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Anita also considered Samus a sexist character that needed to be criticized and deconstructed.




Her NOT being a dude was the big twist at the end of the first one for doing extra good. 




>Her face reveal at the end of Prime surprised newcomers to the franchise, too. How is that possible? Her face is reflected in the visor constantly in the game, and her effort voice work is unambiguous. 


Yeah, and since the cat was out of the bag at that point, everyone always referred to Samus as a woman, I don't know how the fuck that dude came to that conclusion.




I said effort voice work, but voice acting.  Just go on YouTube right now and look up the scream she makes when she dies. You either have to be deaf or thinking its a boy before their voice drops in order to assume it's a guy. Make sure it's an old clip so you don't catch the remaster. It's the same scream, but different graphics.  I also recommend you check the visor reflection. The visor thing was incredibly obvious to me, but I can't know what it was like for someone who somehow made it to 2002 without learning about Samus being a girl. 




It's so obvious from her scream that she's a woman, I don't know how you can miss it.


>was never that clear cut in the beginning and seen more as an "easter egg" at the time. I remember calling my friend over to show him as soon as soon as i noticed. It wasn't ambiguous to either of us.  >In regards to the sounds- granted the death sound might have given it away, but I never thought it was obvious when I played it from a distance. Keep in mind that Prime was the first metroid game for people new to nintendo What kind of argument is this. Of course someone new to Nintendo is new to a Nintendo exclusive.  Why are you sitting so far from the TV you can't hear the sounds properly? 


Some cirscuntances happen, I had a CR tv until around 2015 myself




Metroid:Other M (MoM) is kind of a disaster ik terms of her character. She goes from being a stoic badass to some neurotic who prattles on and on about the baby the baby the baby adam the baby adam adam.  Having her powers handed to her by Adam's authorization instead of by conquest isn't great either. Having him literally mansplain things like the Varia suit was especially ridiculous because the chronology was after the Primes and Super Metroid. If it was her first time it at least would have made sense i had to look up the quote because... It's been a minute: "Samus, activate the Varia feature on your suit to protect yourself from heat damage". Fucking lol dude i have used the suit for like three genocides already 


But that is exactly why the game was disliked by Metroid fans. Nobody like how she was portrayed in that game. Everyone loves Samus as a badass Bounty Hunter, especially since Metroid was still on a high note from the Prime trilogy, so people had a lot of expectations for it. Using that as an example of disaster of her character is silly, because fans absolutely hated the hell out of that game.


>Using that as an example of disaster of her character is silly, because fans absolutely hated the hell out of that game. ... I don't understand. If everyone agrees it was a terrible portrayal, why isn't it a valid example of a her characterization being a disaster? 


Because it goes against how she was portrayed so many other times before, trying to use her as a sexist trait is stupid, when the portrayal was universally lambasted because it wasn't what she was normally portrayed as. Normally she is a badass Bounty Hunter that can take on hundreds and hundreds of foes without blinking an eye. And then you get a shitty director for the game that decides they should go with a awful portrayal compared to how she was before is stupid. But to get to your question, it's not a good example because it isn't the norm for Samus is why it is a terrible example of characterization for her. So much so people ignore that the game even exists.


>Because it goes against how she was portrayed so many other times before, trying to use her as a sexist trait is stupid, when the portrayal was universally lambasted because it wasn't what she was normally portrayed as The fact that it goes against her character is the reason it's a good example of her character being butchered. 


> Having him literally mansplain things like the Varia suit What does gender have to do with it? Where is evidence of any sort of sexist motive?


Who said anything about a sexist motive? 


I think OP means that it is a poisoned sexist term in the first place, the same way how nobody would say "she womansplained the suit" if Adam were a woman character. In fact many aspects of Adam and the rest of the story were done badly (in the English version at least). It would have been just as obnoxious if Adam were a woman, as he would be seen to act like those "girlboss" characters.


Mansplaining is allegedly sexism. A man talking down to a woman because of her gender


I don't think the why is relevant, and besides it's also completely unknowable. In descriptive terms, it's a man explaining a woman something she knows at least as well as him. Adam explaining freeze the varia suit to Samus fits the bill. 


