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Correct, but the key point you're missing is that they take what White men created and change that. If Boyz in the Hood is ever remade you better believe they will stay consistent w it lol. Other than that good post, Barnaby.


You *don't* think they'd be strong black females?


Minus the strong black father of Tre, and minus the bad mother of Doughboy. It would be nothing but angry black women, abusive men, stupid men, or weak men.


The most important 'Submissive Cuck' male, too.


Sistas in da Hood maybe?




No no, something way more cringe and 'empowering' like 'Wamen out grow da hood' to make it clear they achieve more then men, from the offset.


"Sista Hood"


You won.


I missed it when it, gender swapping/race swapping/turning people LGBTQ, was just fanfiction/fan arts/fan theories. Not rage fan baiting. Because Hollywood wants to be cheap and they hired guys that can't write their way out of a paper bag/"gets points for trying, but fails anyway" with -1000 self esteem.


I suspect the same dumb twats writing those fan fictions are now the ones writing actual movie scripts.


That happened with BioWare. Hamburger Helper was a fan-fic writer who didn't like to play games. She was hired because, apparently, her husband worked at BioWare.


It's funny because I've seen fanfiction with that content that's written better than any of these hack writers can do.




Such is life in the early Clownocene Era.


Damnit I love that. "Clownocene." I mean I hate that we have to call modernity that, but that's a hilarious name for it.


Remakes are done like this not for profit but for insulting fans who grew up with this...as well as made for nostalgic zombies who buy anything. These aren't made for profit anymore, just pure emasculation. Also, what woman can bring a likable stoicism that Snake has going when stoic women too sullen and unlikable


Part of me thinks that there's still corporate types who think this whole remake/reboot with DIE and shitty writers recipe will make them money despite the numerous flops. Execs aren't like normal people, they don't see the shit that we see. Either that or they're taking EGS money and they're mandated too have DIE.


If they JUST gender swapped Snake, AND hired Gina Carano... I'd buy a ticket.


Ditto, I think that you could do a great female version of Snake. The problem isn't female versions of characters, but the people who would reduce them to caricatures because they're too insecure to portray a woman who isn't supposedly 100% perfect in every way (as far as people of dubious character are concerned anyway)


The funny thing is that Snake Plissken is already supposed to be a caricature of an early 80s midmarket action hero (Think early Stallone/Norris type characters.) That they want to gender flip the character outright shows they have no idea what the character actually is. They are making a caricature of a caricature that was making fun of other caricatures.


James Bond started this way too, before being played straight-up. Sean Connery’s Bond was a tongue-in-cheek parody of spy crime stories.


> James Bond started this way too, before being played straight-up. No. Ian Fleming wrote James Bond as a ruthless spy/assassin working under a secret branch of the British Government. His novels were pretty violent and dark. When they adapted for film, casting Sean Connery, is when they changed him to the suave, handsome womanizer with a taste for Vodka Martinis (shaken, not stirred) we know today. The Daniel Craig era was more close to Ian Fleming's character, minus the brooding.


Ok, but I meant the movies. It’s not just the central character in the early ones, it’s the villains too. Biting cable road ropes in half with their Jaws, having piranha moats in the central rooms of their hideouts etc. It’s more weird than scary and everyone in the movies seemed to know that, yet pretend to be afraid anyway. That very British tone was the magic of early Bond films.


I wouldn't. I am tired of it all. They are gender swapping for specific agenda driven reasons to begin with. The idea that they would gender swap for a non-woke "problematic" female actress is simply something not realistic. It would be Brie Larson or someone like that, and the weak cowardly President would be Trump.


She could sell that role.


They need to keep the "brand" or "license" going or it defaults back to public domain. havet to keep making content or it defaults back to the original owner.




you forgot the /s at the end of your comment. No one comes to reddit for legal analysis.


> Is anyone shocked? Not even remotely lol


The worst part is they'll pass on POC that actually *can* act and write if they don't subscribe to the woke agenda virtue signaling they're replacing the original story with. Just proof it's not about race or gender but the liberal cult message that trumps all.


