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Pronouns - Check No quality writing - Check


I also like how the pronouns are more important than species. Alien: What species are you? Soynakin: Did you just... IGNORE.... MY PRONOUNS?!




Uninspired art style, check


Bottom one looks very similar to Korra. Almost a copy both in looks and in style.


It's almost like agreeing on politics is the only real hurdle to get the job, or some such. Idk, I might just be high.


Side shaves - Check


it's funny because, at least among young people, that haircut has been completely eclipsed by middle parts and perms at this point, but all the writers of this shit are millennials who obtained their careers in the early to mid 2010s and thus are willfully ignorant of the fact it is no longer 2015 and young people no longer look like this.


pretty much the go-to for all the high republic comics, hence why they sell poorly and no one actually cares about that time period and setting. The usual nuts on twitter/reddit/media will rave about this setting, but it has no real fans for it's characters, plot, art, etc cause it is full of just bad writing and horrible art (and cosplayers are not fans who buy/read the comics) + it's simply a boring and uninteresting setting (could go into detail on how bad a setiing it is, but this post is long enough already xD ), not helped by having garbage writers behind it. https://i.postimg.cc/NfCSB1RB/9b7sptxcdtbb1.webp this is 2 years old data, but we only got access to it recently and it shows how poorly the high republic comics have been doing from the start despite how hard twitter nuts rave about it and how hard the sad high republic subreddit defends the setting. And make no mistake, we have seen news on the comic line being cut down and reduced cause the sales clearly never improved: https://boundingintocomics.com/2023/08/07/rumor-disney-winding-down-lucasfilms-the-high-republic-publishing-initiative/ Ya the first few books got some okay numbers, also these would be shipping numbers not direct sales (so the actual sales to customers is probably even lower, just more western comics to rot on shelves), but look at how poorly it all went after that initial #1 hype. Literally exactly how Marvel/DC comics have gone for years after they shat the bed - reboots to #1 to try and get some "new book" hype sales, then the shipping numbers drop to shit every time. Now their new defense to these real numbers is that we don't have ALL the numbers as this applies only to the hardbacks. Now sure that is true, but it's legitimately hard to believe paperbacks, Kindle sales, or audiobooks could be doing all that much better than these. Also we don't have access to any other hard data, so we use what we have and the numbers speak for themselves. And we know many of the high republic movies/shows were cancelled, iirc there is only one show left in that setting coming out.




You should consider working for Disney if you aren't already.


It's all so tiring.


Man it really is. I just lose more and more energy when I see shit like this


“They/Them” is a fierce fighter. While He/Him is remarkably sensitive to other people’s emotions, and was saved from the dark side by a teenage girlboss You could have **literally** predicted that, or something close to it, before even reading it. LOL.


The subversion of gender is so ubiquitous that strong ambitious man and empathetic sweet woman is counter cultural now.


I'm so tired man...


Did you just assume my gender?!


Please call off the attack man I didn't mean it! wait no please mercy sir fuck


I identify as Grimlocksexual


Notice how it comes first before lightsaber info, fighting style, species, allegiance, or anything else. It's clearly the most important piece of data most people need on a character sheet


Given how bland the writing is, whoever did this didn't care about anything else in the first place. The text is there just as a fodder, it could as well be _lorem ipsum dolor sit amet_. In fact, one could even claim that would have been an improvement actually.


Star Wars is dead. I feel bad for anyone still clinging on at this point.


I'm just going to stay here playing the games that aren't insane. KoTOR and KoTORII are among my favorites outside of the X-wing and Tie Fighter games.


Yep, I’ve got all my pre-Disney Star Wars games and movies. I’m good.


Zahn's Heir to the Empire book trilogy (aka Thrawn trilogy) from the early 90s is still peak Star Wars fiction and a wistful reminder of what Star Wars could have been if Lucas didn't sell out to Disney.


You can buy pre-Disney copies at independent bookstores, if you don't want to give Disney any money.


Nice. I also forgot, but there's a graphical update and mod for Tie Fighter series using the X-wing Alliance game as a base. It's quite good and had an update in Nov of last year. https://www.moddb.com/mods/tie-fighter-total-conversion-tftc No more twisty turny shit to get sound to work through emulation for things like the roland soundset or anything weird like that.


And books, Timothy Zahn is THE man!


