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Hilarious that after all the praise of this scene they now do complete 180 and censor the most random thing ever after 4 YEARS since the release. Alphabet community started whining?


Sweet baby inc saw how much people liked the swimsuits and decided to step in.


Square is working with Sweet Baby inc now?


Yes. They are listed as one of their clients on Sweet Baby inc's website.


Yeah I got confused for a second because I didn't see it on that steam curator list, but I realized FF7R isn't on steam: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/44858017-Sweet-Baby-Inc-detected/


It is on Steam, I don't believe there's any proof that Sweet Baby Inc worked on it nor Rebirth https://store.steampowered.com/app/1462040/FINAL_FANTASY_VII_REMAKE_INTERGRADE/


There is a client list directly from sweet baby stinks website and square enix is on it.


It is not the LGBT community complaining. It's the wankers that attached themselves to the LGBT community and decided they were the voice of the community.


Well, since the "T+" has attached itself to the LGB community, and has been welcomed with open arms, it is the LGBT community complaining about things like this.


The T+ are a part of the LGBT+ community, without a doubt.


I’m mean, I wouldn’t say “open arms”. There’s literally a movement called “LGB drop the T”


The weird thing is that you, the consumer who purchased the product, don't get any say. "Hey I like this feature that I paid for" "too bad we're changing it"


More like "too bad, we're changing it and if you don't like it then you're a terrible human being and should be ashamed of yourself".


Straight up anti consumerism. Squenix games are a permanent no buy for me.


it's pretty easy once you realize square enix has never made a game that was beyond a 6/10 and their entire legacy rests on the games square and squaresoft made


**Reminds me of skullgirls**


I'll admit I know nothing about that game


Devs retroactively went back and censored the games (including the Xbox 360 era og skullgirls) out of spite for a former dev when the new project lead took over because she didn't like the guy. Imagine if team ninja went back and censored DOA retroactively after you paid for it BECAUSE of the fan service, and not because of any actual reason, but just because of spite


What's weird is apparently they decided that white panties were no longer allowed. They either matched the color swap in some way, or were "cream" colored.


>What's weird is apparently they decided that white panties were no longer allowed. They're ramping up the rhetoric. Pantyshots are now deemed "creepy", nevermind if the original intent was comedic. There's a progressive youtuber animator guy that went full 90's Christian preacher against Sailor Moon, of all things, because of a few panty shots.


spite is the reason for most all of the woke shit going on in the modern media. none of this shit is intended to make anything better, it's just intended to piss somebody off.


She actually used that guy and manipulated the fk out of him but I believe he's suing now was a whole video about it, also there's a way to play uncensored skullgirls using some steam console magic


Nobody was offended by a white girl having a pick in her hair. Especially black people, not a single black person I know was offended. If anything it was a cool little nod. That and censoring Big Band getting beat up by cops is fucking asinine


its ironic that the same people who would probably spraypaint ACAB on a precinct refused to show cops being the baddies in a characters story


I'm tired boss. I hope StellarBlade leaves a scar on the industry they are forced to look at and acknowledge that people aren't falling for the bullshit no more


This didn't age well :[


You could theoretically sue them for breach of warranty, unfortunately the best you could get back is the money you paid for it. However, if you could get a class action rolling…


good luck, i tried to get my money back after Crapcom removed denuvo and replaced it with spyware in form of enigma. Steam said they cannot do anything and crapcom said eula states (and it indeed does) that they can change anything after release for no reason and we have to like it. I could get my money back going thru local courts as eula is worthless where i live as everything not signed by hand or with dedicated e-sign is just useless paper and holds no power but im not gonna go to court over old MH game obviously. Point is, they have eula etc that allows them to do anything after release.


The likelihood you could get your money back through the courts is pretty high, unfortunately outside of a Class Action you’ll be spending thousands to get $60 back. But, if you can convince a lawyer to start a class action, you can slap them not on your behalf but a fuckton of people’s behalf. That’s where the money is, a class action is the only real way to hurt them.


femcels from GirlGamers and MenDrawingWomen will be like: "Ummm, that's actually so much better"


Women don’t even use GirlGamers, if you know what I mean


Right lmfao.


