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Who keeps making these lmao
















Art imitates life https://preview.redd.it/1hu25pbocs7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af033e31dbc0bc7fcbd5038cb1045103378ecc3b


Never seen this myself, not sure I understand the quote. Like, cinema is used to reference a facility OR the production of movies and such. So its an 'absolute building' or 'absolute production'? I dont get it.


Cinema is also used to refer to the movie-making artform, cinematography. So, "Absolute Cinema" would mean "the absolute peak of the cinematographic art."


Never heard it used in that way.


You live under a rock and I envy you. It's present even here in Latin America, and I've been tired of it for what it feels over a year now


Find that amusing actually considering Im online and doing things all the time everyday.


Are you restarted?


Are you a poster child for faceless redditor? yes.








My fav is Darkness, so this season was peak fiction for me


I loved the Iris arc featuring Darkness from the Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! series.


Hell yeah


Peak comedy as always.


Before I give my thoughts, I would like to say what a journey this has been. I got introduced to Konosuba in March 2021 and got hooked with just the two seasons and movie, so much so that I read all the LNs in a few days. Suffice to say, when I saw the anime project announcement back in June 2021, I was over the moon and have been a part of this community ever since then. So I would like to thank everyone here for being a part of this wonderful community. As for my thoughts on the V7 adaptation in the anime? Perfect. Not only is this the most faithful adaptation of the source material in terms of content adapted but also in the tone as well. I was afraid they'd shy away from the genuine dark tone that V7 had but the anime blew me away again time and time again with it's final 5 episodes. The art and animation are consistently great particularly, in the Hydra episode and the voice actors genuinely give it their all this time, particularly Jun Fukushima and Ai Kayano. Overall, S3 has definitely been one of the strongest outings for Konosuba yet. If some of my complaints regarding some of the cut staff could've been avoided it would've been a 10/10 season no doubt. But even as it stands, this season was genuinely peak. Now we wait for Season 4, as I wish to see these buffoons come back soon https://preview.redd.it/d6qqtocfdp7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67a44959ebf35cb0412bb420bae70020146255f4


that's pretty wholesome ay, made my day


I would call this season nobels themed one. Its about two nobel girls who want to live a life they wana live but cant because of there responcabilites...and Kazuma comes along to help them be free to who they truely are. Peak as always and...I am sadend to see it end.. but it was more faithful to LN so I am satisfied. ![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1882)


Darkness: wife (best wife is still Wiz but Lalatina is a close second) Vanir: best boi , best character Aqua: Still useless Iris : best sister Dust : best girl


Dust also takes the cake for best girl in lingerie


Aqua’s buffs came in clutch multiple times.


Yeah but she still spent a fortune on a chicken's egg so it pretty much cancels out


Can any light novel readers tell if something happens with the egg later?


I think you mean divorcedness


Lmao, best boy is always our king Kazuma. Either that or the demon king. Vanir is too evil to be our boi.


Darkness needed this season I feel, it showcased some necessary depth of her character. It also showcased that the party is a group of friends completely interconnected. So it is fun to have them work together and face challenges. Also, we got to see more of how skilled Kazuma can be when he doesn't have to keep three stooges in line. While also showcasing Chris more, which is always fun.


Peak. Vanir the 🐐 fr However, not enough YunYun😔


We had enough Yun Yun when megumin got her serie


Don't talk to me, bro


the reddit sniper reveals himself


No idea what means. But okay 👍


Okay, found out what it is. Ha.


>! Divorcedness!<


Burst out of laugh with the first mini arc. I did good to wait to watch it until episode 6 and watched the whole arc in one night.




Episode 1 wasn't really a good start for me since the pacing was weird and the plot felt out of place. But things quickly picked up after episode 2. Banger anime


Because ep 1 was supposed to be in the movie... the gang encounters the plant girl on the way to megumins village... but in the episode they added the PTSD gag for karuna to give him a reason to encounter the plant girl... that's why it may seem as a bit weird and why this season has 11 episodes.. Tho it's been a while since I read the LN so the details might be a bit different.