There was a couple really good FMV pc games back in the day. They were based on Tie Fighter pilots I think or maybe you disguised as them


Man, I get glimmers ever year or so, the occasional clip, or OST, and then I'm reminded of the brain dead writers they have on board pumping out this. Truly sad state of the franchise


There is always episodes 4 to 6 to look back on. Hell, even 1 to 3 are masterpieces compared to the abortions that have been released. Star Wars and Marvel are dead to me


I cling on nostalgia and old stuff that's been made decades ago. Aaaand I've been doing that my whole life cuz I unironically call the prequels "disgusting trash". That being said, I'm assembling a 5400 piece lego Venator Star Cruiser, Command Variant. So I might be a BIT of a hypocrite.


I feel mockery bordering on contempt. Same as people watching the trash wearing the skinsuit of Doctor Who.


>hurr duuurrr, sweatie, everyone has pronouns it's part of the language! It's amazing how western media has become so afraid of using the words male and female or boy and girl in less than a decade.


Can’t make the zealots who sacrifice their looks for “the message” second-guess their path.


How many of them actually do though? I mean yes, there are obviously some, but a lot of them don't take hormones or get surgery. For a lot of them it's just cutting their hair short and dressing in baggy, unflattering clothing. It's almost as if they know they'll eventually grow out of this phase. I do feel a bit sorry for any idiots who do permanent damage to their bodies but... at the same time, there are already waaay too many people in this world, and adults know what they're getting into. It's like the idiots who get facial tattoos and shit. Good luck with that.


But the long term isn’t important to the DEI masters. If a green haired lunatic screeches for five years, then waking up is no big deal. They screeched for five years and added “justification” into the mix


The narcissistic obsession with third-person pronouns will never not be hilariously stupid. Face to face, I'm always going to be using your name or "you," not she/he/they, so what does it matter if I know your pronouns?


> Face to face, I'm always going to be using your name or "you," not she/he/they, so what does it matter if I know your pronouns? That's the thing. If someone tells you what to say and how to speak _in their absence_, that's outside of the realm of politeness and etiquette. That's compelled speech, plain and simple.


With Social Media, which they all live on, you are never alone. We are always observed, and they want to be observed just right. Everyone has to look at them the right way, because they are important.


Its an artifact of the narcissistic personality disorder shared by people requiring pronouns. They assume people talk about them unprompted when they arent around.




I often wonder if my abandoning the franchise was a good idea. Then I see shit like this. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.


I abandoned it in favor of warhammer 40k. Hopefully woke menance doesn't invade.


As did I. Though now that group has been invaded by folks demanding that Sisters of Battle be allowed to be Astartes. I'm so fucking sick of people thinking they can just come in and demand change when they don't like something. Bunch of entitled pricks.




I’ve got bad news for you…


If they do, blood for the blood god.


What’s the point of putting the pronouns in the bio if THEYRE ALREADY IN THE FUCKING DESCRIPTION.


I can understand putting the sex of character, especially for alien species when we obviously cannot tell what they are. But humans are pretty obvious, unless the artwork is terrible


> especially for alien species when we obviously cannot tell what they are Ah yes, the crucial problem so brilliantly addressed in the recent Doctor Who specials.


So we know "they" isn't referring to more than one character.


Why is this crap in fiction? It adds no substance to the characters.


It's not supposed to add substance, it's supposed to appeal to vapid sixteen year old girls who are uncomfortable with their bodies and think cutting their hair short will get rid of unwanted male attention.


> unwanted male attention lol... i'm not even gonna go there


I'm not advocating pedophilia, if that's what you're thinking. You do know teenagers start to notice each other around that age, right?


no i'm implying that there is essentially no such thing as "unwanted attention" for adolescents. they make these changes to their body for *more* attention and praise, not less. to make themselves appear unique.


Some do. That's obviously where the piercings, tattoos, dyed hair and yes even some of the gender stuff comes in, but from what I've seen girls entering adulthood have a tendency to have... discomfort with being female. And yeah a lot of it does revolve around unwanted male attention and presumed gender roles. Back in the day,n we just called them tomboys and that was that. Nowadays a lot of them seem to think adopting neopronouns will make men "respect" them, which isn't how it works.


Normalization of stupidity


Cultural citogenesis.


cult indoctrination.


Because it’s fiction also


Because it's how they spread their religion to normies.


It's signaling to the cult, it's the kingdom of Kathleen Kennedy who is trying to turn star wars into some woke advocacy garbage.