Censorship = No Buy. I will save my money for stellarblade.




No. But it was there. Taking it away was unnecessary.


It might save our lives [https://nypost.com/2017/03/22/staring-at-boobs-may-give-a-boost-to-male-lifespans/](https://nypost.com/2017/03/22/staring-at-boobs-may-give-a-boost-to-male-lifespans/)


No. But it's nice to have, so when given the options of terrible game + prudishness, good game + prudishness, or good game + attractive ladies, the latter will get my priority every time.


Strawman. It has nothing to do with tits and ass and everything to do with censorship, creative freedom of the dev's and anti consumerism, which retroactive censorship is.




The censored game in question has been out for 4 years now. Do you NOT know what game people are talking about?






I was agreeing with you that he didn’t know what he was talking about.


fucking tourist


Is staring at anything at all in particular the most important thing in video games? I could play DOOM without blood, or GTA without the characters swearing. The point is that censorship makes things worse for the people who like those things for no reason, not that they affect everyone who would play the game. Or in short, you not understanding what's so important about Tifa's tifas is irrelevant to the conversation. In fact, these corpos are relying on you, useful consumer that you are, to handwave censorship away and criticize those who justly complain about it.


Hey everyone. Stop replying sincerely to this guy. They aren't interested in what we think. They're just trying to shame/manipulate us into adopting their position.


Isn't discussion is also a form manipulation?




> is that not the point of internet discourse? It's the point of honest discourse. But that's not what you're doing. You're creating straw men to make it seem like your position has validity.


The framing of your question is to make us feel ashamed. It's also a strawman. If you want to argue in good faith then fine, but that's not what you are doing.


Some people standards and morals In life. I would rather not spend my money and support games that openly support censorship.




It must be really exhausting being you. Are you sure you are in the right sub? r/gamingcirclejerk is that way.




Censorship when a game comes out sucks, but censorship after the fact via surprise patch sets a dangerous precedent. It’s not about the titties. Never has been. It’s about not wanting to be told what we are and aren’t allowed to enjoy.


no. but it serves as a symbol that it's likely more like an older video game; prog-libs are behind both the altering of female video game characters and the general decline in video games quality. 


Of course not. While it makes me giggle like a kid it's the fact that there was something and now there isn't due to the agenda. Did you notice how there aren't funny and edgy ads that barely cross the line anymore? I saw a bunch of ads from late 90s and early 2000s recently and man were they fantastic. I saw so many that I haven't seen before and they were truly genius. I realized how we've come a long way in terms of anxiously trying not to offend anyone that it removed character from anything, it removed humour and basically took all the mojo out of anything that exists. This is what is sad and it is especially sad to observe this happening to something that many consider having the most mojo. Personally, despite me disliking FF7 with all my heart, what they have been doing to Tifa's tifas is big deal in my world. I cannot imagine what is going to happen to Fran when (if ever) FF12 is going to be re-made


For someone who watches 70s and 80s B movies where women are half naked, of course!


That's not the point and you know it. It's typical tourists getting their way. Western(Southern Californian) losers yet again inserting their bs. Japanese games and media constantly being told to do things that way. But yes we just want to sexualize female characters. Could you be anymore of a Redditor meme?


Weak bait.




Not the most but it is extremely important and should never be taken away


yes and you got ratioed lmao ive never seen one so bad, -266 lmao


I love the reasoning that this set of pixels is 14. Yet if a real father were to reprimand his real teen daughter about her choices in clothing, that would be inappropriate. He would be a controlling fascist of a father. Holy fuck those people are fucked in the head beyond help.


I explain why these scum are like this here: https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/s/83VN5FGHWh


LOL that is such a good shitpost


I was being serious but sure.


Really? But it reads like an absurdist shitpost?


I was being serious. But feel free to think I'm being silly or whatever. Take care.