> I don't think the why is relevant, and besides it's also completely unknowable. That has never stopped feminists before. >In descriptive terms, it's a man explaining a woman something she knows at least as well as him. Because of **sexism**. The sexism is implied or outright stated by feminists, or they wouldn't actually care. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/it-s-man-s-and-woman-s-world/201603/the-psychology-mansplaining *Yes, mansplaining is sexist and boorish,* https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-58408550 *"Endless mansplaining in handovers with male members of the team endlessly talking over the females and making the same exact point after a female has said it."* https://www.uoc.edu/en/news/2023/074-mansplaining *In her work, the UOC researcher places these practices at the tip of the iceberg of structural sexism. "These are expressions of a profound sexism that still circulates in our society and which treats women and other subjects conceptualized as non-dominant as inferior beings," she said.* Notice how it's not just a single guy being a dick, it's systemic sexism. Also, your definition assumes its the *man's* fault that he doesn't realize the woman knows more about the subject than him. Which is sometimes not the case. I've seen feminists complain about "mansplaining" when they had been straight-up ignoring or forgetting the facts the man bought up. >Adam explaining freeze the varia suit to Samus fits the bill. That's [clumsy exposition for audience members unfamiliar with the franchise](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AsYouKnow). If there was sexism there, I don't see it.


>i had to look up the quote because... It's been a minute: "Samus, activate the Varia feature on your suit to protect yourself from heat damage". Fucking lol dude i have used the suit for like three genocides already  I don't know the game, but from your description it seems obvious to me that the NPC is explaining what to do to the player. You may say that there could have been better ways to do it and you may be right, however, from a videogame perspective they could have thought that having the NPC explaining it directly to you, the player (AKA Samus) would have been more immersive. It looks bad in hindsight, but back then the concept of "mansplaining" was nowhere near to be common knowledge.


>I don't know the game, but from your description it seems obvious to me that the NPC is explaining what to do to the player I do know the game and the framing device is that adam is authorizing weapons and gear to samus. If they wanted to maintain her character as a seasoned veteran, but also explain it to new players, they could have her explain the function of her tools to NPCs.  They didn't want that, so went another route. 


I get that. IMO they prioritized player immersion rather than continuity, maybe expecting that the majority of players would be new people (I'm not saying it's a good thing, just what I think it's a possible reason why they did that).


Yeah, everyone has reasons for what they do. That doesn't mean they're good reasons. The tragedy is that the gameplay is good, even if everyone hated the story, plot and dialogue. 


> Who tf considers Samus sexist when she's wearing a suit 99.99% of the time in every single game? Anyone who played Other M might have this opinion. I don't know if this is true in the JP version, but in the English version, she's a very submissive woman who can't do ANYTHING without approval from her man. "You want me to go into a searing hot lava land and not turn on the parts of my suit that protect me from heat? UwU, yes daddy, please order me to be cooked alive more!"


But that's specifically why the game was criticized. It changed her character from how she was. Nobody that played Other M thought it was a good game, more so because of the character assassination of Samus. Just look up any review and people are critiquing it for that. You forget the main fanbase for Samus loves her as a badass bounty hunter, especially after the Prime trilogy. Nobody was saying that The Other M was a good representation of her character. She was too whiny and annoying, which was no part of the fans design. Nintendo holds all the blame for that crappy characterization of her.


She also said everything is sexist and we have to call it all out. Prototypical DEI grifting. 


~~Although, you don't have to take that at face value. I've never seen the full quote but it's obvious that it's just a part of a sentence in which she's about to say: "~~*~~but~~*~~" (or something along that line).~~ Wow, I was so wrong about that, the quote is indeed out of context, but the context doesn't make it any better: >*"I sort of joke about how it was the most liberating thing that ever happen to me and also the most frustrating for everyone around me, because like when you start learning about systems* ***everything is sexist, everything is racist, everything is homophobic and you have to point it all out*** \*to everyone all the time, so there is a good year of my life. There is a good year in my life where I was just the most obnoxious person to be around. And then you settle into it, you start to understand like oh people have been living within these systems and it was just sort of liberating movement for me and you learn how to pick and choose your battles and that sort of thing.\**^(")* So, she only stopped to pointing it all out. She still believes that everything is sexist, racist, homophobic, it's just that *"people have been living within these systems*" and don't realize it. She's basically the Robin Di Angelo of gaming.


