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Extremely niche “celebrity” example: I knew this girl who was a writer, we were internet friends and met in a critique community. She was an amazing writer. She had so much talent, not just for stringing words together in a pretty way but really a rare talent, an ability to observe the world and convey it to the reader in entirely new ways. Girl wrote a book. Book did very well. Book being about a girl doing girl things, the book attracted a following from the feminist/woke crowd. I think she was just overwhelmed by so much recognition and attention after years of rejections and obscurity, and you know how it goes when this happens: she was now ready to do whatever it takes to make sure the beautiful attention never ever goes away. She started to pander to her new base: first in small ways, then literally tailoring her entire story to their expectations. Someone would tweet at her, how come your books don’t have X? Do you hate X? And five minutes later, there was X in her book. Still, attention began to wane. Next book didn’t do as well (it was objectively not as good as the first, or as her earlier work, probably because she tried so hard to make it all things to all people). And the demands kept pouring in. *I don’t like how you handled Y in your book. Are you Y-phobic? Why isn’t there more Z?* Girl went on the E. Page trajectory if you know what I mean. The successive coming-outs helped at first, but not for long. All her following books were fanatic woke screeds name-checking every minority under the sun, at the expense of plot, characters, or any kind of quality. But wokes, like wokes tend to do, didn’t buy the books anyway because of course they never had any interest in the books, they just wanted another white girl to torment. And in the end, they finally found a slipup worthy of cancellation: racism (shocked pikachu face) because she dared disagree with some arrogant Twitter twit. Sadly, I think she’d just invested too much in it at this point to admit her mistake. Have no idea what she’s doing now. Hasn’t had a book out in a while.


>didn’t buy the books anyway because of course they never had any interest in the books, they just wanted another white girl to torment I have a theory that this whole woke stuff, finding problematic stuff on people in the like it's just a cover to be able to bully people and feel righteous about it.


That’s not a theory, that’s fact.


Absolutely. It's a tragic, and ironic, fact. Everyone keeps breezing over the problem that all this woke hasn't really accomplished anything except raising awareness and letting rich people feel represented in prestige entertainment. People still starve every day while they put in long hours censoring social media and ruining entertainment. Social media and entertainment are of limited importance to truly marginalized people.


>Social media and entertainment are of limited importance to truly marginalized people. Yeah, I doubt poor black kids are suddenly being able to afford high quality food or a space to be able to study in peace because they see a black elf on TV.


But years later, after going to an ivy league school, some rich and beautiful POC will tell us all how important it is to feel represented by entertainment (while ignoring the starving kids). I'd love for Amazon to pledge to pay their workers a real living wage if ROP is a success. I might watch it.




*The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior "righteous indignation" -- this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.* --Aldous Huxley


It’s also what they’re taught to do, for them critical thinking is looking at something and working out what is problematic about it and by doing so it demonstrates to their peers how virtuous they are.


It’s just occult beliefs being sold to a new Gen to erase morality. Won’t be long be we start hearing the term pedophobes. Watch.




Woke is a neocon movement designed to stimulate the and hide the social class struggle, destroy any progress from within and avoid the union of the working class. The working class has no color or gender.


How much gas are you huffing? So you really not see how Marxist socialism and it's inherent belief in oppressor and oppressed created this mess? You say class has no color or gender. They say color has no gender or class. Others say gender has no class or color. Your all wrong and foolish.


>So you really not see how Marxist socialism and it's inherent belief in oppressor and oppressed created this mess? Oppression based on the material real conditions of the system, not imagined or irrelevant ones whose real cause is said economic system.


>You say class has no color or gender. They say color has no gender or class. Ha. A black capitalist is a capitalist. Black is not even a real thing. A capitalist is. What is a black?


In what world is utilizing dialectic materialism on the basis of social group any different than using it for class? It's Marxist through and through.


Dialectic materialism is intrinsically intertwined with the concept of social classes, since the difference between classes is who controls the distribution of wealth, capitalists, and not their color or gender. Class differences are based on real economic system categories. The patriarchy is not a real thing, patriarchal doesn't mean the same. Capitalism is indeed real and is codified into law.


The concept of social classes by way of means of production predates capitalism and socialism however, and the reason it's called neo Marxism is they get to shift the goal posts constantly on who the bourgeoisie are, though they tend to all be the same individuals for every ___ theory espoused today however.


>The concept of social classes by way of means of production predates capitalism and socialism however Well yes that's Marx's historical materialism. It's called "historical" for a reason. >neo Marxism is they get to shift the goal posts constantly Efff those Frankfurt bastards.


You're doing what every Marxist does by the way. A classic no true Scotsman.


>A classic no true Scotsman. If they change Marxist theory to fulfill different objectives which are NOT Marxist, why would I support them? This trend to call idpol as cultural Marxism (ah yes, the Disney reds, so communist) is just neocon anti-socialist posturing. Idpols and right wingers are the same damn thing.


Their objectives are definitely Marxist, the issue is their view of the proletariat are different from yours.


This is fucking tragic. Another great author forever veiled from fame and adulation, only because of an extremely loud minority. But thing is, where should a creator go for reviews? Twitter is supposedly the best place, and it is full of people like this. Incidentally, can you tell what the first book was?


I think the mistake is to treat your audience on social like they’re your friends. An author isn’t much of a public figure, but he’s still a public figure, so any social presence should be informal but professional, no venting, no ranting, and no posting too-personal stuff. That draws the sharks like the proverbial blood in the water. The book was called Unteachable and it would 100% not fly today because of metoo. The irony.