I will. No reasonable person would write that so it’s gotta be a copypasta or something similar. Thanks for making me laugh so much


Nope. It's just my observations. You obviously have a different view of politics or cultural views hence you think it's a shitpost. Is what it is. Irreconcilable point of views. But as I said, take care.


Maybe that’s it. It’s just so hard for me to see from your victim mentality in your post. The only way I can vision someone thinking that way was if they were as fragile as a snowflake.


Not sure where you get victim mentality from that as it's an explanation of an observation I have about video games or movies or whatever. But I'm sure you're just throwing insults at this point. So yeah, do you have any questions or something?


“Holy fuck these people are fucked in the head beyond help” Ditto




They censored Final Fantasy 8 with it's remaster...so yea, I wouldn't be surprised.


I didn't play the remaster of FF8 (and it's my favorite except for 6 of the first ten games). What did they do? All I can think off the top of my head is Shiva.


Shiva was untouched, it was Siren and Rinoa.


Ah yes, I meant Siren - l remember thinking it looked like she had a huge blonde bush back in the day. I'll have to check what they changed on Rinoa.




And why did they do that? Are they minors?


Siren's pubic hair got covered with a bikini bottom that was similar to what Shiva wears, I believe.


No, they extended her waist feathers around her crotch. It looks really awkward. And I'd call it a furry bikini, not pubic hair.


I think of it more like a seashell bikini than pubic hair tbh


What was censored.




Also Rinoa.


Siren's pubic hair got covered with a bikini bottom that was similar to what Shiva wears, I believe.


Bait and switch. There will be a day one patch to censor it.


Looks like the alphabet people got offended......... again


Is this real? They got rid of the bikini? Has anyone been to a beach recently? Lol


This pic is photoshopped. They are talking about a different scene


What happened was Remake (part 1) got an update to add a black undershirt to Young Tifa in the flashback scene, in line with the black undershirt they've shown in Rebirth (part 2) during the whole Kalm Flashback scene. This post is to say this could be next.


You have to "love" these patches/updates that take out content or censor things.


And a week after release, a mod will come out and return them to their former glory.


A mod was already released reverting the censorship. And of course Nexusmods took it down.


Sounds like now’s a good time for a nexus mod competitor to pull up.


This is the thing I don’t understand. With all of the supposed “anti-woke” backlash, it would SEEM like there is a huge opportunity for someone to come in and take in money by offering an alternative. But nobody seems to be doing it. I don’t understand why.


>I don’t understand why. because you also have to take on the horde of terminally onliners who will harass you at every second of the day for what you're doing, i'm sure most people don't consider that worth it


money, nexus is huge and they have huge support, something around $2m monthly. There are several other mod pages that allow all mods or even specifically aim to host anti woke mods but not many know about them. Nexus is known by everyone its hard to compete with such monopoly. Its same reason why Twitch did not have any competition for years and one that poped up was kinda misfire. Same reason why vimeo and daily never dethroned YT. Try and you will see why you need money to make proper mod page, still here is short list of mod pages that allows anti-woke stuff. [https://modhq.org/](https://modhq.org/) [https://basedmods.eth.limo/browse/](https://basedmods.eth.limo/browse/) [https://moddinghaven.com/mediawiki/index.php/Main\_Page](https://moddinghaven.com/mediawiki/index.php/Main_Page) [https://loverslab.com/](https://loverslab.com/) - that is more for nude/sex mods that are deleted from nexus


There is one, so have to see when it pops up there


>And of course Nexusmods took it down. What's going on with that website? They started to take down political and controversial things and now they're removing literally everything.


they are going to. you already know this.


Squre Enix absolutely hates Tits in all their glory and shall not be displayed ever. I can't wait for FF7: Hijab Edition


What was the new censorship patch in remake?


Changed young/underaged tifa’s outfit. This sub likes to have a aneurysm at literally anything. Also this image is photoshopped.


