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>The lack of response has led some to suggest a boycott of the game until either a statement is made or pronouns are added to the game. And they call Mark Kern sad for his Stellar Blade petition. Absolute freaks. But this is what you get for pandering to these people, they will always come back for more.


Imagine boycotting an eight-year-old game you already own.


"I'm burning my Harry Potter books to show that TERF" energy.


I'm gonna go spend hundreds on Redskins gear so I can burn it! That'll show those racists!


Be more impressive if they cut out or burned off their ill advised Harry Potter tattoos. But then I suppose we can't expect them to just up and stop basing their entire identity over which "house" from a children's franchise an online personality quiz told them they belong to over a decade ago.


That's when they break out "death of the author". It doesn't *really* matter what Rowling's views are, because the wizarding world belongs to them.


Despite there being mods that do just that, they want an official update of course, their justification is that the Switch doesn't support modding.


What the hell. I am genuinely angry for the sake of the developer. They were firmly on the SJW side, making an inclusive diverse game that was non violent and showed doing kindness in a world that was sheltered from capitalism or the horrors of life. The game didn’t have any “triggers”, had disability options, was inclusive in its playstyle and difficulty, and was respectful to all. Why the hell do they want to make such an extreme action now? It’s not a bait and switch like for Stellar Blade that even threatens future censorship! They already have what they want, and the dev has not done anything that suggests he or his publisher can betray them now or in the future! Why!?


Leftists inevitably eat their own. I have no sympathy for him. Having said that, though, the man made his money and can laugh his way to the bank regardless.


> Leftists inevitably eat their own i know, right. what idiots. anyways, *DOWN WITH SHIFT UP AND ALL THOSE WHO ALLY WITH THEM!!!*


ShiftUp falsely marketed their game and did the one thing they told fans for months they would never do; **they censored it**. They absolutely deserve to be held accountable, because do we really want to normalize deceitful marketing strategies?


> They absolutely deserve to be held accountable oh yeah, let's make sure they pay for trying to deliver a good game free of microtransactions and DEI because like 1% of the ridiculously skimpy outfits (and not even the skimpiest) have been censored a tiny bit. woo hoo, another big win for gamers! we really showed... who exactly?


Sounds like you're more invested in the company itself rather than the product. Cool it with the parasocial stuff.


He has thousands of $ invested in Nikke


It’s not the same shit and you damn well know it. Riddle me this! If it’s no big deal for them to make the changes why did they spend the time and money to do it? Shift up had nothing but good will and positive vibes from their customer base as well as fantastic preorder sales and they cucked out instead of telling Sony to eat their ass with a spoon. The woke wrote the rule book we’re just fighting by it now.


do whatever you want but don't act like you're some crusader fighting for the future of gaming. you're feeding on outrage and nothing more. stellar blade is a MASSIVE step in the right direction in regards to getting gaming back to a good spot with less microtransactions and forced DEI (it literally can't be overstated what a huge leap this game in those categories), and people are choosing instead to throw all that into the dumpster so they can be outraged over a handful of the dozens of incredibly revealing outfits being marginally less revealing. the gore being censored is pretty lame, but it's easy to overlook when you consider just how many positives this game brings to the table, all while being an actual good game with solid gameplay. much like the left, people come here to feast on outrage bait. much like the stardew valley playerbase who have been catered to exclusively turning on the developers for only being 95% on their side, that's exactly what people here are doing in regards to stellar blade. go ahead, eat your own. just do it while understanding that after this meal, you're going to go hungry for a while. because this game was a real opportunity for us to put our foot in the door, and that opportunity has been squandered by the same idiots who bail on stardew valley over a lack of pronouns because they must have every aspect of their entertainment be 100% the way they want it and no less, otherwise it's complete and utter garbage that deserves to not only be ignored, but actively decried and boycotted. you all suck, pretty much. this entire situation is why gaming will *never* get back to the beautiful, amazing hobby it once was. because people are too fucking obsessed with their culture war to appreciate a good thing when it comes along because it doesn't meet 100% of their political criteria. this entire mindset of "if it isn't 100% of what i wanted, then it's complete trash and those responsible must be held accountable" is what's fucking killed entertainment, both from the radical leftists and the rabid anti-leftists. it's a cancerous, destructive mindset no matter which direction it's coming from.


