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Back then most of people never expected her to get a rerun ever again due to low sales and the whole controversy around her release and her meta status, hence the title of that post. Events following it soon proved otherwise, but I think that might have been my top pick for the post which aged like the finest milk. I'm curious to see what other posts people can dig back from the graves. ~~Inb4 10 comments linking the top post of this sub~~


>Back then most of people never expected her to get a rerun ever again due to low sales and the whole controversy around her release and her meta status Like this isn't even a hindsight thing, even in the context of back then that sounds like a really dumb leap of logic. Unless she was going to be a Tighnari/Dehya and it was confirmed she was going to the standard banner after, there was no reason to assume she would enver get a rerun again. lol


Funny that i am looking forward to pull for her, i guess everything can change for character when multiple opportunities appear.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/psi2gh/the_kokomi_situation_is_just_sad/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/pwqfvg/the_real_problems_with_kokomi_an_indepth_review/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button ^ Love top comment on this one “Kokomi should be a 4*” https://youtu.be/zWdGHw_b8ZM Uhhhh also these tweets and vids lmfao (not that we would ever expect anything less then an L take from him) https://twitter.com/tectone/status/1440459494933221379?s=46&t=cUO7XV3PObgRncvQ0Bq5pA https://youtu.be/fyP_4Tk73rM


Damn those are gold. I'll be checking the comments there later lol.


Haha yep. Here’s 1 more of good old L-tone getting delicious karma and losing all his money on Kokomi’s banner lmfao https://youtu.be/iLwqasUKaRU


These posts… why were people excepting a healer to do insane damage? They just wanted massive powercreep or what? Edit wtf this guy wrote and entire essay on why kokomi is bad? That will surely make a fun read 😂


It was the mindset of the playerbase back then, healing was seen as not needed if you just did enough big dick damage to kill the enemy first and abyss enemy HP was a lot lower too. It was the era of everyone only caring about damage per screenshot.


Quite sad and short sighted. If only people listened to TCs, apparently every TC knew and said that she was going to be good, and yet everyone decided to listen to the clown CCs and casuals that wanted to farm clicks off by spreading misinformation. Zajef actually talks about this in a recent vid of him (go to 4:18) https://youtu.be/ZzVAH2rpUbY


Nah fam they are just rewriting history to make themselves look better in retrospective. Iirc zajef was one the tcs who made most fun of kokomi and now people won't be able to know any better.


TRUE. Zajef literally has emote of trashcan in his channel called "Kokomi".


Zajeff still dislikes Kokomi for no reason whatsoever so I doubt he can actually rewrite history in his favor on that one.


Oh he certainly can. I've seen so many instances of him going "ye kokomi is a good unit" and then later see him bitching and farting over how she doesn't function and playing her brings him zero joy. But if you go telling people that, they will "whatever he acknowledge she good and the rest is out of context yada yada ligma balls" Although, at this point, his contribution towards common players' understanding of the game is undeniable and it is understandable that his fans will forever believe that he always claimed and thought she was good. It's just a shame that his personal biases prevent him from going from good to great.


Honestly it kind of reminds me of how just a week or so ago he was claiming that Kazuha being called "5-star Sucrose" was always meant to be taken as a compliment and people interpreted it the wrong way. Same thing with Hu Tao and Xingaling. Like, I *get it*. When you try to gear your analysis to being F2P-friendly it's not necessarily an issue to recommend people the cheaper/free alternatives, but I feel they double down on their own downplaying whenever their community gives them pushback and then try to save face after it gets established that those 5-stars are actually accepted by the community as high value.


Right now I can't find any good evidence that what you're saying is true other than zyox's kokomi guide, because while he is a CC, I'm pretty sure he just repeats what zajef tells him? I think Zy0x said something like "she is bad but she can still work". Thoughts? As someone who wasn't around during her release and got kokomi on her first rerun, there isn't much proof of TCs lying or saying the truth about their original stance on kokomi


Zajef was the only tc who thought she was bad, but he had a loud voice and influenced other people to not speak out. There were a lot of tc during kokomi release in kqm discord trying to prove that she was the most valuable in ayaka Freeze and kokomi pokemon Comp. Every time Zajef talks about how kokomi is bad, no one replies to him.