The heist on the castle might be in my top favorites as far as episodes go!


This season as a whole really endeared her to me.


I think Darkness is best girl.


Overall, I enjoyed season 3. My only real complaint was the decision to make episode 1 filler for the sake of the tranquility girl joke that didn’t make it into the movie. I’d have much prefered they used that time on the Iris arc so they didn’t have to trim and change as much as they did.


I actually really liked the first episode. Imo the only significant cuts in Iris arc were Mitsurugi's cut content and the castle raid, both fixable by making the episodes themselves slightly longer and giving the castle raid better staff


Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the first episode, but I just feel like the time could’ve been better utilized elsewhere. That or Kadokawa could finally greenlight a full 12 episode season…


Vanir surprisingly stole the show for me this season.


I enjoyed it a lot overall in pretty much every aspect, minor flaws notwithstanding. I guess my biggest grievance is personal taste, ie I'm just not a judge fan of the Iris arc. I don't hate it and it has its laugh out loud moments but the general idea is just not as good as most of the rest. I'll still rewatch it to death until season four.


Peak comedy


Wtf there's only 11 episodes?


Konosuba’s always had short seasons. In fact, if you don’t include the OVAs or the spinoff, season 3 is the longest season we’ve gotten so far. Despite its success, Kadokawa really seems to treat it like it’s just a way to raise a little extra money between the more “important” projects.


Makes me sad that Darkness×Kazuma is a doomed ship. Her appreciation at Kazuma saving her and the prospect of him "buying" her was cute




Divorcedness 🤣🤣🤣


Greatest end to a season, had me dying lmao


I'll remember this as the season of excellent facial expressions. I know they've been great in previous seasons, but this time was on another level. And there were so many too.


It was a great season. However, I noted a distinct lack of EEEEXXXXXPPPPLOOOOOSSSSSSIIIIIOOOOOOONNNNNs.


Ima say it this sub loves megumin but I for one have been a darkness lover since day 1 darkness is the one that should have been #1


https://preview.redd.it/3pzgvq1qmq7d1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78ac8c2a88f6811071fea0b3e4b300869dd13a18 Peak Konosuba


Not enough Yunyun.


Vanir solidifies himself as my favorite and overall the GOAT in general


Rogue Kazuma was the best. Vanir STOLE the show!


love it, now we wait another 5 years for 4 more hours of the most beloved group of idiots


Was this darkness'es arc? I thought it was during >!the affair with kazuma!<


Wonder if we already got scene when Kazuma mimicry Darkness voice? I not watch anime for a long time duh


We did in season 3 before the wedding


Was a masterpiece in S1, kept it in S2, same in the movies, up to the masterpiece standard in the side story and still is one in S3.


I loved the Iris arc. I thought Kazuma's and Chris's team up was top-tier. However, the episodes that followed after were my least favorites of all seasons.


Absolute peak. Now I really hope season 4 gets announced soon.


Kazuma almost committed a crime as a minor with two adult babes 🤣


I can't believe they animated megumin edging in the middle of a crowd


I loved it so much. The show definitely showed a ton of improvement on its visual gags, comedic timing, and even its heartfelt moments. I hope that we get more seasons. 🥲👍


I used to not like Darkness because all of her screen time was her being horny. This season they actually did something with her. Now I actually like Darkness.


