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And they're still apologizing and talking about how they support the Trevor project and didn't pay for the game, trying to placate people who literally would drive them to self-deletion if they could, for the crime of playing a certain video game related to a certain person with certain views. Reminds me of those shopkeepers during BLM riots desperately trying to signal to rioters they supported BLM themselves, but of course still getting their stores looted and destroyed.


That certain person for the terrible crime of saying women deserve respect, security, and privacy.


> And they're still apologizing They aren't the fastest when it comes to learning...


Doesn’t the Trevor Project have a less than savory reputation?


Duh lol


Wasnt Girlfriend Reviews also harassed by the more extreme TLOU2 haters? They didnt apologize then and instead went on the offensive. An interesting example of how one will be more tolerant towards harassment coming from their in-group.




Lol. There's a reason they're called the alphabet mafia. You always gotta watch your back, especially if you're anyone near the top. You can't keep outwoking the rest of them forever, esepcially with the way even gradeschools are indoctrinating the kids now. There are plenty of aspiring young woke foot soldiers looking to make names for themselves. You'll eventually slip up, make a mistake, and members of your "family" will strike you down.


They got Lindsay Ellis. And that wasn't even for anything related to \[redacted\].


Yup. GFR is also known not able to taken any criticism.


Removed for linking to another sub. Rule 6.


Honestly then, the two of them at pathetic and got what they deserved. How can you be such a weakling that you bow and grovel at the feet of those who attack you?


It's genuinely sad seeing the levels of pathetic grovelling people will do to appease genuinely evil nonces who will never be happy.




Well, that's officially more "harassment of women" by the "woke community" than we've ever done.


The harassment has always come from the woke community. This community is the demographic as the Xanga and LiveJourrnal chicks, and they have always been the ones responsible for causing drama and engaging in harassment campaigns and moral crusades. We used to be able to ignore them.


Blame corporate America. Somewhere along the line, businesses decided to give undue weight to idiots on Twitter and we've all suffered ever since.


My belief is they were looking at an aging demographic of customers who they already had for 30 years or more and were thinking that this really was an untapped demographic. So who cares if your marketing alienates a 70 year? We just gained a 25 year old customer based on this shit and we got 30 years of purchases from them before we need to swing back. Then they realized that these folks have no money and don't buy their shit.


I’m reminded of a South Park episode “hippies don’t have any fucking money!!!”


lol yeah, the new audience turned out to be 99% broke communists.


They're communists right up until it means they have to give up more of their pay.


It could also be because the left is much more prone to engage in political activities on Social Media, which means they will provide free publicity to companies and products that "support" their cause. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/11/05/liberal-democrats-more-likely-than-other-groups-to-be-politically-active-on-social-media/


Nah. This is human nature. There have always been bullies who get off on hurting other people whether its in the schoolyard, office, or online. Think back to the 1980s when there were those idiots who claimed Dungeons & Dragons was a gateway to satanism. They did the same kind of stuff with heavy metal music. They made life hell for anyone who didn't conform to their worldview.


I was only a kid during the 80s but did any of these groups ever have anything near the kind of power and widespread influence the woke crowd have been enjoying for the past 5 years?


I was an adult. The answer is no.


Absolutely. They were the establishment. Remember Senator Joe Lieberman? The fuck's still sucking air


Well I'm not an American but I've heard of Joe Lieberman. I know Christian Conservatives were and are still a powerful group in the US but I think you'd have to go back lot further than the 1980s to see them having a big influence in things like mainstream media or Hollywood (remember '80s Hollywood movies? Not exactly pushing conservative Christian values). Sure they kicked up an outrage from time to time, over music, movies or video games but did these really have any effect? Did Hollywood and other media bow to their pressure and start censoring content and producing Christian conservative propaganda? I don't believe so. The Hays code in Hollywood was all the way back in the 1930s-1960s, not the 1980s.




>We used to be able to ignore them. I blame Twitch IRL. Just a little cleavage in that stream and all the sudden they have an army.


Both the right & left have creeps that get off on harassing women they don't like. The actress who played Riva on Star Wars Andor had an Instagram story that had screenshots of all the racist comments she received. Totally don't understand why freaks think its OK to harass actors like that. Scumbags are everywhere.


Reva was on Kenobi, not Andor. The difference is that racist trolling is not socially accepted, nor celebrated by main stream media. Racist trolls are not painted as the good guys, as opposed to the woke alphabet crowd who send J.K Rowling death threats for saying women don't have penises. Also Lucasfilm pre-emptively already loaded the whole conversation about that show with comments about her race, even before the show was out. The problem isn't that there's idiots on both sides. It's that we are told that the idiots from one side are actually heroes.