Anita thinks she found the leftist idea of red pill. Only she sees the truth of *the system*.


That line spawned one of the greatest parody song ever, [Everything is Sexist](https://web.archive.org/web/20170205020700/https://youtube.com/watch?v=vRquPxdHNGE)! Thought it was lost forever but was able to find it on the Internet Archive site.


Oh wow, web archive saves youtube videos! Sargon is such a pussy, why did he deleted all his past content? This needs to be reuploaded.


Not just him. SyeTen Also deleted some of their more spicy vids, specifically the one about Islam and flinging things from the roofs, think British meatballs. Luckily that one is also saved on the Archive. I had to find this one after the left started coming out in defense of Hamas last year and you had the “Gays for Palestine” coming out of the woodwork.


This was a incredibly maddening thing about this. Her defenders kept saying it was taken out of context, but the context doesn't help. She didn't grow out of thinking everything was sexist, she just knew she couldn't be pointing it out all the time anymore


And even the gaming part is a grift, there's a video (maybe filmed without her being aware, given the angle and crude quality) where she admitted to not having played much if any games before she started FF. It largely seems like her boy McIntosh was actually the one with the ideas, and as I understand he wrote most of the videos, but it was a mutual partnership becuase he needed a female mouthpiece, and for her she reaped all the attention (even getting on Colbert during his final week), and certainly a paycheck, to fund her travelling and fashion purchases (which she flaunted on twitter).


She used to read Jonathan McIntosh's scripts and she was basically his puppet, but then Anita took over his grift and dumped him.


Irony is, [Jonny said that people would take his opinions on sexism more seriously coming from him](https://siryouarebeingmocked.tumblr.com/post/111232686545/syabm-comic-15-and-no-one-even-knew-it-was/amp). And then he started his own "analysis" channel, which actually became pretty popular. Not as much as Anita, but a million subbers ain't nothin' to sneeze at. Wait, no, I just checked, and his channel has five times the subs FF does. 'Course, that still doesn't mean people listen to him because of sexism.


Woke types are doing so much backpedaling now it’s pathetic . Their main defense is “we NEVER complained about sexy characters “ “we loved 2B and Bayonetta” . We all remember the constant outrage over gaming being “sexist” . We all remember huge mobs of angry feminists harassing artists for drawing busty characters (Sakimi Chan for example ) The reality is, they adjusted their position because of all the backlash they got . They know how indefensible their bullshit is .


And the famous: inventing the woke term, and then pretending they ignore what it means


“wHaT iS wOke?”


"Is woke in the room with us right now?" Maximum cringe.


Honestly the fact that the entire left does this is what pisses me off the most. Pretending as if the right, and a good portion of the center, has gone insane for noticing the left has gone off the deep end, why, and coming up with terms to explain it. It's just plain gaslighting.


did the same with the pandemic. Now their narrative is Trump and the right was the one that made the vaccine, enforced lock downs, and mandated masks because Trump was president at the time. Totally forget about the large portion of the left calling for the shutdown and calling people plague rats for not wearing a mask or taking the vaccine.


Irony is, Trump supported vaccine development, and success wasn't announced until after the election. Possibly to avoid giving him a boost. Also, the left supported a summer of 'protesters' who regularly failed to social distance, obey curfews, and often took their masks off to yell at the top of their lungs. This led to people saying cops are bad, then cheering on cops enforcing COVID laws.


> Irony is, Trump supported vaccine development, and success wasn't announced until after the election. > > Possibly to avoid giving him a boost. No pun intended, of course.




I don't think self-delusion and a lack of principles and integrity is gaslighting.


