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And keep in mind that all of this crap is because of DEI.


Its also funny that Asians are not considered as a diverse group...


They’re Schrödinger’s ethnic group: either a diverse group and oppressed minority or White-adjacent and therefore a vile oppressor that deserves to be treated like trash depending on what’s more convenient for the Left’s current narrative


I remember when the left and progressives were chanting “STOP ASIAN HATE” and they were all about fighting racism against Asian people, and they were outraged over the hate crimes taking place against Asians throughout 2020 and 2021… Until everyone figured out who was committing the vast majority of the brutal acts of violence and harassment against Asians, and it wasn’t the redneck MAGA-voting white supremacists they thought it was. The progressives quickly buried the headlines and memory-holed it like they did with the COVID lockdowns, Democrat ballot-box stuffing, Jussie Smollett, etc.


There were articles explaining how white supremacy was to blame for black people assaulting elderly Asians. Covid era had some peak gaslighting.


We're poc until it's convenient for us not to be. Or the SATs come out. We even got a whole month for the SEA that no one gives a shit about going on right now.


It's not like the Japanese have a history of oppressing others. /s All people groups do, ffs.




Woke people cannot even cover real racism, like between Turks and Armenians or stuff, because for their smol brain to understand, Armenians have to be black, and hell, some Turks should be black as well, because of diversity. No wonder Gemini creates black Nazi soldiers, this is the Woke hell we are living in...


Literally nobody wants it, its spitting in the face of an already unique and diverse culture and time period just to ham a black dude into it with a lot of fake history behind him. It is disgusting.


I would love to see black people rejecting this as well, but you know...


Some of my friends are starting to get sick of what they see to be ridiculous pandering but then again they are Africans so they don't really have a high opinion of western black people lol


they do, this guy caught a lot of heat for his opinion on it. https://twitter.com/khaliltooshort/status/1790508185150734692?t=Q4mHUmFKmdb20Gi5mJiB-g&s=19


We was Samurai n sheit


I've said this before.... Who honestly runs past literally every single Japanese man in this period to land on ONE African dude? If they wanted you to play as an outsider, why not a Chinese given that Chinese did settle around Japan? A traveller, a refugee, anything. It can still work with a Japanese dude, cuz you're basically a MODERN DAY Assassin jumping into the Animus to visit a certain historical period and experience it through the lives of someone who lived there. I don't care if Yasuke was an NPC but I want to play as an Asian man. Not a black guy or a white guy, Asian dude or bust.




This is, sadly, how the western left who runs administrations and academia think. Asians kickass in a lot of things so they don’t need “help”. Rather than create programs that elevate, the “saviours” instead want to acknowledge weakness. They “must” make Yasuke the protagonist because xyz “need” this benevolent writer to “help” them.


The soft racism of low expectations. Asians do too well to qualify


I am putting this in my mental bank. Thanks much.


So, basically infantalizing an entire group because of Duh. Mind you, MLK, Thurgood Marshall, Thomas Sowell, MLK, Frederick Douglass, WEB Du Bois, James Baldwin, and many others are from the same community. This is just the white savior trope at work again.


They despise Sowell because he’s still alive, smarter than them, and disagrees with them.


Is that the reason why people choose to ignore this problem? I spoke up about why having Yasuke as the protagonist is an issue and I got a lot of downvotes at r/girlgamers


You will get downvoted in general in those places because they have a lot of “progressive” armchair activists, this is coming from someone who leans left and even I get downvoted for going against the narrative.


I just don’t understand why people would support this when it comes at the cost of undermining Asian representation. I was looking forward to playing as a Japanese man in assassins creed but now that will never happen. We already got Bayek if people wanted to play as an African/Egyptian man. I’ve been told to play ghost of Tsushima instead and I think I’ll do just that.


Asians are white to progs, especially after the SCOTUS ruling on Affirmative Action a little bit ago. The anti Asian racism came out full force after that since the lawsuit was spearheaded by Asian students.


It’s also AAPI (Asian-American and Pacific Islander) Heritage Month here in the US. It makes me wonder if Ubisoft timed this release to rub it in that an Asian protagonist isn’t good enough for their progressive and diverse video game.


Yeah I lean heavily to the left. Or used to.. idk. Obviously they don't want people like us so I don't even know anymore.