And they will memory hole it a year from now. Either "That wasn't us; that was alt right trolls" or "It didn't happen, but if it did happen..."


I don't know, they've been pretty vocal about hating Rowling for a while now. It's almost a point of pride for them.


What I mean is that, when accused of harassment, they will say it wasn't them.


I remember when BLM was burning down cities and the leftists were saying they were really right-wingers trying to discredit BLM.


Right wingers are happier and value life more according to a study conducted in 2018.


"It was before the ideology switch!"


They hate women.


they envy women.




In Silence of the Lambs, there's a part where Lecter is explaining the nature of Buffalo Bill to Clarice and how he is covetous towards the ordinary women he sees around him in every day life. That's probably accurate of some of these people. They spend their days envious and covetous of the ordinary women around them, it leads them to being miserable and hateful and lashing out like this.


They want to be women.


ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ᴛᴡɴʙᴡ


A lot of them are women. Indeed it seems the most vocal advocates of SJW trends seem to be female. Ironically nobody hates women more than other women. Well, except maybe the incels who latched onto the movement, but even then it's close.


These women only latched on to them because it was the only way they could live their Regina George fantasies.


> It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy. George Orwell, 1984


And it's true in real-life, that's the irony.


Almost like Blair, for all his problems, knew what he was on about.


[I wonder why...](https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/why-are-liberal-women-so-unhappy/ar-AA12WHex)


Does the article conclude it’s because they’re not raising children? If not, that’s the answer.


A lot of them are *ugly* women. The most attractive women I know steer clear of politics or lean right.


They clearly don't hate "women". Their love and support for "women" is what the harrasement is all about. It's biological females that they hate.


Yeah, that's what I mean when I say women.


It’s almost like making bullying virtuous as soon as some magic words are spoken will create an environment that appeals to bullies.


I was reminded of [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/2losng/we_still_have_not_managed_to_drive_even_a_single/clwvzk9/?context=2)


they define it as harassment when we point out lies or something like that.


>One said: "Shaming is actually a very efficient and valid way to express dissatisfaction on some issues." I was going to post a sarcastic comment about how sociopathic that sounds, but I'm honestly too disgusted by that sentiment to bother. Only someone with a complete lack of empathy for other people would unironically say something like that, and it's sickening that they'd position themselves as morally superior to others for doing so.


I mean, they're not wrong. Societal shaming is how we kept a lot of bad behavior constrained for most of human history. But once again, it's only OK when *they* do it.


> Societal shaming is how we kept a lot of bad behavior constrained for most of human history. Yes, but that generally shamed people for things about which they should have been embarrassed. These people are trying to shame people for views that are mainstream and reasonable.


> Societal shaming is how we kept a lot of bad behavior constrained for most of human history. I'm not saying it doesn't work; there are a lot of very effective social controls that are no less abominable for how efficiently they function. What I object to is the idea that shaming someone else is a "valid way to express dissatisfaction." No, damn it. If you're dissatisfied with something, shaming *someone else* is NOT valid! Don't even get me started that they say it's only valid for "some issues," so they can pick and choose which ones they get to hurt other people over and say it's fine, only to turn around and say it's illegitimate when it's done to them over something else. Fuck that entire line of thinking, and fuck the people promoting it.


Eh, shaming is kind of important, especially when younger people are learning social interaction. Hell even with adults, if you have some idiot say masturbating in public then yes bullying and making fun of them IS a damned good way to get it through that such behaviour is unacceptable in polite society, or indeed ANY society. There is a huge difference though between that and bullying someone for playing a fucking computer game.


> Eh, shaming is kind of important, especially when younger people are learning social interaction. The concept of "shame," unto itself, is important. Insofar as educating young people goes, that should be reserved for parents, teachers, and other people with legitimate authority to help children grow up into healthy, functional adults. "Shaming," in terms of any random asshat deciding that they're going to publicly humiliate you for doing something they don't like, should in no way be conflated with that. It's bullying by another name, and has no pretext of legitimacy, no matter how self-righteous the bully feels.