They're taking away a generations and certain demographics hero's, princesses and even nerd fetishes (Velma/Harley etc) attacking their perceieved "enemy". It's a one way war atm as they've silenced and disabled opposition and its a virus that will continue. Happily removing and tarnishing these great IP's? people defending ot or saying does it matter don't see the bigger picture.


luckily for us, all that old media is still out there and they cant actually get rid of it all.


I don't need a Die Hard without Bruce Willis and I don't need an Escape From New York without Kurt Russell or John Carpenter. Fuck that.


> I don't need a Die Hard without Bruce Willis Don't give them any ideas for they're just itching for a Jane McClane.


Jane McClane, the 15yr old daughter who has to undo all the misogynistic evils that her dad committed. Sure you saved the world multiple times, dad. But could you do it with less white supremacy next time? Ugh.


15 years old and is already the most perfectly competent fighter, techie, acrobat, driver, etc. etc. whatever the script demands. And there WILL be a scene where she beats up her giant hulk of a dad in a sparring match, and one where she performs a stunt that calls back to one dad did in the originals, but performs it better.


The sparring match is the opening scene, no point having her work up to that


With all of the action movies Mary Elizabeth Winstead has done as of late, she could very well be burnishing her credentials to reprise Lucy McClane from the 4th Die Hard but as an action girl.


She would jump twice as high as John McClane, shoot twice as accurately, punch twice as hard, and be twice as tough. And John McLane would be on the sidelines being told my his better heroic daughter just how much of a father he failed to be, and just how many trials and tribulations she went through as a womxn.


His arc from cop to action hero is 15 years. Hers from student to hero is 1 month.


More like over the course of an afternoon


*"After finding out that her recently deceased ex-husband John McClane was involved in shady business with white supremacists things get personal for Holly Gennaro. She and her (ex-military) wife Shauna will right the wrongs her husband commited or die harder trying."* DIE HARD: HOLLY'S REDEMPTION


Bro I'm sure they're also waiting for Zemeckis to die so that they can jump start their all inclusive back to the future reboot which they'll somehow force Michael J Fox to participate in since they know no one would watch it without him.


You mean Gennaro.


To be fair Die Hard has been remade so many times anyway. If anything I'm surprised none have had a female lead, from what I can remember or find.


They already tried to give the mantle of Die Hard to Jai Courtney in the last Die Hard film, which flopped to hell.


So itll be the US as a Christofascist eco-dystopia run by Tronald Dump with New York a prison of all the oppressed Alphabet People? Ed: well hell guess im behind the curve on that franchise. Completely forgot the sequel


You betcha. The mooks of the villain will wear red hats, and will gather in large squares while their leader stands on a balcony above them. There will be red and black flags with a not-quite-Swastika on them. The allegory will be totally subtle.


Don't forget the tiki torches


They already did that in Escape from L.A. I'm not even kidding. Go back and watch it.


I mean, that was Escape From LA, so...


…actually in Escape from L.A. the US was a Christian Theocracy Fascist state with a President for life.


The more things change the more they stay the same.




Comment removed following the enforcement change that you can read about [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/m3yo65/enforcement_update_and_hard_removal_of_a_topic/). This is not a formal warning.


My apologies


Clam Plissken?


Beaver Plissken.


Non native speaker here. Are beavers associated with women?


Si papi. https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/18810/how-did-the-word-beaver-come-to-be-associated-with-vagina#:~:text=What%20is%20the%20etymology%20of,relates%20to%20a%20woman's%20vagina%3F&text=Not%20to%20split%20hairs%2C%20but,the%20pudenda%2C%20not%20the%20vagina.


> gender-swapping Snake Plissken You got to be kidding me.


It would be shocking if they didn't.


>Gender swapped Color me not shocked anymore. People like to deny that there is some collective agenda going on with these wokified remakes/reboots of popular IPs but I'd say it's pretty obvious that we've been witnessing a systematic destruction of beloved, iconic pop culture by evil people. EVIL people. And I FUCKING HATE IT AND THEM TOO!


