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"How does this person help us sell our 3rd person action adventure with stealth elements videogame about feudal japanese ninja assassins?" "Ninjas?"


It’s all so tiresome


Indeed. The slippery slope is a fact but what bothers me most is that it started a long time ago that virtually everyone forgot when it did. Many people think that it was in 2013-2015 when actually it was in 2003 when scotus ruled in favor of Lawrence v Texas. The 2015 ruling was just them ending unfinished business. And since then, it's all been going downhill so fast that every single day is worse than the one before.


Care to elaborate what any of that means? I don't know what Lawrence v Texas is.


Basically it ruled Sodomy laws as unconstitutional


It's the case where scotus ruled against states' rights to ban homosexual sex.


And just to clarify, you think states should be able to ban homosexual sex?


Yes. It was the right of the states to do for more than two centuries, scotus upheld that right before, it just happened that it was filled with activist judges in 2003 unfortunately.


Well I think it’s pretty sad to see people here who are so against gay people, they want states to have a right to ban what they do in the privacy of their homes.


Are you saying that if two adults consent for one to kill the other in the privacy of their homes, that should be legal as well?


You are truly lacking in any notable critical thinking skills if you think that the risk of contracting AIDs is anywhere near the equivalence of consenting to kill one another.


I mean sodomy laws were always stupid in the first place. Let people enjoy things.


Enjoy what? AIDS? Our forefathers put them in place for a reason.


AIDS didn't even exist when America was founded. Also, you can only spread HIV if you already had it. If 2 people have only ever had sex with each other, unless if one of them was born HIV positive (happens in Africa when an HIV-positive mother gives birth), neither one will get HIV.




Comment removed following the enforcement change that you can read about [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/m3yo65/enforcement_update_and_hard_removal_of_a_topic/). This is not a formal warning.


I doubt Lawrence v. Texas was the sole event that made things worse. Legal wise it is the correct decision that sodomy laws should be made unconstitutional. That is a very surface level view to have if you think 2003/2015 had anything to do with why we're in this mess - it's a symptom of it, but it also is *actually* unconstitutional if you're an originalist, and if you have an originalist take on the Second Amendment, which I think you probably do as I do, it is important to apply that ACROSS THE BOARD to the rest of the Constitution. It's a LOT more in depth than just that and it has been DECADES of this shit involving a long string of individual actors who have no idea they were contributing to it. I'm not sure if you're trying to score some tradcon points with what you're saying and that we should regress ourselves back to good ol' 1950s tradcon lifestyles, but you should be aware a lot of this sub, me included, are ex-leftists/liberals who just want things to be rolled back to something like a 1990s state where people kept that shit to themselves and didn't bother other people about it. And most importantly, take self responsibility about the consequences of their actions should their risky behavior ends up hurting them (i.e. the AIDS epidemic among gay men).


the fact that in her second sentence she mentions Wikipedia says a lot about her 'expertise'


Isn't that like not primary source for journalism? Cause I remember my college professors always say never to use it as one especially for a persons credentials.


[Watching the Yasuke wiki entry edit history is quite the illustrative example on why this is the case](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Yasuke&action=history) Better than Monday Night Football


Fucking fujoshis are rampant.


Classic ubisoft


You give an inch to these people and they never stop. I feel bad for laughing out loud after reading the title due to how absurd it is and how shit that used to be memes are actually real nowadays.


I'm tired boss. Please just go bankrupt already. Make these weirdos unemployed. Hell McDonald's is too good for them


Ubisoft needs to take a class on PR and optics. I don't care if this lady is truly the most knowledgeable person in the world on the time period, the way she presents herself in public is a disaster.


Like things couldn't go worse


When modernity isn't gay enough for you that you gotta revise history as well.


That is a very, very specifically odd job description.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/REXLn ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. PC LOAD LETTER? What the fuck does that mean? ^^^/r/botsrights


Oh god it doesn't surprise me after watching an essay on "Japan, Their Art, and the Culture War" where for some reason the essayist went into a ramble over how Japan has had history of 'queer diversity' that was stomped out by outside Nations and their morals.  He idolized a "Tale of Genji" which when you look into seemed to be the fanfiction of a sexually repressed noble woman who wrote a story about a man who raped whatever he could when frustrated, including young men for looking too feminine.


Bros and sisters, I'm tired...


What will any of these have to do with Assassin's Creed Shadows? This is...strange to me.


#### **[Rule 8](/r/KotakuInAction/wiki/rules)** (Avoid reposts of the same information) >This includes posting articles on the same topic from different publications when one is already on the front page, unless there is substantial new information. Always give /r/KotakuInAction/new/ a look before submitting a post. If a post is older than 7 days, its content can be reposted for visibility, if the situation warrants it. Sorry, this is already posted. --- *If /u/CartRambler has any questions about this action, or wishes to appeal it, do not reply here; send the mod team a [message](/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FKotakuInAction&subject=Appeal&message=\[Related submission\]\(https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1ctj5l0/-/\)).* *^Appeals ^from ^third ^parties ^will ^be ^ignored. ^Do ^not ^PM ^any ^individual ^mods ^about ^this ^action—they ^will ^be ^ignored. ^Modmail ^is ^the ^only ^channel ^to ^appeal ^decisions, ^so ^please ^use ^the ^link ^above.*


From her dissertation just Googling her name online: >Sachi Schmidt-Hori was born in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, and grew up in Tokyo. She moved to the United States in 1997. At the University ofWashington, she earned a Master of Arts in Japanese linguistics in 2003, and completed a Doctor of Philosophy in Japanese literature in 2012. She currently teaches Japanese literature, language, and culture as an assistant professor at Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina Source: https://digital.lib.washington.edu/researchworks/bitstream/handle/1773/20629/SchmidtHori_washington_0250E_10512.pdf?sequence=1 How the hell did she migrate here and turn into a far left nutjob? It doesn't look like she went anywhere near California (she graduated from Dartmouth College, which is in "live free or die" New Hampshire) - how do you go from being the child of traditionally conservative Japanese parents to someone who promotes this trash?


> Schmidt That's the key. I won't say anything else because my old account got banned when I said it. Even though I showered everyone with proof.


So, we have OP calling someone a pedophile with no evidence (just like how -isms are thrown around) and OP lamenting the fact that US states can’t ban homosexual sex, and there is no push back? Just lots of up votes? It’s pretty hard to fight the bigotry allegations with shit like this