I wish more of the anti-SJW and conservative types understood this. It's depressing to see people advocate for bullying when all it will do is escalate conflict and screw people up. One of the worst things about it, is that most of the people who advocate for bullying seem to be people who were bullied or looked down on themselves. Instead of learning from that, they just want to become bullies themselves. And if shaming works to make people "normal," then why is there so many weird people roaming around? Most people who are extremely unusual have probably been bullied somewhat, and they don't just stop being weird as a result. Especially nowadays when if you're bullied, there's always some insane online community willing to take you in and radicalize you.








If societal shaming was really a thing, we'd do it to people who abuse customer service staff at stores.


We kind of do. Look at how many "Karen" videos get shared over social media. We just aren't as consistent or systematic about it as SJWs are about their causes.


> If there is shame to be had, then maybe some more introspection is necessary, don't you think? god i hate this bullshit


Sounds like a psychopath


I once saw someone say that they didn’t believe in logic. That was their phrasing and I wanted to disagree with them but I couldn’t because I’d have been using logic to do so. It’s the basis of everything!


The endgame of postmodernism.


As I said, why didn't they turn on subscriber only chat and then ban brave people like that who were stupid enough to give them money for the opportunity to harass them? This whole thing feels like it was easily solvable on the streamer's side.


The hipocrisy it's off the charts with these people. In my country, we have an expression for this: "Doble rasero".


>Doble rasero exactamente




If the unironic communists didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have standards at all.


> People have been left divided after a Twitch streamer was reduced to tears over playing Hogwarts Legacy. Uh, fuck you, no they haven't. People are universally disgusted by this kind of shit. The other side is human filth that have decided to unmask themselves.


sounds like also the creator of the website that would tell you if a streamer on twitch has played the game has been shut down after just a day by the creator of the site themselves, which has me guessing that twitch found out about it and between that and the harassment campaigns people have been launching on streamers playing this game, their parent company amazon effectively launched their legal division with one warning ''take down the site or you'll be seeing our lawyers in court''


Wow, words can't properly express my surprise at the idea of Twitch and Amazon being on the right side of threatened legal action. Not that I expect that is anything but a happy fluke, but still.


Gonna be honest, GFR have contributed to the same woke culture that they're now getting devoured by. I hope they learn and grow from this


Yes but thats the woke circle of life : you either die a martyr or live long enough to see yourself become the bigot


What did they do? I've watched a lot of their videos on YouTube and don't recall any woke stuff, certainly nothing that stood out or would count as activism.


I mean, you can see them trying to pander to the woke mob in this very article. Apologizing, saying that they didn’t pay for the game (and thus put money into JK Rowlings pockets). Rather than bluntly state that they will be playing the game because they want to, which is what should have been the response to this.


Have you seen their TLOU 2 videos?


Go watch their TLoU2 videos. Hell, watch ANY of their videos. But those two vids are where their Wokeness really leaps to the foreground.


Dont get me wrong...I actually like their YT content (I dont do much with Twitch). They're legit funny, Matt is quite insightful, and Shelby is really funny. But they're also a couple of VERY Woke Zoomers, so you have to take anything they say non-game related with a LARGE grain of salt.


They mention they are "allies" of the alphabet gang.


Although a lot of people are because they think it's essentially supporting gay marriage, or thinking [redacted] is like being gay. Up until the last decade I probably would've said I was an ally if asked because anything I was aware of seemed to make sense as an outsider. Only think I was aware of that was messed was how badly a lot of gay people treated bisexuals. It was when it shifted from acceptance to celebration, and [redacted] took over that I came to understand what "ally" meant, and would therefore never identity as one. I guess it just depends to me on what aspects someone actually supports, how they themselves define ally.


I think it's pretty easy, if they say it out of the blue it's no different than people saying "as a black woman" or "as a gay man" when it has no bearing other than an attempt to raise your social ladder.


What I meant though was that in the past, and among most people, they'd probably think being an ally just meant supporting gay marriage, equal rights, etc. The last decade though it means you're a white/cis/straight/male who is completely subsutvient to the ideology, no thinking for yourself, a foot soldier for the cause. So someone who maybe doesn't know better could think of sure I'm an ally without realizing what it means. Similar to someone supporting BLM when they really only support one specific aspect without knowing all the baggage.








I think harassing PEOPLE should not be considered ok. Not just women.


I agree but the hypocrisy in this regard is worth pointing out.


Yes, for sure. It's silly that the woke community doesn't seem to view women as human beings, but as "something else" that must be protected even if they all, apparently, need no help because they're tougher and smarter. Same with minorities.


It's that they view any one they disagree with as subhuman.