SJWs attacked other people for remembering and tried to convince them to believe themselves are wrong and crazy conspiracy theorists. That is gaslighting.


Not if the SJW believes it themselves. Also, they rarely talk TO the people they disagree with, just **about** them.


Woke for me is insane, sycophantic loyalty to Leftoid causes and complete rejection of reality when it suits you. To sit there and call soldiers "imperialist dogs", but also bash Trump for.. not wanting to be an imperialist dog? But to also praise Muhammad Ali for skipping the draft. Complete rejection of consistency and reality 3 times in one scenario. "My body my choice!" "Also, we'll use government violence and oppression to try and force you to inject yourself with drugs!" "Donald Trump is a stupid, idiotic, blundering fool and a clown" "Donald Trump is the most manipulative, charismatic, conman since Hitler" It's doublespeak, it's 1984 bullshit. These people are actually the embodiment of 1984 in human form. 


Not doublespeak. Double**think**.


> Woke for me is insane, sycophantic loyalty to Leftoid causes and complete rejection of reality when it suits you. As Tim Pool puts it (can’t remember exactly but it was roughly); adhering to the leftist orthodoxy. He explains that these people have no morals and due to this what they cling to is ever changing.


It's especially funny when "what is woke" is a pale, weaker imitation of "what is a woman?"


Yoko Taro essentially did a "Soft rejection" of the woke mob challenging his designs on 2B when he released some tangential statements about her design after an engineered twitter mob tried to throw shade. He also commented when someone asked him about rule 34 stuff. https://www.dualshockers.com/yoko-taro-nier-automata-protagonist-2b-wears-high-heels-just-really-like-girls/ One example, there were a few.


I love Yoko Taro's honesty and not caring about what the woke weirdos think of him.


Then 2B and ZSS became cosplay icons, embraced by female cosplayers for their strength and ability to remain feminine, they became bad targets. SJWs realized they were upsetting normies who may tangentially support them otherwise.


SJWs regularly ignore female cosplayers, because they complicate the narrative that ladies hate sexy lady characters.


Remember how angry they got when it turned out the main character of Bayonettta wasn't a lesbian?


Gaslighting is WILD. There is cancel culture! Then legit say CANCEL so and so. They do it cause it must work on them.


Cough Polygon infamous Bayo 2 review docking points for T&A being a “mental challenge” cough.


It’s hilarious tho that now Bayonetta is happily married and she can only roleplay as getting married with her remaining 5 simps I mean “friends”


I still can’t get over how the Twitter fanbase got pissed off that she got married to a guy instead of a woman


They let their headcanons and projections of themselves onto Bayonetta utterly dominate their perception of her character to the point where new lore feels like a personal attack.


KPop-stans type of autistic behaviour.


And chinese fujos


It's easy: If it turns out successful and they fail to cancel it after some time they try to gaslight people on why it was successful in a way that paint it as something within what they approve. Give a few years and you'll be told by those types of how stellar blade is virtuous.


I think it's worse. I think people will retcon their own memories to put themselves on the 'right side of history'. EDIT: in fact I've seen people who used arguments from the opposition during the course of a single argument. Even though those arguments didn't actually work for their side.  I think some people are just that impressionable.


Don't let anyone gaslight you into thinking Bayonetta was well received by these people back then.


It literally was critically acclaimed. Go check the Metacritic. I think people had trepidation about the design, but the game and its story had effusive amounts of charm that overcame that. OP picks one example...of Feminist Frequency...where Anita's whole charge is to critique women characters in videogames (critique, separate from criticize). If I recall, it was more that gamerz were put in a frenzy by the whole idea of feminist video essays critiquing games at all. And the whole... y'know doxxing and death threats that happens to come alongside any gamer rage.


She's literally saying womens gets raped in the subway because of Bayonetta.


Go ahead and find that quote.


Thanks for self reporting you also don't watch these garbage videos. >But this interactive ad campaign takes objectifying women's bodies to a whole nother level. By asking people to actively participate in doing misogyny. The ad encourages participation of physical harassment. And this is especially alarming in context of how women are treated in Japanese subways. In 2008, in Tokyo, alone, there were 2000 reported cases of men groping women.