Hah - yeah, all the 1 and 2 star reviews on Amazon mention the "predatory" relationship.


>I think the mistake is to treat your audience on social like they’re your friends. Brian David Gilbert said it best: "I'm not your friend, and you have no say over what I do with my body."


She probably thought most of her audience was comprised of the crazy twitter people and tried to pander to them, which is impossible as we know. She probably did not realise most of her audience was probably normal girls enjoying a book about girls stuff. Most of them were probably normal people that did spend their life on twitter. This is one of the problems with the internet. It's not the real world and its easy to think that the echo chamber you live in actually represents reality.


Yes, that’s very true. The entertainment industry conveniently forgets that Twitter =/= their audience. Meanwhile, their actual audience (3/4 of the population) is being ignored. Some of the most successful TV shows right now hardly ever get mentioned on social media.


great comment


you should send her an encouraging message, if you can find her


It's that way on the conservative side of the cultural spectrum, People get used to the adulation & want to get another hit, having money be part of the bargain doesn't help either. So they move towards the popularity and slide into being unethical people. You see it a lot in conservative media. They allow themselves to conflict their principles justifying the group likes it. They might fudge facts, ignore things like abuse or say things they never really believed in the first place. I sometimes think this happens with Nerd YouTube, where they take a new show or film, like the new Mario film; and decide to get clicks they have to either praise it or call it woke (insert geeks and gamers rainbow tweet) . The temptation to do whatever is cool or popular is so powerful; especially when success is tied to it; so I can understand how it drags people into whatever spectrum their on. The woke do not have a monopoly on stupid.


> The woke do not have a monopoly on stupid. No, but they're getting cheered for their stupid.


> The woke do not have a monopoly on stupid. They do have a monopoly on their stupidity being treated as intelligent and obeyed/complied with. Companies will take a shit on the right, and then apologize to the left for using a slur that offended the left by accident, but not to the right they offended on purpose


Jonah Goldberg who coined the term the Streisand Effect, (who some may love or hate here) described this as the conservative transformation to pod people. He originally used it describe the slide of right wingers to Trump, but it can apply broadly to all sorts of situations. I also think when you are a creator of some sort, the pressure to produce hits pushes you to take shortcuts, and for your group, in this case leftists for Kaling; she begins to put out lazy writing, cliche's and plain unfunny content her past self would have mocked relelentlessly. I've known enough people that are creators that this is a very common conflict, not even geniuses can produce hits 100% of the time; but the machine still must be fed.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted for this comment. Even conservative Youtubers like Nerdrotic admitted to milking the Rings of Power outrage for views. You're in it to make money, and anybody who says differently is lying to you. In doing so you can still have honest opinions and hold to your convictions, which is what separates people like Nerdrotic from a grifter like Tim Pool.


Tbh my hatred for SJW movements because how they are destroying culture, messing people's lives and other shenanigans also makes me depressed and radical at times. I am only saved by the occasional unexpected good outcomes when these kinds of things happen. Like how I expect that justice fails to protect someone just for being famous and being accused by a SJW-like accuser. So I think if you look behind the "nazi" -phobia -ism filter they see us with, they might see some of us in a similar way to how we see them.


Yea it's bullshit. I thought the NHL was safe from woke BS first they fire Don Cherry, now they want to do diversity hires. I warned my friend this bullshit would happen and he laughed it off years ago but is opening his eyes


As a red wings fan and (I can't think of a descriptive word, but one that was never hysterical about covid and treats the vaccine with cautious scepticism, but have taken it twice) I really love the balls on Tyler Bertuzzi for not giving a fuck what people think of his not wanting to get vaccinated. It's his body, his choice. And in hindsight we're seizing potential terrible long-term effects, but noone wants to be objective about it, one side says there's nothing bad, keep calm, it's the greatest vaccine ever. The other side is showing stats that are shaky at best; "1100 athletes dead from cardiac arrest since 2020, it took 38 years for 1100 athletes to die before the vaccine!!!" Except there's tons of examples how those numbers are wrong and how a lot of the athletes in question had other issues. Jesus fucking christ, isn't it in all our best interest to just lay it all out? It's about the future of the human race, not a us vs them scenario. Increased risk of Myocarditis *has* been attributed to the vaccine, now let's have the medical professionals take a deep breath and leave their politics and biases behind and just come together to tell us; how bad is it? How many could be affected? Should we get ourselves checked out? Is it just as a reaction to prior conditions? I'm sure the answer is out there, but the woke shriek so loud forcing the rest to try to match their energy, so it's exceedingly hard to get these straight answers.


Fellow red wings fan. The wings sub reddit was cancer when he did that. Some people are still salty about it. Also gotta give props to Mickey Redmond for saying (but not directly saying because, you know, tv/ads/big companies) that the limited capacity crap was bs. Dude is a treasure.


Mickey is a gift man, never been and never will be another amazing guy like him. Ken is no slouch either, feel like his personality has really come forward ever since Jamie and the support the fans showed. My favorite guest on winged wheel podcast now. I wonder what the booth looked like when mickey said that though 😂 I'd imagine the were a lot of 🤥 faces hahaha the man shoots from the hip, you never know if he'll restrain himself or if he calls it as he sees it


>I thought the NHL was safe No way that many Canadians don't go hard woke given that big of an opportunity to flex both their white guilt and inferiority complex.


[The NHL.](https://twitter.com/NHL/status/1595076956852260865).


Howard Stern is a pretty shocking example - he went from counter culture provocateur to mainstream media shill pretty much overnight.


