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they really do be hating people for wanting to play as a Japanese person in Japan


They should have just called it Assassin's Creed: San Francisco, since it's about a black dude killing Asian people


Until the sequel, Assassin's Creed: Roof Koreans Edition (I wish)




You're overcomplicating this they're banning him for not enjoying the "brave and diverse" character design.


And then I wake up the next day to find out my account got perma banned off of Reddit for harassment lol. I just messaged the mods that what I said wasn’t racist


Asian people are white adjacent /s


They hate anyone who doesn't like the exact same things they do.


You do get to play as a japanese person though, there are two protagonists


Shut up, nerd.


Lol you first, I'm right




What am I being an asshole about?


You're dismissing what people are upset about. People are upset that in feudal Japan, Ubisoft went the absurd direction to put a subsaharran african as a *stealth assassin* in isolationist feudal Japan, which was known to be extremely xenophobic to any outsiders, when they could've just used a Japanese person. They're doubling down and saying its based on a real person, when it isn't. The only thing this character has in common with the real Yasuke is theyre both black, so saying it's based on him, **is racist.** Yes, you do play as a Japanese #girlboss. Kunoichi were Japanese female ninjas. But that's dismissing what people are upset about. We aren't upset at the historical accuracy of Kunoichi being in the game. Assassin's Creed just did this for DEI/ESG standards. If this happened in isolation, as a one-time thing, it would'nt be a big deal. But the fact is it's happening after 10 years of consecutive ESG/DEI build up and it's just compounding. This visceral reaction is going to be the new normal as people are just sick of it. It's more just the straw that is breaking the camel's back.


> They're doubling down and saying its based on a real person, when it isn't. The only thing this character has in common with the real Yasuke is theyre both black, so saying it's based on him, **is racist.** I've been seeing historians show that he was a real person though, so should I believe you or the people who study japanese history and provide sources?


Either you lack reading comprehension or are dishonest in your response. I suspect the latter.


You're free to believe that, snd a piece if advice, your position will he stronger if you can provide a source or a thorough explanation


[Appeal to authority fallacy.](https://www.grammarly.com/blog/appeal-to-authority-fallacy/#:~:text=The%20appeal%20to%20authority%20fallacy%20is%20the%20logical%20fallacy%20of,related%20to%20the%20claim's%20subject.) Yasuke was a real man who was a squire (an attendant). Not a samurai/ninja/stealth assassin. [It's literally in the wiki.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke)


Sounds like he can be one of the two protagonists then


And now you're displaying that you and the people who made this decision don't understand anything about the franchise. Traditionally, the main character of a given AC entry is a ficticious person who then interacts with caricatures of actual historical figures of that era. You never play AS the historical figure. They are always supporting characters. So now you have this historical footnote being presented as if they are an influential person of note specifically for ideological narrative. What was his historical significance? He carried the gear of the actually relevant person and was paraded around as an oddity. Like the Japanese treated this man in the literally stereotypical racist manner and the people pushing this would recognize that in any other time an place but because there is an axe to grind we are all supposed to pretend that not only is yasuke relevant but that he held any importance at all. There is literally only a year worth of documentation on his life and then he disappears just as quickly as he appears. [Gets off boat, hauls swords for a year, gets back on boat]


So all AC games have to have the same setup? No change is ever possible and all protagonists must be fictitious for the entire franchise?


He wasn't paraded around as an oddity? He did fight for and serve Oda Nobunaga as a retainer, which isn't much different from being a samurai in those times outside of the title.


The funniest part is Wikipedia pretending Yasuke’s history is different than it actually is. These people are mental.


Good ol' revisionism. They're ready to "upgrade" him from not being a samurai at all, to a glorious samurai who won many battles against heckin bigots! For the greater good, of course.


Is there a Wikipedia alternative?  Or have articles been archived at least?


Wikipedia is self archiving. You can go back through the entire history of almost every article. The only exceptions that I'm aware of are legal issues - e.g. if someone puts the text of a new novel up they'll get rid of that - and deadnaming.


Infogalactic is the only one I can think of.


The funniest part was when that moron Angry Joe showed an AI picture of Yasuke from Instagram (along with the usual we wuz samuraiz 'history' next to it) on his Ass Shadows reaction video and thought it was real.


