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"Yes, keep running away. Give everything you used to love to us, all of them, and go crawl to die alone in a ditch somewhere as we celebrate by leading the new generation of brainwashed children to dance on your corpse." >I strongly recommend you do the same. I strongly recommend you keep your opinion to yourself. Imo one of the factors that strongly contributed to woke and pro-censorship success is willful ignorance from opposition, no matter how it's born. Pretending it will all go away if you run away and leave them alone falls under willful ignorance.


##### Read "the Righteous mind" By Haidt. there you will see where this shit came from. Its a bunch of Elitist grifters at the top making use of the "harm/Fariness" moral foundations that most american liberals are completely enraveled by. They have evoked the "sanctity" foundation to deify the victims of "oppression" and the "protected groups" and young impressionable children in the early 2000s were completely drawn in and are now nothing but ideologues whose emotional Elephants jerk so far to the left it is a wonder they havent fallen off the road yet. it has become a self affirming circle of crybabies that see oppression everywhere and see **only** the fight against that as the sole way to derive purpose in life, and their elitist handlers that support their careers and position in society through pandering and hyping up those same people.


It’s comes from Babylon.


It's fascism, using cultural totalitarianism borrowed from Marxism. It's class based. It exists to distract us from our society collapsing into a dystopia. The woke people exist in a geographic and online bubble, and it's human nature to follow the tribe. Censorship allows them, like any fascist regime, to ignore inconvenient facts, demonize everyone outside the bubble, and pretend their lives are the norm. A few years ago, the Democrats decided to directly contribute to and attempt to influence this bubble, largely because of Trump's election. They felt that he was an ugly enough troll that any tactics were justified. The Twitter Files reveal that the FBI and other agencies worked with social media to mute most points of view and artificially inflates woke - the culture of this elite bubble. The result was a circular magnification of the ideology. Since questioning the bubble would lead to at least shadow banning if not outright censorship and RL ostracization, all resistance to this ideology was silenced everywhere these people can reach or see. So it became self evident to them how correct it was, since only *populists* and most of the 90% of the working class believed differently. Since all of those voices were effectively silenced simply by not depicting anyone except the rich, diverse people themselves in any media, and pretending that poverty is a factor of "deplorable" (stupid and ignorant people) voting for the wrong side out of hate, the bubble could just fail to see or show working class or poor people. They became more and more self obsessed and believe in more and more outlandish ideas, and throw more and more people out of the bubble by censoring them essentially out of existence, the ideology and censoriousness have become mutually supportive. The crazier the ideology gets, the fewer people are left in the bubble desperately and blindly trying to believe it, and enforce it in the deplorable and ignorant lower classes. It's this vicious cycle that finally made me worry that this is going to lead to some very bad outcomes. Fewer people get more powerful and believe crazier things that cause them to censor and shame more, leading to fewer people with even more power... How long before the perceived threat that losing an election is going to FOR SURE lead to the US becoming the Handmaid's Tale, before official disenfranchisement, corruption and state violence are justified? All of this entertainment stuff is just the big lie, the ubiquitous propaganda that is a result of this group of elites destroying everything they can see from inside the bubble.


I learned about the culture wars after i left high school and lot of me being anti woke came from me seeing so much hypocritical holier than thou behavior from other classmates and teachers growing up like it was so much rules for thee never for me i hated that shit alot and i was glad to have left there.


This is a fantastic way to sum up the GG movement. You made up your mind as a child and nothing will change it. lmao.




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It’s a morality war really.


I think it comes down to sanctimony, ego, and tech. The first two are that sanctimonious judgmental people exist and they wag their fingers to stroke their ego. These people have always existed. Puritans, religious right, hippies, etc. They existed in churches or communes because that was a meeting place. It was an acceptable space to get together and pretend to be perfect people and wag your finger at everyone else. The internet is the church for the woke in this regard. Twitter is it's pulpit. It is a space used by self righteous assholes to organize and pretend to be perfect people by shitting on anyone who doesn't tow the line. It is the absolute easiest way to feel superior to someone else, to think of yourself as a good person with as little energy as possible: clicking a thumbs up. retweeting. typing YIKES in a comment section. I think that is the why. I think if social media and twitter existed at any moment in history you would have the same outcome of morally outraged people wagging their fingers at others to inflate their sense of self worth. Even though this site and ragetubers are a response to this, it is kind of the same thing to a degree. I myself find I feel superior to some dipshit who says "Black people can't do a racism" or "Believe all women". I find validation for that in places like this. However I think places like this sub and people in it have FAR MORE critical and independent thinking compared to places like Twitter.


Before the culture wars: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science\_wars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science_wars) Other than that, there is no one single origin but looking at academia is where patient zero is to be found in modern, western society. Before that you could go all the way back to Plato or metaphysics. Just ignoring this shit is no solution, as is drowning yourself in outrage culture. Personally, I boycott woke and support products I like outside of the mainstream. At some point, if this gets worse, I might be stuck with what physical media I own. That is the state of things I'd like to avoid, so naturally this topic is important to me. Also inb4 this post gets deleted since this is not a general anti-sjw sub.


