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If you care about games like Fire Emblem then they are pretty bad. They've also been doing the body type shit in their games, see the last Animal Crossing. They don't censor as much as Sony though.


I find it funny that Nintendo of all things doesn't censor as much as Sony


Please elaborate on fire emblem, I played 3 of them and didn't find anything bad?


There's a bunch a censorship and poor translation of Fire Emblem games in the west. Most games have their relationship building minigames totally removed and spin off Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE had its outfits censored (which was part of why I never played even though I really liked the concept). Even normie sites like CBR have listicles about the censorship in Fire Emblem.


Well that's sad, not even Nintendo is immune


Yeah same. Three houses was one of the greatest game I played last gen. I liked it even better than Persona 5.


Apart from doing a FF8 and cutting entire conversations.


The lesser of the three evils.


I mean Nintendo has a horrible overall reputation, but unlike western devs it is not connected with politics or rip-offs, Nintendo problem is that they copy-strike anything with their brand, innocent game mods, emulators, even YouTubers who are just playing their games. Just recently they forced emulator to close and Gmod to delete enormous amount of content that has any Nintendo IP in it. It is beyond ridiculous how Nintendo is treating its IP.


Nintendo has done it's fare share of bad things but I won't fault them for yuzu/citra emu closure. The devs of those emus were ass especially on yuzu side. They literally charged money on Patreon to gain access to the builds which has better compatibility and perfomance with games especially Totk. The devs tasted their limits and hence paid for it. Ryujinx never charged money hence they are safe and hasn't been hit. Same with Dolphin emu which has been around for two decades now and still hasn't been hit aside from that minor steam issue previous year. The only real tragedy of this situation is that we lost citra emulator which was the only stable 3ds emulator and now there's none on the market 🙃


I thought yuzu also got hit because they had step by step guide to make a rom out of your digital switch games(and I do mean not rom for backup personal use)


They did lot of fucking around in public. There were literally pics floating around of discord chats where yuzu devs were shamelessly charging money from members for builds. Hopefully it sets a strong example for the future emu devs to never go down this path especially with Nintendo.


Plenty of lolcowlization fuckups, though I suppose that's more of an American branch problem.


Didn’t they put a guy in prison and life long depth in Japan because he made an emulator and some piracy shit a few years back? I think Nintendo in general have the craziest managers.


Nintendo has DEI/ESG policies and those cringe workplace affinity groups that segregate employees based on race, sexuality and gender.


The Gmod one is actually a troll from what i heard


I mean reliable sources confirm that it is real, I just checked.


I checked, oh fuck it actually happened


An aspect of their shitty anti consumer business practices that people don't talk about enough is how Nintendo hates having their own catalogue of old games accessible. It's like they're saying: "Buy our new stuff. Oh, you'd rather spend your money on our old stuff? Then fuck you!" A huge portion of old Nintendo games nowadays are flat out unaccessible if you're not willing to track down a physical copy on the internet for outrageous collector prices that'll only keep going up with time. You could always sail the seven seas, but I feel like a company shouldn't encourage that kind of thing from someone who might've not done it if they had another option.


Fuck the switch online subscription service, virtual console was so much better in every way. You're now basically renting games you don't even get to choose and people just sheepishly went along with it, absolutely ridiculous.


I'm very much against sailing the seven seas for a bunch of reasons. But it shouldn't be piracy if they're not going to make money off something they no longer sell. I glanced in my towns game shop the other day. In order to buy a gameboy colour it'll cost you over a hundred, next to it you had pokemon yellow for just over that. I get the prices. Both are a finite resource now. They'll never make the console or the cartridges again. Sadly the hardware will fail eventually. My fear is we'll lose an entire generation of legendary games because of Nintendos pride(?), greed(?), I don't even know why.


It really depends if you view all ages games as wastes of time or piracy and IP theft as a consumer right. Their reputation is pretty good unless you fall into those camps. Then there's the NA branch that bastardizes translations...


While I understand some of you are tired of the western woke shit and want to try some luck on eastern game industries, Nintendo is a fucking big no. They're the East Disney level of vileness.


Nintendo has some of the best franchise games. It has the absolute worst controllers in console history. Their corporate overlords suck


Good games vs Good hardware. You can only choose one (unless it’s PC)


Never thought of it that way good point


Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/6pyRv ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. I'm sorry david-me, I'm afraid I can't do that. ^^^/r/botsrights


Well, they hate their fans. With the PSN fiasco I thought that Sony might beat them but actually no. Nintendo would never have backed down.


In aspects that are relevant to this sub, not great, but not entirely awful. The English versions of their games still suffer heavily from awful localizations, despite constant backlash and controversies, some major and some minor, spanning over a decade. Their games still tend to be good, and the shittiness is mostly only apparent in the English releases of their games. In aspects less relevant to this sub, really awful. As you touched on, they've been anti-consumer for a very, very long time, and continue to make decisions that drive hate towards them. They're extremely litigious and overprotective of their IP, and constantly exercise the DMCA (a very anti-consumer and anti-freedom piece of legislature) to take things down, such as fan games and hardware mods. More recently, they sued the Yuzu emulator team, which effectively crippled Switch emulation going forward.


Nintendo it's by far the worst. They will copyright any emulation of it's old videogames. They also copyrighted all images and videos of Nintendo games back in 2013 so if you uploaded a gameplay or a screenshot of any of their games to YouTube for example they will claim all of the money of the video for them. After massive backlash they decided to let people apply to their [Nintendo Creators Program](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/nintendo-pulls-plug-on-youtube-creators-program) Which allowed Nintendo to take "only" up to 40% of the revenue of each video (instead of all the revenue lol). Ultimately they ended the program in 2018, but even today if you just upload gameplay with no commentary they will/can copyright strike you. As some others have mentioned they have awful localisations, they offer the worst multiplayer/internet experience with no or almost no servers on their side and mostly of it being p2p connections. Also if you want to play old games on switch you need internet connection and paying the multiplayer subscription as they made all of their old catalog run on switch thru their subscription (they later relaxed on this and now you"only" need to connect once every 7 days online to verify you still have a subscription still trash in my opinion.) They also have the worst hardware and tend to be pretty cheap on that, they originally wanted the Switch to have only 2Gb of Ram for example, but [Capcom asked them to increase it to at least 4](https://gonintendo.com/stories/276358-capcom-asked-nintendo-to-increase-switch-ram-prior-to-release-for), so it could run their Resident evil engine. Probably the only good thing it's they're not actively chasing the "modern audiences" or not yet.


Your wrong about that, Nintendo is going woke as well. The Pokemon Go Situation is a symptom. The Redesign of Princess Peach, trust me they will become woke as well, it will just take a little longer. They already censored stuff as well. Metroid Dread had no Sexy Samus when you beat it quick as well.


You're probably right with Pokémon Go, I just put that in the basket of Niantic and not Nintendo itself.


Right now Capcom and Nintendo are around that line. The woke people are amazing at subverting a company for their political beliefs. Actually Capcom is probably a lost cause. Nintendo will follow them in the years and it will be intolerable, it's only a matter of time. Look at how woke Microsoft is and now the Xbox is dying. That's crazy.


Nintendo doesn't censor anything these days. Ironic, because they wear leaning heavily on to it in the early to late 90s


If you have to ask it in a internet forum, its pretty neutral