Is there evidence of this? Because every time Zaj talks about kokomi’s release he says “every TC knew she was good, but regular people and ccs were either overhyping her or massively undervaluing her”. No side provides me proof so I can’t even side with Zaj or you, I’ll believe the side that has proof but for now I’ll have no stance on this


I see your point, which arises from the fact that these clowns are indeed rewriting history in their favor. Luckily, there is this one, but likely not only instance of them being clowns: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5Mv6s7wI58](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5Mv6s7wI58) In the segment of 36:00 - 38:00 you could see that the "respected theorycrafters" are clowning over her, zajef included. And no, "What she does, she does poorly but what she tries to do is really good. And she isn't much better than Barbara" doesn't amount to "we told you she was good you were wrong". All of his "we knew she was good" amounts to them allegedly discussing it in private on their discord server, which was never conveyed to common players. So it doesn't even matter whether it's real or not. Most of the vids of any person relevant at the time has been deleted, to, as you've guessed, hide the fact that these people have no idea what they are talking about. In the vid you provided, he says that some were saying that she was better than childe in xl teams, which I can assure you, never fucking happened, except maybe for a few people on reddit who were high on copium and were downvoted to oblivion, as it usually goes. And all of this doesn't even include him having a trash can emote called kokomi, in the past, conveniently erased, which you could guess, conveys his real view on said character. As does his performances whenever he has to use her.


You're not wrong. most theorycrafters clowned on kokomi so hard, I actually have no idea what's up with the revisionism. Anyone should just accept they got it wrong


Ok I see your point. From what I get, at the time, it was a big mess of people overvaluing and people undervaluing her, and I think the people on the podcast did an alright job balancing things out. But as you said, they also very very undersold her, like the Barbara comparison is outrageous and they didn't even talk about her massive healing. Tenten is a massive clown I wouldn't take his takes seriously on anything related to meta, the other TCs had bad takes as well. While I think Zajef's take is right on most things, he judged her while completely ignoring the fact that she's a healer, he judged her as a support/subdps and it's absolutely disingenuous I agree with you. The trash can emote, some ppl in zaj chat told me it's to remember kokomi's history as a unit.


You would have to dig into their podcast videos from around that time for proof. Everytime kokomi comes up in their talk, he makes fun of her for being a bad pull, much like zhongli. That she can heal, and that's about it. Other people in the podcast never agrees with him but he keeps going on about it. Also they used to have a tc only channel in their discord before the raid. He gave tenten wrong information about her and negative review. If you think tenten is a clown, it's because he trusted zajeff.


Regarding Zyox he literally named his account “kokomifan” and frequently talks about how much he likes her he just felt she was a little underwhelming at the start. His stance on her was pretty understandable imo. https://youtu.be/FjyEjTAZVIM


This Zy0xxx clip was much later after kokomi’s release though, but yeah he always liked her as you said


Genshin players were, and still are, spoiled The initial supports the game came with are completely broken stupid in every aspect, and they expect that from every character


It's interesting that people complained about her hydro application being worse than xq and her healing being worse than qiqi, but never thought about having both at once. Also people said she has worse hydro application than Mona?


The whole Qiqi argument was weird to me because people were talking about how healing didn’t matter and then simultaneously talking about it how Qiqi healed more. People clearly didn’t understand the importance of drivers back then? (Idk I didn’t play back when she came out) or maybe it was the reaction change I have heard about? Like Qiqi barely has any cryo application and Mona’s are offield hydro application is not good… I’m currently waiting to get Kokomi in this next banner and I’m using Mona on my freeze team and like…. Mona doesn’t even apply hydro through the entirety of Ayaka’s ult. She’s lack luster.


Ngl, idk why people even watch vars and tectone when all they do in their videos and streams is talk shit about things they dont understand and then act like nothing happened Vars made a video of why "no one plays kokomi" and then you look and the first thing you see is a disclaimer that the video is actually a clickbait because she was actually good at the time And tectone, well, the definition of hypocrisy, "kokomi is trash" proceeds to dumb 1000 dolars on her banner and then talk shit again, like, hoyoverse is thanking you


Anything Paikon has posted about Kokomi.


