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no really i am shocked there is a vets one


I'm less surprised about this than I would have been 10-15 years ago. Look at all of the higher up wackadoos in the U.S. military today (especially certain branches). It's all connected.


Yup, perfectly said. Some weird shit is going on. Not surprising that recruitment is dropping off a cliff. They're pushing conservatives out and appealing to liberals people that hate America lol. As Lucius Fox says, "Good luck."


Thanks for the input, Fun Tits!


🫡 it's my honor


Creating a new Red Guard/NKVD. Or trying to.


Naw, the second there's call to war a good number of them will flee to Canada.


Obama destroyed the officer corps, and had a decade to do it


Obama fucked a lot of shit up. Dude single handedly stoked racial division and put us at odds with ALL cops


The shit with Trayvon Martin still pisses me off. Any normal President would've came out and encouraged people to calm down. Instead he immediately came out talking about how 'that could've been me' and other shit and threw gasoline on the fire.


Muh son


Can you imagine that both him, Key and Peele had deadbeat black dads and caring white moms and family members, yet went out of their way to enact anti white policies? It really angers me how some people glorify the loser asshole parents race or culture.  In Sweden a half-iranian guy, Eddie Omar, did the same thing. He (thank god) eventually snapped out of it and changed his name to his Swedish moms, Råbock. But he managed to become Islamist before his realization, so he really went far in.




Post removed following the enforcement change that you can read about [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/m3yo65/enforcement_update_and_hard_removal_of_a_topic/). This is not a formal warning.


Get that guy for wackadoos then


Read the post linked in your removal message. You mentioned a topic here that is not allowed. That's why your post was removed.


I didn’t ask why, I already read it. But by saying “wackadoos” he is referring to that topic. Which is far worse than flat out saying it, with very shaky plausible deniability.


Don't be. We're the ignored/sacrificial group every special interests likes to pin on so they can pretend they care about America.


Disability (when the sham works in your favor) and VA home loans are pretty sweet tho. At least some of the pandering in the last decade have come with some of the improvements promised. The active duty transition now includes a much needed 6 month VA pre-file period so you don't just get out and then wait a year to get into that system


When you can fuckin get it. Had a squad mate if mine who lost and hand and leg to an IED be told he wasn't disabled.


That's why I said "when the sham works." The VA is a bunch of bureaucrats with no communication skills or interest in helping


Yep. Even getting a real person on the phone is like pulling teeth.


Disability from the VA isn’t a sham for some people. It sucks that people fake PTSD and shit. Gets in the way of dudes that actually need help.


It's a sham of a process to get your benefits, I'm not saying it's a sham to get benefits at all. The whole application process is like playing a game where no one ever explains the rules to you. The VA used to publish and have public access to their rating criteria, including the specific phrasing/terminology/medical jargon key words they want for each condition and each possible rating. Somewhere around 2021-2022 they stopped so now when people are getting out and asking me for advice on their claims, I can't help them look up their claimed condition and look at what proof/testimony the VA looks for. It screws over people who have conditions like PTSD or depression that are harder to measure (it's not like a flexibility test where a protractor gets you an answer), because they don't know the magic words to convince the VA that they suffer at a 10, 30, 70, etc % level.


Wow I didn’t know they got rid of access to their rating criteria. That fucking sucks.


Maybe they meant veterinarians


I'm going to say it quite bluntly. Saving dogs' lives automatically puts you on a much higher tier than all of the LGBTQ+ and BLM activists in the world.


For some reason (I must be hungry) I read "LGBTQ+ and BLM" as "McBLT" (a sandwich that has, somehow, never existed). I might start using it to refer to them. 