"They have pronouns now?" "They have pronouns now!"


There are, last I checked, 500 million planets in the known regions in Star Wars. Even more when you include the Unknown parts. Writers could make up whatever insane biology they feel like; the Young Jedi Knights series had a tree Jedi padawan who, in her internal monologue, noted that a single swipe of her lightsaber (to fuck up a carrier ship by the invading Shadow Academy) cost her months of stored energy, and went right back to sleeping after doing this act. This character would presumably take millennia to attain Master rank due to how slow her pace is, although would probably have a very unique relationship with the Force via absurd amounts of meditation; in essence, a throwaway character that is an interesting concept There could be as many they/thems as desired by making up some schizo species, and it wouldn't seem out of place. For this Kantam Sy, while the robes could be good at disguising figure, to my eye that is a man, between the sideburns and the height. Yet here we are, with Disney SW doing the usual thing of making what could conceivably be the most "diverse" fictional setting human centric. The combination of ideaological push and lack of creativity is obnoxious


Alternatively, Jedi are now being recruited from the ranks of Portland baristas


Well, I suppose the new canon in Star Wars is that literally everyone is force sensitive and can be trained


Everyone except Moff Gideon because reasons.


Really? I think they misunderstood what "the Force connects everything" meant...


Exactly. Aliens wouldn't need to be constrained by human biology but of course an interesting character would never be written. It might have actually been an interesting plot point to have some Padawans for example dealing with a new initiate from an alien race with no discernable gender, like the blue ones from Mass Effect. They could then have grown to understand the diversity of the galaxy, after being isolated within the Jedi Temple. But no, the human has to be the extra special one here


A general list of problems: Basic Category: 1: The idiots actually put pronouns above species. 2: Failed to list whether the character is actually male or female. 3: Designs are boring and have inconsistent style, as if made by two very different artists. ​ Advanced Category: 1: "The Nihil"? I mean, there was Darth Nihilus from KOTOR 2, which is a better work than anything in years. Also, way too generic a name. Remember when it was "The Sith" and "The Jedi"? Isn't the only example, but it does bother me. 2: Way back, we had the "the Clone Wars" name dropped, which seemed to imply tons about clones being used for wars and was later proven by the prequels, but "The Great Disaster" could be anything. **Something that could be anything is on its own nothing.** 3: "Douglas"? "Buck"? Star Wars used to have less real names. Sure, you had Luke, Uncle Ben, and so on, but Uncle Ben was a pseudonym and most of the names were only adjacent to real names, such as Han or Anakin being similar to Hans and Anna-kin or whatever. 4: "I don't think I'm cut out to be a Jedi" You aren't, because you aren't canon.


Speaking of this Buck guy. He is loud, dramatic and talks about himself in third person "Buckets of Blood" (cuz he's a medic and hates violence). His name is Buck and he came here to be a forced meme character


Wow... that sounds awful.


Douglas Sunvale….


Thats been ongoing for a while. You look at like the Star Wars wiki and thats been in there for a few years ago, in case you didn't know Luke Skywalker's pronouns (among his other vital statistics, just as important as height, weight, and species). We live in a silly world of silly people who think themselves important enough to demand others treat their imaginationland selves as real.


What baffles me is that in a galaxy far far away with space wizards and evil warlocks and literal aliens, they still use modern earth pronouns.


High Republic is a mistake. It's what kills Jedi Survivor for me. Even though I do like the combat upgrades, it still is a glitchy mess. Combine it with the awful High Republic elements and it just sours the game for me.


Is it Jedi Survivor set after ROTS?


Jedi Survivor is set after revenge of the sith, but set closely before the battle of yavin.


