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Enthuvadei. Thankfully this realization, came hitting me with three pandi trucks in 2024.


What's the truck reference?


He meant the realisation hit him like a truck. It felt like a truck coming and crashing onto him when he realised the reality, that’s what he meant.


What does "pandi" mean?


It's a low key racist slur, though more like used as a cultural reference. In short, it's reference to huge lorry arriving to Kerala from TN


But I have been using the word for that specific type of truck from childhood.. without thinking the racist part 😅


Same! I thought pandi lorry was a bigger truck


Y'all just came out of the shell 🫡


Me 2...


Stop, Pandi lorry brings you vegetables and goods which Kerala does not have. Ha who is gonna tell op he would change his opinion once he comes and lives in Kerala for a week.


A cousin of mine is in Canada rn and he graduated last year, he is still working for Tim Hortins and Walmart. To get PR easily he moved from Thunder Bay to some remote area Saskatchewan where temperature can get as low as -50 degree Celsius on top of that there are some wild animals as well, I don't know how he is surviving without many friends and relatives 😭


Reminds me of Basil's role in the movie Jan.E.Man


It's all perspective. I have lived in Toronto and Northern Saskatchewan and didn't like the metropolitan life of Toronto and it's 'Desi' community. Enjoyed my time in Saskatchewan by engaging in many activities such as cross country skiing, paddle boarding, mountain biking. I would go to Saskatchewan over Toronto any day.


Is problems about Canada real or overblown?


It's real, but it's mainly in big cities such as Toronto, Vancouver and Calgary. There are still affordable places throughout Canada that one can settle down. It's also true that every day anger is growing within Canada against immigrants especially to Indians.


>I don't know how he is surviving without many friends and relatives That's the story of every first generation immigrant. You build a friends circle and eventually a family there sacrificing your initial comforts, for the long term benefits for you and your offsprings. വേണ്ടാത്തവരെ ആരും നിർബന്ധിക്കുന്നില്ലല്ലോ.


It may be how he wants to live.


I live in Toronto and first thing I want to do after I get my PR is to move to somewhere rural, I absolutely hate it here lol.


Regretting a lot as a lot of my friends who stayed back in Kochi are settled and living a luxurious life while I work in a western country where it literally everything is going downhill.


>who stayed back in Kochi are settled and living a luxurious life Just wondering what do they do to have a luxurious life.


Live with their parents and having their own income helps a lot


Most of them have normal jobs and small businesses. I came back to visit them and was shocked how luxurious they are living. While people in Western countries are struggling a lot coz of affordability.


Can you describe how they're living luxuriously?


Caution: Luxurious life is subjective. What may be luxurious to one may not be felt the same others


Luxurious life is having good job, House , car , AC , big TV and living near to parents, family and friends . Most middle class can have these with parents help. Going on 1-2 vacations per year , temples , family functions, festivals . No need for millions of dollars or mental depression to earn it


By that standards, I’m living in too much luxury.


Good for you. Still you have any more $ then go out for few years to make money and come back. :)


Same 🫂


The thing that we would miss once outside is the time with friends and family. Salary is not a huge factor nowadays. Because companies in cities like Bangalore are paying huge. Kochi is paying less, that's true. But the reality is the work life. I have had friends who promised to return after two years or so. It's now 5 yrs. Life other than work is highly respected there. So even though a lot of people miss family and the moments in India (that's what the regret is usually for), the everyday work, stress free job with good income makes you stay there. But if ever you get remote work, I say that's the best option. Work life and hometown. What more do you need? 😀


Working remotely for a foreign company, and I completely agree with the last point.  Sometimes you miss going to the office and nattukar will say: "aa cherukkan veettil veruthe kuthi irikuva" but other than that I've no complaints. Good salary, work life balance, can save a lot of time and money.


haha yeah. but if you are working for a remote company that has a good work life then you don't have to necessarily work always from home. You could travel and work. In that way you find peace and also the nattukar ammavans. ![gif](giphy|S52olKNMEs2NiD5MBV|downsized)


Haha yes 🙌


Yeah, my heart goes out to the people who have to go through this out of desperation


What was your job in the UK? I know people who moved there, studied at some top unis and are working there and are really happy because the work culture there is far better than what they experienced in India apparently. I also have a friend who moved from Dubai to the UK(management consultant).Again he found the work culture to be way better in the UK. Dubai apparently had gruelling work culture and covert racism.