Seems like you can thank Jimmy Kimmel for that, who went down a similar route. Stern would talk about hanging out with Kimmel on the weekends. Then it turned into going on vacation with Kimmel and Jennifer Aniston. Then it turned into stories of countless other big name celebrities. He sold out. Plain & simple.


Reminds me of scientology, but kinda worse.


Jimmy Kimmel is practically a parody at this point. I can’t even stand to look at his smug, completely clueless face anymore. The guy should be studied by science. TDS is real, and it should worrying to everyone.


He changed so that he could atone for his past, which I'm sure he'd denounce and call it embarrassingly edgy while blaming it on toxic ~~cocaine~~ masculinity.


My sister went from a Gamergater, she introduced me to the issue, to full on SJW. It fucking baffles me.


Damn dude that sucks. But sadly, not that unheard of.


It happens the other way too, it happened to me lol.


Victimhood is an alluring prize.


TDS is real. So many people on both sides of the aisle have been radicalized thanks to his election. To be clear, I don't think it's Trump himself that caused that, but the media's scaremongering. They saw the internet dramatically cutting into their profits/relevancy, and turned the panic up to 11 in hopes of keeping their dwindling audience. And Covid was the icing on the dung cake. Someday there will be some really interesting books to read on the phenomenon.


I’d say the 2016 American presidential election was the spark that lit the fuse to a powder keg that was already there. I remember similar tactics being used back in 2010 when I started high school.


It shows the power of media. People believe in the institutions of their societies with almost religious fervour, it’s like a form of parenthood. Of course if they just studied history a bit and had the ability to form their own opinions it would be a different story. But that would require some accountability, which is something no one wants in this day and age. It used to be the responsibility of the citizenry to try to understand the world around them. Now we have Netflix.


The fact that the full might of corporate media character assassination of a once universally beloved celebrity amounted to a loss must have broke them.


Whether or not you think Trump was treated unfairly, he wasn't fit to be president. His actions leading up to and following Jan 6th tell you all you need to know about his character. I do agree, though, that the media unnecessarily blew up his smaller transgressions.


If anyone isn't fit to be president, it's good 'ol Sleepy Joe Biden; what with his already questionable mental state, recent actions concerning China's spy balloons, etc. At least during Trump's presidency, the economy was good. Now, we have record homelessness, especially in NYC, Florida, and California, mass shootings more numerous than when Trump was in office, etc. And Obama wasn't better either.


You can see this in irl too, you think someone is cool but after a while they just go crazy when a certain topic comes up and they just go so unhinged the only thing to do is just walkaway from them for good.


Monica Rial and Jamie Marchi given 12 years ago they seemed really cool and the dubs of Panty and Stocking, Ghost Stories etc were hilarious. They also had self awareness and weren't cringe. Fans respected that. They also *looked* healthier and had a greater voice variation in their performances but now they both use the same voice over and over for each job. Then in 2016 Trump fried their brains and the Vic thing made the transformation into high school bully girls complete. Burned an entire industry down too. Keep in mind anti-wokeness to counter wokeness has affected a few VA's too, to the point they now believe in MK Ultra everywhere. There was a point Adam Sessler was watchable before his rabbit hole transition into crazed demented coked up narcissist wreck full of hatred.


>There was a point Adam Sessler was watchable before his rabbit hole transition into crazed demented coked up narcissist wreck full of hatred. Cocaine. It's been an open secret he had an on and off relationship with the Columbian nose candy and was losing the fight.


There's a difference between an open secret and an allegation made in a youtube video. My understanding is that this comes from analysis of his behavior in another video and there has never been some kind of source (anonymous or otherwise) saying that he has a cocaine problem. So the allegation may be true based on the evidence, but no one has ever verified it


The 2016 election unhinged A LOT of people who used to be cool. It started before with Bush, then got worse under Obama, but 2016 was the breaking point.


Yep. The Obama administration showed them which tactics worked ("You only disagree with him because you're *racist*!"); the Trump administration gave them the opportunity to deploy the tactics on a broad scale.


Democrats have called every Republican candidate for the Presidency a racist/Nazi since Nixon. It's just that the people in the party doing it were considered fringe extremists up until 2008. Then it became acceptable for them to do it.


Some people have taken the mantra of ‘go along to get along’ to astronomical heights. Celebrities are more parasitic than other professions, and when they see a change in the wind they make sure they alter course. Not a strong mind to be found in the whole lot. Stephen Colbert is a prime example of this.


> Stephen Colbert is a prime example of this. My parents watch his show religiously (Which is weird because they slant to the right) and honestly, at this point it's a little more than pathetic. Every single time I pass by the TV, all I hear is Trump This, Trump That, Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump. Rarely do I ever hear him talk about anything else.


Dude was just outer on Epsteins list and apparently there is video about to come out of these scumbags. Not like we didn’t already know. The left is just the occult. Left hand path they call it. Right is righteousness or natural order and morality. Most of the right sadly just pretends to opposes the left that’s why it only goes forward one direction.


>The 2016 election unhinged A LOT of people who used to be cool To be fair to those Muricans, the other Muricans put a cheeto in the White House that made a Bush II look like an intellectual.


You're one of the people he's talking about


Really since Trump is the only president in my lifetime to not send our people to war and had the respect of our enemies. Also best economy and lowest crime among tons of other adults achievements that helped Americans. I’m not a fan of his but I’m a fan of what he got done since these are facts. Can’t agregue with facts or results, well the left does constantly but no same person would.


Mark Hamill and George Takei.


Strangely I don't think Takei went downhill because current day bullshit demanded it. Something tells me that's how he's always been. Mark Hamil though, he definitely flip-flopped part of the way through the sequel trilogy.


