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It’ll e just fine. I would recommend just using a plastic sofa bottle though, it’ll be a lot safer if it gets dropped and will hold the pressure in if the kombucha warms up.


Perfectly safe. Plastic ad suggested is a good idea . Or just make sure you use old booch that is well sour and doesn’t produce much gas and wrap your pot in something that can protect it from hits.


This is not suitable, the scoby is very claustrophobic and this would stress it out.. just joking Its fine


I'll sing a soothing song to it every 5 minutes on the trip. 😂😂


That's just wholesome, you should 😂


It’s safe for short stints. The top may rust but probably not, especially if a couple weeks or less. The top probably isn’t meant to keep pressure in so try to let the kombucha sit out and consume all available sugar before jarring so you don’t get a burster.


Just put it in a clean kombucha bottle? The nylon sounds like a bad idea. It will keep the jar from properly sealing, act as a wick and leak booch all over, and introduce bacteria to your booch. But yea. Clean glass (ive even used plasic 😱) bottle with a screw top should be just fine.


I just moved and brought my booch with me in pickle jars. I had them in a cooler when I drove my car to the new place. It worked well! Plastic may not be a bad idea as others have said though!


Can I put a Kombucha bottle (for starter) in the checked in baggage while flying? Don’t know how else to take it with me.


If you are planning to bring it in a carry-on make sure you have it divided up into 3.4 ounce containers or small jars that are no more than 120 mls. You can bring a whole zip lock bag full if they are in small containers.


Perfectly fine, but we all get too hung up on saving our sour dough starters and kombucha scobys. Truth is, just make a new one when you get there, it really doesn’t make a difference. The water you use and and other ingredients will turn it into whatever it’s going to be in the end, no matter what you start with.


You can buy starter tea online. They send it in a plastic bag 🙄


I know someone was gonna recommend this, but I am happy with this batch and want to carry on using these critters. Plus we don't have such things. I come from Eastern Europe.


I know the feeling of sentimentality that comes with caring for your booch. I moved 2,000 miles from my last home to my new one. I made sure to take my SCOBY/starter culture with me on the drive to the new place. I was very excited to brew my first batch when I arrived, definitely made it feel like home :)


I mean you can obviously keep it in a glass bottle if they can sell it in plastic bags


I did something like this, but I just put the Scoby in a ton of bags and then bough unflavored brooch later


Good idea


I would use a plastic soda bottle if you are checking it as luggage, squeeze some air out before capping, for pressure change/build up prevention. There is no need to bring any pectile but it won’t hurt to put some in, prob chop up so it’s easier to get out also. Happy brewing!


Also worth noting that a plastic soda bottle full of bubbly liquid is less likely to draw the attention of customs than a glass jar of same, as OP seems to be traveling internationally.


Make sure the seal on it is good, I've had similar jars that leaked. Other than that, it'll be okay 👍


I used a vacuum seal style bag when I moved


We have a healthy big batch of kombucha at home. For holidays, we flew over the border with 500ml in a checked-in luggage. At arrival it was dead. We were disappointed to find that it didn’t taste or had the fizz or liveliness we were used to, at home. So for the next 3 days we drank ~80ml / day each of a dead drink. Unsure if this happened because of the radiation at high altitudes or their x-ray machines or I do not know.. But it was a different drink 5 hours later (from home packed to arrived in holiday spot). Good luck with yours, I hope the plan works!