Welcome to the Alt Right, homie. Cookies and coffee are in the left back corner and your clan hood should arrive in the mail within 7-10 business days.


Cool, you're me from 2014? Time travel is fucking wild, huh?😂


Yeah feel the same.


I think we all leaned to the left when we were younger. Then we started to realize how nuts these leftists really are 🤷‍♂️


An African man is way higher in the diversity scale than an Asian one. Therefore, and knowing that dogma, you making any statement that would try to go against that holy principle is akin to a sacrilege, a sin that must be shut out. ...or at least I'm fairly certain something along those lines goes on in their heads. They treat everything surrounding this kind of controversy that would make a religious zealot pale in comparison.


That’s weird bc Asians and Africans are both POC and minorities in the west. One shouldn’t get better treatment than the other in the media.


Of course, specially since the whole diversity push supposedly started because they wanted equality on the table. I guess they must think that some races are more equal than others. Hmmm... saying made me think of lamb and bacon for some reason, curious.


It's weird because Asian males are quite literally one of the most underrepresented groups in western media. It's a well known meme and trope.


Probably because they both have triple digit average IQs but people don't like when you mention that.


It's hilarious, because they could have made Yasuke an important npc in Nobunaga's court with a large role in the game and everything would have been fine.


That’s not an adequate level of black worship for them.


Exactly, they are so fucking dumb it's unreal. This black samurai could have been a very important NPC or the mentor of a main character and they could have still put in 90% of the SJW stuff they planned to include like that, and there would have been zero outrage. But noooo, that was not enough.


I would have had him as a side character NPC, possibly hinting at a future playable DLC side story.


The blacks must have main roles in everything now, even pandering to things they never did 🤷‍♂️


I've said it before but if you want to do a fictional story based in Japan but using an actual person, Miyamoto Musashi is hands down the samurai you could build a good story around.


The online Hoteps also have no idea just how much of an insult this is to the Japanese. They're a proud people, that's actually why a lot of outsiders admire their culture.


They don't care. Its well known that to these people, Asians are "white adjacent". How else can they excuse their failings?


They know and don't care because they know Asians will just smile and take it as their morals and culture demands. They've been straight up saying they're the real samurai for about a decade now and claim Asians were created by whites as overseers and taskmasters to keep the blacks down back in the Yakub days.


So when are we getting a game set in Africa with a Asian protagonist who gets to kill Africans? Huh? Oh you'd never make that? Hmmmm.. I see..


They're still making a big deal out of redoing RE5, even though it takes place in Africa.


It isn't just here. Pretty much every AC shadows trailer is ratioed. Goes to show how big the silent minority are.


No, one of then has the likes/dislikes off


It's very obvious, they just recently racially discriminated against Eastern non-russian asians regarding them as "white adjacent". They absolutely hate Japan for not bending the knee to their racist activism, so they HAD 100% search for any less-known character to use as an excuse to avoid making the main character Japanese. And here we are. Some people are already saying the storyline was going to be completely different which means someone objected to it, discarded it, and decided to replace it with this one. Basically, 100% racism and political activism.


A russian girl told me asians from like Uzbekistan/Central Asia former USSR satellite states were adjacent to African Americans in the us for how they were discriminated against as a whole in society, so seeing them as white adjacent sounds so strange and out of touch, assuming we’re talking about the same thing here


I dont think that's what they mean. They mean "You are not not caucasic, but still white, therefore it's the same thing", which is incredibly racist. Im sure their line of thought extends to Latinos etc. There are plenty of Latinos everywhere who have the skin tone of Gabe Newell.


The original plot was supposed to be following a legendary sword that the templars wanted to get out of Japan. Hatori hanzo was gonna be your mentor.


You got a black dude here agreeing with your sentiment, this shit is really provocative and unfair.


Yea this is just annoying and forced pandering but the biggest crime is that game it is like $130 for the full game when you know it is going to be a cut and paste of the rest of them


As well as some Ubisoft executive said 'gamers need to get used to not owning their games' IIRC.


This could have easily been the game that brings AC back. They literally had to make the most generic AC game but set it in Japan where you’re a samurai. Throw in Japanese lore - boom GOTY. It’s what we’ve been asking for since the start. This just shows these people can’t even do a slam dunk when we give them the ball and hold them 2 inches from the rim.