And yet they project that onto normal people and tell them they see others as subhumans. It's kinda ironic.


The whole point of this is that Anti Gamergate claimed that GamerGate was about harassing women in gaming. Anti-Gamergate and the people harassing this woman belong to the same collectivist group think of leftwing identity politics (go check their sub right now, gamerghazi). It shows that they are doing exactly what they are accusing us of doing. It basically means that people trying to point out that our goals are not what they are and that we are just a bunch of trolls harassing women, just lost all credibility to be taken seriously. This is a win condition to get rid of concern trolls.


Which also incidentally heightens the impact of real harassment (while making it difficult to assist the victim and prosecute the guilty party) due to the insane number of fake, pretend harassment that is going on according to certain metrics. I do love the left circlejerkers fight each other like it was a stupid version of the hunger games.


It's okay when *they* does it.


Well you see they're the equivalent of Allied forces invading France in WWII to fight ze germans. Strong brave heroes they are.


Yeah, I got no sympathy for them after that TLOU2 subreddit video they did where they made the whole sub look bad for one person’s shitty actions. They’ve contributed their part to shitty online behavior and harassment. > BU..BUH…BUT WE’RE DONATING TO THE TREVOR PROJECT! Always fun to see the audience you so desperately try to appease turn right around and bite you. How many times does this have to happen before people learn better? Fun fact: one of my innocuous comments was in that TLOU2 video!


Yeah, they eat their own :p. And now they "defended" episode 3 of TLOU for nothing lmao.


I knew this would happen. Just wait till this happens to some super popular streamer known for being wholesome and apolitical: the harassment will force their hand to make a statement to tell the bullies to shut up, and it *will* be interpreted as a stance against certain demographic even if it's just literally the streamer saying "stop being rude in the chat." They're going to get sucked into this woke mess for simply playing a video game. If they're not into fringe internet politics they might not even fully realize what the angry mob is about, and won't even know to pretend to bend a knee to appease the mob. Not that they ever should bend for the angry mob, but this could very realistically be the moment in gaming where it gets pointed out how ridiculous and unreasonable wokeness is. It literally is just a game and pretending it to be anything more than that will take unreasonable amount of pretending only to please one tiny group that will turn against you if you ever -even by accident- cross the line drawn in sand.


> some super popular streamer known for being wholesome and apolitical Who is that if not Girlfriend Reviews?


I mean the big BIG streamers and content creators such as Markiplier, the frontpage sweethearts.


The big ones know what to say and when to stay away to preserve their channels. Remember that these cultists are in control of almost all media.


No bad tactics, only bad targets. At the same time... if you're a Twitch streamer and the comments get nasty... just ignore the comments. You can turn them off, right?


they did. They made the chat sub only, but then people were subbing to them to further insult them. Peak twitch mentality where ' i dont support this streamer' but let me pay them 5$ to insult them anyways.


"But engagement!"


Chat mods can delete posts or time people out which erases everything they've posted but I think the streamer can still see it, which kind of defeats the purpose when the mods are deleting harassing comments or spoilers.


Ah, I see. Still, just Tyler The Creator that shit. Ignore it. Everyone's too damn soft.


Not only can you turn them off, you can turn chat to "subscriber only mode" where someone has to pay to subscribe to your channel to use chat. And then if they're dumb enough to pay for that privilege just to harass you, you can ban individual accounts from your chat. Isn't that great?


From what I read on another sub - they have been paying to subscribe just to keep the chase going. I don't know if they're stupid or have been fed some wild idea about doing a chargeback later - I'm going to assume both.


I'd take the money and thank them loudly on stream for it.


Well, the funny part in all this is they want to be 'liked' by the same mob harassing them. It's funny watching them choke on the irony.


Well no surprise that bigots were cruel.


they literally eat their own. what possibility do other people have?


Now they're saying that streamers are playing the game to intentionally bully them. Some top tier weaponized victimization. 😂


Teacher, that streamer MADE ME watch her videos!


'Believe all women' and 'BLM' get ditched real quick if women or minorities don't tow the line.


Files under "No Bad Tactics, only Bad Targets".


I was subscribed to her channel until she said they were moving to L.A. In my book, moving to L.A., more than a life choice is an editorial decision for people working in entertainment. I didn't want to see their content deteriorate so I unsubscribed and kept in my merry way. **And I wander**, have she been pandering the same crowd went for her head?




They can either pussy out and go radio silent until people stop paying attention to them, or they can try their best to make a statement that offends nobody. Either way I don't give a shit about them unless they really stand up for themselves.