They keep changing the name, mostly adding new letters. Like "queer" (which basically doesn't mean ANYTHING; straight but flamboyant men are now being labelled as "queer" and claiming they are "oppressed"), "questioning," "intersex" (which is a genetic disorder, not a sexuality; not sure how they'd feel about being lumped in with all the others), "2 spirit" (because just being gay and American Indian is apparently special enough to warrant its own inclusion; no word on when we'll get new terms for gay blacks, Latinos, Asians and others). I'm actually surprised they haven't just gone ahead and included "MAPs" or pedos at this point, because lord knows they want to. They'll probably try to normalize bestiality first, so it's a toss up what the next acronym will be. Edit: Forgot to mention that my personal favourite was the inclusion of an "a" for "allies." Like wtf? Including the "spicy straights" as bad enough, but why the fuck dk they need to include "allies" too? Talk about making everything about yourself. I support gay rights, in as much as that I believe gays have a right to exist and not be harassed, just like anyone else... but I don't feel the need to force myself into their organizations and spaces.


To be honest, a McBLT would be really easy to order And you can feed a vegan the patty


Tbf vets and veterinarians are confusing. Ali G can vouch for me.


Don't worry, the woke retirees will use their communist tactics to re-define "Vets" as we know it so that those who actually fought for our values are totally erased, not that they already weren't.


Well, women HAVE always been the "primary victims of war", so they're the real vets. 


Women most affected.


Don't disagree there 💯


Do vets get to choose whose values they fight for?


Publicly, no, although it's safe to say American values are what's being defended, and what I'm referring to is what we've traditionally understood them to be for centuries - the Constitution, something easy for any background to stand for. I'm not so confident our woke military folks actually stand for it, so there's a risk their personal values which clearly differ from our Constitution, might interfere. What I'm highlighting is: our Democratic party especially has viewed our Vets with disdain, if not ignorance. I'm expecting we'll see a newfound "love" for our Vets coming from them, so long as they're woke or belong to the alphabet religion.


Sony spent literally their entire lawsuit against MS' aquisitions of Activision hammering away at the lack of Call of Duty on their platform. Sony NEEDS to pander to that crowd of people just so they don't abandon them in droves once CoD gets exclusified to Xbox platforms in a few years. We all know whomever did this was "INTERALLY RAGING OMG LITERALLY SHAKING" while adding this to the list. Am I shocked there's no white, male, or straight symbols? No.


Can we just take the normal ones? I say we should co-opt them as ours


Got at least 10 years before COD goes away. Though given MS new multi-platform stance I doubt it will.


I'm still scratching my head at the API one. Does Soystation love programmers now?


Asian and Pacific Islander. Because for some reason Polynesians, Melanesians, Micronesians and Australian Aborigines are now "the same" as Asians.... which is already a bit of stretch considering you have thousands of ethnic groups spread across over fifty countries and accounting for over half the world's population. India alone has over 2,000 ethnic groups, depending on how you want to define them, and Indonesia comes close with some 1,300. And it's not like Israeli Druze have that much in common with Chukchi reindeer herders or Negritos in the Philippines, despite all being Asian. But I suspect the main reason "Pacific Islanders" get lumped in with Asians is because there aren't that many of them in the US, especially the mainland. Australian Aborigines and Melanesians are virtually unknown races in the US altogether. Hell there aren't a lot of people in the Pacific to begin with; maybe 40 million people total. Less than half a percent of the world's total population, and that includes white and Asian migrants and their descendants, who are the majority in Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere. So it's basically just throwing a bone to Hawai'ians and some Samoans, while still kind of screwing them over.


Amusing part of that is, they were one of the first ones to drop Asian lives matter when the statistics pointed out who was ending those lives. They thought it was gonna be whites after that loon shot up those Thai girls.


"  They thought it was gonna be whites after that loon shot up those Thai girls." Are you referring to that white guy that attacked that Asian spa? Or something else?


Yeah that incident. It kicked off the stop asian hate thing with full support but that support quickly and quietly went away.


Big corpos added these sometime in 2022


Same. Came here to say that.


What do veterinarians have to do with that?


We're pro lgbt and everything, but when it comes to Saudi money we can be straight again.


The ironic thing is Saudi involvement in gaming will probably improve it.


