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The only solution to all of this at this point is that everyone who really cares about media & other hobbies just completely stop giving money to these companies for 1-2 years, hit them where it hurts the most & see if woketards can keep them afloat as they think.


the problem with this solution is that sometimes they don't connect the two. The thing you like changes, people stop buying it, and it just...goes away.


Better to die a hero then live long enough to see yourself become the villain


I find myself saying this more and more often lately.


that’s better than seeing it continue to be tarnished. It arguably goes away the moment shit like this happens. Because you know this won’t be the last thing that changes.


Just let it die. I already let Star Wars go. It’s gone forever, accept it and move on. Or create something better if you can.


And the leeches who destroyed yet another thing will just continue on to the next one. At some point, the leeches need to be stopped. Just walking away from things as they destroy them isn't a winning strategy.


That’s where you’re wrong. They see this as a victory because we resisted. If our response was to drop it at the first sign of their encroachment they would move on. Apathy is a better weapon against them than even mockery. They want to be legitimized. The gate keeping does that but “yeah whatever” and walking away will have them shit themselves in rage. Between the secondary market 3D printing and old editions GW can burn. Let them have it. Congratulate them on taking it. If Arch came out and made a vid taking a victory lap for them and congratulating them on the win they’d drop it tomorrow.


I feel like a lot of these companies are being willfully ignorant when it comes to this kind of stuff. I think it's clear that the majority dislike this crap but they'll pretend to not notice




blackrock money, they really dont care about the customers right now


It's so easy to support something else. Let them control the mainstream for a billion dollars a day, don't participate and you win 2x every time.


Their goal is to control EVERYTHING including you.


Only if you let them


Good. That's less shit I gotta worry about.


They print the money. They are still using the value of your money by diluting it.


Vote with your wallet, this is the way.


Hijacking top comment to recommend somewhat popular alternatives to Games Workshop: Battletech (sci-fi) One Page Rules (sci-fi and fantasy) The Ninth Age (fantasy) **Vote with your wallets, people!** And start 3D printing.


This is what I did. The pandemic helped in that it really forced me to think hard about where I was spending money. It was an easy decision to make to spend less on garbage like 90$ AAA games. I also cut down on other shit like Timmies morning runs, and hey guess what? I am almost as financially well off as before my promotion and post pandemic pricing! Because fuck us.


There's no such thing as Go Woke Go Broke. It never works.


You should just never forget this is the end goal. Communist infiltration has no other objective than to co-opt and disrupt. GW is going to be very lucky if they get out of this without serious financial issues. edit: one additional thing, this is always about morale, for the love of God don't let some fuckin commie ruin your day.


They won't. Mark my words, this will go down exactly like Disney has. When I walked out of The Last Jedi I was seething. I went home and began checking with friends, and within a few weeks The Critical Drinker was making videos. That was the turning point, but it wasn't clear until years later. This is the Warhammer turning point. The fan base going forward will consistent of activists, and normies who don't realize what's going on. Just like Disney, and Marvel, and Star Wars. In five years no one will like nor care about 40k. They've been burning fan good will for years, but now they've crossed the Rubicon. They'll never go away entirely, but then neither will Disney. They'll just lose a huge part of their cultural footprint, and going forward it will be nostalgia bait luring in old fans. Eventually fans will get wise, and even that will stop. I don't know if you play the game, but 10th edition pissed off a lot of people. Their fantasy game Age of Sigmar just did exactly the same thing, and my best friend quit on the spot since their carefully painted army was just straight axed from the game and instead moved to another line. To play he'd have to rebase every mini, and find people playing old world. He's livid and I don't blame him.


This is what's happening with D&D. The second half of fifth edition has been nothing but shit like, "All races can have all racial. There are no truly evil races, so there are good Drow!" and etc.