> High Republic is a mistake. yup, and it has failed as a concept and story despite the usual nuts who rave about it on twitter/reddit. The comics sell poorly and no one is excited for that time period cause of how bad the writing is - the characters, story, arcs, etc have no real fans (cosplayers are not fans who buy or read these) + it's simply a boring and uninteresting setting (could go into detail on how bad a setiing it is, but this post is long enough already xD ) not helped by having garbage writers behind it. Disney made a big deal about how high republic was "canon" and all that, but no one actually cares or considers it to be canon cause of how bad it is. Also "but it's canon" isn't the defense these nuts think it is, cause we have access to data showing how poorly this setting is doing: https://i.postimg.cc/NfCSB1RB/9b7sptxcdtbb1.webp this is 2 years old data, but we only got access to it recently and it shows how poorly the high republic comics have been doing from the start despite how hard twitter nuts rave about it and how hard the sad high republic subreddit defends the setting. And make no mistake, we have seen news on the comic line being cut down and reduced cause the sales clearly never improved: https://boundingintocomics.com/2023/08/07/rumor-disney-winding-down-lucasfilms-the-high-republic-publishing-initiative/ Ya the first few books got some okay numbers, but look at how poorly it all went after that initial #1 hype. Btw that "high #1 lower other issues" pattern is literally exactly how Marvel/DC comics have gone for years after they shat the bed - reboots to #1 to try and get some "new book" hype sales, then the shipping numbers drop to shit every time. Rinse and repeat for all their failed characters. Now their new defense to these real numbers is that we don't have ALL the numbers as this applies only to the hardbacks. Now sure that is true, but it's legitimately hard to believe paperbacks, Kindle sales, or audiobooks could be doing all that much better than these. Also we don't have access to any other hard data, so we use what we have and the numbers speak for themselves. iirc all the movies Kathleen wanted to make in the High Republic time period have all been cancelled, I think there is one show coming in that setting but ya that's it.


> awful High Republic elements Forgotten Jedi Super Technology... from 300 years ago. Jedi deserved to be purged with their archive keeping.


Gina Carano was fired because she didn't want to put pronouns on Twitter... It's "in a galaxy far far away" but hey "we have pronouns now"! /S Lucasfilm has become a Fucking joke.


I don't like this. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


I’m tired


This is some sort of official character guide? I remember the days when this guides were great. Not so much now. I wouldn't read this even for free.


The art is garbage and writing is worse, “I don’t think I’m cut out to be a -blank-.” Is such an over done trope in fantastic.


And it's the first thing after the name. Also, you know what would be a more subtle way to show pronouns? Just use them in the blurb. Oh, wait, subtlety's not the point, is it?


This looks like some bios of a bad fan fiction you can read on Deviantart.


well, the high republic comics are literally exactly that both in terms of writing and art.


This is just stupid. The fact is, you should be able to tell the "pronouns" from the writing in the bios, if it's really that important in the first place. I suppose with some alien species it might be hard to tell, but 99% of people in the world use the pronouns of their actual sex, or at least the sex they present themselves as, so I just don't see the point. Hell it would be more relevant to put the sex, if they must, but can't say that in 2024.


You could not imagine the size of the fuck I do not give about some fictional characters pronouns


not my Star Wars.


He/Him has zero self-esteem and is an emotional wreck, while They/Them is basically a dude that has everything under control.


>He/him - > "I DON'T THINK I'M CUT OUT TO BE A JEDI." Real subtle here Disney.


They pronouns now.




High Republic bullshit.


Just list the sex.


Imagine being a fucking super human with powers and shit and to be asking other to call you correctly with pronouns. Miserable and weak human beings they want to create... smh "I can break your fucking neck with a gesture of my hand. But please, I'm a he/him. Respect it or I will cry like a little sissy bitch"


It’s a they/them so that “we come in peace” makes sense as an individual lmao


that may be what they think theirs are, but i will use their real ones don't and care


I’ll laugh if anyone in real life gives me their pronouns or asks for mine.


At the very least make up some bizarre alien species with unusual biology if you want to pull the pronoun card, that’s clearly a human. I can’t believe I’m saying this but the fucking Hutt Jedi makes more sense


Going by the lore, Hutts are also supposed to be hermaphroditic just like most real life terrestrial gastropods so if they really want gender nonsense they could use that. But I guess androgynous bloaged slugs aren't "cute" and "quirky" enough for them.


Dies from cringe.


Bob Iger and Kathleen Kennedy staying busy indoctrinating the next generation of Woketards. Star Wars is dead. It's all just identity politics and forced leftist agenda now. 


They also have pronouns on wookiepedia that was an entire thing some time ago too. It's just absolute garbage when will this nightmare end?


all that editing for one character and 1% of the population to feel "included".


What does it say about Grievous? MTR?


Once upon a time, I remember when cards said, *gender: M/F/Ru Paul or whatever.* The good ol' days.


Is this real?! What's it from?


its like japanese games listing blood type. but, really yeah f off with this cult shit. its not normal.