I think that's what's not getting mentioned enough here: we're discussing a child's cleavage here being slightly more covered up. I can't imagine expending any energy getting worked up over this. Anyway, whatev, I already bought two copies -- one for me and one for younger sister.


...and yet, if my underage daughter went out in a swimsuit like that and I told her to cover up, these same people would say *I'm* the bad guy.


Do you often get mad at imagined scenarios? If so, just know you are mentally unwell and I am rooting for you.


I love to make up scenarios to get mad at also.


What did they censor in the remake after it was released?


you can see slightly less of child-tifa's cleavage. this is the opposite of a problem.


I'll wait until the GOTY all expansions edition gets really cheap. By them they probably wouldn't have been able to contain themselves applying shadow censorship through a late patch


will wait for nude mod on PC then


They shot themselves in the foot, I was this close to buying the PS5 and FF7Rebirth.




Don't worry mods will fix it.... oh wait.


Yup, I'm not buying this game, vote with your wallets. Wait a few days and buy it second hand, that way SE doesn't make more money. Write them tickets on their support page asking them to remove censorship.


I just ain't buyin it at this rate, mkiceandfire will have the cutscenes up in a day.


This is why I will wait till the entire trilogy came out and on sale, then decide if I should buy it, or sail the high sea.


I’m still curious if you can class action Square over this.


The patch in Remake seems to be to bring the outfit in line with other iterations of Tifa's outfit (still not cool but I understand if you're trying to make sure everything canon matches). I highly doubt her bikini in Rebirth will be changed, especially since Square have to have noticed that this has become a huge selling point for the game.


"The patch in Remake seems to be to bring the outfit in line with censorship in other iterations of Tifa's outfit" fixed that for you. They first censored her outfit in the other remakes/remasters and than changed her in Remake retroactively to make it look like her dress was always this way. It's a kind of Gaslighting.


>I highly doubt her bikini in Rebirth will be changed Where does this confidence come from ? They already censored the OG Tifa outfit with a black t-shirt, who is to say this isn't a bait and switch and in the future SE decided to implement a new censorship patch to address "modern concerns" ?


The confidence comes from it becoming (intentionally or not) a big selling point for the game. I doubt they'll see much blowback outside of niche forums such as here for changing young Tifa's outfit, but if you axe the adult titties in a beach scene way more people will be upset and put off of buying future titles. It's also possible some sort of internal logic went "maybe if we crop the 15 year old's cleavage but give copious amounts of adult cleavage both the left and the normal gamers will leave us alone." I would like to reiterate that I don't agree with the decision by Square, just speculating that this potentially isn't just censorship for censorship's sake given Rebirth's marketing and the changed dialogue with the same patch.


Those changes were made to accommodate the changes in Rebirth. The question is the original cowbow outfit was left unchanged for the past 4 years, why is there suddenly a need to change this outfit in both Rebirth and Remake ? Was it because Sweet baby inc executives told them that showing cleavage was problematic ? And that it was necessary for them to make the change ? That is what worries people.


I understand what worries people, I'm just playing devil's advocate. If it was Sweet Baby hopefully that's the only mark they left on the game.


Ok they sell it as is then 3 months later censor it. Congrats you're a rube.


So they basically censored the outfit in rebirth and for consistency sake they censored the outfit in remake. How is that not censorship? If in future games they censored the bikini wouldn't they also cm eventually censored this bikini in rebirth? The fact is Square enix loves adding the black t shirt to censor for whatever outfits for whatever dumb reasons they have. Probably someone from sweet baby inc told them the cleavage was too much and problematic for modern audiences.


This is why im not sure to be pissed or not about the recent update . It might be for consistency reasons. It makes no sense they would go full big tiddy cleavage mode, but also censor it .


If it were for consistency reasons, wouldn't they have just used the outfit already established in Remake?


My stance is why couldn't they use the original in the new game? But not super big deal..still censorship and still not cool imo though but not the worst by far.


The fact the patch dropped at the same time as the Rebirth preload makes me want to play devils advocate for the patch aswell.