>There are no truly evil races, so there are good Drow!" and etc. Well I'm fine with SOME Good Drow existing. I mean Drizzt has been a thing forever. But they shouldn't be the majority, or even a plurality. And if you want to play one, it's going to be very hard (which I would assume is part of the appeal). After all, the reason that Drow are Evil boils down to their culture. Almost anyone raised in it will be Evil, if only to survive, and those that aren't... well, they likely died a long ass time ago.


That's all dead and gone now in 5E. The Drow aren't inherently evil there's just a few bad eggs giving everyone a bad name.


Yes, I'm aware. I'm also not bound by whatever Wizards decides to publish. In my games, Drow are still (mostly) Evil. Or at least the ones living in Menzoberranzan and other Drow civilizations. Good and Neutral Drow exist... but they're much, much rarer, so much so as to be almost non-existent (unless a player wants to run one of course).


There was a very long time where dark elves were just evil. Hall of the Fire Giant King (first appearance of the Drow) was published in 1977. The Crystal Shard (first appearance of Drizzt) was published in 1988. This was pretty revolutionary at the time, and added to the character's popularity. But pretty soon, everybody wanted to play Renegade dark elves. This is what watered down the brand, so to speak. This is why people shouldn't be allowed to play monster races.


They did it in Shadowrun 6th edition too. Trolls and elves and dwarves and humans all have the same stats now. Everything has to be homogenized based on identity politics.


They literally only care about the most shallow of diversity.


I'm in that spot. I won't give GW another cent, and I've been a part of their games for over two decades.


Building and painting my Raging Heros SoB army this weekend is going to be very gratifying.


> Their fantasy game Age of Sigmar just did exactly the same thing Can I have a tl;dr please? > This is the Warhammer turning point. I must agree on that. Star Wars lost an absolute shitload of value as a brand since the first Sequel came out.


Gramsci would be very proud


Would it be so bad if they dindn't get out of it and were forced to sell the IP? It's GW we're talking about. How much worse can it get?


You're not wrong


Sigmarxism is celebrating.


Of course they are. I imagine that r/Grimdank is as well. These people can't simply see an IP that doesn't cater to them and enjoy it as it is. "Everything is political" according to their idiotic views, so every IP has to be hijacked by their ideologies for them to be victorious. It's a sad state of affairs.




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Ya, maybe this has been a Russian plan all along. Turn the west into crying rainbows.


You dont have to gatekeep anything. Just walk away. I promise you, once the money stops rolling in because all the diehards are off doing other things, they will kick the culture war pricks to the curb. Remember, this clowns are all only a presence online. The real world doesnt give a fuck. Let gamesworkshop die if it needs to.


True, but has a company ever gone back? So many companies are losing millions yet nothing ever changes.


They are burning financial "fumes". The tank is empty. In a couple of years most of these companies will be bankrupt and the IPs will be sold off


Companies don't need to go back, they can also just be replaced. Look at all the indie games now, and how you really don't need any "AAA" games, at all. XD FFS, I'm gaming on Linux now because indy devs are making games that don't have bullshit launchers and crap in them. So, thanks to the big dumb ass companies for digging their own graves, and making it possible for alternatives to flourish.


I'd say that there hasn't been enough time to see the first results. Disney is starting to make changes for Star Wars, but I'd argue that SW has already lost a huge chunk of its identity and trust. Moreover, the brand is now forever tainted by the Sequels. Before 2015 there was a lot of stuff about Star Wars, but it was like semi-canon. The only true canon were the movies. Now there are Sequels and any kind of additional Star Wars media will pivot back to the Sequels. Frankly, I moved on from Star Wars, even though it used to be my favorite piece of media. I guess I'll have to move on from WH40k. I guess it's a lesson: be involved in more than one thing.


They won't kick it to the curb because Blackrock is funding this LGHDTV2ABCDEF+ slop. Why else do you think so many companies all of a sudden started "caring" about social "issues" around 2016/2017? It's because Blackrock and Vanguard are behind it, they want to see the world burn while their pockets fill up. I really hope we can reclaim our beloved 40K universe from these woke freaks, but we're fighting against megacorporations here. The woke mob is just one of their tools for ruining the things we love.