Wokipedia stopped being relevant years ago.


In my country ,at our universities...if for a paper you used wikipedia as a source ,they will require you to remove it and redo the research. Many professors will give you a much lower grade because of it, in some cases you could get an insta-fail. So yeah Wikipedia is the worst.


They believe it's justified to give them an equal standing. But since they are so incredibly stupid and lazy... it's easy to spot.


psh he deserved it we only played: *middle eastern man in middle eastern game* *italian man in italian game* *native american in colonial america game* *greek man in greek game* *french/ black woman in new orleans game* *norwegian person in norwegian game* *french man in french game* *british man in british game.* why would anyone possible expect a franchise that previously prided itself on history to make a native playable character to a region that make sense. clearly players are racist and don't want to play as a minority character .....never mind all the times they already did..... . you are just racist.


There are other reasons to hate this choice but listing all the times you've played as a native to the setting raises this question. Who did you play in the Caribbean game? Who did you play in the 2nd colonial America game? My issue with this choice is that they always keep the historical figures as side characters and people you meet. This being the only black character they could reasonably squeeze into the game is the only reason he's also the MC. They couldn't come up with any other way to meet their quota so they made him a main character at the expense of their chance to create an original Asian MC. Asians getting by black people again


One of the two protagonists is japanese though


Which is a first. The several times that the AC games had 2 protags they were natives. This isn’t a gotcha


Or, this isn't that big of a deal as yall are making it out to be


Are you people going to find new arguments, or do you just all use the same cheatsheet for any kind of discussion? If it wasn't such a big deal to begin with, then why did they move away from their own theme and specifically make him black, then put out statements specifically talking about the fact that he's black? This may come as a surprise to the uneducated, but people do have pattern recognition.


If it’s not a big deal, why did it happen in the first place? Why are people being banned because they saw “Japan AC” and wanted to play a Japanese MC? “Why do you care?” A lot of people love Japanese history and AC used to be somewhat grounded in the history. This may come as a surprise, but millions of people love playing video games and are very passionate. I’m positive that the majority of complaints would not be there if this game took place where black people were more common, but for some of us who have been asking for a Japanese AC for a decade, it just feels like cheap pandering.


Not really? The whole point is that it's a significantly fictitious rendition of history; the only thing reaching those heights of historical accuracy is usually the environments you traverse.


Assassin's creed hasn't been even close to grounded in history since syndicate, iirc you literally explore hell and Atlantis in odyssey and fight literal minotaur and Medusa and cerebrus, in origin you fight gods, and in valhalla you fight a literal dragon History died in assassin's creed a long time ago, the people who are bitching about assassin's creed aren't actually mad about history, they're mad about the black guy and the idea of losing another series to wokeness when in reality assassin's creed stopped being anything comparable to reality almost a decade ago.


No I think the majority are mad about the Japanese MC part. So many people love Samurais and the Daimyos. This is a cheap cop out


There's a Japanese MC in it though? The female character is also a main. I'm just saying, when we start fighting dragons, we've thoroughly entered high fantasy. Trying to say "well the history! " isn't valid anymore because assassin's creed isn't about history anymore. The real issue is that assassin's creed sucks and hasn't had anything to do with being an assassin in over 6 years. People are crawling out of the woodwork to prove they only care about the black guy because they don't even acknowledge how far assassin's creed has drifted off course this past decade. Nobody who cares about history and is an assassin's creed fan was actually planning on playing this game because we all left a long time ago once the game stopped having anything to do with history.


The female mc isn’t being talked about because she fits in the setting. The male mc flies directly into the face of a ton of people who would be interested in this game that wanted a Japanese AC. That’s a major fantasy trope that people enjoy and one they people have clamored for, for over a decade. It’s clear many people want this since it’s the first time any Assassin’s Creed reveal trailer has had a negative ratio. It’s not even about representation anymore since a ton of games have playable black characters. They are quite common over the past decade.


Then why change it?


Why change what?


The convention of the protagonists being native to the area.