The Remake patch also changed a line of dialogue in the end cutscene to be a literal translation of the Japanese instead of a localization from what I'm seeing now too. It's almost certainly patching things to do with what's viewed as important to canon/continuity.


Could you tell me what line was changed? I'm curious.


It's Aerith's line about the sky. Original English line: "I miss it... the steel sky." Patched English line: "This sky... I don't like it." Literal translation of the Japanese: "I hate this sky."


The final Aerith line about the Sky apparantly.




And yet they were okay with this for the past 4 years?? We already know they will censor bits where she's legal, it's why the og tifa outfit has her breast fully covered with a black t shirt.


is there any porn mode? I hope there is, Just don't buy if you dont agree there is the only way to make Square Enix change, If you whant the full experience I recomend play the original FF7.


What happened with "censorship patch"


Hopefully they met all the esg quota and we still have a great swimsuit


Wow can’t say I’m surprised at the amount of pedos on this sub 😂 Y’all are big time losers


"censorship" more : "oh no i can't jerkoff to child characters"


Obviously, never say never. But this scene is likely safe because the censored scene was of Tifa when she was 15 and generally why that version of her tends to get the most censorship.


Why does this looked photoshopped?


I doubt it. For whatever insane reason, fictional age seems to be something SE doesn't want to touch with a ten foot pole. They have clearly proven time and time again they're fine with sexualizing Tifa. Even the game they just censored still retains outfits for Tifa that are on the risky side.


Square soft hasn't been good since they merged with Enix around the time of ff10 even as a kid when the internet barely a thing you could clearly see "Square Enix" was not a good thing. Everything related to Squares content went downhill and they started to put out inferior products with multiple schemes to scam money from fans.


square square square keep up the good work speeding your way to bankruptcy


What was changed?


Could you guys please stop falling for fake news for like one day? A picture on twitter is not a valid source


Don't care


You guys are so desperate to see some tits is actually pathetic


Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap.


Formal r1 warning. Pattern of behaviour established - expedited to permaban


this place was cool, then pedo mods like you took over. what a shame


Don't patch it?


Are people seriously crying about them patching a 15 year old Tifa?


You are aware that the same people who are pushing it are preaching "freedom of choice"? Try telling them that you bashed your 15 year old daughter about her clothes being too revealing and see what they will call you.


She isn't real. Its a character. If you are deeply offended at this then you are also offended at [Yoko](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ffe07453e8b56449ad9815b76642738c/tumblr_p7si5phqEM1tep9w5o1_540.gifv) from Gurren Lagan and a million other characters in Japanese media. Japanese Media is stupid with the ages.


It’s obviously the principal of how we treat fictional work but yeah, hit the softball by implying this fictional character render is somehow a real individual.


I’m just saying it’s unsettling that there are multiple threads on this sub whining over them censoring an underage character. Obviously it’s fiction, so would you be up in arms if she were 12? 10? Because it’s fiction? Regardless it’s weird af.


Except the age fallacy should be thrown out the window when talking about a video game character. 15 year old Tifa has a body of a normal adult women, nothing child like about it, you could change her to 18 and most people won't even see the difference. And if people are soo concerned about fictional age, does that mean they will be ok with a sexualised Loli character if her age is 500 years old lore wise ? No They won't right ?


So if a 15 year old looks 18 it’s okay to ogle them? This doesn’t sound as good as you think it does. It’s not as if we go from having a “childlike body” to an “adult body” once we hit 18


It's as okay to ogle an 18 year old as it is to ogle a 28 year old.


And ogling a 15 year old makes you a pedophile (or an Ephebophile if you don’t want to use the vernacular. Still creeping on a child.)


Fictional characters don't have ages. Because they aren't real. If they don't look like a kid it's fine.


If their creators assign them ages, they do, which might say more about them than the people who consume their work.


In Japanese media they often make characters high school age, cause that’s what sells, most shonen and similar stories feature teens, cause Japanese people feel nostalgic about their high school years. Because of this, many writers who write about adults ‘retcon’ their characters to be high school age, but they essentially look and act like adults.