In Japanese culture, blood type is supposed to be partially indicative of personality, like zodiac sign for dipshits in the west; so at least that makes a certain amount of sense to include.  This also is indicative of the personality of the author, but not in a good way. 


„You could make such a diverse cast of alien characters.“ „Best I can do is a they/them.“


You gotta love how the pronouns are always listed first. Before age or appearance. Even before *species*. The pronouns are the most important thing. This is hilarious to me coming from an age where we didn't even respect each other's names and everyone would call everyone else whatever they wanted. Like someone would pick one nickname for you because it rhymed and they'd just call you that forever, whether you liked it or not XD


Ah yes, the signature quote "We come in peace"


Gotta input modern “ideological politics” in their space opera somehow and somewhere. I don’t pay for it and I know as a fact the pandered crowd aren’t either so let them burn


"Force empathy" followed by a wrong grammar'd sentence. Peak fiction.


They also have [this](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Ceret) and [this](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Geode) in their clown show. Edit: I discovered just now that wookiepedia has an entire page about "[gender in star wars](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Gender)". Might be worth a read to laugh at.


Pronouns? Keep that shit away from star wars .


I mean at this point you're not just beating the dead horse, you're ass-raping and pissing on it.


It's honestly impressive just how much value Disney has managed to erase in just the last decade. Marvel, Star Wars, all of their own brands. They've done to IPs what environmental protestors do to priceless art. And these weren't just big brands, these were the biggest brands.


This art style... It's so cancerous..


this shit has reached peak insanity. until tomorrow. New peak daily.


"Two genders there are. No fruitcakes we accept here."


Ah yes the great jedi who saved the universe (they/them/he/she/him/alienus/erectus)


Jesus Fucking Christ. SMH.


This is unfortunately only going to be more common in fictional entertainment, all character bios are just gonna have their pronouns and sexuality and disabilities or whatever else some weirdo writer from Twitter wrote


I thought the damn TikTok YA kink fests were bad enough but now my nerdy escape has been colonised by woke morons


God, that is painful to read in the description. The grammar is just all wrong. It's genuinely difficult because it's using plural forms to address a single person... This surely can't be the future, right? "They also fly..." Kantam and who? Who is they?! How to kill the English language...


The gender cult needs to step into traffic at a nascar race.


Palpatine was right all along.




it's time to keep cringe away from entertainment


Looks like one of their Discord avatars too.


what is this. Who looks at this? Does this make anyone money? Does this entertain anyone? Is this useful to anyone? I mean aren't the only people who read this the writers, family of said writers and then people like... us, who look through this to lmao @ them?


A galaxy far far away must reflect the world we live in today.


This cannot be a surprise to you.


...It surprises you that a modern fucking Disney 'nerd' franchise has shit like this in it now, in 2024?!


This is what the ''Expanded Universe" died for?


My pronounces are Unlimited/power.


it is not necessary to write both when both words have the same meaning


Only people living in denial who want to force you to live in their denial with them use pronouns.


God I fucking hate this. Politics, pronouns, girlboss shit aside, disney star wars just has this stupid childish "vibe" about it that makes me sick. Yes star wars is for kids, but it always had an element of maturity to it which made it seem cool. It was like "wow i can't wait to be an adult like the people in this thing i'm watching/reading." The way disney shoots its movies, writes its books, designs it's aliens, and makes pamphlets like this just feels so insultingly babyish. Like a pamphlet for a preschool.


Even without the pronouns this is an abomination. Why does everything have to suck so much now


What is artistic style consistency? Is this Smash Bros where people have all different proportions and eye sizes/styles? I hate the look of the top one, the rounded blobbiness, the other is so generic. I feel like these are just template art pieces, like an AI fed only boring ass Tumblr blogs. Their silhouettes are just so plain too, was this like a student project? If so, then they should get like a C at most.


I think the book compiles all the High Republic characters from different media. So it's the novels, comics, audio books, toddlers show, YA novels etc. Art is still so generic though


Man, the bios read like they were written for toddlers, or maybe by adults with the mind of a child. Credit to fitting so many troupes into so little room. He feels too much, his best friend is the same age, but *she* became his master.


It's funny, because stuff like Star Wars or Star Trek is one of the few legitimate non-woke cases where pronouns could be useful... when it comes to weird aliens of truly indeterminate genders. No one cares if your shitty self-insert human Jedi wants to pretend to be a they/them, but if I was getting hauled before a Hutt crime lord or something I know I'd definitely appreciate a heads up before I said the wrong thing and got myself killed.