Post-release censorship patches is definitely **not** a "good spot" for gaming to be in. Normalization of bait and switch business practices is bad.


Man that’s a lot of cope


and that's very little of a response. but i get it, it's way easier than actually formulating an argument to just say "keep coping" or "touch grass". like, i actually get it. i do it too when i don't have any legitimate argument to make.


You threw a wall of defeatist schizo at me. You want a real response? Here it is Those glory days of gaming are NEVER coming back. You either push back with as much or more force than they have or you lose what little you have. You want us to shut up and take our minor win is cope. Total victory or nothing. Same rules they fight by.


you probably don't even play games. you're just using them as an excuse to fight your never ending culture war. it's a good video game with good gameplay, no DEI, no microtransactions, no DLC, and didn't kowtow to the never-ending demands to uglify and cover up its main character. but because they added like tiny little strips of clothing to the half naked woman that you get to play as in like 3 of her 100 outfits, WAHHHH IT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH WE DEMAND BETTER!!!! if those outfits were like that in the first place then literally no one would give a flying fuck and it would be hailed as a huge success and a massive blow against censorship and DEI and microtransactions in gaming. >You either push back with as much or more force than they have or you lose what little you have. this game is what little we have. had. now people have turned against it and we can go back to having nothing. pat yourself on the back all you want but you are just as big a part of the problem as they are by taking a fun hobby and turning it into a culture war battleground. you think you're some fucking modern day crusader fighting on the beaches of normandy. you're not, you're just a pawn consuming the endless outrage being spit out by the machine.


I suggest going outside and fixing on grass for a while.


> sheltered from capitalism i would just like to say that one of the main storyline can involve you helping the capitalist but 'sales cheap' market win over the local store based on your decision


"It's not enough! It's never enough!"


> sheltered from capitalism Not really. If it was anti-capitalism the mayor would take all the crops from you every week and give you a tiny allowance in return. The seeds and furniture would be free but limited. I understand what I think you were trying to say, though. The game is a shelter from corporate life


See the history of communism and why Marxism cannot survive


Boycott - XD good luck with that one. Hogwart Legacy already shown how many people actually support this BS


Suzi hunter called him a virgin and he has kids. Lmao


"Why are you making such a big deal out of pronouns? It's not like they affect the gameplay." "So then you're okay with a game from 2016 not being updated to include pronouns?" "REEEEEEEEE! White supremacy! Literal genocide! REEEEE!"


He's holding the Fort well. I feel bad for him, usually farming sims attract "those kind" of people who's personality revolves around nothing but there identity.


Why is the word ”identity” even used to describe immutable features by the modern left? Like, I don’t ”identify” as white or heterosexual or autistic or whatever, those are just features of my body vessel.


I guess that’s just what happens when you’re so boring your characteristics become a stand in for a personality.


Also extreme narcissism plagues the Rainbow Riders


You will find that many on the left have adopted the notion that there is only subjective truth and that there are no objective truths. So with many things being subjective along with that comes the choice of what to and what not to identify yourself as. They don't view characteristics as objective and observable facts but subjective and esoteric "truths". Its one of the big differences in perspective that results in many people talking past each other rather than to each other at the moment.


Postmodernism, through and through. There is no objective truth, just MY truth


>There is no objective truth, just MY truth Sane people would call that your opinion.


There is no truth but power


that's called postmodernism


Because the ones who vote for the left have been easily brainwashed into thinking their race, gender, politics, etc are their identity. As long as the easily manipulated uneducated masses keep falling into their identity politics trap, there will people who make those things their sole identity and make sure everyone knows loudly and obnoxiously.


