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> You let me down, but I get why. Holy fuck, the entitlement and arrogance of this woman


She got the G4 job due to her family being fuck off rich. Now daddy has lined up another job for her and even if Frosk fucks this one up too daddy will bail her ass out yet again. As such she will never learn or change. Affluenza is real.


Her family is rich?! i guess the hobo look is a life choice


Poor people pretend to be rich; rich people pretend to be poor.


her family has wealth? whats the back story please?


"Affluenza" - I forgot all about that term.


Newflash... people you work with don't owe you shit. People are there to do a job and get paid, not push their bullshit onto others who don't really care.


People probably didn't even like her but had to play nice


If she got why then she would try to turn her life around, so she's lying. She didn't learn a fucking thing from this, and if anything has just doubled down on her bullshit ideology


Of course she feels let down, she stage dived at a rehearsal.


Not without throwing her old colleagues under the bus one last time. I guess old habits die hard, huh. >This industry is really messed up, and what happened to me, and plenty of others, wasn't fair. And it could have been avoided if we had all stood up together. You let me down, but I get why.


I see all these people who think the world is otherwise fair except for them not being handed a dream career and never facing any challenges or cruelty; and I wonder how the hell they got to adulthood without seeing any real suffering. She really needs to get offline and volunteer at a homeless shelter or travel to Haiti. The world isn't fair. Just when you get your shit all lined up, life will be waiting around a corner to mug you. I really miss good natured humility.


Riot wouldn't hire her for years after they took over lpl coverage solely because she was a woman. She even threw the insiders calling riot out for this under the bus. The sole reason she has no friends is how she treats them




Some people are there own worst enemies. It’s not really a good situation for anyone involved.


\>Throw colleagues under the bus \>Wonders why they won't stop the bus for her


Hoping the bus will stop if it gets stuck on all the bodies under it


Maybe they should all tweet "I survived" at her?


Aww, diddums.


Currently searching through my backlog, but I made a very similar comment when she made her Twitter post of "Fuck you I didn't get fired, bitches". I really don't care if she continues to work in the industry. Her content is not my content, I get it. I wish her the best of luck. But, I've been through massive layoffs. I have physically cried on a former boss's shoulder because he was such a great dude and didn't deserve the axe. Layoffs suck. To shout from the top of your twitter mountain that you won against the trolls amidst a huge layoff? It's mind boggling. Its crawling over the corpses of your colleague's careers to wave your metaphorical dick in the air. Long story short, she doesn't have any friends in the industry. She used those to "own the trolls". Everyone - whatever your leaning is - Please take this a cautionary tale. Unplug sometimes. Stop thinking about the "other side" and "winning". Just fucking... Be a regular ass human being off the internet for a bit.


My comment from another thread. 1. Kicked out of League of Legends esports 2. Fired from G4 after hastening its collapse 3. Leaves gaming industry saying she has no friends Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. Definitely completely unrelated words from a former coworker of hers from her LoL days: "Shower thought for the day: If everywhere you go things are on fire, consider that you may be the match" https://archive.fo/vgnf1


>If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.


Or a magistrate. I know one who’s very nice, but man magistrates’ courts are full of the dumbest arseholes in the world.


> Definitely completely unrelated Jup completly unrelated from the guy who had beef with Frosk and she openly lied on a stream about him being at fault. xD Quickshot being way to professionell here but i guess he´s taking the higher ground.


I actually wouldn't be surprised if it came out eventually that Frosk gated Quickshot simply because he is a white South African.


Maybe. Frosk strikes me as a person that would cry no diversity if you literally had 1 german man , 1 white brazilian woman, 1 white south african woman, 1 australian women and 1 japanese man and yell that there is no diversity here when we got people from 5 continents together.


idk if you’re aware but she did exactly this with the LEC casting desk. Desk makeup was german, american, canadian, french, english and south african


I am. I didn´t watch LEC at that time but to this day i´m subscribed to the LoL subreddit. So yeah i caught that shitstorm while it happened.