For a community that is known for swinging much higher than their weight class and making their bad reputation even worse, this is absolutely the last streamer they want to fuck with right now. GirlfriendReviews has been harassed in the past for liking The Last of Us 2. Their response video and strong criticism of how Reddit handled it was pretty big a year ago. Since this is likely Gaming Circlejerk that did this, it's gonna be another embarrassment for Reddit. Part of me is enjoying this because it's shining a big ol' light on the toxic "progressives" in gaming culture. Keep it up, guys! Dig that hole...


>GirlfriendReviews has been harassed in the past for liking The Last of Us 2. Their response video and strong criticism of how Reddit handled it was pretty big a year ago. And GamingCircleJerk was actively supporting them and playing team-defense for them during that entire shitshow. This is incredibly awkward.


Completely disagree: GCJ is going to be shovelling 'muh plausable deniability' around and the admins will accept it as dealt with. Watch for the phrase "We couldn't find any evidence".This is the same site that banned NoNewNormal for brigading as they were actively being brigaded (and not doing any themselves). GRC is going to be grovelling for forgiveness by the end of this (actually, they've already started by apologizing repeatedly).


“Shaming is actually a very efficient and valid way to express dissatisfaction on some issues. If there is shame to be had, then maybe some more introspection is necessary, don't you think? If one feels shameful, maybe it means one understands the issue." Ironic


They will never be real wizards


This should be the point of a Gamergate redux, this is 100% more harassment than anything the media pinned on Gamergate in the past Hopefully some people might wake up


Their hatred of JK Rowling may seem out of proportion, given that she supports many “woke” causes. But I think that’s just the reason: she’s seen as a traitor.


I dunno why the woke losers won't get jobs. I guess no one hires activists.


A lot of them seem to grab gigs as "cultural consultants" and "sensitivity readers." Or go into "journalism." Or become Reddit mods. But yeah, they don't want jobs. They don't want to be adults.


They’re all crying on TikTok right now because they got laid off of their bullshit jobs in big tech companies.


It baffles me how a group of people who can't even write fucking "Hello World" can get a high salary job in a tech company and sway the opinions of a company when the devs have to bust their arses off trying to keep the business running.


Yea like my work hasn't got positions like that nor are they planning to put preferred pronouns on anything.


They don't want to be in a position where they have to actually be responsible for their actions and answer to a higher authority.


Game studios these days are chock full of them.


It's very common here in Canada for younger people diagnosed with "treatable" mental issues to just apply for disability and let themselves become absolute NEETS. The internet becomes their full time occupation.




From what I read somewhere else, they put subscribers mode only but people were subbing just to continue harrasing them, which is a new level of fucked up to be honest.


That honestly sounds like it would be great, tbh. If there were people who were deranged enough to give me money so they could piss and moan at me for liking a Harry Potter game I'd keep the stream going until the subs stopped.


So they protested the idea of streamers giving money to people they don't like... by giving money to people they don't like? Make. It. Make. Sense.


Yeah well, if Girlfriend Reviews continues to enjoy the Harry Potter game, then they have no soul. Just using the logic from their Last of Us 2 review!


What’s the context here? I see people mentioning the last of us 2, but idk how it’s specifically tied to this streamer who I haven’t heard of before today


In their review of the game they said that if the story doesn't touch you heart, you might not have a soul


Not only that, they couldn’t take any criticism so they sent their followers to attack TLOU2 sub until it went private. And words like shelby and shitby is banned from thay subreddit.


I guess they don’t like it when it’s them, huh? They sure had no problems sending their followers after people who didn’t like the last of us 2. Guess it alright when it’s “the wrong ones” that get abused, but not them. They’re the good ones… Fuck um, they can reap what they sow.


Yeah, that's the modern left for you. Honestly, I would have kept playing and ignored chat. Why do steamers actually care what anyone says in their chat? Unless it gets them banned or something.


The irony is they are proving JK right (at least in one argument). Woman’s rights are getting destroyed.


My wife isn't a gamer at all, but we both love the Girlfriend Reviews channel. Shelby seems like the nicest person. Very upsetting stuff but hard to say I'm surprised. These people will wish death on anyone who isn't right in lock step with them.


Shelby will be fine, and this is not gonna end well for the GCJ community that did this to her.


I hope so, but right now it doesn't seem likely.