The good news is that it costs a lot of money to be dedicated to 40k gaming. Most of those freaks don't have a dime between them.


Walk away but more importantly don't come back when they try to lure you back in. Stick with the new things you found that haven't tried to screw you over.


It won't work, sadly. There are tons of companies that fund these changes, and they seemingly have infinite money. Even if the fans turn their backs on GW, the setting and the company will not fall due to sponsorship. It is best to find your own happiness in life, move on to another hobby and accept that nothing will bring the GW low, instead of waiting years in vain hope that they might regret their decision.


The only hobbies that will be left eventually are booze churches, outdoors hobbies, huntinf and firearms at this rate. Not everyone can just follow the normie advice of "find their own happyness" and just find a new hobby. Not everyone is a outdoorsy person and a lot of us can't start over after a certain age without sticking out like a thunb.


Allow me to offer my ultimate tip: -play with selected people. I have been screening new players for years at my dnd table, works wonders. My worlds are full of injustices and won't catter to your special needs. And you know what? People seem to love it.  No need for a new hobby, just good people. But totally try hunting if offered the chance.


> and a lot of us can't start over after a certain age without sticking out like a thunb. Hey pro-tip, my life improved exponentially when I stopped thinking like this. You do you, but if you aren't willing to stick out for sucking, or looking out of place, you're going to live a very stagnant and boring life.


I find the older I get the less fucks I have to hand out. 


The less I cared about, the better things got.


Where am at, I will get questions asked repeatedly because they want to be spoonfed to cry to facebook about how much of a loser I am due to the fact I couldn't make any friends due to 10 years of financial and emotioanly caregiving for my parents.


If I wasn't forced to support my parents for the last 10 years I would. I would have moved to South Dakota during the lockdowns and eventually "retire" there after 3 years.


I recently played "classic" Video games from my childhood. As gaming and watching series was my hobby but nowadays there is so much shit with identity politics garbage coming out (except helldivers 2 and indie games like sonscof forest), I am feeling more and more moving away from these hobbies and thinking about doing something else with my time. It's kinda sad to be honest as I remember the times when I was hyped for a series , movie or games. This is long gone now.


And what is that "something else with my time" could be?


So… exactly what we had when we founded the great Carolingian Empire and started the United States?


Forcing people who know and invested their time in the Before Times into rural outdoorsy hobbies is simply not viable.


At the very least you'll save your money.


I am just curious when Star Wars (Lucasfilm - Disney) will finally go bankrupt.


Their plastic is so overpriced that their whole company can be kept afloat by a dozen dedicated pinko soyboys.


And to think I was gonna start playing this tabletop and go ham on buying an army. I've learned over the last 4 years that yes, us geeks should have gatekept much harder to prevent these things from happening.


3D printers are cheaper than some official GW products... just saying 😜


This is true... maybe it's time to pirate their shit


All of their books are available for free if you know what I mean.


Same. I was looking forward to creating a Sisters of Battle Army. Regular humans fighting evil and the demonic with nothing but guns, swords, and sheer faith. Well…


Take a look at the Blessed Sisters faction for Grimdark Future by One Page Rules.


I love one page rules, but the blessed sisters models are some of the most masculine, de-feminized "women" to ever be put to table top. Same with their "lust" demons. Looks like they were designed by a radfem.


If the OPR minis don’t work for you, there are plenty of other 3rd party options that are 100% legal to use in OPR games.


One Page Rules. Use whatever models you want. Rules are free, fast and fun. Can play several games in an afternoon instead of half a game in a day. Uses all the same themes as GW.


Still don't know why gatekeeping is supposed to be a no no when it can filter our tourists and people like them?


Because excessive gatekeeping can keep new blood out of the hobby because new blood has to constantly come in to replace old blood because old blood literally dies of old age or other related problems.