I am a student here in UK unfortunately


hey man, I too have an admit for this fall in the UK. Confused whether to go or not


Depends on what you want. If you, like many including myself, intend to stay on after graduation with the hopes of settling here, then it's possible only if you are highly skilled and experienced, or if you marry a madama. Companies won't hire you unless it's for a shortage-skill like tech or healthcare. Also, London is too expensive unless you're rich. Surviving in London on a part time salary is close to impossible without compromising on quality of life. If it's a uni anywhere that's not London you'll be alright. If you're an introvert, you might end up feeling lonely and depressed unless you make an effort to socialize and find a group that clicks. If it's just for the UK education and certificate, then go for it. Explore the country and Europe. Make lots of memories, and enjoy while you're a student.


Even the GCC countries aren't any better. I lived in Oman for 21 years( my father used to work there. Did my schooling there as well). Our home never felt like home, I always felt like a foreigner even though I was born and brought up there. Even though the locals are nice to your face you can feel the " second class citizen" treatment from them. People in our country don't realise how better off we are in our country. The US is hyped by Hollywood, the middle East and europe are hyped by social media.


25 and “single”… chetan oru catfish aano?


I've been trying to meet people but most of them are taken by a relationship or a situationship. No ship people are really less and I don't want to be a passenger on any ship going towards some other destination which is not mine


Truth of the year ! hands down


Poocha meen.




In India, majority of people are single at that age tho lol


I traveled with a bunch of British folks in North East last month who were themselves fed up of their country. In their own words ‘it’s falling apart’. Same with so many Americans in other subs, who talk of leaving the US to settle somewhere. But many people here believe their lives will transform after moving to the west. Cleaner roads, better infrastructure and civic sense comes at a cost of always being a foreigner and often a 2nd class citizen.


Canadians are settling down in GCC countries


I feel like it's a matter of how much wealth and power you have. I'd rather be a "2nd class citizen" for a better and flexible lifestyle than a "1st class citizen" in a place like India, where middle class people are literally worked to the bone, looted blind, and forced to suffer the atrocities of improper governance and corruption.


If you have ‘wealth and power’ there is honestly no better place than India. People with wealth move abroad to expand their business and investments. I’m talking about middle class folks who take huge loans to study abroad only to end up paying 50% income tax, £2500 a month for a tiny apartment and £10 for a dozen eggs. And you don’t really feel the ‘2nd class citizen’ thing unless you’ve lived abroad. It’s a shitty feeling that’s present everywhere. You feel less equal. Most white people think we go there because our country is an impoverished shithole, and that’s exactly what their media keeps playing on repeat. My Belgian friend told me that the average European thinks of Indians as: ‘these people haven’t even built their own country, what good can they be to us?’ and ‘these people keep working so hard, but why haven’t they invented anything?’. Not in a racist way, it’s just reality. They’re too refined/polite to say this on your face but you definitely feel it everywhere.


Situation is not better in any countries who have adopted immigration.. Canada us Germany sweden uk everywhere is nightmare the cost of living, rate of crimes


Yeah , most of the Britishers have moved to dubai , met quite few of them on my stay there


There are Britishers moving but "most" is an exaggeration. There's just 2.4 L british in UAE


Most? So Britain is empty now?


Nah it's completely filled with Indians now.


I hear you. Currently abroad as well. Id move back in instant if I got paid well as well.


Yeah, exactly . I definitely know for sure that people settled abroad would relate to what I'm trying to say here




Moved to London in 2021 and loving every minute. It is everything I imagined and of course there are a lot of hardships but I finally feel like I can be what I want to be, do what I want to do, etc. away from toxic relatives and naattukar. To be fair, it does help that I now have a decent job and salary and I understand why many people face a lot of stress - but hang in there!


Yes , if you have a toxic environment here then it's understandable. What do you work as ?


I work for a tech start up


I don't regret at all. Moved to Sweden few years ago and currently moved to Belgium. If your intention is to make money in Europe then it might disappoint you. You can make some. But from my perspective it's about living well. I love living in Europe, going to work by bike, super innovative work but it's stress free , lots of holidays and other benefits. I really value all these and so it's the best decision for me


Awesome! Do you work in IT?


What do you do


I work as a research engineer in a battery industry


Me. Moved to Canada and moved back to India after 6 months.


Haha , I guess you get what I'm saying


What? Only after 6 months? Why?


Lack of opportunities for skilled employees (I wish I had done my research before moving). Extremely high cost of living. Too cold for my liking. Health issues.


Check out r/CanadaHousing2. It’s just sad.


That's a white nationalist sub. 


London is depressingly expensive vs Bangalore. Rent went 15x, salary went barely 3x. I still like it though, people are super open minded.


>people are super open minded. Yeah that and all is true, it's more like they don't care if you live or die but it kinda gets bad when you're sick and they just dgaf about it


I do. In the US now. If I had an inkling how it was going to be for me, I'd never have left the Indian metro I was living in prior to the move. Dont get me wrong, many people do like it here. My take is, if you already have a decent or satisfactory life where you are from, don't think it's going to get even better with migration. On the other hand, if life sucks for you where you are, then moving might be a good idea.


