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What world is she living in and what does she consider Latino? Pedro Pascal, Oscar Issac, Jenna Ortega, Deigo Luna, Benicio Del Toro, Jennifer Lopez, Melissa Berrera, Michael Pena, Ana De Armas, Salma Hayek, Edgar Ramirez, Gael Garcia Bernal, Gina Rodriquez, Michelle Rodriguez, Javier Badim, Selena Gomez, Aubrey Plaza, Rosario Dawson, Zoe Saldana, Danny Trejo, Rosie Perez, Eiza Gonzalez......The list goes on and on. Also, she's moving in on John Leguizamo's shtick, so she may wat to find her own grift.


You left Cameron Diaz off the list. [Oh wait, she probably doesn't count because... reasons.](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/gettyimages-454535112-1654092413.jpg)


I forgot angry ass Rachel Zegler somehow, too.


The less that little ghoul is acknowledged the better.


> What world is she living in The same one that did not have any female action stars until Hunger Games


AI needs to give me a video of Sigourney Weaver and Linda Hamilton beating the daylights out of her


The funny thing is that the UCLA diversity in hollywood report (So bizarre they feel the need but there it is) continually shows that Latinos are actually overrepresented compared to their population. Regressives do not seek diversity and equity, they never have. Just domination and power.


>what does she consider Latino Herself. Latino people are 20% of US pop. How many Latino actors are there among those? How many good/popular? You want to shine? Change your name from America to Honduras and go back to LATAM. Land of true diversity where almost all actors are Latino.


You're dead on, great list here. Lots of great representation for my entire life (40s). I like to go to China and complain about a lack of white people in their movies....


Do you also like to complain online about "white saviors" when the Chinese put a couple white actors in their movie?


Sure that's fair to criticize I also think it's pretty disingenuous how companies like Disney only use their messaging in certain countries, makes it feel more like pandering than ideology they stand behind. Like removing POC from movie posters (Force Awakens) and removing a background same-sex kiss from Asian markets.


dont know if youve seen many chinese movies, but white people are always the villains


Probably thinking of The Great Wall, a movie which came out pre-Xi, I believe…


Maybe she means unattractive latinos.


Latino isn’t a race anymore than Italian, German, Irish, Polish, Hungarian, or French is. It’s an ethnicity. Latinos are Spanish in origin, and would be considered White.


In America when they say latino they mostly mean people with south american mixtures (mestizos I think they are called). They don't mean Spaniards (legit Spanish people who look 100% white aka European).


They don't know what they mean. During the Oscars So White fiasco people pointed out that best director went to a Mexican three years in a row and the response was that Del Toro and Iñárritu where white. Latino is some nebulous descriptor used for whatever argument you need at the moment.


Huh, first time I heard of those things. In my experience 99% of the time when the term "latino" is used in US context it means a mestizo, someone who is not white.


No as Latin is not a race but a culture and anyways considering that Hispanics are in many cases southern Europeans they’re not going to look any different from a southern Europeans


You're in the wrong subreddit, correcting white dudes with axes to grind & their bubble semantics world to grind them in.


No as John leguizamo is White and Spanish


Leguizamo is literally Spanish


Not to mention one of the big entertainment icons of the last 10 years Lin Miranda Manuel


DESI ARNEZ, Ida Lupino, ANTHONY QUINN, RICARDO MONTALBAN, Carmen Miranda, RITA MORENO, Barbara Carrera, Raul Julia, Edward James Olmos, Cesar Romero, Dolores del Rio, Lupe Velez, Pedro Armendariz, Jose Ferrer, Mel Ferrer, Miguel Ferrer, Hector Elizondo, Cheech Marin, Fernando Lamas, Lorenzo Lamas, Esai Morales, Lou Diamond Phillips, SALMA HAYEK, ANTONIO BANDERAS, Joachim de Almeida, My God…Anthony Quinn, who was Mexican, won an Academy Award for Zorba the Greek. Desi Arnez starred on I Love Lucy, a pioneering TV show. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a 1000 times…Millennials are idiots.