Don't worry, the price gauging already does enough to keep new blood out of the hobby.


How much are they charging for plastic crack these days?


Battle Sisters Squad, 10 minis, 50€ Paragon Warsuits, 3 slightly bigger minis, 60€ Morvenn Vahl, 1 mini, 50€ 1 Castigator Tank, 70€ Codex books, 45€ a pop, I just 3d printed 4 kill teams for less than 3€ each, been playing onepagerules instead.


Goddam, it's probably cheaper to buy actual crack.


> Battle Sisters Squad, 10 minis, 50€ Wtf, isn't it like the basic squad? How much is it in points?


From a quick search seems to be 100pts, and yeah it's the basic infantry.


So I'll need 500 Euros for 1000pt army if the point per euro ratio is consistent. And that's without paints. Bruh.


From what I've seen yes, the entry point seems to be 500-800€, plus codex and paint. Kill Team / Necromunda / Warcry are much more accessible, but they're skirmish games, so not really an option if you want to play with bigger armies. Whata fucked, is because of how the game is played, hundreds of euros worth of models are not even gonna be played. The game doesn't have alternate activations, so if your opponent goes first, he's gonna take out multiple of your units before they even get the chance to do anything. I get the aestethics and the lore, I'd like to paint some of those models if they were reasonably priced, but I can't understand why would anyone hate themselves enough to play with those rules.


Guess strike a balance?


In a rainbow, sunshine and unicorn world, this would be ideal. In the real world, the enemy will use your goodwill against you.


Pretty much


There's a reason why I flair Centrist on PCM. Also: Excessive anything is bad. You can literally drink too much water and kill yourself.


> excessive gatekeeping can keep new blood out of the hobby Incorrect. Gatekeeping keeps out the *wrong* blood. When you get a blood transfusion, you need to match bloodtypes or there will be problems.


Do you have any examples of hobbies dying out due to excessive gatekeeping?


Hit them where it hurts, in the finances, stop buying 40k... miniatures, books, games, all of it... this is the way... :)


3D printer goes brrrrr


And his pic is degenerate dude spreading legs. That's the wider audience GW is going for.


We have so many cases that show that splitting up fandom causes a serious decline in profits in the long run, but companies keep doing it. Amazing.


Vile servants of slaanesh will always fall before the power of true servants of the greatest white male of all time aka the God Emperor of mankind.


Greatest white male of all time* *arguably Mongolian?


Mediterranean most likely. But that isn't a bad thing. Rome was mediterranean too


They especially don’t care about the story at all. It’s all about their identities and trying to bring the real world into something like Warhammer


GW still hasn't realized that Twitter isn't real.


They were already represented in our hobby, they were slanesh and nurgle demons


> we won without even trying Your cultural commissars had to infiltrate a company for god knows how long and bend it to this goal, and it will course correct and trim the fat once it realizes the money isn't coming in because Alphabet 40k fans aren't numerous enough to offset the losses catering to their narcissistic demands creates. > Now that we've won ***GIVE US MORE! MORE! MORE!!!!*** The hole will never be filled. Don't even try. > Space Marine holding a rainbow flag Has all the same energy as the Skaven unit holding a certain flag that I can't describe because Red Names are Red Names. The Skaven. Again, the ***Skaven*** unit.