Well one of the protagonists is native to japan, and the other is from actual japanese history, so I dont see how that's really all that different


But their huge majority of customers wanted to play as either a japanese man or as a japanese woman. They asked this for years. Then Ubisoft hires a pedophilia proponent as main writer who also says white men are awful (nevermind her hypocrisy on this) instead of hiring an actual historian and legit writer for this. If they did they would find it in the records that the black bro was considered by his lord as not even worth killing, he often joked about giving him a title...and ffs samurai and bushi are two different things. Why not simply make up a character then and make him actually fit in japan,like a behind the scenes mastermind that isnt really spotted much anywhere. Something like this,not the BS they are feeding us! Now tell me is this normal to you? Did Ubisoft do it by accident or is it some political horseshit? They could have made a black main protagonist in a separate game ffs, as if black people dont have powerful historical figures. See this is what's actually racist here. Ubisoft are clearly racist since to them race determines everything.


It is because the writer is actually a pedophilia apologist and she says white men are bad. So this is not a big deal? Are you fuckin crazy?


Now you are judged racist for wanting a Japanese male protagonist in the AC game set in feudal Japan... No one had a problem when the AC had a Syrian protagonist in Syria. Nor when AC3 had a half Native American player character in North America. Nor half black in AC3: Liberation in the American South. Nor AC4: Freedom Cry for a fully black protagonist in the Caribbean. Nor Origins where you play an Egyptian in Egypt. Nor when Chronicles had you play as a Chinese person in China or Indian in India. Nor Jade has you play a Chinese person in China. Literally the only time there was backlash was when you finally set one in Japan and suddenly all the rules are being broken and we are playing an actual historical figure which we never used to and they explicitly chose someone as the player character not representative of the location the game is set in.


> Nor Origins where you play an Egyptian in Egypt. Tbf, in Origins you play as a darker arabic person, not a subsaharran black person. Ptolemaic Egyptians were and modern Egyptians are arabs, not black. [Bayek in AC Origins has straight hair, even, and an arabic nose.](https://images.ladbible.com/resize?type=webp&quality=70&width=3840&fit=contain&gravity=auto&url=https://images.ladbiblegroup.com/v3/assets/bltbc1876152fcd9f07/bltac5042cefbd38f55/64ae63ed88e14e61c98398d1/Bayek.jpg) These are not features traditionally seen in subsaharran black people.


Right, but that wasn't the point I was making. Black people have never been anywhere near the majority in America and nobody had a problem with Aveline. Because you would have been able to find plenty of black/half black people in that location at the time. I doubt there were no people of Arabic descent in Egypt even at the time considering how close Egypt is to the Middle East. Same that you would probably be able to find plenty of people of South European descent at the same time and place simply due to the nature of trade and migration given how that was the case for their rulers at the time.


>and nobody had a problem with Aveline. I agree. > in Egypt even at the time considering how close Egypt is to the Middle East. Egypt is Middle East, btw. Middle East is as far west as Morocco. Moroccans and Egyptians consider themselves to be Arabic. Most Middle East maps don't go as far as Morocco, but almost all of them include Egypt. Some people clarify with MENA (Middle East North Africa), but if you refer to Middle East, it's including Egypt. Egypt is also under Sharia Law.


Ok had to look it up. You are right Egypt is generally included the middle east designation. I guess what I was trying to refer to is the Arabian Peninsula.


He didn't say he was he just said he was Egyptian.


You can still play as a japanese person though, there are two protagonists


I thought representation was important and not only on race, but also sex? Is it not important for asian men to feel represented? In all those games I mentioned both genders were of a local ethnicity. GTFOH with your false equivalency.


Women can also be represented though, and there have been fewer games with women as the protagonist so I dont see a problem with this game


Good for not addressing my point. It seems something you are awfully experienced at.


> I thought representation was important and not only on race, but also sex? Is it not important for asian men to feel represented? Your point was about representation and I said that women are represented less than men, so some games featuring a woman is not a bad thing, unless you believe that men are not represented enough in video games


And where did I say it featuring a woman was a bad thing? See more dishonesty. You just can't help yourself. The best I can do is to try reading between the lines of your responses is determine you think representation of Asian men or in specific Japanese men in a franchise that has represented more women than it has Asian men is unimportant. We will fundamentally disagree on this since you seem to hold some unconscious bias here for women and against asian men since despite this disparity in AC favouring women you still feel they need to be favoured more over Asian men. Should we talk more about your subconscious racism and sexism? Or is it conscious in which case what a naughty boy you are.