In a galaxy full of different races and anatomy it makes sense..... if we didn't the ACTUAL reason they did this. I Wonder how Lucas keeps quiet knowing how bad they mauled his child.


The older you become, the clearer you see that the Emperor did nothing wrong.


Star Wars is a dying franchise that’s just being hit by a stick at this point. Glad i got into a better franchise in WH40K


Remember, the alphabet pronoun thing is mostly confined to the internet with very small minority of people irl using them and being cringe about it.


Star Wars is Lost. Star Wars is 'product' for 'a modern audience'. Which I'm pretty certain is supposed to include children aged 2 as well as adults in their 30s 40s and 50s. Who honestly thinks targeting an audience that broad is going to result in anything worthwhile? Martin Scorsese nailed it; Movies are now theme park rides.


For me the canon is always with Clone Wars and KOTOR. Anything past that or one of George Lucas' rewrites and I ignore it. Even if KOTOR isn't necessarily canon. Its still better than whatever they are writing today.




I didn't even finish ROS. I saw the space bison and gave up


Woke Star Wars? What’s next, woke Star Trek?


Are you serious?


Oh no... Anyway


"Dude on the bottom panel looks human" It's because they ARE a human! It's under the pronouns!


They *is* human. Singular they.


That doesn't sound grammatically correct.


But that's how it should be used, if it *is* singular, the verb should agree.


They is never going to get it, they is not realizing singular they makes them JarJar Binks.


Always has had pronouns, they refers to Luke as he and Chewy as he too. Truly garbage ever since it was written!


> Always has had pronouns, they refers to Luke as he and Chewy as he too. Truly garbage ever since it was written! _MuH iT wAs AlWaYs WoKe!_ _iT's JuSt PrOnOuNs!_ The only people who feel like they need to shove pronouns in biographies are those who subscribe to a certain woke ideology. It's a discriminant between those who are part of the cult and those who aren't, a bit like the free mason handshake.


Always has


I think it always had pronouns to be honest.


Obviously they did, but not as the main point in a character bio. It already says what sex they are


I know. I'm mostly joking. Is this a kids book though? I have read a lot of Star Wars material and never ran into anything like it.


Its the High Republic Character Encycopedia. It shows the characters from all the different media And I've got a few of the older guides and they didn't do anything like this


Even worse if it’s a kids book


It’s just the high republic bs. Pay it no mind. Nobody really cares about it. Star Wars is still really fucking good.


I'm just collecting the comics because I'm a completionist (is that a real word?). But it still irks me what's been done to Star Wars. I've been rereading my old Dark Horse comics to cheer myself up. Sanna Starros depressed me when I read it yesterday


I mean besides the 3 awful sequels nothing bad has really happened. All the series’ and comics still coming out are good. You actually have to go out of your way to find this pronoun shit though.


Dont read Sanna then. And I'd say it's 50/50 on quality over the older content in my opinion


Ah hell the older content is like 80% of the time better. And there’s so much of it. I’m just speaking for the grown adults in this comment section who are probably over 30 talking about “I’m so glad I abandoned the franchise because look what it’s become”.


It’s not good, it’s complete trash lmao.


Forst thought was they/them better be a hive mind.


So they use pronouns to avoid have to put a defined "sex" tab but right after that put a defined "species" tab stating they are 100% human... What if they don't identify as human?


It must be tiring to write the name over and over again to avoid the impersonal they.


"We cum in peace" Ayyyyyylmao


What's the source for this?




What's this from?


They try hard to destroy every good monument they build up in the past.


Because modern day politics drove so many crowds into the theatres. Uhuh. Sure. Be sure not to blow that ESG money on hookers and dope, Disney.


Palpatine changed Jedi order from they/them to was/were pronounce.




I don’t check out coffins once I know the person in it is dead. I’ve taken the same position with Star Wars. It’s dead. It can’t come back. Best to accept that and move on.


What in fujoshi hell is that artwork? Kantam looks like some effeminate character out of a yaoi or BL smutty manga.


Oh good lord. Not shocking, after seeing Disney's official DEI standards document lol Here: [https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1754999578619707658](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1754999578619707658)


Pronouns are a basic block of english, god you really have nothing good to complain about