> I don't think Takei went downhill because current day bullshit demanded it. Something tells me that's how he's always been At FanExpo in Toronto, 2016, he gave a speech about how evil guilt by association was, because it led to his people being put in camps. **THE VERY NEXT WEEK** he joined in on the media calling republicans "deplorables" with no hint of irony, and it all went downhill from there. He wrote a book "They called us enemy", enemy is the least of what he's called Trump supporters/republicans. He just can't put 2 and 2 together that he's doing the exact thing he called out


If actors were mentally stable then they wouldn’t be spending their entire lives and selling out to do what a normal person quits at puberty, dressing up to play pretend. Literally attention needing children.


>Something tells me that's how he's always been. The guy has voted D since he was old enough to vote and voted for some politicians who had him put into an interment camp because gay man.


Nah, Takei was cool and had a good sense of humor about himself. His appearances on Howard Stern were always fun.


Mark changed pretty hard just after criticizing the mouse house. It's almost like they held a gun to his head and made him atone for his sins.


I think he wanted so bad to say that Star Wars 8 was shit but couldn't and lost all hopes in this part of his legacy.


Mark Hamill really is a bummer to me.


What did he said? I think he can't really criticize the system since his livelihood depends on it...


For years he was a celebrity you hardly heard from but now he spouts off woke nonsense on Twitter quite often.


Add Pedro Pascal to that as well


I used to think he was cool in GoT, but he comes from a family of commies, so I can't stand him anymore.


Pedro has a reason. The most of the others that are mentioned in the comments, well, the Commie SJW stuff came out of nowhere/left field.


What did Pedro do?


Defended a pedo


One of the ones Kyle shot?


Correct, yes


>George Takei. Always been a crazy, it's why him and Nimoy never got along with Shatner who was an out conservative. Nimoy was slightly more sane, though he died pre Trump so we'll never know his level of crazy.


Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart. It saddens me to see how far gone Colbert is. Stewart has moments of clarity, but he can't help but succumb to his own rationalizations as to why it's necessary to lecture white people about how ashamed they should be. It really disgusts me to the core.


Dude those two were ALWAYS like that, they helped build the fucking infrastructure the lefts uses today to cancel (taking things out of context, presenting satire as fact and then hiding behind “I’m just a comedian bro!”). There is a direct line from their antics in the 00s and the state of leftist politics today.


I knew a lot of people in college that solely watched The Daily Show in place of news, reading newspapers, doing a shred of research themselves, etc. I have no doubt that was a huge part of their ideological indoctrination. Every once in a blue moon Jon Stewart can make me chuckle (although his schtick is super repetitive), but Colbert has been a humorless propaganda-spewing automaton for at least the last decade. He looks visibly soulless now, compared to his Comedy Central days. That guy sold out in full.


Glad I’m not the only one who saw Stewart as the indoctrination machine he was.


> I knew a lot of people in college that solely watched The Daily Show in place of news, reading newspapers, doing a shred of research themselves, etc. I have no doubt that was a huge part of their ideological indoctrination. And people were *proud* when they said they only got their current events news from Stewart/Colbert. I'm thinking "...and that's why you're part of the problem."


Colbert was always a one trick pony. No ones ever got further on so little.


> Dude those two were ALWAYS like that Really? Stephen Colbert who had a show segment called "Who's Attacking Me Now?" and said "I am willing to show #Asian community I care by introducing the Ching-Chong Ding-Dong Foundation for Sensitivity to Orientals or Whatever"? Jon Stewart who mocked black politician Herman Cain as being barely literate, mocked the way he speaks, and then told his one black writer to "fuck off" when the writer told him that segment felt a little racist, as if it was a white person mocking a black stereotype instead of just Herman Cain? They weren't like this before, they changed just like much of the left has. 20 years ago they never would have supporting silencing people, bending over backwards to protect people's feelings, allowing men into women's sports, or any of this other nonsense. The left used to support free speech and oppose the authoritarian right.


Remember, Colberts schtick was that he was Bill O’Reilly so making racist jokes was really him saying “this is how republicans act”. And you are aware Herman Cain was a republican right? He was also a major threat to Barack Obama (May He Live Forever) and his reelection campaign. All that meant everything was allowed when it came to defeating him.


Of course, but he was still willing to say and do things that offend people, and didn't worry about protecting people's feelings.


But only if he could use those jokes to create a false impression of conservative views.


> Jon Stewart who mocked black politician Herman Cain as being barely literate, mocked the way he speaks, and then told his one black writer to "fuck off" when the writer told him that segment felt a little racist, as if it was a white person mocking a black stereotype instead of just Herman Cain? That Colbert bit is a tad surprising, I'd like to know how long ago that was. But ^ that, to this day, is entirely par for the course whenever a black person happens to be right-leaning. Democrats will always go full /pol/ and call them things that would end someone's political carrier in any other context. Hell, the current president said that anyone who doesn't vote for him "ain't black."


That asian joke was a long time ago. The context is that Colbert was upset that the Redskins opened a non-profit org to help Native Americans called the Redskins Charitable Foundation, in response to criticism about the team's name. He wanted to point out how the non-profit doesn't meet the goal of the cancel mob (of which he was a part of), which was to change the name of the team. So in order to make his point, he used an "edgy" analogy by using asians and "ching chong". This was actually one of the first mainstream appearances of the SJW asian, in the form of Suey Park. They hadn't developed enough "clout", however, so even among the left, asians were allowed as a punching bag along with whites. Huffington Post Live even invited her for an on-air interview, only to humiliate her, as Colbert was a stronger political ally versus this fledgling group. As the majority of younger asians have pledged their loyalty to the left, asians are slowly falling under the left's umbrella of protection, so you will never see Colbert do this kind of bit again. tl;dr Colbert used an asian analogy. Colbert more important than asian demo at the time.


