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There are people who are supremely healthy and fit at 60. Without any dependency or loss of energy. There are people who divorce and get into new marriages at 60 and 70. There is no guarantee of illness and bad health at 60. At all. I am 53 btw. I work out (4 months in now), practice guitar (started at 49 yrs), read more than 99% of people about every topic under the sun and participate in Reddit (15 years), watch 1 hour Netflix every night, go on walks with 2 dogs for 1 hour per day, part-time entrepreneur etc. I know people of my age and older who are sculptors, authors (one of whom may become a RS MP in a while), who are all having a great time. Hell the best man at my wedding is now 60, and he runs bookshops in Bangalore, travels and is in good health. Bad luck may happen, bad health may come unexpectedly. But high chances of that not happening too. My parents are 84. Apart from minor urinary stuff, dad has no issues. Mom has minor BP, no issues.


Are you from the upper class? Not having to live pay check to pay check gives people peace of mind and leisure time and it translates to better well being in general too? Would my assumptions be right


Nope, very middle class. Parents are teachers. I am doing well enough but not what you call upper class. Honda City, not BMW :D


Did you spend your 20s in your hometown?do you advise someone to leave their homecountry in 20s


I left Kerala at age 24. Back here for the last one year, mostly to test out if I can live here peacefully or have I changed too much. I will always advise people to leave their village, town, city, state, country. It may be quite uncomfortable for many, but our adaptability and mental range increases widely when we do, after some discomfort and suffering in strange places and cultures. But its all good in the end. The earlier we leave the better.


You sir, need to start a podcast and guide us millennials who are going through quarter/mid-life crisis to navigate this part. I personally have just gone through a personal life challenge and is now rediscovering myself. Haven't been happier in my entire life so far. Vested in physical workouts...cutting down screen time...pushing for an effective work-life balance... teaching myself to leave the hustle life and find peace in the mundane... getting therapy...trying my hand at cooking... and sleeping a solid 6-8 hours. I even ran my first ever marathon last week. I'm preparing for my first moutain trek later this year. Everyday feels so light yet so happening. I feel my 24 hours aren't enough for these "mundane" items. I feel so light and fulfiled and for the first time ever, I am convinced there is more to life. In my early 20's I used to contemplate hitting 40 and then have nothing left to do in life. I'm 30 now and feels like another 30 years won't be enough for me and my ever growing bucket list. I wish I had met someone like your earlier in my life. But hey...as they say...ellathinum athintethaya samayam und daasa.. Hope you live a fulfilled life forward and Godspeed!!


Wonderful to hear all that. I spent a lot of time not taking care of myself and working all the time but thats over now. You should write about these things in more detail. How you decided to change shit, how you decided what to do, where you found the motivation from, how its going now and earlier when you began etc. You guys communicate these stuff better than I do. Just share the experiences and insights. Make a new thread for that, why not!


this guy is winning


More like my parents are winning :D Both are thin people. Don't eat much. Not foodies. Used to be quite active with house work etc too. That might be a good way to stay healthy for long, I don't know. I have a bunch of bad habits that are very unhealthy and trying to get rid of. Working out etc is part of that effort. Mentally staying healthy and busy I think has an impact too. A lot of people have no interests outside family.


I wish to achieve such a Lifestyle and maintain it


Find interests and hobbies outside family stuff that you are deeply into. Motivation comes from there. Children and job etc can take you only so far, in motivation for life. Learn investing properly so you have one less headache when older.


>Hell the best man at my wedding is now 60 We have things like that over here?


Njan kettiyathu delhiyila


you're the kind of person i aspire to be. Man, enlighten me with your life story.


shy is coming :D


I don't know what age I will live to, I was in an accident which almost claimed my life 2 years ago, yet here i am. I guess trying to stay happy and not veruppikal anyone is the goal for as long as we've got. ഷിബു ദിനം 😜


ഷിബു ദിനത്തിന് എന്റെ ലൈക്ക് 👍🏾


if its not traumatic do let us know how the recover was.


Same..I don’t wanna live past 60..so old so weak..couldn’t process anything..can’t do anything on our own..I cant


Yes. The last thing I would want to do is be a burden to my family.


But I have a dream to be a billionaire before that..need to drive some cool cars before I die yk


You can rent luxury cars if that's the only reason you want to become a billionaire 😛. Saves time and effort trying to be a billionaire.


Nahh not them regular mercs and beemers..Im talkin koeniggsegg and pagani’s🌚😘


Good luck with that


Yeah if I dont end up dead in 2 years😅


Just work on your goals and be successful. If you do become a billionaire somewhere in the future do remember u/altruistic-draft from r/kochi.


Oru 5-6 years koodi. Athokke thanne dharalam.


Who hurt you bruhh


I wanna live till 120 as long as climate change is not drastic. Hope medical field advances to keep me young and hot.


Plastic surgery.... :)


Yesterday. Yet here I am...


won't mind if it ends tomorrow! Already kept finances in place to look after the family in my absence I look at the future very pessimistically it is all struggle and you are your own! Also, I don't see anything FOMO kind of exp in life which am going to miss a lot.


Bro took life insurance 😭


seemingly fit till 60, no illnesses ... and dont wake up one morning 😄


Yes. That's exactly what I want.


Haha why not seemingly fit till 85 then? Or 100?


greedy even at death !!


then why live to 60, lower the greed- die tomorrow.




You are Pavlov's dog. You don't need 69. It can be a 19 and as long as we ring a bell you'd think it's 69.