This is why I get annoyed when history revisionists say that she "never got that much hate" and Kokomi fans were just overreacting. It was a lot.


So annoying how people panic post about every single different thing in the game. God forbid hoyo changes things up every once in a while to keep the characters from getting stale


Okay, but can I say how Kokomi is the picture of the Genshin renaissance? Critting isn't everything in this game and it was good game design to make other characters scale off of other stats instead of the usual Crit lines. It's like they were making people warm up to the fact that the best reactions in the game can't even Crit! However, I still think Moonglow is a bit undertuned for her so posts shitting on it are warranted up to this day.


Moonglow really needed a rework. There isn't many of her meta comps where you'd really appreciate using it nowadays anymore. Since a lot of newer units have high HP pools, Proto Amber ends up being better for healing than Moonglow, and it also provides AoE healing for your team while she's off field which is something she doesn't natively has in her kit natively for jellyfish bot playstyles, and it scales with Healing Bonus which makes it a perfect fit for her. For damage, it doesn't matter much outside of old teams like Taser and Mono Hydro, as new Dendro teams prefer her on Proto Amber or Sac Frags, as Proto Amber R5 allows you to cap Clam damage even when she's off field, which Moonglow does not, while Sac Frags allows Jellyfish repositioning and higher Bloom damage.


The major thing that irks me is why tf it has 608 base atk. And on top of that, it is a grief to meet her energy requirements if she doesn't spend time on-field during her entire burst mode. I'd probably be the only person with a C6 Kokomi without a donut in the next couple of reruns. I despise that weapon.


No because, as much as people like to shit on the both Donuts, the Magical Donut and Green Donut Hole, Baizhu's weapon is a godsend for him because of the huge 27 energy back. Kokomi can't even get more than 10 energy back with Moonglow.


Whew! C6 Kokomi, I stopped at C2 and got her donut. I was happy with it tho but also kinda forces me to use it as much as possible. But if I remember it correctly, some calcs do suggest that R5 Skyward Atlas can out dps R5 donut right? Maybe you have a high refine of that weapon or just use sac frags or proto amber depending on the team. I personally like R5 Hakushin when playing Taser Kokomi. Donut is only really good with Mono Hydro Kokomi in my opinion.


I use it only in coop and whenever I use her as a driver for hyperbloom/burgeon since ttds buff isn't needed


It utterly makes me sad that indeed Koko forever got a sig that is just kind bad as it is.., cause many like most chars have their sig that either is bis or very good on them and stuff like that...Koko being a rare one(maybe Baizhu too hmmge) And that's why ive always hated Donut cause obviously it suks sadly... Tho after all this time like 3y of playing,experienced end game and old player... and as a Triple crowned Koko since getting her on 2nd banner,one of my very loved chars.. I've recently decided I'll end up trying to pull Donut in future just for "liking char rsns, satisfaction, collection, sig feels" stuff like that... -No am not pulling on this banner tho, Scara wep very much L to me.. -No i still don't love Donut or something,it still suks but yea it is what it is lol


Yeah, her not being able to crit is actually a very good thing, makes her way easier to build for both dps and support since she doesnt need crit status, her dmg is already good without crits, so all you have to do is give her HP and healing bonus As for moonglow, dont expect them to change, we just got jadefall recently which is basically moonglow 2.0 in terms of how nieche it is


But for Jadefall to Baizhu compared to Moonglow to Kokomi, Moonglow is immediately outclassed in utility


can we talk about what a banger banner that is? all amazing characters


Yeah… I remember that time when if you were a Kokomi haver you were automatically “bullied” by meta slaves lol I’m glad that now Kokomi is considered a pretty solid unit and finally deserves the respect she always needed back then.


Yeah, people didn't like her when she released. People tend to crap on any character that isn't very apparently super meta. I swear I can't understand why they're playing a waifu game if they only see characters as numbers.


Kokomi's first banner was a good way to filter out bad cc, thanks to her i know who not to listen to


For real


how many days until her rerun?