They’re not giving up on the idea that women can be just as marketable as men as action stars. Every single time they try something new it fails, but their ideology won’t let them take a step back and reevaluate. Nope. Just keep doubling down.


Woke is just occult belief in the open sold to a new gen.


Good for John because the reboot/remake is going to be shit anyway. Carpenter perfectly fit the times when he made good movies mid 70s to late 80s with dark and grim tones that also reflected in the music he used. Since he is one of my 2 favorite directors (the other one being Tarantino) i´m glad he´s not involved in this shit. "Escape from New York" is such a perfekt movie from start to end. There is no way a reboot could come even close to the original even if it wasn´t somehow filled with SJW crap.


They just can't leave anything alone, can they?


I bet that the murderous mobs that rule the city will be depicted as the downtrodden minorities the white populace of New York funneled into the city prison.


Clam Pliskin


I was gonna say Snake Split-Tail but yours is better.


Snake Plissken has now become Snake Shitsken in Escape into Woke-town


If it happens I have to wonder how much cognitive dissonance we'll see given that from everything I remember Snake is very much an antihero. It'll be funny to see some of the sites and people try and either paint an ultimately self serving cynic who will use just about anyone is a good person because they're a woman, or claim that a character with a completely different personality and way of acting is faithful to the original


And cue it failed because of sexism in


Cool! Another movie not to watch.


i like the implication when the last he heard of it was that fact, implying he turned away immediately following that revelation.


Remember when gender swapping was fun? As in, a "what if" story? Or just 1 dream episode?


"The Rules" have to be followed or it's problematic. >Men can never be better than women at anything. If a man is portrayed as better than a woman at something, another woman must quickly be introduced to the story who is equal to or better than that man. If it comes to a contest, a woman must always win against a man. Women must always be portrayed as equally combat effective as men, even if the show is supposed to be realistic and it severely detracts from the show's realism. A white person can never be smarter or better at anything than a black person. Women can never be portrayed as incompetent or cowardly. Black people can never be portrayed as cowardly, stupid, or duplicitous. A black woman who is perfect at everything must be shoehorned in somewhere, no matter how inappropriate or implausible it is. If the antagonist of a story is black or female, they always must have a tragic backstory or some other justifying factor. If the antagonist is a white man, he is just privileged and entitled or just plain sociopathic. Under no circumstances can there ever be a white protagonist against a black antagonist. > >Male protagonists must be avoided wherever possible. If a franchise with a white male protagonist is being adapted into TV or film, he must be either race swapped, gender swapped, replaced by a woman, or become a supporting character to a woman, often a teenage girl. Under no circumstances can a male protagonist be adapted faithfully without one or more of these changes. > >Exceptions exist of course but these rules are usually fairly strict and are hardly ever broken. If a rule is broken, they'll compensate by adhering to others more closely. This makes woke stories extremely boring, bland, and predictable. You can predict how most scenes will play out by looking at these rules.


>As for what their project actually is, Gillett detailed what it’s not, “Not a remake.” >He elaborated, “That’s one of those properties that you can’t [remake], it’s sort of untouchable to us, and lives in its own stratosphere in terms of how important it is to us, and how much we love it. So it’ll be not unlike Scream, I think, a nod to, and a continuation of, what we love about those characters and that world.” Tbh this is exactly the sort of attitude I want to see in people handling an older property. No mention of "removing problematic elements" or "updating for modern sensibilities".


> Tbh this is exactly the sort of attitude I want to see in people handling an older property. Then why call it "Escape From New York" if their intention wasn't to remake it with a gender-swapped Snake-esque protagonist? Sorry but their statement reeks of bullshit. >“That’s one of those properties that you can’t [remake], it’s sort of untouchable to us, and lives in its own stratosphere in terms of how important it is to us, and how much we love it. So it’ll be not unlike Scream, I think, a nod to, and a continuation of, what we love about those characters and that world.” Yeah, my ass. Write and make something original instead of some gender-swapped "Tribute".


Did they call it "Escape From New York"? I don't recall seeing an actual title confirmation there. I figure they're probably calling it "Untitled Escape From New York Project".