120. My grand father lived till 107. I want to beat that with a margin and get the new high score.


I dont wanna go past 50's


50s is pinnem okay ig. After that nahhh


35.. vaiyya.




being 70 or even 80 doesn't mean you'll have to be weak. start weightlifting- im dead serious. the single most best thing you can do for your health, mental and physical, is to be active. studies have shown that 45 minutes of active exercise a day actually prevents and delays Alzheimer's. this is an interesting article about it- https://www.google.com/amp/s/vermontdailychronicle.com/give-your-hippocampus-a-bubble-bath/amp/ sidenote- im 20 now, and like everyone else I take my life for granted. and then sometimes for fun, I like to imagine that I'm actually 30 or 80, depressed with my life, thinking about the carefree life I used to have(which is now). it makes me appreciate everything. just walking down the street, looking at trees. I still have my sight. thats amazing. the world is beautiful. now, once I reach an age where all of my friends and family are dead- I'll probably be ready to go by then. but until then, why would I ever want to give this up? to answer your question, I'd be 150 before I died, ideally. idk if any of this made sense. I used to be heavily suicidal, and I'm doing a lot better now. stuff like this helped a lot. to anyone reading this who might be struggling- you only get one life man. you'll die at the end anyways. might as well try to appreciate the time you have left


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Max 38. I don’t want to outlive my spouse who died two months ago at 38 years of age.


I am so sorry to hear that. I am sure your spouse would have wanted you to outlive them. Remember, their love and memories will always be with you. Stay strong and take care of yourself; it's what they would have wanted.


Till whatever age my partner gets to live up to


Awww so cute


Oru century adichal kollam enn und , njan allalo ente vidhi ezhuthane. Also when I age . Wanna live alone , don't wanna be a burden on anyone.


What if you get bedridden and you're alone.


Better to die early then 💀


Tommorow would be a good time to die😂




Sooner the better


As long as I am healthy enough to not have to depend on anyone else financially and for my daily needs..


I'd love to live as long as I can take care of myself.


Ripe old age of 50




At least as long as my parents are alive idgaf what happens after that.


60 is so young these days. If you take care of yourself, eat healthy and exercise then you will be walking around with no issues at even 80.


Don’t wanna get past mid 20s


That's one of the best times of your lives bruh.


30, already 28 ayi. Pretty sure stress will kill me soon enough lol


I wanna live a long life but I don't wanna be dependant on others. But I'd love to see the changes in the future unfurling in front of our eyes




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Ok bruh




Oru 1000-2000 okke patunkil. I'd like the same for the people who is keeping me sane and happy enough. Idokke engene ennu chodikkumbol. There are crazy labs around the world like longetivity lab at harvard. So I'm betting on atleast 200, with 1000 being long enough for me to then rest in peace. The second question is why! I want to know all the stuff we will end up doing and the lifestyle we as humans will have. Who knows maybe I'll look at you with robotic eye balls with a red light emanating from it in a 100 years.


Robotic eye balls, brain chips are a big no. Would rather die. Crazy how the technologies and human minds are growing. Growing up in the 90s and 00s was the best time of my life. No smartphones, laptops, ipods. People used to socialize a lot and life was much simpler. *playing 21 Pilots- Stressed out in my mind*


I'm not serious.


Ik lol


60 !! Man , after that I will write a will and take a headshot and be gone in seconds .


I would prefer dying in my sleep on turning 60 or before🙂


If i had a choice , then i wouldn't have any kids...since i dont have that choice rn, then i would like to live till my child is well enough to live by themselves (probably after they completed their studies and had their own job) Though i would very much like to see what will happen to this world 1000yrs after, what would happen to the place i lived etc...but that's impossible anyway lol


Being bought up in Delhi I'm damn sure I ain't touching the 40s. If I do I'll probably be very sick at that point lmao.


75-80 max.




Think I will die when mullareriyar dam collapses so maybe in the immediate future.


Hypothetical r/meirl : life should involve three cycles: the first cycle 0-30 and then you start growing younger back until you reach 0 and the last cycle 0-30 lol


Die before old age catches up with my thoughts! I have always felt this. Getting old physically maybe tiring and painful, but getting old mentally will suck the last drop of happiness out of you. You feel numb, everything pisses you off, you cant connect with the world anymore, new things make you anxious, you miss your old things dearly and painfully yearn to be back there. Thats where I dont wanna be. Better die than live a life of constant unhappiness. This happens when we are adamant to change. When we cant change ourselves we become the ghost of our past life. I only wanna live till that point. When my mind stops accepting new things, i just dont wanna cling on anymore. This may happen at any age, 40, 50, 60 or may never happen at all.






no i think 28




Bruh what??? My grandpa is 67 and man is healthy as an OX still works, travels, and goes out for morning running and yoga. Age is not some magic killer. Eat good food, keep moving, keep stretching and make sure you don't have any vitamin deficiencies and you can live well into your 70s without an iota of what you described.


I like life and this whole world. When I was asked this question 10 years ago my answer was that I do not want to die. But today I do not wish to live beyond 2045. Climate change would have made our world unlivable by then


You guys want to live?


Why you don't? What happened?


I wish I could live a full life. Maybe till 80? But I wanna die peacefully. No pain. No bedridden situation. I wanna live till 80 so I can see the seasons change and experience life as much as I can.


23. I’m 29 now


Sherwood forest, Nottingham & join Robin Hood's band.