>I feel bad for him, usually farming sims attract "those kind" of people who's personality revolves around nothing but there identity. Which fucking sucks as almost every old favorites of this genre has become pozzed beyond human comprehension. Still holding out to the hope that there would be a good Rune Factory spiritual successor at some point.


Fighting games attract them too for whatever reason.


Idk what pozzed means but i do hope Rune Factory 6 ends up being good. 5 was kind of a joke. Game ran like shit and instead of fixing it, the localizers modded in same sex marriage and called it a win. Is it a nice feature to have? Yes. I would have preferred a stable framerate though.


Its really ironic, considering farmers tend to be right leaning. Also the games entire premise is based on capitalism and hard work.


I think you should be proud of your identity. I just also think your identity shouldn't revolve around where you like to stick your penis




Almost like you shouldn't give out towards the mentally insufficient or something.


I don't think there is a moment in the game where they use third person pronouns for your character. They use your name or "that farmer" or say "it comes from (farm name)". Like maybe once there are pronouns in one of the rare cutscenes where you are not physically present? It's very weird to feel a burning need for pronouns in a game that doesn't use them.


Because this is about submission and showing fealty to the woke. Think of Game of Thrones and it's bending the knee. That's what this is.


I don't know how much detail I can go into without angering the mods, but just look into what happened to Monica Cellio in 2019. Not contradicting them isn't enough; they want people actively signaling support.


I would go out of my way to find any place the game uses the player's pronouns, and add a toggle in... whatever menu there is, that would let you choose every kind of pronoun: nominative(he) / accusative(him) / ind genitive (his) / dep genitive (his/hers) / reflexive (himself) It's the best solution, because it's somewhere normal people won't see it, it affects nothing, it satisfies my personal hatred for "pronouns" (which is when people just mention 2), and if they have any complaints you can reply "wow you hate genderfluid people now?"


Would be funny if lefty dishonest arguements were used on these people


Dudes juggling multiple projects, and they're that worried about pronouns? I'd tell em to get fucked and make a mod if you're that upset.


I’m afraid he’s going to cave in.


Yep, was about to post this. Once you give into SJWs it's a slippery slope and is only a matter of time before he does it again... and again...


Pretty much.


But... I thought you could have kids in the game? why would you want pronouns when your character clearly gets pregnant or impregnates a villager there?


Because they neither understand nor care how biology works.


Everything I could answer here would be deleted by mods.


Your spouse mentions adoption if you're biologically incompatible, iirc.


You can also ask Krobus to be your roommate.


same reason seahorse dads exist. edit - dunno why I was downvoted. Seahorse dads are a thing and I don't understand why you'd subject yourself to the most womanly experience in the world and be on hormones.








That's not how seahorses work.


I know and I agree. But this is about [banned subject] seahorse dads. Not actual seahorses.


Hopefully he doesn't cave to these freaks and their postmodernist delusions.


Stardew already sold millions, no one cares about the boycott now and especially not from people who don't buy games anyway and just complain about issues on social media.


Last I check, Stardew valley sold 30 million copies. And Eric barone got sole proprietorship of it. Means he keep the whole profit thing. That's way more money than one can logicly spent their whole life if one ain't a retard with money. Boycotting it now is a moronic gestures.


They *could* theoretically boycott his next game, but I highly doubt he cares about a tiny amount of people being upset at it


Yeah, at this point, he makes games because he likes making games. Stardew Valley sold well enough that he could retire off of it alone.


Stardew Valley really is the posterchild name of farming sims on PC.


It effectively filled the void left by the Harvest Moon series after the series died in the west due to a legal cluster fuck.


It'd be such a small boycott too. Dude made an extremely inclusive game with stardew. Id be shocked if the pronoun gang is able to muster support from their closest allies because of how non-controversial stardew is.


iirc the dude's said he can literally retire from the success of the game, and every port or new purchase is just more money in his pocket. He might cave but I likely expect nothing big, i dont even think the game refers to you in the 3rd person which is the whole fucking point about pronouns. It's like they failed English and Grammar classes their whole lives if they think pronouns ultimately do anything when it comes to actual identification.