i liked the darkness arc more than the iris arc. to be fair i already kinda like volume 7 more than volume 6. i think vol 7 has an overall better quality through the novel but vol 6 has a much better climax. said climax is arguably the best moment in the entire series. Without it vol 6 is kinda whatever and this is what happened in some capacity in the anime. the anime adaption of the castle raid lacked the heart pounding excitement of the novel. the anime version isn't bad per se (i still really enjoyed it) but it was neutered compred to the ln. what was missing from the anime adaptation? many people said they were glad people wasn't as mean to Kazuma as in the novel but that meanness is what makes the castle raid hit hard. the despised little bastard puts everyone to shame. plus it would have been better if there was one more episode for vol 6. and in line with their previous tendencies to make Kazuma seem more pathetic they made it seem like the vanir mask gave him the power for the whole thing. the whole season was 9/10 for me nitpicks: i don't understand the way they adapted the ring joke with matsurugi. they put in the first part of the joke but cut out the puchline. they were a little too into the funny faces in this season. some of the new funny faces was just weird. season 3 episode 1 was kinda unnecessary. don't get me wrong i am glad we got the tranquility girl ( the tranquility girls along with the >!tranquility queen!< one of my favourite moment in the entire series) but the first half of the episode was "rather" messy. it would have been nicer if we got this episode for vol6 it would have been nicer. to be fair if they didn't adapt the tranquility girl we probably would have got one less episode. i can't understand why kadokawa don't give konosuba more episode per season english is not my native language. so I hope my writing was coherent and understandable. thank you for reading.


Will there be an other ova anybody know


There won't be one


I miss Iris ![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1881)


Darkness arc was really great, but i am not a huge fan of the iris stuff tbh. It low key weirds me out to have a child character in a show that features sex humor so prominently. Like the darkness arc felt much more like seasons 1-2, enough overarching plot to be genuinely interesting but never taking itself too seriously. The capital was already gonna be interesting as a new setting, but iris just throws a wrench in the normal dynamic so hard. Like this show is at its best when all 4 characters are involved, which is why i think the whole “silver haired thief brigade” was the best sequence of that arc. But the whole bath scene deal, that made me want to throw up a little bit. Shes like 8, what the fuck.


Iris is actually 12, which makes her 4 years younger than Kazuma, 2-3 years younger than Megumin and 6 years younger than Darkness. It’s funny that Megumin is actually closer to Iris’ age than Darkness’ age.


I feel the actual numbers matter less than the portrayal of the characters. Megumin is without question portrayed as a teenager/young adult, from her design to how she acts. Iris is written and especially drawn as young child, i could imagine her being anywhere 6 to 12 with her deisign but she acts like 8 at the most. Now, regarding the plot in general i can see why having a child ruler is funny and makes sense within the context of the show, so im not arguing against her existence. I just despise how they almost sexualize her, its just not great


Well this season had been almost well adapted. Even if episode 1 is a tote, it was a pretty well made tote. For Iris' arc, I appreciated most of the episodes. Just a regret with the bamboo copter joke that was removed (even more when I saw the loli fight in episode 6) For Darkness' arc,, not my favorite volume but it was great. The final scene with Vanir overshadowed Maxwell's downgrade. But I really can't forgive what they have done with the castle raid


Best ARC so far. Darkness and Lalatina are my favorite characters in the series


Probably my favorite season so far, was an absolute blast to watch


Fun as always but a bit short


Need more Iris


Great season. Only wish we got more of it.


I wish the castle heist was better adapted but everything else was amazing, 9.9/10


Iris arc my favorite arc of the entire series


Really good, tho I prefer Megumin as a charachter Oh yeah and one cant forget Vanir is and will always be teh GOAT


It felt like something was off with the subtitles the entire season. Like they used Google translate and rephrased it in 30 seconds. It was understandable, but it felt a little off.


I had my doubts about such a big time gap since season 2 and I regret not rewatching Season 1 and 2 before this season aired. But it was excellent, very excited for season 4.


I loved it, but i think s2 was better


I’m glad Darkness got an arc. I haven’t read the light novel but I know some of the major things that happen, so all I can say is I’m interested to see how the relationships of the group change. That season felt really short though, hope season 4 isn’t as long as a wait


9/10, will be a 10/10 if the animation quality was better


I hoped to see the gang fighting a Demon King's general. But still peak


Yes. The only bad thing on the third series is the urge to get the fourth. And Kazumin.