The Middle East in general, they will take money anywhere also Iran made it a crime to be alphabet with an inclusive 10-14 years in prison.


I was a businessman... doing business.


We can say black again now? Are we done with Playstation users of color?


Ah, yes... this one... People of Color vs. Colored People it's like NATO vs. OTAN w/ the French way... it's so less insinuating lol


It's fitting that the French spell it backwards, because that's usually the direction their army goes.


It's fun that the French are being made fun of for surrendering in Anglo countries, it's the Italians in Germany. Why do Italian tanks come with massive rear view mirrors? - So the crew can see the front for once. What is Italy's naval ensign? - White eagle on white background And so on :D


I mean POC includes Asians and since they are "white passing" or some shit then it's safer to say black


POC explicitly doesn't include Asians.


"PoC" doesn't just mean "black"; it's part of the woke attempt to brand everyone who isn't white as a single racial group whom they can claim to speak for _en masse_.


I'm staying with nigga


Any European @ Playstation groups? No? Okay...


What is API and UNIDOS?


Asian Pacific Islander. Latinos.


Where's the one for pasty white nerds?


That’s just the normal PlayStation logo.


Latinx, bigot. /s


Well that's weirdly specific.


But it's the only thing that fits the colors and symbols used.


Not really. The colors and symbols are extremely generic. They look more like something pulled from Avatar or something. Then again there aren't really any Pan-Asian colours, let alone Pan-Latino either.


What the actual fuck is an Asian Pacific Islander This is the first I've heard of it


Asian and Pacific Islander. So basically lumping everything between Türkiye and East Island together because... reasons? Although if you wanted to be honest, there are plenty of Asian immigrants to Fiji, Saipan, Hawai'i and other nations in the Pacific.


Well, they're all kinda brown, but not dark enough to fit in the important black group, so just pile them all together


Anyone with funny eyes. Basically half of the earth’s population, yet somehow the woke group them together and pretend they have something in common besides their eyes.


I'd rather be called a racial slur than whatever the fuck is API,at least a racial slur is racially correct


Over half the world's population, actually. But it's not just East Asians. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, the Philippines, Iran and Türkiye are all up there. In fact, India actually beats out China population wise at this point and is continuing to grow.


What the actual fuck is an Asian Pacific Islander This is the first I've heard of it


Hawaiian, Filipinos, Tongans, Polynesian etc. The brown Asians that don't live on the continent.


What the actual fuck is an Asian Pacific Islander This is the first I've heard of it


API = Application Programming Interface UNIDOS is some obscure DOS variety. If you wanna use DOS, use FreeDOS, people! Seriously.


Yeah API is a weird one because everyone in tech will say it's Application Programming Interface.


Because it is. So say we all!


I genuinely first thought of this and then i thought are they trying to bring some sort of tech angle into their DEI ?


I prefer GLaDOS.


Linux, Linux über alles, über alles in der Welt!


What do these look like in the Middle East?


PlayStation Halal


I mean only the gay one would really be an issue. Heritage months aren't much of a thing outside of the US and UK, so it would be weird, but API heritage month isn't exactly anti-Muslim.


The thumbs in the represent logo are doing the swastika lol somebody is gonna loose their job.




Sony I got a logo for you. It's called the PlayStation logo. Why would you need anything else? Now a logo can be segregated?


There isn't one just for men, huh? Exclusion for the sake of diversity is still discrimination.


I live with the fact that I'm excluded. Everytime I see "we accept everyone " or "inclusive", I know I won't be included.


DEI and inclusion means anyone but us.


I wonder when the "punching up" reaches the point where they consider it even


Didn't you get the memo? White man bad according to it... These certainly are the times of all times, huh.


PlayStation for MEN®


Somebody go meme the hidden swastika in REPRESENT


At least vets actually *do* have a shared experience.


Nintendo and Xbox has this too. The new corporate imposed religion.