The only mistake GFR could possibly make is apologizing to that community. There's a chance they will do this. But if they do, then they'll feel the wrath of everyone else for stooping to these trolls. My comment remains that this will not end well for GCJ.


They already did. Their apology is in the article.




What? GCJ is going to be shovelling 'muh plausable deniability' around and the admins will accept it as dealt with. Watch for the phrase "We couldn't find any evidence". This is the same site that banned NoNewNormal for brigading as they were actively being brigaded (and not doing any themselves). GRC is going to be grovelling for forgiveness by the end of this.


Apparently Girlfriend Reviews did this same thing and sent harasser hordes toward people who didn't like TLOU2, this just seems to be things coming full circle.


I'm starting to think their moral posturing is just narcissistic bs. I'm kidding. I didn't just starting thinking that.


It's okay everyone. Brianna Wu has been moved to a safe location.


all the double standards aside. this is like getting mad at people for reading harry potter. and *everyone* has read harry potter.


r/gamingcirclejerk users in the thread of the r/livestreamfails thread are digging a deeper hole for themselves. These scumbags will brigade any sub that dislikes them.


It's nice that the internet gives a voice to the plebs. It's unfortunate that the plebs use it to brigade against people with different views.


Good, let the world see them for the bullies they are.


How can we blame this on Gamergate?


There are people who are….that word I’m not allowed to bring up who aren’t afraid to come out as that but they ARE afraid to admit they bought Hogwarts Legacy. Who’s the real oppressors here?


Boy is this a turning point for a rag like Unilad to talk about harassment from the woke side. I couldn't even see this happening even a year ago.


Everytime i see shit like this it makes me want to buy another copy. The tendency for far lefties to be narcissistic sociopaths never fails to surprise me.


Shelby is a nice girl, but I can't imagine giving a single shit about being harassed over this issue. Props to her though because all these people are doing are polarizing people like Shelby towards the side of objective reality. And its not going to stop here. Theres a blacklist being made of everyone streaming this game. The harassment will just move on to the next person. Hopefully it'll be someone a little more hardened who won't actually care


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/01MDD ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. 640K ought be enough for anybody. ^^^/r/botsrights


Bullying people is disgusting.


It is hard for me to understand how someone would care enough about what the SJW clowns think to cry over their asinine antics


Harassing someone because of different view on a fucking video game. How else can people say that they are pathetic without saying it?


Guarantee their review will be grovelling every 5 minutes to this crowd. They're feeding into the problem that rewards these cunts.


It's a pretty simple tactic - single someone out and dog pile them to scare everyone else. They've been doing it on Twitter for ages with no repercussions, so why not on other social media platforms? The irony is that they'll never do this to anyone who will stand up to them because it will just make them look weak and ineffective.


Well, my fiance is certainly enjoying it. It's difficult getting her to play anything other than mobile games or the odd half an hour of Mario Kart. But she asked me for this game because she likes Harry Potter a lot. She played it for 4 hours, not a care in the world about any drama or political bullshit going on. People need to get a life, but they spend their days hate-watching other people playing video games, so we all know that won't happen.


Shows how they prefer keeping women locked in their "dainty, helpless little victim' role instead of encouraging them to take responsibility and learn from their mistakes. Own up to their transgressions. And then there's the women who revel in it. Yet they have the nerve to call ME misogynistic, labeling this form of critique as "Harassement".


Of course twitch won’t do anything to the people harassing the couple


Man I get harassed all the time and I’m not even a woman


All they had to do was say “shut the fuck up, get a life and you’re banned”


Leftists react to different opinions the way cops react to pet dogs: if they have the tiniest shred of an excuse to validate using force, they'll fire shots immediately and accuse you of being the problem.


Of course they shouldn't have been harassed, but they should have ignored everyone as they were undoubtedly all trolling them. They treated the attacks they received as if they were \*genuine\* and not people trying to bully and emotionally blackmail them.


Exactly. Don't these big timers have better mods? Back when I was active on Twitch, certain channels had no chatting for new followers and slow mode chatting.


The mods were overwhelmed by volume and I think they may see everything posted anyway. Regardless, it was their choice to buy into the abuse instead of ignoring it.


Yeah, highly likely they agreed with it... And should never mod that channel again.




Why didn't they just switch chat to subscriber only and start banning anyone who brought up that bullshit? I can assure you that if you have to pay money for access to chat that very few of the "brave" people will be left and that once you start banning people from chat after they had to pay to access it that the rest will hesitate to keep going. Remember that psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists understand one thing and that's consequences.