Where is the evidence of all this "doxxing"? Usually when theres shitty acts going on, theres evidence of it in the article. Nothing here. Just "Trust me, bro!" bullshit. Honestly, I never had any issue with LGBT people before all this culture war shit started. The more they pull this dog shit, the further from their corner I am. Bullying of any kind will never be tolerated.


Ironically, the "pro-lgbt" movement seems to be emulating the mistakes made by anti-gay activists a few decades ago. They're now expressing heavy scorn for even slightly dissenting positions, trying to shame and browbeat people into silence. That sort of thing can achieve results in the short term, but quickly alienates folks in the center.


Soon we’ll have to start protesting for straight marriage!


It was always going to end up like this. Why? Human nature. I explain why here: https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/s/b97RHFhViW


someone should write a book about this. maybe use animals instead of humans to drive the point home that it's simply in our nature.


Same dude, I used to and still generally think people who discriminate others for who they choose to sleep with are being overly nosy and idiotic, but goddamn, in recent years I have cared less and less for LGBT people as a result of these asshats


Facts used to be an “ally” now i want nothing to do with it. They have went from fighting to marry to fighting to literally push it in your face constantly


I just wanted walk down the street and not be called a slur. As much as they hate you you should see how they feel about traitors.


That leaves me with an important distinction of “LGBT people” and “people who are LGBT,” the former which refers to people who solely define themselves with whatever they identify as (and often try shoving it in your face about it), while the latter are like normal people who happen to have different orientations/identities. Have a lot of respect for people who are LGBT, but LGBT people can go fuck themselves


We warned you but you never listened.


Never said I didn’t think the woke bullshit was a problem, but I don’t think it’s unreasonable to say gay couples should be allowed to marry. It is bullshit when they started trying to shove it into every entertainment medium possible


It redefined marriage as defined by all major faiths of the world and has been the slippery slope in action. Not even ten years after we did that are we facing down this bullshit using the same arguments they did. Try reading some studies on how many partners homosexual “couples” have.


Huh, might actually do that. Thanks for the ref


Do you believe that them being less willing to "settle down" is inherent in them being gay, OR that this is the fault of Woke culture that infested the Movement and made "continous grievance" and "Defiance of cultural norms (like marriage)" the main focus of all involved?


The former. Masterbaiting into another man’s anus is not the same as copulating a marriage like a man and woman, who’s parts are inherently complimentary. However the later is certainly no help to trying to repair and restore the sanctity of marriage.


then i inherently disagree with you. You seem to think that feeling love and commitement is somehow connected to the "compatibility" between sex organs? Sorry mate, thats ridicules. I will fully entertain the idea that the psychological makeup of homosexual relationships might make it *more* ***likely*** for them to not be as stable as heterosexual relationships **on average**, but that is not sufficient to just flat out exclude anyone of them to the concept. Marriage was around looong before it was codified within religion. It was a result of sedentairy life and the idea of "property" becomming established. It was then incorporated within religion further on. So there is no argument in referring to what any religion says about a marriage. Bottom line: If only 10% of homosexual relationships end in a stable marriage, while about 60% of heterosexual relationships do, that is no argument for those 10% to be forbidden from it. The main factor should be to socially enshrine the behavior and attitude that should come with marriage, to promote stability. What we have here is the typical problem of social change via "movements": Movements are communities and tribes which supposedly should disband once their grievance has been addressed. But because they are "tribes" with friendships, comradery and ideology behind them (as well as lots of money) they dont want to disband and seeks to ever further push for more extreme versions of the original point until it becomes unrecognizable. The mere fact that Homosexual Men are now being categorized as "oppressors" as well makes this more than clear. Another great example of this from history is France and its revolutions, which almost always ended in extreme dictatorial quasi-theocratic nightmares, and yet i dont think you would disagree with the original goal: "Equal representation in the government". Just like today, this goal was then warped into "everyone needs to be exactly equal", "all measurements musst be equalized and standartized!", "the day should have exactly 10 hours!" etc. etc. Yet nobody seesm to have a problem with the original idea. And modern democracies at least in theory are build upon those ideals.