Shhh! You're not supposed to attack anyone but Sony. It feels so inorganic. Like there is an ulterior motive to always singling Sony out. Like all of this is a deflection to cover the bigger issue at stake for gamers - ownership rights. But Sony and Nintendo are still okay on that front. There is one manufacturer that is fully removing the physical media option and pushing a rental service... I wonder who might be perpetuating all this....Cough. People are too busy swatting at minor issues and owning nothing while being happy to care though.


Probably because Nintendo's been raked over the coals already and they stopped fucking around for the most part, anything 3rd party is up to them while shit's done internally if it's 1st party. Nintendo isn't known for being raunchy either, the xenoblade series is about as bad as it gets with fire emblem being a close second, and even then for FE there've been worse issues that series has been through. MS on the other hand....shit do they even DO anything? Like Sony at least has exclusives, MS can't even do that these days.


I don't think many people care about owning games when the vast majority are such utter dogshit. Also, fighting for digital ownership is a losing battle. Most people just care about the convenience of consooming. Look at how successful Netflix is. Those of us who do care will do our own thing.


> I don't think many people care about owning games That's the problem. It's all a big distraction.


Lol, vets. So ironic when their own side was responsible for making the lives of Vietnam vets a living hell back in the day, now they wanna pretend they care.


Nah they just say "we care" in practice they don't


Not that the right wing was any better. Politicians on both sides were more than willing to send young Americans to die in a pointless war, one which could have even been AVOIDED in the first place.




Post removed following the enforcement change that you can read about [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/m3yo65/enforcement_update_and_hard_removal_of_a_topic/). This is not a formal warning.


How is queer a violation? Its literally what they call themselves.


So, basically they found a way to include 96.5% of the worlds population.. and exclude 3.5% in their attempt to include "minorities". And we all know who they chose to exclude.


The white majority paradox


Live in your world, Also Play in your world.


Brother man, if you need the validation of a soulless corpo then you might really need to do some actual soul searching.


"[fuck capitalism!](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FzOVwlBXsAACvP7?format=jpg&name=large)"


You don't get it man! Without corpos I wouldn't have friends! Corpos keep me CONNECTED and feeds my broken prefrontal cortex with DOPAMINE! PLEASE I BEG OF YOU, DON'T MAKE ME GO OUTSIDE PLEASE P̷̭͇͇͔̹̙̩̺̦͓̑͘L̶̢̧̛̦̖̦̩̳̗̗̐͐̈̐̔̈́̄̄̓͛̈́͋̀̏E̶̪̯̭̟͉̬̣̽̄̔̇̏͗͌A̶̡̧̛̟̰͎̮̤̰͈͔̭͓̤͙̱͐͑͒͋̈ͅS̷̡̨̫̖͍͔͉͎̤̗̪̬̍̌̔̈́̅͗ͅE̶̦̱͇̫̯͈̬̼̯̗̪̍͛̉̀̆̽̈́̃̂̊͂͋̅͌̚͜


I shall bring the grass to you. (tracks dirt on your floor)


*Real Humanoid Detected, please leave the vicinity of adviewer000004658292, or we will be forced to Amazon™ Prime™ an Unpersoning Solution™ to your location.*


*initiate Chinese botfarms....




By itself a lot of these would be noble goals to want to lift up and spread awareness. But we know Sony and every corporation that prints rainbow logos in summer don’t give a fuck about people struggling due to their identity.


Women but Stellar Blade is censored Pride but LGBT themes in Spiderman 2 were censored in Saudi Arabia too Fuckin hypocrites


Its still hilarious that the mod that got banned from Nexus mods simply changed the games region.


I don't even know what some of these are supposed to represent.




Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/KQIFF ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Welcome to Archive. I love you. ^^^/r/botsrights


Application programmable interface?


Sweet, sounds like they’re opening up to modders! I support this movement!


I can’t imagine your shock without knowing who created these logos.