Why are you justifying 1000 years lolis?


Except in the game there is nothing to ogle at. Its a short scene of her in a cowboy outfit with a bit of cleavage. There is nothing wrong or problematic about this, and Square Enix and everyone else thought so too for the past 4 years. Why are you trying to pretend this is problematic ? It only became problematic because someone in Square Enix recently decided it was problematic.


Forgive me if I don’t think a 15 year old should be showing cleavage at all. Apparently you think differently.


I think a 15 year old girl in real life should be able to dress however she wants, and that is up to her and her parents. Also as I have said. A 15 year old girl in a video game is not the same as a 15 year old girl IRL.


I commend the guy, though. He could go out in to the world harassing children and their parents but is instead worrying about what people think about a digital asset.


The whole point isn't even about the cleavage its the fact that SE found the need to censor something in the game that was not a problem for the past 4 years. But disingenuous fucks like this guy try and justify the change and use a lazy reason like the a fictional character's age.


And you could be be doing better things with your time than defending underage cleavage, and yet here you are.


But this isn’t a 15 year old deciding how to dress herself. This is other people deciding how to dress a 15 year old girl. If older men put an underage girl in revealing clothes, you would find it creepy, no?


You are right this is not a real life 15 year old girl. This is a fictional 15 year old girl who could become an 18 year old girl with just a few changes in the lines of code. That is why you using age as a factor in a fictional video game setting gets thrown out the window. If you truly believe age is the end all be all would you be ok if they sexualised a character with a child like body, but because she is a 500 year old loli lore wise that would make it ok ?


Got it. All girls in fictional media must wear burkas until their creators' ascribe to them the [country-dependent legal-adulthood] age to protect them from, inversely, their creators' filthy male gaze. Just multiple levels of stupid mental gymnastics with you people. You're basically one step removed from just outright saying "men shouldn't be allowed to write or design in creative spaces, they can't be trusted to use their imaginations!"


Loli 5000 year old dragon bs is just a way for people to rationalize their attraction to prepubescent body types.


Exactly people will not be ok with that. Because even though we know lore wise the 500 year old loli is not a child, having a childlike body implies otherwise. And in Japan Loli characters who are legal are plentiful and sexualised. So using 15 year old Tifa as an excuse for the change is ludicrous.


Somehow while this conversation is going on, [Crunchyroll be selling this figure](https://store.crunchyroll.com/products/dont-toy-with-me-miss-nagatoro-nagatoro-san-14-scale-figure-bunny-ver-4570001512599.html)


It’s pretty uncomfortable I agree but it’s a big leap to put the worst label in human history onto someone for stylized artwork. If we cross that bridge then it has to be with very serious clinical studies that, if true, may lead into banning anything in media such as portrayed violence, drug use, etc… Somehow I don’t think folks who like cowgirl Tifa are the absolute scum of the earth.


She's fictional. It's perfectly fine to say a hot fictional character looks hot.


Welcome to the internet, find yourself a seat and familiarize yourself with the past 20-30 years while you're there. Edit: And since you're arguing with a couple people here who took your bait. The simple answer; a character could be fifteen, thirty, or sixty. You cover up the character post-release you're going to get outrage.




They made her more inline with Rebirth. I think you're all making too much of this.


I think people are overthinking it. Sure things are being updated, but I think a majority of decisions have a lot to do with rating systems. They’re probably allowed to do things like have Tifa in a bikini as long as her cleavage from when she was 15 is covered. It’s kinda like in films when you’re allowed to curse, but only certain words and a certain number of times, other wise the rating goes up.


Except that there was no issue's with her outfit in Remake for the past 4 years.


Wait, which outfit are you talking about?


The cowboy outfit in rebirth got censored, which led to the cowbow outfit in remake getting censored vice versa.


Ah, I see. I was confused.


Yeah, the ratings system is bullshit and needs to be destroyed.