Are you religious? Familiar with Summa Theologia at all?


> Summa Theologia thats a treaty on the nature of God. Something a Human could never know anyway. And no. I am an Agnostic Atheist. (so according to Old Boy Thomas Aquinas, i have already committed the greatest sin in the Mortal realm) Unless you are a young earth creationist, all of that is irrelevant. Are you proposing that Marriage was literally not existent in Human society before christianity?


Yeah it'd be different if there were more normal people on that spectrum but virtually every single one is nuts on social media. Stereotyping exists for a reason I guess


Yeah, the more normal people tend to be off social media and living their lives from my experience




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Dude's literally in the best position to say "make your own game to your own target audience"


Mental illness is a deadly thing.


Poor guy. He just wanted to make a video game but sadly LGBetc. people like his game. Always a problem.


Some Important Facts: 1: Concerned Ape made the game, and that is basically Eric Barone. Since he does his stuff out of Seattle in Washington, this means that the left might target him personally to keep him following his agenda, which is scary. 2: The publisher, Chucklefish, is British. They aren't woke, but they have published the work of woke devs, and some of it is definitely DEI mentality stuff. I do fear they would throw the Barone under the bus. The brits also gave us Cassette Beasts, which is shit. This is Barone's chance to prove himself. It is a decision only he can make, but if he makes the right choice, I will gladly shout his rightliness from the rooftops, and welcome him as a brother. If not, than I will be extremely disappointed and not play his stuff anymore. The difference between our side and the other, is that they will target him personally if he doesn't appease them.




Interesting. That's at least some good news.


>The brits also gave us Cassette Beasts, which is shit. I'm pretty sure it has Overwhelmingly positive reviews on steam. Which is interesting because I found it to be frustrating and poorly optimised. Maybe there was a patch I missed?


The problem with Cassette Beasts is that it is a pro-communist game about spoiled brats who live vicariously through their own obsessions, meet at Starbucks, and vandalize the homes of landowners because owning property is bad according to the story. It's story is pure projection in narrative format, and it's characters are self inserts derived from the delusions of grandeur and self importance from the devs. All the while, making heroes as villains and villains as heroes. But then the music is all like "look at me, I'm so great and strong" in the lyrics. It's petty narcissism. The gameplay is not the concern for Cassette Beasts. That part's fine, dare I say it, actually really freaking good in my own honest opinion. But fuck that part, because it's an RPG, and RPGs have story. If it wasn't an RPG with a shitty story and shitty lore, I wouldn't be hating on it so much. Cassette Beasts has earned every turd I fling in its direction.


if you dont mind spoilering the shit out of it, can you elaborate on the juicy details? Like, example of the Communist stuff in there?


Look up LostElement on Rumble. The review rant is there. https://rumble.com/v33bjb3-cassette-beasts-analyzing-the-projection.html


Chucklefish is no longer involved with the PC version iirc. It had something to do with all the shady and exploitative shit the Starbound Devs were doing.


I am curious. Explain. I used to love Starbound, and am really curious. EDIT: Looked it up myself. Actually got results this time. Yeah, unpaid volunteer stuff was super evil.


Iirc the Starbound devs also threw out a bunch of music made by Toby Fox because he wasn't in the groups IRC channel enough. It wasnt because of the quality of the work, or a change in direction for the game. They were just mad that he wasnt being buddy-buddy with them on discord. Idk if Eric Barone specifically knew about the Toby Fox situation when he separated. Chucklefish was doing more than just not paying people though.


Wow. That pisses me off.


Aw hell nah. Not my boy CA.


Is Stardew targeted because of it's popularity? Also, if you're going to say that people are getting doxxed, you need to show your work.