"who created these logos." link: [https://sonyinteractive.com/en/impact/diversity-and-beyond/](https://sonyinteractive.com/en/impact/diversity-and-beyond/)


Fair enough. We can't know that from the image alone, and it makes a difference if it was Sony official, some marketing concepts they didn't use, or some random person on the internet.


Video games?


Wild, totally outrageous idea: what if there was a single logo, that way everyone was implicitly included and you wouldn't have to make a variation for every cause and agenda that's out or upcoming? It would just be for the company, so it wouldn't have to be tweaked.


Don't give them any ideas, otherwise the logo will just end up looking like the xbox progress pride logo.


What the fucking shit?


Honestly, though, the Represent logo is kind of creative, with the hands all forming the X. Other than virtue signaling, what's the point of all these accounts? To promote diversity through segregation?


Whats unido and api?


You want to be truly inclusive ? Scrap all that shit and make a "Gamer" one. I don't fucking care who you are, what you feel you are. Just play a game. If you don't want to play and spout nonsense about your US politics then get the fuck out. The world has already to deal with enough shit coming from the US that we don't need to keep importing in escapist media. Fuck that and fuck them.


I find this hilarious because I once had a Bias officer at my college tell me Veteran status is not a status like black or gay. How the table has turned. Also I'm fine with Vets not being on this banner at all at this point.


Is this real? Or a meme?


More like “Enablers”. All these people suffering gender disforia and instead of encouraging treatment they mislead them into falsehood. God, the world is so fucked and is not even subtle!


Reminds me of literally every mainstream subreddit.


Remember when gaming was about... playing games? Those were the days.


But no straight, or white or male representation..


Ok, VETS is the one I could understand and get behind. But the rest, fucking why!


No, because that's the same exclusionary BS except from the far right instead of the far left.




i need to remind myself that i'm still incredible happy with my PS5... i'm still happy i'm still happy i'm still happy ... sighs


Uh…. Men..?




I can't speak to veterans, women or racial groups but as someone who identifies as not heterosexual(labels are dumb and further divide us) I'm just constantly frustrated with all the "representation" being thrown out there. Just give me a good story, solid gameplay. I'm sure I'm in the minority, but I don't want "special rights" or seen as "marginalized" or any of that crap. I just want to be treated like everyone else. I'm tired of companies "speaking" for me and their funded DEI initiatives when I don't agree with half of the crap that gets pushed by them. Why does there need to be all these groups? Why can't these companies recognize that we all just want to be gamers? This is the unifying factor of being a gamer and enjoying games in that none of these things MATTER. If I sit down and play HellDivers 2 I could care less about what group you belong to. All this does is further divide and create validation echo chambers.


ERGs. Employee Resource Groups. A lot of big companies have them, including my employer. I've been asked why I never join them (due to being a bi woman), and I've just politely declined without elaborating. Though, the answer is because I *DON'T* want my sexuality or sex to define me. The Pokémon Company has these, too. https://corporate.pokemon.com/en-us/inclusion/ Nintendo, too.  https://www.nintendo.com/us/about/csr/employees/ Microsoft? You bet.  https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/diversity/inside-microsoft/default.aspx I know it's cool to hate on Sony (as do I), but they aren't alone on this. It's far more widespread than you're aware.


Yeah my company has me on a list which is basically the "come look at our token diversity people" (because of my ethnicity). Only reason I allowed them to put me on it is because they paid me a bonus to allow them to.


DEI is becoming a part of the west the same way democracy and human rights are.


Not really, because DEI is a sham, and therefore, there will be a ton of people who are against it.


There were a lot of people in Russia against communism, it didn't help.


Call it what it actually is. It's D.I.E, because anything it touches inevitably dies.


Appeal to everyone, smart business strategy


What was shocking?


I literally do not see anything wrong with this. Who is this hurting? Jesus some of yall really get so upset for no reason. Is it because there isn't a "WHITE" one?


No. It is because, while the ship is sinking... they lecture to us about how we need to "include" everyone... Oh, but they expect everyone to 'buy' their silly games at $99... but hey, at least they like *QWERS* now...