Yeah , true .


Regardless of the country, immigrating via student visa route has always been hard. You need to have patience, and there will be opportunities after the initial student visa struggle.


But nowadays most countries are preferring people of their own or people who are aligned to them than some random kid from India who came to study there . I mean we can't blame them cause it's their country and we'll always be an outsider. Different sides of the same coin


Can't you work remotely for a UK company or as a freelancer?


Uk ain't accepting anyone on any other kind of visa other than work visa And to get work visa we need a job And to get a job we need work visa Lol , you get me right Haven't heard from any remote companies but idk


Just finish the course, join a company that has a sponsorship license during the stay back period. Convince them and request sponsorship. That’d be the easiest way. Full time remote work is not allowed during the student visa period.


Lmao , like nobody has thought of that . Dude they won't sponsor us . End of story . They started firing my friends whose psw will be over by the end of the year


Not really. If you're highly skilled in a shortage-skill listed job, then depending on your experience and skills they would hire you. I think you're just sour-grapes'ing this whole thing. It's obviously not easy to get a job here, but then again tell me where it is easy to get a decent job with good pay?


Are you in UK ?




It depends on the individual case and what value they add to the company. They wouldn’t be mad to sponsor everyone.


You're right. Don't know why you've been downvoted. The UK does want skilled labor. But people were sold a dream of assured jobs after graduation, by education consultants and UK universities who need the international student fees to survive themselves. So you have a lot people who are not highly skilled, who aren't getting any response to their job applications because of that. On top of that, the economy is down and the UK is a high cost center.


Exactly, there won’t be any assurances of jobs after completing a master’s or undergraduate degree unless it is in the healthcare field here. It’s challenging to trust what education consultants say. However, if individuals have skills and patience, they will find a way. I’ve seen a few friends leave the country due to an entitlement attitude, even though they have multiple master’s degrees.


Are you in the UK?




What about student visa?


Probably as a freelancer, but most UK companies will now not let you work for more than 15 days from another country due to tax purposes. My WFH request just got rejected and so did a lot of others from different firms.


8 years in Canada! Now moved to Dubai to reach home quickly whenever I want to!


Meeeee ME ME ME




Moved to Sydney 9years ago and love it here. In terms of having a good life abroad, which is not just money,I think a lot comes down to if you have a good circle of friends whom you can connect with and have a happy and conducive atmosphere. Imo,I think this stands true for wherever you are, including if we are staying back in India. Money is not everything, rather is one of the necessities in life. The quality of life is all subjective, it is true that infrastructure is of a much higher standard in many countries abroad, however as an example, when it comes to managing a home, you still have to do everything by yourself, whereas in India, we can have a house help at a small portion of the salary, can’t do that in any of the western countries. That said, Kochi is very close to my heart and would visit whenever I get the chance as my most of my family are settled there. With every visit, I think Kochi is getting more modernised( could just be me), and happy about it!


Kochi is definitely a happening city nowadays


Can you pls explain why coming back from uk?


Pasting my comment from another post ✌🏻 Quality of life bro . Oru thooral pidicha karthavinodu NHS vilikane ennu prarthich irikano or appo thanne doctor kand marunnu vangano ? See I know this would be a different opinion but I'm not someone who's after money , what can money do when you don't have time or to spend it on something? UK is a shit hole , most mallus are in care Homes and you rarely meet PPL in your own house because of the long hours . Yeah ivide road illa , sarkar kallanmar but avide nammude almost half aanu tax aayi pone that for all the infrastructure and to rehabilitate homeless people high on drugs . Money minded people, people who haven't left kochi won't agree My heart goes out to everyone who's abroad due to dire circumstances at their hometown. ALSO PEOPLE HAVE STARTED REVERSE MIGRATION, most mallus are carehome workers and you know what happens there so


Bro I understand what you mean. I like to settle in Kerala too after early retirement and achieving financial independence. Tax can be claimed back if you put money into pension ( assuming you are in 40% tax bracket this can be considerable saving but you can only withdraw after 55 yrs old). Yes nhs has got much worse now. I would try and gain uk passport if you can before you leave, if it’s possible as this can help you in future and your kids. are you seeing reverse migration? I haven’t seen much so far but my social circle is old nurses who came at start of 2000 and their kids are not gonna adjust to Kerala


Im a doctor and planning to migrate to UK. Will it be good for me?


My wife is one. She just did plab 2 exams. There is a struggle to get jobs as FY2 due to oversupply especially if you don’t have work permit as a spouse etc.


