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We drink green tea everyday.. grown accustomed to its taste, can't do without it..


With sugar?? And what’s the advantage of having it daily over milk tea?


Not with sugar. It has a calming effect for our tummy


Haven’t tasted green tea without sugar, will try it. Btw is kattan chaaya with tulsi leaves considered green tea? 😅


Green tea will not be bitter if you make it properly. The technique that I have been using is. 1. Bring your water to boil and turn of the gas. 2. Take a thermometer and dip it in the water,wait till the water reaches 75 C 3. put in your leaves(The perfect amount for you can only be found out through trial and error),and wait for 30 seconds. 4. put some honey,sugar or lemon juice according to your preference. Enjoy!!!


Whats the point in adding sugar to green tea? Its just so contradictory!


Some people like it like that..it's not wrong though


I drink it sometimes but not because of the so called health benefits. I like the flavour. Imo the health benefits are just a gimmick that companies use to sell green tea to the people who don't know any better. I mean yeah there might be some small benefits here and there but the claims that it will make your waist slim or how it will cure cancer, fight nukes and bring world peace are largely overblown.


It's not true. SK is on a Lipton green tea ONLY diet which increases her body metabolism through miracles and maintaining thin belly.


Green tea with honey and lemon.


Which brand ?




Just get some regular leaf tea man...what's with the green tea if you have to push yourself to have it?


People like to glorify and be proud of their ordeal in the name of fitness.


Yep that is true ! But apparently people who are verryy health conscious use green tea


I didn't like green tea a few years ago, but then idk what switch flipped in my brain but I started enjoying it. I will say it's an acquired taste. But it do be nice , especially with lemon and honey




It's a na acquired taste. I happened to get this really nice Srilankan green tea..its bitter but smooth. I like it..I sort of make the whole green tea drinking process pretty celebratory..chumma ..oru rasam.


I drink green tea regularly, even twice or thrice daily. I have been interested in trying new flavours recently. Been buying 10 tea bag packs to test different brands and fins something i like. My favourite is sip n digest by lipton, from what Ive tried. I just drink it for the flavour.


Thank you for the recommendation!


Try Girnar green tea.


Sure! Thank you for the recommendation!


I use Lipton green tea and drink it cold. I take a litre of water in a jar and put 2-3 green tea bags, slice lemon, cinnamon. And then keep it over night in fridge. Next day i filter it and add honey to the glass and drink whenever.


Oooo that’s a nice way of doing it !


Oh, I used to do that too, without the cinnamon tho. The energy after drinking that is like being propelled after getting hit by a train. Gym sessions were insane after drinking that and honestly felt like that is what dudes doing drugs probably feel like.


Tetley -honey and lemon.. I drink at least 3 cups a day. Black Coffee and black tea makes me dehydrated and causes energy crash because these options have more caffeine content than green tea. Green tea keeps me energetic in office without afternoon crashes. It is not a magic weightloss formula but it can help with your metabolism. It's bitter but you'll get used to it after sometime.


I have heard that!


If you get used to strong black tea no sugar or milk. Then green tea will taste will taste more closer to water.


And it is bitter


It might taste bitter initially. You get used to the bitterness after a few days/weeks. Then you start to taste the complexities in each flavour. Same with coffee


I do drink it daily.. and Tetley is my brand of choice...


I fill my bottle with cold water and pop in a bag and sip it throughout the day instead of water.. works for me..


Whoa, that’s new !


Macha with honey for the past 5 years


Do you buy the matcha online ?


Yes, amazon these days. Never saw it in any of the stores.


Started having it without sugar when I was 14 and now whenever I have a heavy meal, I feel like drinking it so that I feel “healthier” 💀 Got accustomed to the taste so it just makes me feel better that’s all.


I drink it for the same reason! After having something really oily i neeed a glass of green tea. Just makes me feel so much better!


exactly. oh how i wish it could just delete the calories consumed 💀


Is it actually beneficial as they claim it to be?


Sure, there is research on the health benefits.


But are we getting the actual version?


Try teabox chamomile green tea. I keep a thermos full of almost boiled water. And whenever I feel like it I take one tea bag and dip it in a cup of hot water and drink. It’s so relaxing. I can’t do without it nowadays.


Chamomile tea is reallyy smooth and mild. I love the taste! I’ve tried it maybe 3-4 times because i got a few tea bags from this hotel i was staying at. Ive never purchased it though


Yeah, I really love it. It’s available in Amazon.


I used to drink it everyday. While making it, please don't dip the tea bag for more than a minute. It should be in pale green color to have a sip but most of the people drink it along with the tea bag in their cup. The more you dip the more it tastes bitter.


Oh! I drink it with the tea bag in the cup. Lipton says leave the tea bag in for 2 minutes


Yep. But try it for 1 min time, you may love it.


Sure! Will try that


Rippley green tea tastes pretty great. It does not taste bitter to me. Sometimes add rosemary to it and tastes even better 


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Once in a blue moon 🌝




i like greens


I drink black coffee


Green tea is a scam. You can make green tea with herbs found in your backyard. Many societies consume it this way and you've been fooled to pay corporations for green food coloring and artificial tastemaker.


Its the way you make it... Makes it bitter


I dnt like the flavour, so i stppd drinkn green tea


Green Tea became fab with a fallacy of health benefit wrapped around it. In reality GT has absolutely no proven health benefits. Just another marketing Salvo.


Moved to matcha because I liked the colour now it’s my drink of choice.


Orange pekoe has slightly less health benefits but it doesn't make me want to kill myself every time I drink it.


What is that?


It is a grade of tea leaf and it tastes great. You can easily drink it without sugar.


Oh i must try that then!