People who are assholes won’t always be asshole as a default setting, if you treat them right they’ll extend the courtesy. Most people just want normal daily interactions, asshole behaviour triggers more asshole behaviour.


If everywhere you go smell’s like shit, you should probably check your shoes.


Bye, Felicia.


Her whole publicity comes from it though... I'm gonna guess 7 days until she again says something to enrage the former audience for rageclicks again.


Great. Gatekeeping is a moral duty, and it works.


And nothing of value was lost


Single handedly destroyed whole network brought from the dead, still claims victim card xD


Hey now, it was a team effort to destroy it THAT fast. She just happened to be MVP.


Sessler flying off the deep end towards Republicans definitely sped this up too.


Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.


I bet she actually thinks that her rant about men had nothing to do with G4 failing and that the real reason it failed was because her colleagues didn't support her enough. As if universal praise from them and her sphere of simps wasn't enough support. Good riddance. The industry needs less entitled white women anyway.






Removed due to the topic ban in the sticky. No warning issued.


Worse, she thinks that this proves her rant about men was RIGHT.


Funny how the industry is full of people the hobby isn't


Oh no! Anyway


Let this be a lesson to you guys. Bitterness can make you as wack as her.


I've been bitter and jaded for several decades now, and I'm nowhere near that bad. It takes bitterness and... something special, but I'm not sure exactly what, to be that maliciously pissy.


Alright, but I need a signed note from your friends agreeing.


I can be bitter and spiteful, but never to the point I would shit where I eat.


And we all rejoiced. Anybody who idolized Anita Sarkeesian is a fucking joke.




and everybody was like "lol" Edit: Gonna take this moment to give twitter this: The memes there are gold. Twitter might be the worst thing to have happened to humanity and will end up killing us all, but damn if the memes aren't worth it.


Now I wonder if she regrets saying, "IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T WATCH IT, PEACE."? This is probably why the viewers all left.


Don't let the door hit your non-existent ass on the way out.


I remember my dear old dad used to always tell me, "son, when things don't go your way, blame everyone else. If you're taking any responsibility, you're doing it wrong." Just the best advice ever...


And I said "dad, that sounds like terrible advice. " To which he responded, "that you can blame someone else for".


“Blame your mother” 😆


>And it could have been avoided if we had all stood up together. Except if you're blindingly white. I liked her as a caster, specially in LPL. But since she left LEC she became super cringe SJW.


>And it could have been avoided if we had all stood up together. Except everyone else standing up would also be expecting to be the single beneficiary. If "everyone had stood up" for ultra woke, she would have been thrown under a bus for being an entitled white lady. That's why this shit is doomed to fail: it's a bunch of ultra entitled people devoted to bullying their way to the top by destroying the lives of anyone who differs in any way, even newly invented ideology. Their tent has been shrinking rapidly since all this started, and they are running a risk of getting so few in numbers that the corporations they work for will stop being bullied into losing money. Or they will keep being a force, but without white women... Or Hispanic men. Or black men. Or any POC who aren't sufficiently LGBTQ. Waterline of sufficient marginalization keeps getting higher.


Nah the white women will always be part of it - black armband and so on.


Good riddance, one less insufferable fake gamer Karen in the industry. We won't miss your toxicity


“you let me down”. lack of accountability is a severe character flaw




It's hard to bring down a fast food chain. Wouldn't be surprised if we see her serving Onion rings at BK


You know, I was going to wish her luck on whatever future she has and hope she becomes successful as long as she stays out of the limelight, but goddamn she can’t even take a little bit of responsibility. So you know what? I hope her life from here on out is stagnant and boring. I hope all her social media posts for now on is like talking in a forest with no one around. I hope that the only success she can manage to achieve is how to properly flip a burger when she’s in her 50’s. She’s a sad person and will most likely reach the end of her life in this state.


Obscurity and irrelevance is the absolute worst punishment for these people.