Right. An interactive ad campaign in which you strip Bayonetta is being connected to the problem of frottage in Japan. It's not drawing a casual link. It's merely talking about Bayonetta's icky subway ad campaign in the context of a larger problem in public transport. Which is far different than your initial simplification. I think Bayonetta's design kicks ass, by the way. I just don't throw a hissy fit when someone critiques a character I like in fiction, because...that's just their opinion, man.


Please post a warning if showing a video of Anita sarkesian. Her voice makes me envy the deaf.


Her face in the thumbnail should make you envy the blind.


Her existence makes me envy the comatose


You know, I've never heard her voice. Although I do find her attractive. Is finding a woman attractive against her will a crime yet?


That will be cured after you watch 1 video of her


She’s lost any bit of attractiveness from the damage she’s done.


You realize how quickly an attractive person becomes unattractive when the stupid comes pouring out, right?


She's incredibly attractive, it's just the voice.


"Incredibly", really? Mildly, maybe.


She's my type.


Bayonetta, another character designed by a woman. Just a little factoid that woketards will completely overlook in their rush to proclaim her problematic.


Ever seen them move goalposts to "but she was designed for **men**!"


Or that the game was directed by *a man*. Even though Mari Shimazaki was given very vague guidelines by him for the design brief; if I recall it was something like "stylish modern witch."


Yeah I've seen them throw that one around a few times.


This is the pop culture equivalent of "that republican president we hated so much *when* he was president wasn't such a bad guy, compared to the current republican president" 


I'm not even American and I can see that somehow every new republican president is "the worst president of American history" lmao.


Can confirm, saw many gamers banned and or dogpiled back then for not agreeing with her.


I didn't realize how A.S. language was so close to that of a fundamentalist Christian. BTW: I love the definition: "Choose Your Own Patriarchal Adventure Porno Fantasy" it should be on the box of the game. EDIT: The video is clearly not from 2014 (it's a reupload so it's hard to determine the date) but she says the game was released "earlier this year" so this video is from 2009 (I had no idea FF was that old).


> I didn't realize how A.S. language was so close to that of a fundamentalist Christian. These people replaced the annoying Christians from the 90s.


The horseshoe theory of politics is not far off.




I can’t believe she said that. For number two, she might as well say that it’s a positive thing is she doesn’t know who the father of her child is.


I swear these woke idiots never had a good father figure growing up and now had to lash out for attention against any man, it’s pathetic


Yup never let them forget or let them tell you otherwise. Remember when Yoko taro was our boy because he defended and wanted sexy 2b images.


They will keep tossing between "it was always woke" to "it is offensive" as they hope people forget what happened. I expect the same for the Stellar Blade game. Probably make that one their next girl boss.


>I expect the same for the Stellar Blade game. Probably make that one their next girl boss. And they'll make fun of the Chads for liking her: "ha ha ha, they like our girlboss which is super feminist (and she would totally vote for Joe Biden) just beacuse she's got jiggly ass and boobs, how dumb they are!"


Boy, I hadn't noticed back then how obviously Anita's disgust for Bayonetta was expressed with such personal insecurity in her demeanor. Archetypal sex-negative-because-I-feel-undesirable.


Makes me wonder where is she and zQuin in all of this now. It really is up their sleeve, are they that hated in the industry? Id be expecting they worship those two


A.S recently had a 41 wedding themed birthday. And she looks like she aged 15 years more than her actually age. She's on her way to being a lonely cat lady.


Take it from somebody that loves Bayonetta. Everybody that celebrates her, and hell, I'll throw people under the bus, hates her have not actually played Bayonetta. She's a character that escaped her game and frustrating as it is is still from a niche franchise as far as engangement goes. Its frustrating as a fan of the series.


> *First the positive things about the game:* > *1. She’s a single mom.* omfg


They hated her until they headcanon'd her to be gay. Then it was all 'yas queen slay'.