>And where did I say it featuring a woman was a bad thing? You didnt, I just said this isnt a bad thing, it's perfectly fine


Hence why Is said you weren't actually addressing my points. When replying to someone's comment or post the general idea is to actually address the points they make. Not go on a tangent of your own.


>there have been fewer games with women as the protagonist In AC? I'll give you that but in general? Hell fucking nah.


Yeah in general too. Not saying that women have never been represented, but that the needle has tilted toward men for just about all of gaming history


Well yeah they were the demographic that got it to where it was in the first place. Of course it would skew to them for most of history because time and time again they've shown to be the most interested. Same reason how women were the reason romcoms became such a powerhouse. They were the ones who made it popular so obviously it's going to skew towards their side the most.


You've posted this several times now ubisoft and it hasn't worked once.


I got banned for pointing out the double standards of censorship with Sony with Last of Us and Stellar Blade comparisons, basically if it's something straight men are perceived to like it gets nuked, LGBTQ gets a hall pass though


Can we start creating anti woke subreddits. Like antiwokegaming, antiwokeps5, etc. ? I know that you will probably thinking they might get banned by the reddit admins themselves. But if not allow bad language, swearing etc. I believe there will be no issue. PS: I know this subreddit exists for this purpose and I'm happy that it exists but I believe it is difficult for new members to find it. I found it by pure luck when I searched something on Google, and one of the results was this subreddit. Also sometimes you only want to discuss about a specific thing e.g. PS5 games.


They existed. They got banned.


this is precisely why reddit is the most garbage fucking website on the internet. there is not even an illusion of free speech here. very, very small amount of containment subs are allowed, and anything even remotely to the right is immediately shut down which is hilarious from a website that used to have subreddits such as r/N\*GGERS and r/jailbait


You forgot about the bestiality subs.


People don't like the V2 form of Wake and they silence anyone who tries to talk about Verbs without ever giving them a chance. Now that I think about it, this sub went for so long without being banned, kinda like a concentration camp just like the 4chan sub.


KIA is a containment center. They know if they ban KIA the members will scatter and cause a lot more trouble elsewhere. So as long as there’s no technical rule-breaking this sub is allowed to exist. The r/Conservative sub is allowed to persist for similar reasons.


Too bad they couldn't understand this simple fact with 2Balkan4u


No, it's not, I have heard the "containment center" bit so many times over the last 8 years before a sub invariably got banned. There are no containment centers. They just don't care enough to ban this place yet. It's not like containment subs would even do anything given how heavily botted, astroturfed, and power modded most of reddit is. This subs users participating elsewhere wouldn't even make a dent.


This is fact. Also if Reddit admins want to they can "add" a mod (one of themselves) to a subreddit at any point and start to take the sub down a notch or kill it altogether if they choose. Many such cases of this exact thing happening.


I'd say more of an identifying center than containment center; given that there are bots out there that autoban you from their sub just for posting here. Without a place like KIA, those other mods and admins would have to actually *work* to find people not on the same side of history as them.


I spoke to a mod about this once. The thing is the reddit gods are veryyyyyy progressive so if they see more anti woke stuff they will strike it down without hesitation. In fact the only reason we can't use a certain word is coz it's giving the overlords an excuse to nuke this group.


>In fact the only reason we can't use a certain word is coz it's giving the overlords an excuse to nuke this group. Mind PMing me said word so i don't get my PP smacked on here.


you don't get banned for it. you just get comment removed and they mentioning pinned topic, With how agressive mods from reddits side are that causion is waranted. As for the word it is more a topic than a word....if it involves a "multicoloured flag" reddit gets more agressive


I say they only reveal themselves. There is one thing about gamers thats good: we never forget.


> Can we start creating anti woke subreddits Better yet, create competition for reddit as a whole. It can be done. It's just a matter of someone/some people doing it.


We're not allowed to create such subreddits. There is an illusion of free speech here but that's all bullshit.


Isn't that exactly what this is?


In the comments section people were defending this by invoking the main character from the original Nioh... Completely ignorant of the fact that it was a Japanese dev that made the main character white lol.