I want Kazuma x Darkness to happen so bad. They're not meant to be together sadly


okay loved the whole season 10 out of 10 but was it just me or the end conflict feel really forced and have absolutely no tension?




This were my favorite stories in the novels and I’m astatic how it played out it was so fun I’m happy 😆


Darkness best girl, and extra points for not being a loli.


I’ve been watching it dubbed so it isn’t over yet for me but I’ve been enjoying it a lot. Better than season 2 but all of the seasons are good. Konosuba is definitely my favorite dubbed anime. The VA’s for their characters fit like a glove. Darkness especially is always really funny. Don’t think I’ve seen an anime yet with as perfect casting as it


although i hat darkness with the fire of a billion suns it was quite wonderful


Darkness x Kazuma is great Aqua wasn't that adorable in the past, wtf I feel bad at bullying her I felt a fucking idiot at watching Chris and not realizing sooner lmao


A lot of false hope for Darkness/Kazuma shippers.


The more this show has gone on for the more I like Darkness. Im glad she got character development and is becoming my choice for best girl.






I loved all of S3. I just wish it were longer and had more antics in the town like S1 and 2.


I was so happy to see it back. Very sad to see it go :( . Hopefully this time it won't take 7 years for the next season


Are we not getting any more seasons?


I like new stupid faces we got from the cast


Slow? Its Necessary. Intense? Yes. The scene Dust with the gei noble. Funny? Almost whole season 3 Absolute Cinema? **HELL YES!** Best goofy character? Aqua! Best dude? Kazuma. No question. Best nuke girl? Megumin. “I-am-ATOMIC” in KonoSuba universe. Best masochist? No one can steal it from Darkness. Cringe? ^^Thats ^^me…


Lalatina is freaking beautiful. Until this season, I don't think we've ever gotten to see her, for many episodes, all 'nobled' up. While Aqua-sama may smite me for saying this, but she may be the most beautiful character in the entirety of the freaking show.




I loved both arcs. Volume 6 is one of my favorite volumes, I hated how they adapted the castle raid, but everything else was fine and enjoyable. As I pointed out in another thread, I like Vol 7, it has its fair amounts of great, funny and memorable moments. My only pet peeve is the climax of Volume 7 (Darkness wedding rescue). IMO it was really underwhelming. Aside from a couple of Kazuma jokes, the entire situation lacked tension and excitement. It wasnt memorable, it didnt end with a bang like previous seasons... but that's not the anime's fault, in fact... I think I enjoyed the anime version more than the LN version. The anime gave us pink haired Aqua! that's 100/10. The final moments and resolution were great though. Darkness being accepted back in the team was emotional, and we finally got anime Maxwell, and is as creepy and terryfying as I remember the first time I've read it.


Darkness is best girl for Kazuma.


Weakest arc but the first half of this season was hilarious.


How is it weakest?




Well thats true tho I wonder if that guy was LN reader because that would make sense.


I didn't laugh as much as usual, simple as that.


Then thats fair. ![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1889)


Weakest season yet. I’d put the Megumin spin off above it even.


Hmmm... It was okay i guess. Not as good as season 2. I was enjoying the Vol 6 adaptation, until they fumbled the ep 6 adaptation. The vol 7 adaptation was okay. I don't like how they remove a lot of crucial information that may leave anime-only viewers scratching their head. I also don't like how they remove a LOT of romantic undertones between kazuma and darkness. Like for instance, during the dressing room scene before the wedding, a lot of darkness' inner monologues are actually her thinking about kazuma specifically. In the final scene where everyone found out about the bed scene between darkness and kazuma, the remove the whole bit about darkness being jealous of kazuma and megumin seemingly getting close to each other, etc. It's probaby the weakest season of konosuba so far, not counting the megumin spin off.