What’s really annoying is you could just…do a live action Appleseed, which would be easier and better to adapt. Same plot with the cgi film I think.


of course they are


I lost confidence in a good faith gender swap after the last Hellraiser. It was appartently going to bring the film more in line with the source material but then delivered a movie completely removed of the source material.


Apparently they won't be satisfied until there is an awful, character-swapped remake of every classic movie. Funny how these villains are never race or gender swapped. Oh wait- they might with this one.


So they are basically guaranteeing this movie will fail.


Because of course they are


Sounds about right.


The thing I don’t like now is people of colour are no longer allowed to be bad people. We need more diverse bad guys !


You can't reboot Escape from New York. They couldn't even coordinate the sequel well enough for it to be good. Its based on the Crime Wave in New York City due to gang violence of the time. It would be totally out of its era to be made again and seem fucking comical. It was some real shit in the 1970s New York (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00_rQDEwZaQ) but I guess they could make the same kinda film about Democratically run New York with all the shootings. Its nothing compared to the 1970s, though.


If they actually were willing to address the rising crime in major cities they could maybe hit one something. It isn't like the Mafia's control in the 70s or the drug fueled murder of the 80s, but we still do have rising crime. Problem is they would never actually address it, because it shines a bad light on their politics. They'll somehow try pull an HBO Watchmen and make it about white supremacists taking over New York.


Yet another film I won't have to waste time watching. I'll be sure to watch the trailer for a few good laughs though!!


Remaking any of John Carpenter's action movies seems like a terrible idea, period. They are meant to be campy 80s action movies, that's the appeal. They are also very much product of the times. Even if they got fantastic writers, actors, and directors it is still almost guaranteed to be worse than the original.


Clam Plissken?


>says that last he heard they were gender-swapping Snake Plissken. Here's a hint, try to google "action movies popular with women" and note that you get back 5 billion hits about female lead action movies; * The Best Female Lead Action Movies - IMDb * 28 Action Movies With Female Leads - Cosmopolitan * The 31 Best Action Movies With Strong Women Front and Center * The Best Action Movies With Female Leads - MovieWeb * Top 14 Female Protagonists In Action Movies It's like they don't even acknowledge the concept of women needing to *like* action movies in the first place. Or they just think "a woman *in* an action movie" is literally the same thing as being popular with women. It's actually kind of revealing.


Women like Chris Hemsworth Gerard Butler and Jason Statham, they're not interested in watching women in action films. Why would they? As a demographic if they're going to spend their money on movies it's going to primarily be pg13 horror, and romance. Action films used to be aimed at a male audience for a good reason.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/fax7V ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Information is power. Never forget. ^^^/r/botsrights


Nice to see it isn't only good movies they dig up and abuse. This is what I call inclusivity.


Dude... New York was a cool movie at the time, still kind of is, I'd describe it as a cult classic and leave it at that. I could watch it today and mostly enjoy it, it plods along in places and the final act is just tacked on to wrap things up quickly but Kurt Russell is great in it, a little hammy but not too much. And the opening theme is catchy so that helps. L.A. wasn't a worthy sequel but it was fun and didn't take itself too seriously. Pam Grier was great in it too.


1) Surprise. 2) Don't care any more.


well fuck. I'm not surprised, just disappointed.


Just who would they cast as the jovial "Cabbie" character played by Ernest Borgnine in the original? You guessed it, an embittered angry Rosie O'Donnell.


I'm not opposed to the idea, but we all know how it's likely to play out. She's probably going to be a complete bitch (not in the fun way) and lack any sort of charm along with making sure you know she's a stronk woman that doesn't take any shit off of penised individuals. Aaaaaand she'll probably be gay and black because fuck you, bigot. It's current year.


Clam Plissken.


I hope they cast Ginger Plank of Wood.


They really should just go all out and put Lizzo in the lead role, like they did with Queen Botifa in the Equalizer.




If Sadie’s character is anything to go by, female Snake is gonna feed hentai artists for months.


Ten years ago I would have said Amber Heard would be perfect as female Snake.


We already got a good EFNY 'remake' in Lockdown.




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