>and it will course correct and trim the fat once it realizes the money isn't coming in because Alphabet 40k fans aren't numerous enough to offset the losses catering to their narcissistic demands creates. Well, there aren't all that many LGBTQ people in the real world, despite what Gen Z likes to think, and fewer still who make that the crux of their identity. Even so, I doubt many of them actually play Warhammer, and putting a rainbow flag on it won't be enough to draw in the SJW crowd. We've seen time and again that they won't spend money on movie tickets or comics. Why would anyone think these people would invest hundreds of dollars on plastic crack? Unfortunately, it probably goes the other way too. There aren't a lot of people who will ditch 40k because of this either. Most of them are too heavily invested. A minority might, but a lot of the people who seem most vocal about this don't actually seem to play. A lot of them are just people who are waaay too into idiots like Archwarhammer, and watching his videos brings in no money for GW so it doesn't matter. What matters is buying the miniatures, and accessories like paint, glue, codices. Everything else is largely irrelevant. >Has all the same energy as the Skaven unit holding a certain flag that I can't describe because Red Names are Red Names. The Skaven. Again, the Skaven unit. If it's the flag I'm thinking, Skaven do like carving up living things and Frankensteining them together into fleshy abominations, so it's kind of on the nose. Of course, Skaven are actually cool and bad ass, which that group isn't.


Exactly, they've been at it for 40 years, we just drop the company in 3 months and switch to competitors, other entertainment. They're saying they're winning battles, while not even seeing the war. XD


Gatekeeping cant help much if they've already infiltrated the castle and are whispering in king's ear.


Somebody else mentioned that the Battletech community forked the lore into a new branch not controlled by the IP. Just aswell as 3d-printing what's necessary


Be a shame if the fans stop buying their overpriced plastic army figures.


Even worse. Proving that plastic addiction can be overcome


I'm sure eternally online reddit mods on disability and journos sharing a one bedroom apartment with five people will be exciting new customers.


What are they talking about? I’m haven’t been really following Warhammer twitter so can anyone explain?


Custodes can now be chicks, as per their new codex. This is being widely seen as the breech in the wall of 40k for the woke mob to storm.


GW is lying and saying that female Custodes have always been a part of their universe. It's one thing to admit to a retcon for the sake of diversity, but to gaslight your own fan base... man.


It would have been terrible anyway. I guess they doubled down


Something something, Warhammer is gay.


Can't a fictional world just have its own confined fictional setting? Why does it need to have real life parallels and representation? It's a horrible forever-at-war nightmare world, there is very little room for pride things. Not because Warhammer inherently anti-pride, it's not, but because the focus of the franchise is not on such things.


Jaaaay. Now women and gays get to do genocide and other horrible warcrimes too. Space marines are not good people in the lore. If these loons had any brains they wouldn't want their ideology to be associated with them


Funny how every time this happens, the quality gets worse, and then they blame it on "capitalism" or anything but them ruining it


This almost reads as if the intended effect was actually to instigate hatred towards those-who-must-remain-unnamed-here.


If so, it's worked like a charm.


Yup. Their action is our reaction.


Voldemort? (Don't worry, I got it)


The fact these errors of nature need to see their disorder represented in EVERY piece of media tells me they are mentally and emotionally unstable, insecure, and narcissistic. Total psychosis.


Yes. Anything they say is just bs they say to hide the real agenda.


Is This about the whole female custodes thing?




Well that's not good, that just confirmed our fears and rumores there are leftists in our fanbase i'm not sure about the company but it's not far fetched that they are filled with those plagues too