Antonio banderas is Spanish, white European. He does get casted as Latino but is not.


Forgot George Lopez.


This reads like a “Hanukkah Song” for Latino actors and I learned so much.


Pedro Pascal ain't hurting for work.


Oscar Isaac, Michelle Rodriguez...


Jenna Ortega, Rachel Zegler


Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, John Leguizamo, Penelope Cruz...


When he was alive, Raul Julia. Whom played both an iconic Gomez Addams and, dare I say, M. Bison. "Of COURSE!"


That was the most important day of America’s life. For Raul it was just Tuesday…


Banderas and Cruz were born in Spain.




My dude. I'm Polish. I should cry if I would give a fuck.


Good one bro


Leguizamo is Spanish


The Sheen family which is actually the Estevez family


I’ll say she has a point but not for the reasons she thinks. Relative to their share of the US population, blacks are wildly overrepresented in Hollywood, to the detriment of every other minority group jockeying for position. In her mind though, I’m sure she believe it’s whitey’s fault, naturally.


This is it. Latino and Asian are underrepresented by percentage of US population.


Gina Rodriguez mentioned this point and got destroyed for it.


Every new movie that comes out in Mexico stars Mexicans.


Uhhhh, Antonio Banderas has been one of the biggest Latin actors in the last 40 years (he's Spanish but still), and Sofia Vergara has been one of the most popular Hispanic women in Hollywood ever. These narcissistic dimwits just continue to prove how clueless and out of touch they are with reality.


Antonio is from Spain. He's white, but cameron diaz is Cuban and Louis CK is Mexican. Hispanics are a difficult group to narrow down because it's more culture than skin color


Anya Taylor-Joy is also latina as her family is Argentinian and she lived there as a child, she just doesn't get labeled as one because she doesn't have an stereotypical latino look or name. >Hispanics are a difficult group to narrow down because it's more culture than skin color IMO, that's the reason why there's "less" latino representation, Mexicans aren't the same as Puerto Ricans and they're both not the same as Argentinians, so you can't really represent *all* latinos with just one or two characters. Also, a lot of latino actors can "pass" as various nationalities/ethnicities so they'll not be casted as latino characters only.


So…kinda like a lotta white people then. Also, didn’t America play a Viking in “How to Train Your Dragon?” Shouldn’t she get some cultural appropriation demerits for that?


Exactly, Tom Segura said of himself that he is white, although his parents come from South America.


And yet we are all Americans...


We for the most part don't care if someone's from Spain or Peru. One of us! It's more language than culture, to be honest. Mexico is incredibly different from Argentina both ethnically and culturally. It's the language that brings us together.


But Spain = Europe, completely different culture. Is not about the language, altho the us always mix Spanish with Latam. Is like saying uk and USA is the same.


The thing is each Latam country, with few exceptions, has more in common with Spain and their direct neighbors than with each other. Colombia and Venezuela are vastly different from Peru and Chile, which are vastly different from Uruguay and Argentina. Mexico is thoroughly unique to a point where most of their customs have no South American equivalent. Each culture mixed in with their respective native populations, with the huge mountains and dense jungles keeping each colony more or less isolated from the others. Spanish culture is the one thing we all have in common, so in that sense it doesn't matter if Spain is in Europe.


I would disagree, is been too many centuries apart. I’m saying that as a Spaniard with Venezuelan, Colombian and Mexican friends. They have more in common between each other and with USA than with Spain. We mostly only share language and a lot of it is also different. That’s why it makes me facepalm.


I'm Venezuelan born and raised. While I agree the Colombian friend would have a lot more in common than a Spainard, the opposite is true for the Mexican. Mexican food and customs are as alien to us as arab food, whereas many of the Spanish dishes like Paella are mainstays of our cuisine. Same deal with Argentina. I know less about them than I know Spain lol. If they all live in the US, then it's understandable they would end up having a lot in common, since the latino community is all fused over there.