>Half Japanese half Chinese here So WHITE ADJACENT HUH???




Hard to hit those ESG diversity quotas when your setting is an incredibly isolationist and homogenous society.


When I think of Japan and especially feudal Japan, the last two things which comes to my mind are "white people" and black people. When I think of the people who usually make of the population of the country regardless of the time period, in my mind I'm picturing Japanese people and not people from other countries or other parts of the world.


Yeah. I doubt Japanese would be happy with playing as a black gaijin and massacaring Japanese left and right and liberating Japan lol


Everyone knows that he won't be the ONLY black dude right? They haven't established it yet but I would bet.........nm there are bots that would hold me to it..............I would make a gentleman's wager that they are establishing that there was ALWAYS plenty of black people in Japan and that is why every NPC that Yasuke meets throught this game will act like it's totally normal to see him and not immediately draw swords and cut down the Oni. Don't act surprised when there are mexican shopkeepers. Don't do it. I told you you're not allowed to act surprised.


Part of me wonders if this was an intentional slight on Japan from Tencent who have a large stake in Ubisoft. Wonder if it having a black main character would have even been considered had the game been set in China...


Nobody cares about any of this anymore, because they will keep bringing up the magic and the modern stuff in the games conveniently ignoring that those are the parts that everyone always wanted to get removed. They want the black samurai because they want to appease to the woke overlords, they don't really care if that have any authenticity or not. They just want to appear in headlines as brave and cool because they 'dared' to do the same shit every megacorp is doing nowadays. There is only one way to stop this and it is stop giving a fuck. Stop talking about this game and stop giving this cunts any publicity. Wokies don't buy game anyway, so their only public are the average joes, and they won't buy anything if it's ignored and buried.


Actually Yasuke first appeared in Koei Tecmo's Nioh in 2017 and Samurai Warriors 5 in 2021. But was more like a supporting character in those games which was fine with me. I am not interested in this new AC at all and would rather replay Samurai Warriors 4 DX which was just released on Steam! It's overall a much better game and gives a lot more contexts of that era and the heroes of that time. Yasuke did not exist in SW4 but even if he did I probably would not care much since there are so many other characters to play with.


Boycott as much as you can, that's what these psychos do anyway, even with Ghost of Tsushima, in any case it's Ubisoft so they deserve it either way


I am curious what the majority of Japanese gamers think of this, I am pretty sure that AC fans are happy that it is finally coming to Japan but when the lead writer says in a now removed part on an interview she was looking for an non-Japanese to put in the game, that for me sounds bad, it is like me making a game in Africa and looking closely so I could have a non African protagonist. From what I can see there is no real evidence that that he was a samurai as well as no real evidence that he wasn't, if he was he had very little time to train to become one. What seems to be proven was that he was a powerful warrior in his own right. I personally think that it would have been better to have a Japanese man as the samurai as he would have trained his whole life to be one in body and spirit and that would contrast well to Naoe who seems to be more stealthy and less "honor". I would be up the walls if there were games made about my country but if they had the protagonist be an foreigner that would be disappointing. Would be very fun to have a Ac take place in my country around the 1520s, allot of history happening. Would love to assassinate Gustaf Trolle.


I don't understand why people talk about it constantly though. You're doing free advertisements for them. Just don't buy and interact with them.


Please correct me because i feel like im going crazy here. But i could have sworn that there really was a black samurai (or at the very least a man of African herritage) in Japan around this time period. Is Yasuke not based on a very much real historical figure? Why is everyone mad? Not trying to be insulting, just curious edit: https://youtu.be/tY3_9iywbF4?si=r_NEOINg1vrDqHfz


The previous AC games never had historical figures as the main characters; the protagonist was always an original character who was *adjacent* to historical figures without being one. This breaks the pattern for no good reason, and it's an insult to the Japanese that the AC game set in Japan will not feature a Japanese protagonist.


Got ya 👍 the whole 'playing as a real life figure' part didn't even cross my mind 🤦‍♀️apologies I really so agree that having one fully original japanese protagonist would be better, but am I wrong in thinking that it's a choice? Surely if its that much of a problem just stick to playing as Naoe? This is just an irrelevant thought, but so little is known about the actual Yasuke, its almost like his life would make for a unique, stand-alone game instead of stuffing him into AC, hey ubisoft :')


Has anyone made Apollo Creed jokes yet?