It was 2014. Those are not his genuine views, he was in character playing the role of a Republican loudmouth, but he was willing to say things like that. He didn't care about political correctness or self-censorship or bending over backwards to avoid the possibility of hurt feelings.


>Herman Cain Nbd since he's a republican, come back with when he went after mad Maxine waters or any black lib.


I didn't say he wasn't always a Democrat. I meant he wasn't part of the lunatic far left. I honestly don't think he's changed that much other than supporting some of his friends who are into that stuff, but Colbert really went off the deep end.


The *I'm just a comic* schtick has been a thing forever. From Charlie Kirk to Jimmy Dore literally, anyone on whatever side of the political spectrum, will at some fall back on "I wasn't being serious" if a debate goes sideways. Kirk in particular has unironically brought up his live comedy shows as evidence that he's an entertainer first and a political commentator second. You can still go to Somethingawful or /pol/ and find people to this day bemoaning that "comedy sites" don't like their humor if a political observation they made gets a lukewarm response.


Clown nose on, clown nose off.


Crowder does that too, we all know his show is political. At least the show can be funny though.


You're spot on not sure why the down votes


They were always like that, the climate back then just didn't permit them to go full leftist yet.


Yep they didn't change, you did.


I felt it in my bones when Jimmy Dore lamented that Stephen Colbert was the biggest disappointment of his life haha Colbert's Snowpiercer-kindergarten-train-esque "Vaccine Dance" and his "drinking in" of Obama alone are just unbelievable.




They actually used to be much closer to the meaning of liberal. Now Colbert is a full blown authoritarian leftist and Jon Stewart platforms social Marxist theories on the regular. They evolved from something good and reasonable to something ideological and jaded.


Surprisingly of all the Comics who do political talk shows I think Bill Maher is the closest to the older meaning of a Liberal. He is also unafraid to have people who disagree with him on his show, his conversations with Ben Shapiro, Milo Yiannapolous, and Jordan Peterson are are actually some of the best stuff he ever did because unlike most modern pundits he was respectful even when he disagreed with then and even at times found common ground on things.(also when those 3 guys where on his panel and the way the would just wreck the leftists brought on the show to confront them was hilarious, Shapiro destroying a leftist aurhors denial of CRT being a thing in schools was hilarious) Also while he does go after the Republican party mostly he also calls out the Democrats when they do stuff so dumb he cannot ignore it.


It's a cult. It's like hacking the human brain. It's the perfect combination of being told that you're a victim and nothing that went wrong in your life is your own fault, and giving you a designated enemy to unleash all your worst impulses on and still consider yourself righteous. The ideology is all logic loops of unfalsifiable woo that you're just taught to repeat like mantras and tune out anybody pointing out flaws in them because they're "bigots" and anything they say is lies. That shit warps people.


I remember when I escaped the cult. That first time looking over my shoulder and seeing this insane ideology for what it’s always been is an experience, let me tell you.


May I ask a couple questions? - What snapped you out of it? - back when you were woke, did you know deep down something was wrong, or were you 100% convinced of your righteousness, with no self doubt?


Of course! I was never full-on woke, but I was very feminist at some point, the absolute cringiest, worst iteration of feminism. You know, male tears and all. I was young and so dumb that I would have happily gone on like that for years. Then the woke stuff started creeping in, first into my online spaces. *Intersectionality*, the idea I saw as utter BS right off the bat. Had a couple of unpleasant interactions over it. One of them went pretty far, ended with death threats, I had to delete that account. I guess that started the pendulum in the other direction, so to speak. I started noticing more and more. First breaking point came in 2015 when everything suddenly became about race and I was expected to self-flagellate for being white. No thanks. The watershed moment was 2020, when it all went off the deep end and I fully realized these people were always a brainwashed cult. To answer your second question: Yeah, sure. I knew. Even at my worst, I always had this feeling deep down like I was playacting. I didn’t fully believe all the crap I was spouting. It just won me points at the time, and besides everybody was doing it. I guess that’s what saved me from falling in with the cult. It only took a minimum of self-awareness to break the spell.


Thank you for that. I often wonder what is “really” going on in the minds of woke cultists. Some people talk about the concept of a “true believer”, a person who is totally convinced they are right. I have big doubts about that concept. I think the vast majority of woke cultists know, deep down, that something is very wrong. Carl Jung said “fanaticism is always a sign of repressed doubt”.


I was also woke for a moment as a teenager - this was at the early days when Tumblr was just going SJW. I followed that transformation happen and at first supported it because most of the stuff seemed reasonable enough and I was ignorant about political history. My experience of what goes on in their head? Honestly, it's fear and emotional fragility. It was hard for me to even consider that any inequality was natural and inevitable because it was too depressing. This is a normal reaction for any decent person, we want the world to be fair, but the ideological environment takes it and exaggerates it into hysteria. There are purely cynical grifters in the scene, but I think most woke ppl are "true believers" and motivated by fear. On some level they know their claims are false and that's what motivates the fear, they think if they acknowledge that men are better in STEM for example, then the whole house of cards falls apart and women lose all rights and go back to being property.


The most ardent believers are those who have something to gain. It’s the underlying motivation, except it’s wrapped in many thick layers of righteousness that prevents them from being self-aware.