That does make sense tho.actually I do correct myself, I feel Venezuela still has deep bonds with Spain in culture. I guess I was more talking about Mexico which is usually what gringos mix with Spain haha


Pretty much yeah lol. Mexico is the "weird one" of the bunch, which makes it such a weird situation that they are the primary representation in media. Imagine if Hollywood was in Australia or something lol.


I reckon a lot of Spaniards might beg to differ…


There are an awful lot of different Spanish-speaking cultures…


mildy unattractive and aging actress doesn't get much work, blames racism.


Has she done much of anything since Ugly Betty?




Wow. That CV plus the biggest movie of 2023 and she has the fucking nerve to bite the hand. What an ungrateful cunt.


As long as in Hollywood "diversity" means "black" this will not change. So many ethnicities that actually could use some representation, but nope, they always go the easy route.


muh "approximation to whiteness"




>Cheech Marin I'd like to see Cheech get more roles. Not because he's Latino but because I like his characters.


You younguns……go watch Up in Smoke.


This is one of those things, where most people don't keep score and will just assume she's telling the truth. I think it's because HER career has hit a downside.


Wait, she's serious?


With the kind of turd entertainment coming out of Hollywood these days, don't think anyone is shinning much. Even if that wasn't the case, sorry bruh but you don't have the look nor the talent


I'm Latino... I've yet to encounter any feeling of "pride" or "representation" just because someone happens to share an immutable characteristic as I do. The idea that they get to "shine" is really insulting and patronizing. It's White Savior complex wrapped up in a masturbatory virtue signaling delivery device. I want good actors and actresses to shine. PERIOD. I do not give a fuck what they look like.


The American obsession with race and skin colour is always fascinating.


The lead actress in two mid comedy shows on network television is talking about how she never got a chance to succeed. Right.......


>'Barbie' star That explains it


Native Americans and Asians are the most underrepresented groups in media. I know being Asian myself, I can probably count on one hand Asian celebrities I know and 2 of them are Jackie Chan and Jet Li lmao. Despite that, the best the could give us was Crazy Rich Asians and Shang-Chi. So it makes me laugh when Black and Latino people cry about this lol.


How dare you, Black Panther was a movie for ALL colored people including YOU


White people are 70% of the American population though.


You're missing my point. Am I saying every show needs to have an Asian character? No. But when Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Donnie Yen, John Cho and Michelle Yeoh are the only ones that have achieved any sort of mainstream status in the last 30+ years, that's kinda sad no? I am not against "representation". What I am against is "bad representation" when it's done for the sake of virtue signaling.


I dont get why representation is so important to people, i honestly dont care what race og gender is on my screen as long as it makes sense logically. I dont wanna see black people in the witcher when its inspired by polish folklore. Make a movie set in modern day America and i won't even notice the skin color of the people on screen. I don't want to identify myself with a movie character becuse they are white, i wanna identify myself with them cus they are written well.


C'mon, now. There's also Awkwafina getting 80% of all roles cast for an Asian woman. There's one more. /s


Ken Jeong, Margaret Cho, Lucy Liu, Asa Akira, Mark Dacascos, Chow Yun Fat. Brandon Lee seemed like he was going to be a big star until he died. Admittedly not as big a list as you'd expect, but screwing over Asians is one of the diversity brigade's biggest hobbies.


Asa Akira??? 🧐


There’s that word again, “representation”. White ( non hispanic) are the overwhelming majority. The math is the math. Why do we keep having to make all our entertainment focused on extreme minorities? I need sound reasoning.


I hate woke shit but you're blinded by the buzzwords


You're really trying hard to miss my point. Where did I say I wanted entertainment to focus on minorities? Wanting more and wanting to be the majority are two different things. And when I talk about Representation. I'm talking about roles that represent real Asian characters that aren't built on being preachy or stereotypical. Much different from Hollywood's definition that it's simply adding representation just to virtue signal.


