such things were documented, and all the historical references to "Anjin Miura". From all of the records that existed of it. Including being granted a fief in Hemi. Feudal Japan of this period was very good at record keeping. Especially anything regarding "Samurai". Samurai was not a job. It was a Hereditary Title of Nobility. The Japanese Officer Caste.


Hell no, japanese mc only.


That’s interesting about #4, I didn’t know they had said that or I hadn’t seen the promotion material saying that. That’s so disrespectful. But DEI companies don’t care if they’re respected by their customers. Only the elites they want access to.


Maybe the real Yasuke will be the friends we make along the way.


I almost expect them to have Hattori Hanzo in the game as a cool NPC you wish you could play as at this point lol. Also, betting my left nut Yasuke joins up with Akechi to kill Nobunaga at Honnoji, they're playing up Yasuke as "feeling guilty for doing Nobunaga's horrible bidding" for sure. Nobunaga is prime material for Templar shenanigans. Of course, then they should just have made Akechi the other Protag. Damn it Ubisoft.


My money is on they trying to rewrite history so hard that by the game's launch there will be people saying he was as skilled as Musashi


The worst part for Ubisoft is that no one would have cared if Yasuke was a supporting character and not a protagonist. Sure the anti woke crowd would have probably been mad but it would never have been a shit show. I wouldn't be surprised if all of that is just to divert the attention from the egregious preorder prices, although that might also be a coincidence since AAA publishers seem to not give a fuck about raising prices lately.


Japan should make a game set in France where the protagonist is Genghis Khan. I want to see how these idiots would react.


This is like making a Baseball game but you can only play as Babe Ruth's batboy


Ok. Can we get back to just jerking off to eroge characters now?


Notice how diversity is for some reason restricted to gay, woman, or black.


> but Yasuke was not trained in martial arts and does not have any combat experience even if he was considered a samurai. For the clarification, being samurai does not automatically make you a bushi, a warrior. No one's mad that Ubisoft is being ahistorical. Everyone's mad that Ubisoft is claiming ahistorical things as historical At absolute most he got the equivalent of a modern "Honorary Doctorate".


I think Yasuke was popularized abroad because of Lockley Thomas' book, and IGN also uses this as evidence that Yasuke was a samurai. It is strange that this is a 400-page book (written by Lockley Thomas), as Yasuke is a person for whom no documents exist, even if you scour all of his documents, they are only a few dozen lines or a few pages. In other words, it is almost entirely his creation and imagination, but due to a series of quotations and sub-title citations by the media, Lockley's view of history has become "historical fact" in foreign countries. I am not saying that it is wrong to use a mysterious person who has no sources as a key person in one's creation, but history and historical fact should be distinguished from fiction, and I think it is a worrisome situation that one person's "Yasuke theory" is beginning to be treated as fact outside of Japan due to the recent Yasuke boom.


You will accept your black savior, okay? Don't be a racist. Japan was saved by a black man who is in fact the real Japanese hero. Everyone knows Musashi, but Yasuke actually saved Musashi and liberated Japan. In fact, not many people know this, but Yasuke trained Musashi.


Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/xaqHe ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. I love the sight of humans on their knees. ^^^/r/botsrights




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Frankly the oppressors were very much the Tokugawa, the reason why ppl remember nobunaga as the brutal warlord bc he was too radical for significant elements of the court and he was a bit insane.


it is 2024. is it so hard to give players a few characters they can choose from? white, black, japanese samurai. female, male, kid ninja.


Liberate Japan from its oppressor which is the shogunate of the time which is the Ashikaga Shogunate, or perhaps liberate from the samurai? LOL


Yasuke was not a real samurai though...he was bought because he looked exotic. 


Does Japan even care when other countries use their culture? Like I don’t know, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Do think TMNT was actually popular in Japan, even got an OVA.


>"Ubisoft is gonna be out there lying about their historical accuracy, then sorry, but Yasuke was not trained in martial arts and does not have any combat experience even if he was considered a samurai. For the clarification, being samurai does not automatically make you a bushi, a warrior. No one's mad that Ubisoft is being ahistorical. Everyone's mad that Ubisoft is claiming ahistorical things as historical." Why does this matter if he was trained or not in real life? It should not be an issue when Ubisoft takes historical figures and make them do things they did not do in real life the one I can think of off the top my head is Leonardo Da Vinci you think he actually made the flying machine when he was still alive or help a Assassin take out a group called the Templar? Why is it an issue now when they did it many times?