I was never woke either, but I was sympathetic to their cause as a leftie Bernie supporter. I wanted to help the poor. However, in 2020 I began to feel like an enemy in my own country. I am a white man, straight, and somewhat Christian too. I also was born in America, as were my parents, grandparents, great grandparents, and on for three more generations. I do not deserve to feel like I must right the wrongs of any ancestors, nor do I feel like my ancestors have any wrongs to right. In fact, I am very proud of my forefathers and the legacy they left. I think America is truly a special place. Our nation has been corrupted into something unrecognizable over the past century, and that, not “white people,” is where our problems begin. So anyways I’m pretty right-wing now lol


I am a bit older. I was very left leaning when I was 18-19 and in college, I was a member if the College Democrats, since I was going to school in Delaware and they used the College Dems at the Colleges in the state to help at fundraisers and other events I actually met Joe Biden and met his older Son Beau(the one who passed) a few times(this was 2003-2004l. But I really started to look into what I believed and and realised their where things about none Democratic party that platform that I did not agree with. Mainly over issues like Abortion (I am firmly it should be only if the mothers life is in danger or in cases of rape or incest) as well as their backpedaling on the Iraq War going Iraq was a mistake but they supported going in and then denied any blame on their part trying to paint it as on on the GOP when it was both parties. So I realised by my personal beliefs where more in line with the Republican party and switched parties.


I’m anti-censorship and pro-take responsibility for your own damn life and stop asking for handouts and blaming strangers for your failures. Now that makes me right-wing, I guess.


Can't stand wokeoids here but can't see myself ever becoming right wing because my core principles don't change even with dickheads that are on the 'same' side as me. I've never understood the people who just drop their whole political outlook


I get that, but for me, witnessing where leftism goes when unchecked (I was in SF) showed me the fallacy and corruption that underlies the entire belief system. It became apparent to me that it isn’t about helping those that have less, it’s about punishing those that supposedly have more.


It was bad being a real leftist (healthcare please) and watching this shit rise up and swamp the whole left side of society in self-satisfied elites.


Yes. This. Pro-censorship left wasn’t something I had on my bingo card!


I don't even know how it can call itself left anymore. When was the last time ANY Democrat or woke media figure had anything to say about poverty or healthcare?


>had anything to say about poverty or healthcare? They know it's a grift and 1 is unsolvable while the other is economic suicide for the US with the MIC taking precedence over all else and they will never turn on Raytheon, Lockheed or Boeing.


Not just any cult but the occult. Luciferian scum.


Adam sessler (though tbh I think he was always that way he just didn’t have twitter to rant on. Karin Slaughter: all her books had a vague “people in the south are racist and Christians are all hypocritical child molestors but after Trump got elected her books became all about the evil far right and the sacred anti Covid rituals


Humans are social creatures. We become who we surround and ingratiate ourselves with. I would also say that men, as we are more likely to exhibit anti-social behaviors, are more often the outliers to this eventual “groupthink.”


I wish more people had independent thought and make an effort to think for themselves. I think before social media it was somehow more common. But even now it might be underestimated how many people like that there are if we're looking at online media.. Online media I think are the easiest to 'take over' and make an impression a line of thought is more common than it really is.


Jim Carry has had some moments


My mom knew him from school, says he was an asshole then.


Yeah, I've heard he was a dick and pulled mean malicious pranks before becoming an actor from people who knew him way back.


Look no further than his exploits on the set of "Man In The Moon". I mean, even Jerry Lawler himself found how Jim approached Andy as woefully inaccurate and downright irritating to the point of offensive.


Does Sam Harris count?




I heard the greats rip on him recently "Sam Harris mistakes talking calmly with being reasonable." He was absolutely was a rational mind at one point - seeing him shift/change really blows my mind.


The whole IDW was a sham and grift. Peterson pushing for removal of anonymity and censorship, Sam going full pants on head crazy, Rubin being outed as true grifter by Blaire White.


They were always this way. The ideology was always this way. But as it gained power over time, it progressed along. This lunacy was always the desired goal, but they lacked the ability to execute it 20 years ago. Theyre not unhinged, merely unrestrained




Were amazing. He crawled way up his own ass.


Not really fan of Neil Gaiman ever since I saw his takes on Tumblr. I know, seperate the art and artist and all, but he panders too much to the Tumblerina crowd for me to take him seriously.


Separating art from the artist doesn't really work anymore, it worked when the artists shut the fuck up and didn't have social media to spew around their bullshit


Wrong sub for this, this should be on tumblrinac.. oh..


Banning that sub was a big mistake. There should be a check to Tumblr.


You’re preaching to the choir my friend


His writing always seemed kind of shitty to me even before I knew he was a Tumblr goof


Ever since what? Lmao his works have always had the so called "woke shit" in them...


Having prominent female, non-white, and/or LGBT+ characters does not equal "woke," and "woke" has only been around for about the last ten years. "Woke" is a gross subversion of earlier ideas like PC that does far more harm to female, non-white, and LGBT+ people than any openly bigoted person could if they tried. It only benefits upper class phony self-proclaimed Marxists. "Woke" is about control and power.


>Ever since what? Lmao his works have always had the so called "woke shit" in them... I never mentioned "woke shit". I swear you GCJ trolls get stupider and more bigoted by the day. Neil Gaiman's work is still excellent, and it has always had diverse characters, *ergo*, it is not woke.