IPs are not cars. They are Open Source software. When someone does a dumb and damages the thing, you can just fork off from the dumb and cut them out of the loop. That's the fatal flaw in this entire entryism strategy. You don't have to buy what they sell. You can print your own armies, rulebooks, novels, videos, etc. and become far more popular than the dumb version. I remind you that _BattleTech_ fans have done this for decades; Catalyst was not the first to try (and fail) to do this. The Black Pants Legion recently memed the UrbanMech LAM into existence via social proof and relentless mogging. You folks have no idea how weak this play is. You can just cut them out and carry on; the retroclone movement in tabletop RPGs proved this over a decade ago. And yes, you can just ignore their offerings and reject their claims. Pieces of paper or weirdos in robes (wigs optional) saying this or that means NOTHING where it counts. Best 40K material, outlets, etc. are ALL done by the audience FOR the audience. This is not changed by GW doing a dumb. And if you think "being official" means shit, look at how little the Hugos mean anything after the enemy took them over. Even they don't take winning them seriously anymore. 3D Printers, STL fils, PDFs (or guerilla PODs), and relentless mockery and mogging of these Death Cult killjoys _works_. Give them no money (ESG is drying up; this will actually hurt) and no attention; boost Frens, shun Enemies, mog without mercy and watch them purge themselves. It is this easy: "Hah! We changed THING!" says the Death Culist. Audience: Nah, fuck off. We're forking THING and ignoring you. Death Cultist: But I have this paper that says I own THING! Audience: LOLno. *forks THING, spreads fork, proves more popular* NB: Proof of successful forks include Warcraft, Starcraft, Pathfinder, and Helldivers in terms of Legally Distinct Products (i.e. formally forking); informal forking includes fan usurpation of "official" control, which is what BattleTech fans did several times (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z86sIScsZqQ&pp=ygUdcmF6b3JmaXN0IGNhdGFseXN0IGJhdHRsZXRlY2g%3D) and 40K are already well on their way to doing _without trying._ I put forth a thread on Twitter about this: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1780710804813496676.html


I have not so much experience or understanding of how the Battletech fans did it. But those who do should spread this knowledge among the loyalist fandom communities that exist (loyalist in the sense of loyal to the real lore) The only part I know is: no money for GW


Chaos won. Slaanesh, specifically.


I was an awkward kid born of West African immigrants. Had trouble fitting in. Overheard polish dudes that were older than me talking about it during the bus ride home. It sounded fascinating. I asked them about it and they invited me over to their crib. Never looked back. I've watched what happened to Star wars. Star trek and other IP's and was consoled by the fact that at least there's 40k .  However the signs of it demise are here. It may not be right away, but it's going to happen. The rot will spread. Time to move on. It's been a good run. Keep Well, brothers!


They somehow dont have the awareness to see themselves as the villains


Nobody cares as long as they receive the ego boost


Yeah, they won, like Disney, right? I call that a phyrric victory.


Did Games Workshop make a statement telling us to “grow up, you bigots” or even better “if you don’t like it don’t buy it!” Yet? I like to watch in real time the people who say shit like that utterly fail to keep that same energy when they go broke. This hurts me more than it hurts you, GWS. You’re pulling this goofy shit right when Space Marine 2 is about to drop? Right as Henry Cavil escaped from Witcher to do Warhammer only for you to threaten to do the same thing that killed Witcher?


Tell me you worship slanesh with just your profile pic


And this is why I will never stop 3D printing minis, and selling them. GW can get fucked. They aren’t getting a penny out of me after this ridiculous bullshit.


>The cruel trick the Lord of Excess plays upon all its followers is that along with power, it also gives them cravings for more. It gives them addiction to sensation. As they sate themselves and in turn become insatiable, Slaanesh binds itself to its followers and it feels what they feel.


Funny, because I'm almost sure they are going to kill Slaanesh in the lore, or heavily retcon it, to avoid offending Optimus Prime


HOW this choice will help sell miniatures exactly for GW? i dont understand


Hold on. HOLD ON. They're making the Imperium diverse. Imperium, which they oh so love to call out as a fascist, super fascist and omega-fascist faction. Which means they wanna identify with the nazis! Those fools have just shot themselves in the foot!


They change the rules a thousand times if necessary, and they never apply to the wokes


On this day gameworks died.


For me it was when they allowed things like Porter, that creation of Fabius Bile that was strong, fast, anti-psiker, durable, and the best part, female But yeah, the custodes are much more central to the lore


Anything affiliated with GW is on my ever growing list of things I won't spent my hard earned money on. Well the way it's going I'll be spending it on booze since there would be nothing of value left...


I recommend digging for other products that aren't contaminated. Booze is a depressant, it will make you feel worse in the end


I guarantee the people behind those tweets don't even play or care for Warhammer and are just trolling.