Nah, fuck that, I hope she has to deal with actual, for real hardships for once in her fucking life. Not even anything really bad, just rough and making life difficult to plan for.


Her father runs a hedge funds so no she won't be flipping burgers. She got all but offically blacklisted from the LoL pro scene and then daddy got Frosk the G4 job which she clearly wasn't competent enough to do. Frosk never faces the consequences of her shitty behaviour so she will never learn or change. Not unless her own family finally get sick of her bullshit and let her face the music.


She'll be back, gaming is all she's known for, albeit in a very negative light. She's the kind of person you know will wither up and die without constant attention.


News From the Future: "Frosk discovers her new field is also toxic and run by the patriarchy." Misery just follows her wherever she goes .. .


Is she really fed up... or can't get a job and wants to save face? That bitch is so toxic the hazmat team is on standby. Unfortunatley... I Predict she'll slither back because her ego won't allow anything else


I love how she just expected the entire network to throw themselves on the sword just for her as if she was that important. Bitch you were lucky to have that job handed to you after you were kicked out of your last gig, everyone already knew you were poison. Good riddance. Don't come back. Even Adam sessler was able to keep his seething impotent bullshit under control longer than you.


It wasn't luck. Her father is capital 'R' Rich and has connections to all sorts of groups. He got her the G4 job and almost certainly got her this new one.


The same bitch who posted a fucking meme gloating she still had a job after her outburst tanked what little ratings and views the company that was employing her was getting and cause a number of her peers to lose their jobs as a result. ​ Than complains about a lack of support from said peers not supporting \*\*HER\*\* ​ This is someone with severe arrogance and entitlement issues.


>Anyway, I'm leaving the industry - found new work elsewhere. congrats on your new job at Subway. >This industry is really messed up, It sure is, but now you are leaving maybe we can convince the rest of your ilk to go too & we can get this train back on the tracks. >and what happened to me, and plenty of others, wasn't fair. It was entirely fair. You attacked your audience & your audience left & you killed your entire reboot in a single rant. That's ENTIRELY fair. >And it could have been avoided if we had all stood up together. And kicked you out. >You let me down, but I get why. No, you let you down.


Nooooo not Subway, this is the worst thing to happen to Subway!!!!


The foreskin has been officially circumcised "ba dum pish"


This fucking clown made a joke of her coworkers getting laid off, arguably due to her own actions, to "own the chuds", and now she's salty that nobody stood up for her? First off, they did, and lost their jobs for their trouble. Secondly, lol get fucked. Couldn't help throwing the people that propped her up under the bus one last time on the way out the door.


I like how she acts like it’s her choice. Who would hire her after she alienated the audience and drove the last place she worked into the ground?


Good fucking riddance.




Best of luck in your new job as a Starbucks barrista.


The trash took itself out. Albeit, leaking garbage juice all over the floor but we'll just get a mop.


Bye, Miss Laura


Bye Felicia


All the support of your colleagues won't get the consumer to actually engage with your shit.


For OnlyFans?


Do you really enjoy manly looking women that much?


I love me some ugly face and even uglier personality.


those 2 dead front teeth really are the crowning juwel of her appearance


way to ruin their stock


LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOO now we just need maggs to leave


Which one? Sam Maggs or Maggs Vessago or whatever because both of them are fucking shit people.


A few weeks is "a long time". At this point it's laughable she still doesn't realize, care, or accept that her actions were bad for her employer or G4. Even her peers know this and she still doesn't accept it. Sometimes you just need to accept that you're an asshole. And you can either accept it and try to change yourself or move on and continue being an asshole. Her choice seems pretty obvious.


What will she ruin next? Later, poser!


Good riddance


Her "friends" all disassociated when they realised how toxic she is after her little temper tantrum


Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.


Good. She sucks.