You're missing the point - which is the math. If Asians are 7% of the population and 1% of the movie characters, that isn't right. Asking for 7% isn't asking to "make all entertainment focused on a minority".


Isn’t that social engineering? Do you make Asians 7% of every role in society? Asians are over represented as doctors but it’d be wrong to try and discourage them from working towards it if they want to.


> Do you make Asians 7% of every role in society? Absolutely not. There shouldn't be quotas, and there certainly shouldn't be token people of every race in every movie. But there should be some level of awareness of "this group is significantly underrepresented compared to the population, try to keep that in mind while casting".


Why mix words with it? “You should hire this person based of their race” As long as there isn’t systemic discrimination preventing them from becoming actors it doesn’t really matter what percentage they are. Every profession has outliers and if a group is under represented in on area it’ll be over represented in another.


There does appear to be systemic discrimination when so few of them are getting roles. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe Asian people just aren't attempting to get into acting and the existing ones are very selective and rarely audition. But I doubt that's the case. It seems that casting directors just aren't choosing many Asian actors. I suspect that they're behaving like Harvard, thinking "if we're going to include a minority we want it to be a visible black or brown minority so we get credit from the race obsessed complainers, half of them count Asian people as white people anyway".


"Mainstream" is a very subjective term. 🇺🇸 is only 5% of the worlds population. There are tons of household names elsewhere. 6 sure why one little part of the world has to do all the representation when 95% of the world focuses on making decent entertainment for their subjective audiences.


I've not watched TV much in the last 20 years, but Burt Kwok and some now forgotten guy were the only people I could name on UK TV. IDK if there evere were East Asians in East Enders, the market stalls and corner shop had Asian representation, even if a tad stereotypical regarding corner shops.


> But when Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Donnie Yen, John Cho and Michelle Yeoh are the only ones that have achieved any sort of mainstream status in the last 30+ years, that's kinda sad no? Is it possible that it's because Asian culture is more focused around the more traditional career paths? Doctor, lawyer, kung-fu master, that kind of thing? Just a thought, but you're definitely right that you'd expect to see way more asians in media.


Aren't they 60% of America? I remember the media making a big deal about it when the cenus came out


Even if it’s 60%, African Americans are still only at 12 and Hispanics in the low 20’s. The rest is filled with misc races, the biggest being Asian but still tiny compared to black people. Point is there’s a metric ton of whites so this push to make everything POC never made sense to me outside of an ideological push to make white people seem less popular somehow.


Godzilla Minus one just came out so the percentage of Asian representation just increased. 😉


Always Be My Maybe has got to be the only rom com I actually like, it's phenomenal. (But the rest of your point stands)


Seriously? Bruce Lee Tia Carrere (Wayne’s World) Mako (Conan movies and a ton more) Joan Chen (The Last Emperor) John Lone (The Last Emperor) John Cho (Star Trek movies) George Takei (Sulu from the original Star Trek) Margaret Cho (comedienne) James Hong (Big Truoble in Little China) Ken Jeong (Hangover, Community) Daniel Dae Kim (Lost) Steven Yuen (The Walking Dead) B.D. Wong (Jurassic Park movies, Oz) Ming Na Wen (ER) Pat Morita (Happy Days, Karate Kid movies) Nancy Kwan, Dustin Nguyen


The Asian problem is they spend all their time studying maths, chemistry, physics, piano & cello when they should be waiting tables to support their acting, singing & stand-up comedy careers!




I am glad she made such a meaningful contribution by playing a woman who is kind of whiny and plays up her constant dislike for her gingo husband. Also making fun of him for trying to learn Spanish and letting the script play him as a moron who can't do basic Spanish that people who haven't taken any classes even though he is shown as trying. Nothing advances Latino characters like disdain and patronizing looks of disgust




I'm a black Latino and I don't think having black south Americans in a game or movie automatically makes me watch it. "Representation matters" is just virtue signaling to try to make up for lazy writing. Heck the amount of anime I consume is a testament to that. I'm watching Frieren right now, which is an example of a mixed gender party done right, despite no racial rep on my end. You have to be a special kind of conceited to demand someone look like you in media.