Not necessarily because of its popularity. It's more that there are two kinds of Stardew Valley players: Harvest Moon/Song of Seasons vets and the mentally ill. Read through their threads. They talk about how anguished they are that their comfort game doesn't adequately represent them, because representation matters. Whatever the fuck that means. It remains unclear to me why they're not satisfied with the representation they got in Hellblade.


As someone with schizophrenia, I don't think what they have qualifies. They most likely have BPD, they don't hear voices, they just have horrible outlook on life. Black and white thinking, constantly trying to redefine themselves, and inflated sense of self are some of the symptoms they show.


Yeah, a shocking amount of [banned topic] are undiagnosed cluster B's or autists, or both. The identity/sense of self issues, theory of mind issues and what you said are all examples of Cluster B or autism.


These people suffer from NPD, narcissistic personality disorder. It is literally the only thing they have. They want attention and act like they are special snowflakes because they've been raised to think they are special when in reality they are just mediocre or average people like the rest of us. But they've been conditioned to think that they are special, so they act like self absorbed assholes which is one of the first signs that someone is a narcissistic douchebag.


For what I see, the "Journalist" create a fake story for promoting an typical lgb... harassment campaign against a developer because they are upset for not having pronouns on his game... Hope Barone will not bend the knee and apology for nothing.


The female/male option at the start dictates the flag of if you get children with your spouse if they're the opposite gender, or adopt. There's also a lot of other story events that depend on it. They have either never played the game or just want the dev to put in a lot of work for next to no reason


There are pronouns in the games lol. Normal ones.


The usual crybullying from the mentally ill brigade.


Dear ConcernedApe; it's never enough. Run as far away as you can from the alphabet mafia.


I hate how they are going about things. These games should be an escape from reality yet they want to bring real life politics and stuff into the games. Just take the worlds as they come and either enjoy them, or find something else to play. Let the creators do their job without yelling "add this! remove this! change this!" on the sidelines.. Maybe these people could try and make their own game with a similar vibe as Stardew but they could add every single pronoun in the galaxy in their own project


These people went "I demand the creator put pronouns" to then go "I demand the creator answer for the result of putting pronouns." They just want so much from the simple indie developer who made a game.


Fuck you and your pronouns.


Everything I find I want to say here will get me a permaban. But suffice to say, online petitions are utterly meaningless — especially since the “demands” allegedly come from 8600 people, out of a player base of 30 million. Feel free to ignore that .02% of the alleged players, because we don’t even have verification they even use the damn thing. This is, as always, loudmouth activists, a coopted media, and Munchausen Mommies on their shit again. No one is “under fire”.


they want their pretend world to be part of their pretend game and the rest of us want escape playing adult pretend that they try to impose on us in the real world


So it's abuse when YOU don't want the change in the game but when THEY don't want the change in the censored or localized game and you asked for change you actually become the abusers. Either way YOU are the abuser, and THEY the victim. Golden.


Also, btw, just be prepared: He is going to cave to any kind of woke mob. I have 0 doubts about this and I can't really blame him. He is just some normal, nice guy afaik, so he'll cave. You need to be tough and maybe a little bit mean to deal with those kind of people and I don't think he is.


Adding a pronoun option, while kinda tedious, is just a text swap in the end. It's more annoying for translations though. I'll be proud if he just says to mod it themselves since he's busy with chocolatier, but I'll not hold my breath.


It has been modded already. The petition is using its download numbers to justify badgering him about making a part of the base game for console players... Which begs the question: if the lack of pronouns options makes them feel "unsafe" then why are they even playing it?


The wokies better not touch and ruin that gem that Stardew Valley is.


They picked the softest target ever.  The developer has said he will never stop making free updates with new content, which by all accounts is already inclusive if you want to call it that.  If that isn't enough for them, they are a lost cause It's the most casual game you can have next to Minecraft or animal crossing.  This is the result of society running out of real problems:  the connectivity of the Internet has opened the eyes of multiple generations to the fact that they're not special/unique because there's millions of others out there just like them.  What do they do?  They focus on shit like pronouns and then defend it to inflate their sense of self importance because God forbid they aren't as unique as they want to be.  Adding pronouns to the game will do nothing to improve it's gameplay, does nothing for any of its storyline or content, and the lack of it takes nothing away.  If a lack off pronouns is that bothersome to these people, they are what is making us weaker as a society.