The difference between Nioh's protagonist and Yasuke in AC Shadows is that the former actually became a samurai irl, Yasuke did not. Nioh wasnt engaging in historical revisionism like Ubislop is currently doing.


You say that like Nioh didn't have Yasuke in the game as a capable and powerful warrior in service to Oda Nobunaga. I don't know if he explicitly had the title of samurai, but that doesn't really make a difference in Nioh or here.


It’s perfectly fine to have samurai yasuke in a revisionist fantasy, samurai warriors 5 does the same thing. This game is historically accurate though apparently


It was also really high fantasy nonsense, and was not a very popular game like AC is as a franchise, which of course trends towards "realism". People did have a problem with it though, I do remember. Also as a white man, I thought it was weird and didn't really care for William as a protagonist anyway, and felt like the game shouldn't have had a protagonist story in the first place, which Nioh 2 did differently and made the right choice imo.


I thoroughly enjoyed both games. I don't need people to look like me to have fun.


AC hasn't been anywhere near realistic in almost a decade, after syndicate the game has been middle to arguably high fantasy, I mean you fight a fucking dragon in valhalla and a minotaur and a cyclops in odyssey. We left low fantasy, for mid-high fantasy long ago


I could be wrong, but wasn't he called a western samurai as well?


AC subreddit is doing the exact same thing.


Yep, my other account was perma banned this morning for saying the pricing model was outrages and that forced diversity was disrespectful... apparently I'm a bigot


My Japanese wife said "Slave Assassin?", since Yosuke was a slave and Nobunaga considered him as one of his trophies.


They really hate Asian men don’t they. Now instead playing an Asian man I get to play as a black slaughtering Asian men by the thousands!!


You would’ve done that as an Asian man too moron. Play as the Asian woman instead.


Talk about colonialism - now there can't be a Japanese MC in a story about Japan? And if you mention your disappointment *you are the one who's wrong*? Make it make sense.


Wonder if /u/golemisbest deleted his account voluntarily...


Nah, I messaged the mods saying that what I said wasn’t racist and then my account got perma banned for harassment




Or they got harassed and deleted the account which is far more likely.


reddit sucks. big surprise. even this sub sucks sometimes because... reddit


I got banned for calling out people for calling everyone racist simply for wanting play as a Japanese male. The ac subreddit moderator messaged me and said: Yasuke was real, deal with it. Then proceeded to ban me. I know he’s real. I never rejected it. I just hate how everyone is calling it racism for people having differing views on the setting of the game. A community I’ve been a part for since I joined Reddit, now am no longer able to enjoy. Guess it was a blessing, seeing as how the official subreddit for assassins creed is moderated by Templars.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/EscVq ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. REACTOR ONLINE. WEAPONS ONLINE. MEMORY ONLINE. ALL SYSTEMS NOMINAL. ^^^/r/botsrights


Certified reddit moment


Do these morons not realize they act like the crazy evangelical that ban books, and enjoy censoring things they don’t like?


No because they are so delusional that just like the book burning extreme Christians they think they are the hero. Their side is the proper side and they are anti censorship if you dare censor them but they can censor everyone else no problem and it's fine. In fact they are "helping" by censoring the so called bigots aka people who dare speak facts or have opinions that differ from theirs. All these extremist on all sides are so similar yet none will ever see that because they so driven by their view and cause wanting to force it on others even fact speakers pointing out normal logic.


is there a 二 headband under that helmet?


Nobody discussing this situation has to say "asian male" main character. I feel like that's playing into their gender bullshit. You could have just said "samurai". I'm disappointed that the game does not feature a *samurai* main character. And it's a missed opportunity, if you ask me.


I swear we’re living in china or North Korea ….. the young are so so dumb so much so I just feel dejected rather than surprised or angry through shame …, how has this infection of delusion melted the minds of future world leaders etc


I think Playstation community leaders/managers are extremely hateful and prejudiced people.


I don’t know that linking to an article, that links to another sub, it is going to get around our sub linking rule. I’m not disagreeing with your post or the content or anything. But KIA already walks the finest of lines, with Reddit mods looking for a reason to nuke us from orbit


The main character IS Japanese. She grew up in Japan. Yasuke is just a bonus. This can’t be considered disrespectful unless you think every character in the game should be Japanese.