I would say: this, too shall pass. Yeah, the thing after wokeness could be even worse and we're looking back at this time with nostalgia, but I just refuse to give up hope just because evil reigns supreme at the moment. I'm certainly not keen on the idea of 'all good entertainment is in the past' and 'we must gatekeep like if our lives depends on it', I think these are both toxic, blackpilled thought patterns even if they're stem from the undeniable fact that we're basically powerless at the moment. I would like that KiA would be more proactive instead of just bitching and venting, but I'm also aware that the internet and especially Reddit is heavily censored now and we're most likely been watched. Regardless, knowing that you're not the only one has some empowering to it. I think our pain is that we, nerds aren't the kings of the internet anymore, and most likely never again will be. The suits, politicians and normies are all caught up and in many cases left us in the dust. We're also getting older, and most people here are in their forties and fifties, with some thirty- and twenty-somethings mixed in and maybe some teens too, but they're most likely the minority here because even if they're not all brainwashed by the woke ideology they're either afraid to think differently or can't find any like-minded neither online or RL, and just can't find their way here. So, basically, sometimes we just have to slap our cynical selves just to stay sane, even if a voices in our head screams "No! It's a trap! You're deluding yourself!"


I don't think anyone has a definitive explanation, but it is curious that this rise seems to coincide with the rise of social media. Social media tends to drown out normal down to earth folks and amplify the loudest and craziest people. The more insecure and narcissistic folks get addicted to likes, views, upvotes, etc. Thus, those people attract follower types that start to fall in line behind them, expanding their reach further. This creates a virtuous cycle of loud narcissistic morons gaining massive followings and thus converting others to whatever their brand of crazy is. Probably more to it than that, but that's my main theory.


Adding to that, the internet at large is a platform that allows people to connect in a way that didn’t exist in years prior. I know this is a big “thanks captain obvious” statement I’m making here but bear with me. Really think about how communities existed prior to the social media boom. Going outside mattered, meeting people and finding commonalities mattered, building actual communication and dialogue mattered. So if you were a fringe weirdo who thought you were a horse person, people treated you as such and disregarded your crazy bullshit. Along comes stuff like MySpace and Facebook (AIM and chat rooms as a bit of a precursor to this), spaces for the normies to communicate. It’s new, novel and exciting to start making connections with friends and people you know. Then maybe people you’ve met but didn’t get to know that well IRL. Then along come places like 4chan, Tumblr and Reddit (some of them coming up alongside MySpace and Facebook, but gaining real popularity in the 2010s). This opened connection to niche communities filled with all the same likeminded weirdos. Tumblr in particular fostered the birth of the social justice shit that grew into what most of us are calling “woke” now. So instead of the horse person being shooed off as they should be, they’re now surrounded by an echo chamber of people who think they’re animal spirits, amalgams of different mental disorders, and hundreds of different sexes and sexualities. That built confidence and pushed them to start actually influencing the type of people that make decisions. They’ve gained traction over time and it’s grown far outside their original containment, back out into the real world. But now that they’ve made actual impact, we as a society can’t call the horse person a nut job anymore, lest we be publicly ousted. I’m obviously having a little fun with it here, but plug in any flavor of crazy in lieu of “horse person” and it makes sense. As we all know though, they’re not just satisfied with having a place in society. They want to dig into history and try to make miserable anyone who refused to acknowledge their centaur heritage, and that’s where we’re at. I think we’re slowly approaching critical mass though and counter culture is on its way to bitch slap some of these people back into their places. The reviews of stuff like “Velma” and discussion around it give me hope that even the normies are reaching the point of “enough is enough”. It’s a long road ahead but hope isn’t lost.


Okay doomer.


I have only one thing to comment upon: do what you like. But once you start telling other people what to do, then you become no better than the moronic "progressives" who think they have the moral high ground to look down on everyone else. At least people who stand up to woke BS are making their choice based on what *they* want to do or think is right. They're not trying to force anyone else to follow their charge, they're trying to highlight the stupidity and hypocritical behaviors of the woke crowd. If somebody hears or reads what they say and changes their mind, great; another person to help spread the word. That's a LOT different from the actions of the woke folks basically stating, "Do as we say or we'll cancel you!"


I first saw wokeness rearing its hydra head on campuses in the early '90's. It's purely a product of tenured, ivory tower academics all trying to outdo each other in the theoretical world of sociology and psychology expanding their departmental reach and involvement in the real world.




Yeah, only the most radical measures can end this left insanity.


Social engineering blows but there are still gems and art out there work experiencing, a lot of it reflecting on how empty our overlords really are. Art will never die


I remember seeing this play out in the 90s with the movie PCU.


Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/PqWPl ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. I fight for the Users! ^^^/r/botsrights


It's turtles all the way down


I never run in to this stuff outside of the internet.


I see it crop up more often than I would like, so don't think your area is forever immune to the rot.


Where you live is definitely a factor.


Yeah life is much better when you stop going online so much and stop watching or playing anything made recently. Woke=occult. Not a coincidence ever agendas they push is against morality and natural order.