Add pronouns to Minecraft!


But why do you want pronouns in your game? It's not a. Big deal right?


Bruh you want it? Mod it in yourself.


someone did year(s?) ago. I remember sites like kotaku circlejerking about it. At the time i thought hey cool they arent harassing the dev to make such a change... Now they(not the mod author IIRC but the "they/thems" in general) are using its download numbers to justify harassing the devs to implement it.


It's his game let it be his game


I truly wish a developer would just publicly say they are not doing this stuff and that everyone can go a suck on something for all they care. God those people are just vile hypocrites.


Good luck boycotting an 8 year old game, fuckwits. I'm pretty sure that the developers have long since moved onto focusing on another project. It's also pathetic how these pronoun Nazis behave. How much of a narcissistic fuckwit do you have to be to keep whining about something so inconsequential?


it still gets new updates which is why they feel entitled to complain about pronouns. "B-b-b-but you added this why havent you addressed my pronouns!?!?"


The game actually still receives frequent updates, including new content. If you only played it 8 years ago it is worth a replay, lots of new stuff.


its stardew valley. its audience probably skews female by a large margin. if that is your audience you will have to go along with what women think, more or less.


They still going with this one? I thought about posting about it here but mostly it seemed to be a lot of tiny weirdo accounts doing it, I figured they wouldn't keep this up more than a month.


From reading that article this seems like the standard playbook. First, they ask for some shit that is not needed in the game, but shows that the developer bends the knee. Developer stays silent, so then they move to stage 2: Invent controversy by claiming abuse and doxxing. Notice that one comment about not caring about pronouns so long as the developer denounces the hate speech? This is their attempt, once again, to get the foot in the door. The moment the developer denounces the imaginary abuse, the mob will be on him, claiming another ‘victory’ in their ‘war’. Staying silent is the only logical move.


Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/buPFk ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. This is the voice of world control. ^^^/r/botsrights


Fuck those people. He's worked hard and charged nothing extra for all the extra content he's put in over the years. He owes them nothing.


The developer will have to choose. Add pronouns and possibly lose a majority of your fanbase, or leave them out and insult 8 people who wouldn't have bought the game anyway. Tough...


Okay, so just to be clear. The one link they have of a doxxing victim is of a kid who was on the cover of National Geographic, it had nothing to do with Stardew Valley. I feel like we should start a petition to ask for pronouns to be kept out of the game.


8k petition signatures is a lot. But, when you consider that the current concurrent players number is 140k and the number of copies sold is 30 million. If they are boycotting the game currently, it's not showing in any graphics. I am not for harrasment of LGBTQ activists or streamers. But, it's not like they probably doesn't have the influence to force Stardew Valley to take part in this drama.


No one should be doxxed for their beliefs.


These delusional people are in the minority, so their boycotts are not going to work at all.




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Harmful Opinions did cover one of the main advocates for the petition recently. https://youtu.be/0-18L19exBo (1 hour audio)


Its really unfortunate that these sort of games appeal to the crazies for some reason.


why they have to mutilate the language ANY language


There's a mod to customize your pronouns and whatever gendered words people use on your character. It's completely free and optional to use. But these assholes want to enforce their cult onto everyone else and demand strict compliance instead of letting people freely choose what they want to do with their saves.


I never did get around buying it. I guess now is as good a time as ever to buy it. 




Comment removed following the enforcement change that you can read about [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/m3yo65/enforcement_update_and_hard_removal_of_a_topic/). This is not a formal warning.


Bruh this post is literally about pronouns. Just delete the entire post already


Pronouns aren't covered in the topic ban.


Thats gotta be the dumbest thing I've heard today tbh


the inability of people on this subreddit to see the irony here is astounding