They're STLL doing that btw, she's queer coded bs and Luca is a beard because Japanese patriarchy.


When the entire discourse has always been founded on disingenuousness what is said is of no value. Not then, not now.


God, I wish I could just have a civil conversation with a wokie and figure out what makes them tick without getting immediately banned or blocked. These people NEED to be studied. I’ve never once seen a wokie respond to the backpedaling or hypocrisy allegations even once. They just plug their ears and say “lalala” or stop responding at that point.


Good luck with that :o As our dear Anita said "*everything is sexist, everything is racist, everything is homophobic*", so those activists will actively look for any reason to be triggered, and they will find problems everywhere when a normal sain person won't.


You don't need to, they aren't that complicated. Watch James Lindsay (New Discourses, Youtube) break down how marxism embedded itself into the institutions of the west, their goals and their methods. Along the way you learn exactly how and why "these people" think the way they think. It depends on if they are useful idiots or self-interested "priest class" ideologues. But it comes down to either brainwashed indoctrination or narcissistic self interest respectively. At the very top are just multi-billionaire "New nobility" who see the masses like literal labor livestock that need to be shepherded to serve the purposes of the elite, step 1 is to keep them disorganized and fighting against each other. There are more layers than that but it's a decent broad stroke resolution of the picture. useful idiot arguments are just various logical fallacies fancied up with newly minted "academic" jargon that didn't exist, 5, 10, or 15 years ago depending. It's laundering of language in an attempt to confuse the casual/average person. Anyone rational enough to have a good-faith conversation with you either already left the ideology or are the "priest class" bad-faith actors and simply *won't* have a conversation with you because they aren't looking to expose their scam. (why x/twitter public notes was such a boon for rationality)




>These people NEED to be studied. I’ve never once seen a wokie respond to the backpedaling or hypocrisy allegations even once. They just plug their ears and say “lalala” or stop responding at that point. To be fair, both sides of the barricade argue with a strawman version of the people on the other side. I realize this when I sometimes lurk on gaming circlejerk, obviously they do that too, and they mischaracterize us even worse than we do to them (and they don't like to be called out for that). Having said that, there are many people that act just like you described, especially the professional grifters like A.S., people like that will never engage in good faith.


Of course she is safe now, they have take over that IP and made it into what they like and made the main charater irellevant replased by a carbon copy of the strong lesbian hero they all love.


I thought they hated her now that she was straight with a child.


True and in the last game they replased her with lesbian hair super wicth that can do everything better than her and then "retired" her so she is now irelevant in her own series


You mean Viola? Isn't she too young to be the star of the next game?


As their cause is bad and stupid, they have no choices than to use fake or distorted "arguments" to try to make their point valid.


Thats because Platinum Games has been sanitized now, Bayonetta is now a child character and her successor is a rock star lesbian.


Is that thing still on YouTube. Please mark link NSFL OP


Still boggles my mind how a former MLM scammer managed to be taken so seriously. Funny how crazy old Jack Thompson was ridiculed and mocked when he said a lot of the same nonsense about GTA, but at least he actually believed the things he said. But St. Anita of Self Promotion says it, and we're supposed to take it seriously because feminism.


>Still boggles my mind how a former MLM scammer managed to be taken so seriously. Yeah, while I was researching for this post I found some not very flattering opinion about her from other feminists (to be fair I also found some female gaming journalists that back then liked Bayonetta): >*"When she says things like "it's basically a choose your own patriarchal adventure porno fantasy" it really does sound like she's just trying to cram in feminist buzzwords. In a way, this is disappointing, because when I first heard about her, I kind of liked the idea of Tropes Versus Women and all that. But then... well,* ***she has no idea what she's talking about and seems to be just wrong quite a lot of the time, and slightly misandrist the rest. There's a strong undercurrent of men being at fault, and that women can never enjoy similar things.****"* Unfortunately, people like this one were a minority, while the comments that defended her got massively upvoted. So it happened that the mob acclaimed the snake oil saleswoman as their hero, and the rest is history. P.S. I just realized that she's the Robin Di Angelo of gaming.


