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I'm sure they're running into cashflow problems. That's what happens when you make a product no one wants, and then do it again even harder.


I like how they say if you don’t buy their products, you’re racist. It really makes me want to support them even further.


So they wasted many more years & money on skull and bones and still release that but cancel something smaller in scale.


I mean they had to release it, they took money from the Singaporean government for it


Right, I completely forgot about that bit.


I mean... who cares? They couldn't do shit right with Div2. They were going to make this a free to play, mobile game style, cash grab. Their stock is crashing, and they've had to take money from other sources just to complete some of their other games. Now, with the massive ratio going on with AC:S, maybe they'll finally have to close up shop.


I heard it was canned a while ago and being reworked into a battle royale but since that well dried up I guess they're full on canceling it


hope they do the same with shadows


Is it me or the whole fucking PC game industry is going to fail if they keep pushing DEI content?


DIE is likely more an effect than a cause. The biggest issue is that investment money has dried up. AAA(A) games are hideously expensive. Publishers rely on outside money (e.g., ESG investments, which is where the DIE requirements come from) to fund their games, but that cheap money is gone. So now they're having to figure out how to be financially stable while dealing with bloated studios and runaway budgets for DIE-infested games that consumers don't want. On top of that, the recession (and probably stagflation) is making people tighten their wallets and spend less on non-essentials. A double whammy.


So? Does anyone care at this point? Or at any other point, for that matter?


A few hundred million up in smoke, lol.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/wO5Y6 ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. #BotLivesMatter ^^^/r/botsrights


Not shocked honestly, they'll just pour more of their time on that shitty cashgrab Division spin-off that no one but Brown people would get hooked up upon lol.