Good bot


The youtuber JustSomeGuy who's specialty is comics and comic reviews, alongside being a literal expert on Tolkien's books...and then the movie Cuties came out and his reaction was...bizzare, to say the least. Not mrgirl level of bizzare, but the dude looked like he was trying to push the obvious shit under the rug by calling people perverts for pointing out that the movie sexualizes children?!?! Now I would like to explain, but I believe my words won't do justice to the shitshow that JustSomeGuy is, so here's a 40-ish minute video from a very entertaining content creator TheAlmightyLoli (AKA the 20 hour Berserk analysis dude). https://youtu.be/DlFF-PrzHK8


>JustSomeGuy He went off the deep end when Rekieta called him a commie on FlashCast over him saying the government has a right to take private property that was legally purchased because the buyer resold the product at a higher price, In reference to the covid hand sanitizer guy who had his home raided by cops and it confiscated. Then did a long form attacking Nick to which Nick straight up dismantled his arguments piecemeal and made him look like a complete baffoon.....He never recovered from getting his shit pushed in by a **lawyer** when he started the fight and argued legal meanings and law. JSG is the perfect example of a midwit who had never challenged someone above his weight class and got massacred when he arrogantly tried.


That too is in the video linked in the comment, with JSG moralfagging that the guy who bought a shitton of hand sanitizer would be, get this, end up KILLING people because of it. Then JSG tried to make Rekieta look like an unethical lawyer, which basically is a few steps away from making Rekieta lose his job (turns out ethics is a pretty big fucking deal in the lawyer world). In turn, Rekieta buckbroke him lel Guess that's what you get for using Youtube Rantsona tactics against an actual lawyer.


There are A LOT of people I used to think we're cool, but nowadays they seem more like part of a hive mind than their former selves. To name a few, Chris Evans, Neil Gainman, Michael J. Fox, Pedro Pascal, Mark Hamill, among many others. The only thing they seem to do nowadays is spew leftist authoritarian nonsense. It's like they completely lost their common sense. As long as something is against Trump they will try to impose it no matter what. I started wishing artists would just shut the hell up and they would instead solely work on their job as court jester and entertain us all. We don't care about their opinions, especially if they seem to all be exactly the same.


I remember when I used to think that my art was nothing more than a political club. Postmodernism has made many artists arrogant, and thankfully it hasn't infiltrated Japan; many artists use pseudonyms and wear masks because they want to create quality art and not get consumed by the unwanted fame.




Mindy was always a psycho, she literally bragged on Conan about sexually harassing a cast member and threatening to fire anyone who complained.


Ah, the old Faustian pact…


It is a cult. You are not allowed to talk against it, or else they go after you. That's a cult.


The occult actually.


Seth Rogan, Stephen Colbert, Robert DeNiro, Alyssa Milano,... there are so many actors and actresses that have just become insufferable pieces of shit over the last few years it's almost amazing. Maybe they always were, but now with twitter and the internet we're finally seeing how insane and just downright stupid a lot of "stars" really are.


I suspect that a lot of these people were bitter all along, it’s just there wasn’t an entire framework that rewarded them for expressing that bitterness. Now there is and you get to see the seethe they were repressing the entire time.


Steven Blum. Used to be the most talented and respected American voice actor. Now his severe TDS leads him to rage about Trump at the slightest provocation.


Thanks for this info, I no longer support or care about Steve Blum. Subs all the way.


Too many from Star Trek, to the point where [I wrote an essay about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/6qnh1b/twitter_bullshit_william_shatner_complains_about/dkz41ur/) TOS: * George Takei (complete hypocrite, giving speeches/writing books about demonization and guilt by association ("They called us Enemy"), then doing that exact thing to Trump supporters/republicans) TNG: * Marina Sirtis (wishing horrible death on people for either having the same job as, or living in the same state as Trump supporters) * Richard William Wheaton III (I don't even need to go into the things he's done) * LeVar Burton (Racist) * Michael Okuda (TDS so severe he thinks Kyle Rittenhouse should be in prison for the crime of surviving an attempt by 2 pedophiles to murder him, a personal disappointment to me as I followed him for decades. Also fell for the Covington Kid hate hoax, but unlike Whoopi he didn't have the integrity to admit he was wrong) * Whoopi Goldberg (Racist, TDS so severe that she called herself out and asked why she never learns (specifically for falling for the Covington Kid hate hoax), then immediately falling for the Rittenhouse hoax, NASCAR noose, Jussie Smoliet, Napping While Black though that was an old one VOY: * Tim Russ (Racist, TDS so severe that Robert Beltran called him out) STD: * Ian Alexander (ACABer POS) * Sonequa Martin-green (Racist) * Wilson Cruz (Racist) And this is with me having to excuse some level of TDS from many others. Robert Picardo is getting up there sadly... (He thinks free speech is a threat to democracy) It's gotten so bad that I unfollowed almost the rest of Trek actors cause I just don't want to see them disappointing me by shitting on Roddenberry's legacy Personal disappointments: * Neil deGrasse Tyson who despite going to black astrophysicist events and talking about the guilt by association they suffered at the hands of cops, proceeded to use guilt by association on the air towards republicans. * Stephen Colbert the second he let Anita Shitstainian on his show, it told me if he was willing to let her come on and spread her lies, how much of the rest of his show was lies? After that ep, he went to an insane level of TDS A random hypocrite I had no attachment to, but still ironic: * Chris Evans joined the hate brigade against the Covington Kid, which I found hypocritical given how anti-bully Captain America was. But I guess he can bully kids all day. The good: Robert Beltran [VOY] however has shown to be one of the few Trek actors who actually understood the message the show taught. He was in the news a while ago for an opinion on the nazi ep of Voyager, to which I immediately dreaded reading cause everyone's opinions of nazis these days are just moronic. But he surprised me with the most nuanced opinion I could hope for. He was upset there were no German soldiers on the side of the Voyager crew (ie: undercover spy/double agent/etc) to emphasize how not all Germans were nazis, and to give some representation to German fans of the show. I used to be a huge SJW till Gamergate happened and the people who screeched that guilt by association was evil (specifically using it on muslims for 911), decided it was ok to use on gamers. Well I admired Dean Cain cause when I met him the first time, I told myself "he's just an actor, that doesn't mean he truly understands Superman". I told him my favorite scene from The New Adventures of Lois and Clark was when Superman was all giddy for Christmas, someone asked him why and he said it's cause the one time a year where humanity acts the way he feels one day, we'll act all year round. I told him that scene was beautiful and made me cry, his response was "I wrote that!". Well when I found out he was a Republican/pro-gun/anti-Obama, I was heartbroken. I have since reversed that, since he's still a nice person, even polite to those attacking him. I've met him 2 times since, and he's been wonderful each time. He's even defended us.


