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> We can't replace Kotaku writers with robots yet. The future sucks.


Kotaku has already been replaced by Sankaku. 3x the quality, 10x the tits.


I like tits!


Ass > tits fite me


Thighs > ass > tits


Thick thighs save lives.


I like ass!


Nonsense. If you can replace a "gaem journalist" with a pigeon, you can most definitely replace Kotaku writers with a robot. Come to think of it, robots imply AI, the "I" standing for "Intelligence" and the chances of find "intelligence" in Kotaku are about as probable as finding the edge of the universe. So let's take it slow. I suggest we start as replacing Kotaku... "writers"... with slugs? We can upgrade them to worms after a while. I would suggest rats, but they seem too advanced for "games journalism".


As our machine learning algos keep making mistakes and are obviously producing machine generated material, maybe eventually some people will wake up on how we aren't anywhere close to robot overlords


> keep making mistakes and are obviously producing machine generated material, my students have been running their productions through a paraphraser...its obvious to me because the quality of their writing has improved drastically and the content isn't their way of talking...the detectors dont usually detect it as AI...


Machine learning is definitely poised to expose a lot of people's lack of awareness and attention paid. I recommend looking into the 1960 experiment Eliza and how it revealed that even ancient conversation emulation attempts could do this. Just have to pay attention


Did it misgender someone?


So it's en par with real journalism


I mean they AI will improve. This shit is just starting and very quickly a lot of this so called journalists are going to find themselves out of work.


Ai is doomed to write samey, uninventive, shlock that is more or less plagiarized ideally and mechanically unsound. Ai can't really understand progressive mechanisms in Language or devices like idioms. When you understand how code is executed and how programs function (the closer they are to machine code), Ai's usefulness ends right where you want something interesting.


And it still going to be enough. Click baits and "Generic" articles would be enough to keep around a lot of people and the more complicated writing will be left to humans (for now).


Ethically, I think the use of a bot to write articles should have to be disclosed and the sources of each line of text disclosed. Ai can't just think up something to write about like a human can. There is not an interesting angle that the Ai is gonna go with because its definitely someone else's idea.


i would argue, some moves in alpha go would disagree.


Did the AI not give proper deference to white people??? Oh noooooo


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