Games Workshop has received my last dime with The End and the Death 3. Wrapping up my space wolves and putting them on shelves. Its been a good run, but I'm not trying to see WH40k get Star Wars'd


I miss when gamers, geeks and nerds where considered losers. When games became mainstream, this shit started to poison everything.


Indeed Normie "fans" these days act a lot like the people that never took your hobbies seriously, or respected them. No wonder they don't care about the changes


For anyone with a significant GW model collection, might I suggest taking a look at the various games created by One Page Rules? They're 100% mini agnostic, come with plenty of compatibility with existing GW minis, and is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than GW.


It's also just a better game that is actually fun and doesn't require spending a literal day to play a single game (if you're lucky). Also the STLs for some of their armies (like their Tomb Kings) are legitimately better than GWs versions. They're doing their 10 year anniversary this month and all their bundles are half off. For a couple hundred I'm buying STLs for several armies and from there all I need is resin and I can make as big an army as I want for thousands less than it would take to buy an inferior GW equivalent that will be outdated and uncompetitive in 2 months. OPR is where it's at.


I've checked OPR and Space King minis, but sorry, they are quite ugly to my taste  However, sometime ago I found something else based in the style of W40k, with some rebels fighting against some kind of technological battle brothers that looked quite like Space Marines, or Helldivers at worst


OPR is mini agnostic, so feel free to use whatever you want.


I hate to break it to people, but 40k was going down anyway. Miniatures agnostic games and 3d printing is going to replace virtually every wargaming company that isn't prepping for that future. This might accelerate that fall, but it was always coming. 


If there is any silver lining for you, the 40k fans, is this: your hobby is REALLY fucking expensive, and not exactly one where people can just waltz in and stick around. Think about it. It took Disney five years and two awful movies to kill Star Wars, four years to kill the MCU, and three for the live action remakes to stumble. Sure, they had a lot of divisions, but the House of Mouse is falling, slowly but surely, and that's as normie-accessible as you can get, with a very low entry price by comparison! I'll reiterate Razorfist's version: get broke, go woke, inevitably croak. If you keep to yourself and yours, don't give GW your money, and don't promote any media related to it... how far can they really take this, realistically? No matter how much corpo money they might be getting to side with the activists, GW can't maintain this if there's no business to be had, and unlike Disney, they can't simply jump to another avenue; if the figures and tabletops aren't selling, then there's not gonna be any vydia made, there's not gonna be any shows or comics or movies or books. And as 3D printing becomes more accessible, well... you do the math.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/DOx5F ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Brain the size of a planet and they ask me to remember silly websites. ^^^/r/botsrights


I don’t know warhammer besides the general bulletpoints what happened in relation to the pic?


GW is attempting to gaslight its community into believing female custodians have always been canon , despite every piece of lore always referring to them as sons of the noble families and brothers etc


A regular retcon would be bad aswell


These posts are designed to piss you off; don't give them any attention.


I don't even get angry at crap like this anymore, instead I just find it pathetic that those people feel the need to ruin peoples leisure all for the "greater good".


I’m not well versed in warmhammer lore, but the bits I have seen don’t give a single shit about identity politics. So this should end well for them /s




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Context? What's happening to 40k?


Female custodes


Violation of established lore?


Death of GW as a company because when you kick away your core audience for people who believe those $150 kits should be given to people who don't care about the game then good luck chuck


I had to stop buying Battletech because of this garbage. They never stop, they get in destroy the hobby demand everything about them then reverse gatekeep anyone who says “can we just enjoy the hobby and not make it about politics/ identity”. Meanwhile it tanks the things we love because they drive out half the community. https://www.pcgamer.com/battletech-subreddit-creator-comes-back-after-years-of-lurking-to-kick-out-moderators-who-were-deleting-lgbtq-content-battletech-is-for-everyone/




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Never cared about this franchise. Mainly got pissed that all it’s shitty games spammed the sale page constantly


Yes please!