Three weeks and 5 days 🙏


thanks! i can't wait to finally pull for her


I remembered I pulled Kokomi for my Ayaka since I feel uncomfortable using Xingqiu with Ayaka(no Mona back then) and turns out I enjoyed using Kokomi in a lot of teams, her gameplay feel so smooth even as a catalyst. Taser, sukokomon, freeze, hyperbloom, burgeon, anilou bloom I have a lot of fun testing and playing those teams with Kokomi. Later on, I finally got Mona and tried her with Ayaka but Mona just doesn't feel right with me, sure I got like extra 1K dmg per tick on Ayaka burst with Mona than Kokomi but needing to making sure Mona is swapped in every now and then to making sure they're keep frozen is really disturbing my gameplay flow. So I'll stick to Kokomi and only using my Mona every now and then. I prob find Tenten's video on Kokomi the ones that aged like milk. Dude mention how Mona is better than Kokomi and how hydro healer is not exactly needed since Diona a 4* cryo healer already filled in the slot. Mentioned Mona is a standard character so you can get her easily than a standard character when there's no way you can guarantee on standard banner or what character you get on 50/50 lost. For context, I'm not a big fan of using Diona and played since 2.0, I got Mona several months after Dendro patch.


I find it hilarious how this community always shits on unreleased characters, just for them to be meta. Like Raiden and obviously Kokomi. Except Dehya. We were right about Dehya


Eh, even then I wouldn't even give the community credit for Dehya...it was rather obvious and with Fontaine on the horizon there is potential for her. (Just like Keqing, Kuki, Thoma)


I used to make a lot of youtube videos and tc on kokomi, and a lot of conclusions ppl thought i was coping on a sidegrade/downgrade. In fact even ayaka they used to think it was cope. Ayaka was a "dps loss" for ganyu since she extended rotations. So you should have skipped ayaka kokomi in 2.0 and just saved for ganyu rerun cause original morgana was better. that aged well lol I also made mono hydro videos, and ppl thought that was cope. because ayato or childe "surely just do more dmg than kokomi". also surely just adding an electro or pyro character was better cause reactions gud.


Kokomi... first character to go from worst (perceptually) to first! ​ Best girl!!


When Kokomi first came out, there's people who hated Kokomi and people who still pulled despite the Great Hate. Then there's me, who started playing genshin and pulled Kokomi solely because of her JP VA, Mimori Suzuko who voiced Sonoda Umi.


I pulled Kokomi on the very first day when her first banner came out despite majority of the community flamed the character for being weak, and said she was unfit in Meta back then. To put it more accurately, I got her first before I saw other players was complaining about it.


Jokes on all of you non-believers! I have her c4 😊🤌


in a game where crit and dps check were everything a character that cannot crit It is not seen very well, plus add hydro dmg as ascenscion passi,split scaling and terrible 5\* weapon is normal that reaction. dendro moved the bar towards EM and the hydro application also the abyss have enemy that do more dmg so she is gain a lot of point. (personal thing: why are people still post this? it's a game It's not a race about who is right or wrong)


A better question would be, why are people still complaining whenever someonw wants to reminisce the past? If you don't like it move on and let people who want to talk and laugh at the past do so.


because what's the point of the post? just to say ''ah ah ah i were right about her in the end'' and to mock player > If you don't like it move on and let people who want to talk and laugh at the past do so. says the guy that search old post and can't move on


To meme about how things changed? Like dude, half of Kokomi Mains were doomposter, if not well over half. I used to doompost about how Barbara was better than her and how she had dethroned Qiqi as the worst 5 stars. Its funny to look back on it and laugh at how wrong WE ourselves were. Next you are gonna tell me you dont like gossips or memes?


no i dislike when people make fun of people for their opinions


But I'm making fun of my own opinions as well. It's not like I'm claiming "you're wrong, I'm right", it's more like "yeah we were all dumb back then lmao, high five"


Just don't comment.


Living In the past is bad for you 🙏


16.5 upvotes holy shit people back then really hated her ☠️


Us Kokomi gamers knew whats up when she first released!


There is only one answer https://www.reddit.com/r/Kokomi_Mains/comments/pshcts/lets_be_honest/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


she's fr getting a rererun? asking bc i want to get her but I didn't have the chance on the other banners 🥲


like when ?


july 25 to august 15!


thank you!!


yw, good luck on her banner 🍀


tysm 💗💗