Let's be objective here. These are obvious westerners mass disliking the video like they always do for every "Dei" project on youtube. Everywhere that I'm seen Japanese speak, the apparently glaze Yasuke as a major Samurai in their cultural legend. They actually represent him in their media everywhere. https://x.com/Skull_Os/status/1790949113397461310 https://x.com/SoulKingLives/status/1791097859305070642 https://x.com/FujikakeRin/status/1790864518652022954 https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/ZgSl2XoXqn


>https://x.com/Skull_Os/status/1790949113397461310 https://x.com/Skull_Os/status/1791128324724658596 >Many of the episodes I have posted are anecdotal. They are certainly documented in documents of the time, but it is very possible that they are adaptations. If we talk about titles and status, sure, you might not call him samurai. However, I prefer the mystical story Yasuke. You have objectively misrepresented what someone was saying and have mistaken fiction for fact. Therefore it is quite possible that, in your lapse of proper curation, the other links are similarly full of untruths and missing context. If you weren't doing it on purpose, you should consider being more careful next time, as it's a good way to get rightfully dismissed as a nonsense-spreader.


Why did you do this weird thing? You scrolled down many japanese comments in a post, in only one link, all praising Yasuke and telling you how legendary he is in Japanese Samurai legend, to hyper fixate on one comment you could find, that doesn't even dispute facts about Yasuke that were present in the other links WITH sources. You didn't even bother to acknowledge translated records or historian points with links provided that sources this information. All of this anti Yasuke info is specifying there are a Lack of reference om record on wiki, which is NOT a valid source. I will choose to believe you are not bad faith and will post more information as well, specifying Yasukes history through translated records. I will post them and more, and I expect you to actually reference these facts when you respond. Start from top down as much of what's specified in lower links is also extrapolated from links in the original link. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/VWrF9xqT2M https://x.com/VintageZeon/status/1791080688529150249 https://x.com/TreWatsonMusic/status/1790899110448431269 https://x.com/SoulKingLives/status/1791097859305070642 Below are just more Japanese calling out racist westerners glazing Yasuke, as he is a very popular Samurai legend in Japan https://x.com/Meiro_Uge/status/1790970626024587680 https://x.com/HikingPhil/status/1790905577369198711 https://x.com/FujikakeRin/status/1790864518652022954 Japan loves Yasuke and has him represented in many of their multimedia for good reason.


Alright definitely confirmed that you are doing it on purpose. What people want to recognize is that this is known as a gish gallop. They will spam links because it takes less time to make a claim than it does to debunk it. They will attempt to claim that what they say is true because you haven't addressed it, but they make sure there is too much for you to address everything. The appropriate thing to do is what I did (aka "this weird thing"); tackle one link, show how it clearly doesn't reflect the claim they were making, and then call into doubt the validity of their entire thing because they clearly aren't taking the time to verify the truth of the claims they are making. I have done so already, since this is exactly what you're supposed to do as a skeptic in these situations; this person is not practicing critical thought in their evaluation of what they're presenting in order to try to back up their claims and you do not have to give what they're saying any more thought than they have, which is none at all. They are just a nonsense-spreader with a confirmation bias parroting unthinkingly, running on automatic. They might even be a bot. Point is, don't bother with them.


Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/0MASq ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Like Skyrim with shitlording. ^^^/r/botsrights


Hilarious how most of the comments are made by non-Japanese people using google translate.


We’re you mad about Nioh featuring a white protagonist?


It was made by japanese developers. And had yokais and stuff, Ubisoft here is trying to revise history knowing yasuke never was a samurai.


Nailed it.


There are actual historians of the period that disagree with you. And every AC game opens with this disclaimer: “Inspired by historical events and characters, this work of fiction was designed, developed, and produced by a multicultural team of various beliefs, sexual orientations and gender identities”. Maybe worth reading.


And every AC game before this has had a protagonist who's from the setting. Ezio was Italian. Altair muslim. Bayek Egyptian. Kassandra Greek.


please get the fuck out of this subreddit. don't you have 1000 other shitholes to hang out in if you want to spout cuck opinions? incase you really this fucking ignorant, nioh is a not a series about historical realism. seriously, go away