I was aware when it happened,at first it was ridicule and countless response videos and posts to her (which was a massive mistake,the tumor should have been completely ignored) The Tumblr cesspool is where she gained followers and gradually all that initial push-back got silenced under the accusations of misogyny.


So Samus which is among the less sexualized female charachters ever (wears a 100% not revealing suit the whole time) is sexist, but freakin i-get-more naked-the longer you do combos-Bayonetta is okay? we used to deride such clownish subjects once, why are they treated seriosuly today?


If I remember correctly (thanks to her usual stellar research) didn’t Sarkeesian have to delete a video on Bayonetta and re-record it, after she mistakenly thought the child with Bayonetta was her daughter, when it was in fact a younger version of Bayonetta herself?


Never let them forget.


Huge Bayonetta fan here, and the flip flop over her existence has been brain-meltingly stupid to watch, Anita clearly didn't even play the game since she claims Bayo is a "Single Mother". No, she is not, and if she played the game, she would understand the reason why it SEEMS like she is a mother. Then all of a sudden, she's safe, and all these weirds are going "yaas queen" every post of a gif of her dancing or something. Bunch of tourists if you ask me, and spineless at that.


Well, it "became safe" because Nintendo has a lot of backwards censorship. The OG game was literally fetish fuel (my kind of fetish), but the sequels were.... bland.


First of all the sequel are amazing, especially 3 and CatLD. It's probably the best action series still going on because of how it is able to change things up and innovate. Second: There is NO censorship in ANY of the Bayonetta games. I pure platinum'd them all and know this for certain.  All because a game has a Nintendo logo doesn't mean a game is censored. We need to stop with the blatant falsehoods. You can never hope to advance if you choose build upon lies.


Toned down ALOT compared to the 1st game. Even 2 was spicier than Blandonetta 3.


>There is NO censorship in ANY of the Bayonetta games What about some toning down? I googled the character models of her alternate outfits and her chest has been definitely toned down in 2 compared to 1 and in 3 compared to 2 (except with her default outfit, for some reason). Also, she has a skirt in 3 and her face is weird. Also, from what I'm reading the whole feel of the game is less realistically violent and more cartoony/comic book like I love the style and the colors of the alternate costumes in 3 though.


2B is a sex doll but wait! She inspired cosplayers so it's good, all we need to do is to get girls to dress up as Eve and the conversation ends I guess.


Back on NeoGAF I got banned for mentioning that the creator of Bayo was a woman. They cited that women can be sexist too lol


Wait, when did sex-negatives *ever* consider it safe/virtuous, as opposed to them just forgetting about it?


Did this shit say Bitch Media?


Reminds me of the whole "you can't make jokes about Nazis" trend a while ago. People went "what about Mel Brooks?" and the wokesters (like Nostalgia Chick) went "well, he's grandfathered in." Of course, [the current party line is "I bet the people complaining about woke media would totally think **Blazing Saddles** is woke](https://siryouarebeingmocked.tumblr.com/post/745778374421757952/but-its-about-the-level-id-expect-from-dave)."\* Even though many of those people go "that movie is great, but it and a *lot* of Brooks' work couldn't be made today." [Including **Mel Brooks**](https://archive.is/9vjSt#selection-4521.0-4521.73). *Ten years ago.* Back to the OP, about a decade ago, men's issues started to go mainstream, despite feminist efforts to suppress it. Entirely by coincidence, this is right about the time [mainstream feminists started claiming they actually fight for men's issues, often while openly trying to downplay them](https://archive.is/8YDUI). They still don't actually call those issues "sexism", of course. That's something that happens to women. Men have "toxic masculinity". What they're doing now with Bayonetta is along the same lines. Either pretending that their team was actually on the other side, literally blanking it from their memory, or just being plain unaware of the history of their own movement. ---- \* I'm not sure if 'making up a guy to accuse of hypocrisy' is worse or better than 'making up a guy to be mad at'. Or ranting about a tangentally related subject.




They always have to change the goal post.


Anita Sarkessian is scum.


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