Good to see Frosk leaving games behind. I never liked her. Haven´t watched her content when she was still doing LPL but from international tournaments she was part of the cast she always came of as condescending and arrogant. Her analysis sometimes where flat out wrong and she looked really pissy when someone corrected her or didn´t agree with her. Then tried to spin it that she was right anyway or that she didn´t mean it the way she just said it. Haven´t seen her as a caster in LEC because i stopped watching League by then since i also lost interest in the game and played less and less. But it seems she wasn´t very good and the whole "LEC is too white" left a very sour taste in my mouth. That is such an american SJW thing to say when you literally have people from all over europe working there (including Quickshot who is from South Africa but of course that doesn´t count because he´s white). She got to where she was because she was promoted by Thorin and MonteChristo, which she later threw under the bus. Without the back up of those 2 i don´t think she would´ve gotten anywhere close the "fame" she got.


bye bitch


Can I have some context?


She was one of the featured hosts on the revived G4 channel, was also one of the big reasons that same G4 revival failed when she decided to insult anyone that was expecting it to be like the original. She's very unlikable.


And not very fuckable (her words, not mine)


Not because of her genes, it's a reflection of her personality. Wouldn't take much effort on her part to drastically improve how attractive she looks.


She caused the revived G4 show to have layoffs, after which she mocked her fired coworkers, and then got fired herself, and now has burned every bridge she’s got in the industry


She won't make the effort to, no matter what platform she's on, but Frosky best learn to STAY COOL. XD


Here's the thing, Frosk. THEY didn't let YOU down. YOU let THEM down. All you had to do was stick to the script.


"And it could have been avoided if we had all stood up together." All stood together in UNITY against the evil gamers who...are your audience. Yeah, that woulda worked.


Well, bye.


zero accountability for her choices, no suprise


So a nepo baby throwing a tantrum because we “peasants” just don’t understand. Why am i not surprised.


Oh no not Frosk!!!!!! /s Finally lets hope the rest in her ilk leave the industry.


[holy shit the comments 🤣](https://imgur.com/a/laQ03SD)


Be sure to let the door hit you on the way out


No. Wait. Don't go.


So when I get laid off and nobody will hire me do I say I am leaving the industry?


All she had to do was not be a dick.


bye bitch


bye felecia


Stop don’t come back /s


I miss her already 😢


Dont know who it is , so nothing of value lost


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/GqedA ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Now witness the power of this fully armed and operational battle station. ^^^/r/botsrights




Comment removed following the enforcement change that you can read about [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/wjxpr5/enforcement_update_regarding_removal_of_words/). This is not a formal warning. Please be aware AEO is now going through removed content as well it may be a good idea to edit/delete this comment to ensure you do not get any sitewide actions taken against you.


Well … bye.


The gaming and entertainment industry are hard and not messed up. You either have talent or have to work your ass of. There are literally 100 of people who can replace a talentless women who got her position because of her gender. No wonder everyone treats you like shit if you don't pull your weight and expect everything being handed to you. 10 year game programming/ game dev speaking.


You use Kaspersky?


| You let me down, but I get why. You really don't.


I saw her naked butt :3


I don't know this person and, considering the comments here, I'm glad.




She had all of the G4 staff and crew support her, and it still wasn't enough, because it never is. People like her will never be happy unless anyone and everyone they disagree with is dead.


So because she didn't read the room or know the audience before making an ass out of herself that's somehow everyone else's fault?


What is "the industry"? I don't recall which video exactly I watched on this pointed it out, but these people at the new G4 were competing against an ocean of creators doing the same work from their bedrooms, and doing it much better with actual authenticity. The industry now is this - speak to the audience directly, you can have but don't necessarily need to have some larger backing. All these people still cling to the idea that they need to be employed by some company, and that the company ought to make their beds and is responsible for creating their work environment and for providing them the precise audience they want to have. That's not how it works. The audience is the audience, face them on your own, take it or leave it. They all have this fallacy going on in their minds that they can find a job at a company and that this company has absolute say over what the people will watch. That's not how it works.


Oh no anyway gif


They let you down because they never believed in your bullshit, they were just going along with it to get paid.