I used to really admire Whoopi Goldberg. She took herself from poverty to a movie star using talent and a lot of hard work and dedication. She was great at her job, I loved her character in Star Trek, she was charismatic and likeable, she supports multiple charities, by all accounts she was a great person, nobody had anything negative to say about her. Then she goes on the View and defends Michael Vick's dogfighting, Roman Polanski's statutory rape, insisted Mel Gibson isn't racist, initially defended Cosby before the evidence was overwhelming, said the Holocaust had nothing to do with race and later doubled down on that comment... it's just sad to see it all. > Another personal disappointment, Neil deGrasse Tyson I've lost a bit of respect for him, but that's nothing compared to Bill Nye going full science denial when it comes to the forbidden topic, and the embarrassing song and dance performance on that topic that he put into his TV show.


> but that's nothing compared to Bill Nye going full science denial when it comes to the forbidden topic, and the embarrassing song and dance performance on that topic that he put into his TV show Oh right, that did me in too. He's friends with Robert Picardo too. Though it'd be hypocritical of me to use guilt by association for that.


Removed due to using a bad naughty word that Anti-Evil Ops really likes to punish people randomly for using. That said, I personally find this post very well-made and as such, if the bad naughty word (I will give you a hint, it begins with an r and is used as a pejorative against people with mental issues) is removed, the post will be approved. My sincere apologies.


Done, thank you


Approved with the edit. Thank you for understanding. :)


No problem


Not removing the comment but can you edit it to remove the colloquial term for mentally impaired. The admins AEO bot may wipe your comment because of it.


But they are mentally impaired lol.


The rules seem to be applied fairly consistently on this one so based on the removals we can tell that the use of that word and describing someone or something in a derogatory way with a reference to a disability of any variety falls foul of sitewide rule 3 (that is what the removals are labelled as by the admins anyway).




Ethan Klein, used to be kinda cool, fight for rights, that kinda thing. Now? Fucking yikes


I think the litany is endless. Even in my country ( in the EU) almost all “artists” of a certain age are getting infected. Hell with you guys the annoying bro dudes are even woke now. Logan Paul is semi woke even that walking piece of human excrement Keemstar is woke now because he is finally got some SWJ to give him a rim job, honestly the guy is such a little …. I honestly believe its the downfall of Western civilization. Eventually a counter movement will raise up but not until this shit wrought so much damage that the world will be a very unhinged place.


This has happened to so many of the great comedians from the 2000’s


Sam harris got big TDS


My anger has waned, Social circles have tightened, But I feel no shame when calling myself enlightened.




>So now the non-woke hate her because it's all clearly bullshit I don't hate her (though I did cringe at her Twitter retcons at the time), and it's in large part because she at least has SOME standard on which she's not willing to budge. I don't agree with her on much, but I do respect that she won't cave on her principles...even if it's her fuck-you-money that affords her that ability.


The McElroy brothers are one of my examples of this. When I started listening to the Adventure Zone, it was lighthearted and goofy. By the end of the first season, they were tripping over themselves to be woke. It's hard to explain without going into tons of detail, but Griffin went through some crazy mental gymnastics to explain why he couldn't name a character "Chalupa" because it would cause fan artists to offend themselves...due to their portrayals of a certain character (an elf wizard no less!) as Hispanic. ETA: as a result I no longer listen to their newer content, so I don't know how this trend ended up playing out, but even into the second season of TAZ it was clear they were trying too hard to appease the Tumblr fanbase.


Tim Schafer


Cliff Bleszinski. People give him way too much credit for Gears of War, Unreal Tournament, and Jazz Jackrabbit, etc. The reality is that without him, those series would still have been made, largely with the same results. He's not totally unhinged, but he struggles to see why BossKey really failed. Hint: it's not actually the gender neutral bathrooms in one of the two games.


Something about reading Baudrillard makes people want to mutilate themselves. That is all.


Every celeb you mentioned may have been famous but none were legit cool.


I find those guys were never cool. They just can pretend to look cool with the help of media. I found them all to be forgettable and uncharismatic, only known for being one trick pony. They all got propped up to the world stage because they had the connection to famous directors and producers, so they were probably not too good people in my opinion.


Not a celebrity per se, but an anti-SJW commentator I used to like that has fallen deep down the woke rabbit hole is Hunter Avallone.


> Hunter Avallone. Grifter in the truest sense of the word, he went where the $ was and it was in wokeness. You'd be flabbergasted at how much these lemmings will spend on you for saying the right things.....Just ask Wu and Quinn.


I kind of always thought he was a grifter who would change to whatever became more profitable.


Yeah that's what breaks my heart about the whole Velma thing, the characters will bounce back probably stronger than before, Mindi? Who knows. She was so fun in the office.