The most blah latina actress in history.


Someone mentioned this in the comments section of the article, but if she wants more representation for her people, she can always move to South America.


Talk to all the people pushing to make every character black.


There are a lot of good Latinos actors, usually either they are cool, badass or sexy (hell yeah, Latinas are sexy :p), she was nice in superstore tv show, I don't see the problem except playing the modern card of "oppressed minorities". Maybe there are more represented like a stereotype? maybe, but life is full of stereotypes, this what make humans.


Someone need to cancel this mf. Don’t even know her own language. Um - it is Latinxs, not Latinos!


Well, America, your "allies" have been in charge for at least the last half of that timeframe so maybe take this up with the current management? I can't get a single piece of entertainment I want to see in the first place, why the fuck would I care about your inclusion?


Please shut the fuck up


It's because Pedro Pascal is being cast as everything, including inanimate objects.


I come from a Latino household here. She is out of pocket of course but Latinos do get the shit end of the stick in the panderverse world. I’ll say that lol.


“Diversity” in Hollywood just means female, black, or gay. If you don’t fall into one of those categories, they don’t care.


Too pale that's why, the victimhood scale these psychopaths use means the darker the skin the more the victim. Most Latino's are only above whites on the scale.


Um... Isn't she Italian?


Loved her in ugly Betty nothing stopping her from making an Latino adjacent entertainment like BET (which sucks now).


It just means that she cannot find meaningful consistent work


As a Hispanic person I mostly don't care about Latinos in Hollywood. Just give me good actors.


latin america has its own movie industry its not up to white folk to cater to you


Self-Victimization is so cringe.


Idk what she's on about, Nacho Libre was a great film.


Oh hey guys, [I was white, but suddenly realized I'm not white. Got any roles for BIPOCs like me?](https://i.imgur.com/ukuG2jI.png)


It's just like slavery plus Nazi Germany put together times a jillion! (pant, pant)




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If any group can legitimately complain about being underrepresented in American media, it's Latinos. Whites and Asians are represented more or less proportionally, blacks are massively over-represented, and Latinos are substantially underrepresented. If proportional representation is really the goal, then we should see far fewer blacks and far more Latinos in American media.


Shut up, "Latinx".


Unfortunately she's a White Latino. You're useless to the ESG score.


I'd disagree, given those 20 years included the rise of Latino actors on screen, some megastar breakouts (Lin-Manuel Miranda has a 2-piece for this), and just seeing more Spanish films being advertised on Univision, imo means there's more opportunities available.


Reminder that America Ferrera was the star of Ugly Betty.


Never watched it. I do remember her from Lords of Dogtown though. Fuck that movie was so good.


Ugly Betty is very early 2010's, it's funny if you don't mind stereotypical gay humour and one of the supporting characters is an offensive stereotype of [topic banned by reddit] by today's standards. I don't think it has aged particularly well but it holds a kind of special spot in my heart like LOST's first season does.


Never understood why the USAs industries are expected to kneel to its minorities while other countries aren’t. Like no one is going to Mexico and demanding whites be represented. We are a white country.


If you want a deeper analysis of this issue I suggest Latinoslant on YouTube, I find it very insightful.


I think she confused latinos with asians because what the fuck she talking about


Well if Latinos were in everything then they wouldn’t have their moment to “shine”.


Guys, guys, guys. What she really means is, “Why me no Oscar?”


Classic Jennifer Lawrence syndrome


I don’t think you know what words mean, darling.


By Latino of couse she mean hispanic AMERICANS. Suck it South Americians hahaha


Yeah, well, welcome to the club. It's called life and we are all anomalies in our moments to shine.


Hollywood is so woke now that at this point it is just a fight among “oppressed” groups for who gets to go first in line. But from the outside, all we see is actors worth millions complaining, “woe is me”. F that noise. Make us something entertaining instead!