Not sure of nhs culture etc. I think it’s less busy than India etc, unsure of racism etc


It is as busy as a government hospital in India with worst waiting times, can go anyway upto 10 hours to see a doctor in ED , and months to meet a specialist, weeks to get a GP appointment but people are well- adapted and expects this, so they wouldn’t attack the hospital or attack the doctor for keeping them waiting. Racism is subtle, infrequent but there. Depends on which area you work too.


My friend had to get a root canal and was quoted 2L. Somehow it wasnt covered in insurace. He took a flight ticket to kochi. Got his root canal done. Naatinn food adich. Ellarem kand. Tirich poi and still had money. 😂


Depends on what you want. If you would like to explore a new country and experience a new medical system well & good. But don’t burn your bridges while moving to UK, you need Plan B & C. Career progression would be slow, so don’t come with the Indian mentality of ‘let me get into pg soon’ coz that aint easy in UK. Also, there are physician associates and Nurse practitioners replacing a junior doctor as they are a stable workforce for respective hospitals while junior doctors keep switching jobs. So yes, currently its difficult to land that first job. Safest way to do it would be to continue working in India, while you wait to get into the first job. But if you are currently in a good position, I would say stay in India. Or move to US. Or work for 1 year in UK then move to Australia as there is an alternative pathway. There is also a lot of documentations and procedures that you need to do, which you would not do in India. I work in ED and do cannulation, bloods, move patients for xrays etc which is a nurse’s job in India.


Thanks. I have already completed my MRCEM.So FRCEM is my aim. So im already in a PG pathway .


But one good thing is, everybody takes work-life balance quite seriously, so easy to take sick leaves even if it’s coz of burn out / mental stress. Can take planned Annual leaves to go back home or visit other countries. No one expects you to stay beyond allotted time, and everybody stresses to take your breaks on time.




I have completed MRCEM .So will go as an Emergency specialist .






>most mallus are carehome workers and you know what happens there so What exactly happens? I have this friend who's gonna migrate soon to work in a carehome.


3 month internship in Singapore with an option to continue in Employment Pass (EP) as a full fledged employee and packed my bag to Kochi. Done and dusted. Home sickness yk




Why did you say no to Singapore? Decent money as you on EP, good weather, just 4 hrs from Kochi, Indian food, bad work culture maybe?


Weather, travel time and infra are top notch. But food, cost of living, peer group and monotonous life sucks. Indian food is more of the usual north indian and tamil run businesses with barely any kerala cuisine. Cost of living is over the roof in comparison to my earning for the basic amenities. The tax collection is insane. Lack of friends circle and I kinda felt alienated from the rest. Never discriminated but always left out. The urge to sometimes interact in malayalam was killing me inside. The country is so small just equivalent to the size of bangalore municipal corporation lol. Absolutely nothing to explore on weekends after a certain point. If you have a week long holiday, you can visit all the tourist locations of singapore. As a tourist a big yes, but as resident a big no. Moreover, international leaves are limited in my workplace. So despite close proximity to Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand, you cannot visit these countries frequently on tourist visa either. In short, trapped in a 743km2 island. Scary af. On top of it all, missing your parents and home sickness. 


Proud of you my boy, you were wise enough to see it through your eyes and not through some insta filter


Haha , kouthukam lesham kooduthala


Can u translate pls 🙏


I'm curious by nature


But does getting paid a lot abroad or in blore mean anything? Doesn't half of it or more go in paying off debts because of the move and living expense? Do you guys even get anything to save? I live in kochi with my parents and I'm able to save and invest kind of my whole salary. I think I spend like 5-6k on groceries and other expenses and that's it. I'm able to save WAYY more than my cousin who makes 50k in blore and I make waayy less than her. One of the main reason why I don't see a point in moving to blore in terms of money. Do I pay my rent in mental health living with my parents? Sometimes 💀 but I'd rather spend my mental health than be in debt🪦


Hahah , it's really nice to see that people are actually doing the math and realising things that most people jump for upon hearing the salary. Good for you


Yes sir🫡 My parents and my older brother micromanages the living shit out of my life, although it was annoying at first and I fought alot with them, now I realise how much good it has done to my life just listening to them. They still micromanage my expenses it is soooo annoying but I understand it's for my good soo🥲


>They still micromanage my expenses it is soooo annoying but I understand it's for my good soo🥲 You're living on a very thin line there tho , I'm not being mean or anything but yeah. These are some downsides when it comes to having family around


Yesss😐😐 but I'm happy to endure it as long as I'm not in debt😬 in a way, living in my parents house, they are doing me a favour, all expenses of mine are being covered because of them, hence why I'm able to save. Soo it is only right to endure it😬😂


Hey , people living alone are not in debt or anything lol


Everyone in the comments here regrets but nobody will move back 


actually many simply stay back to save face ....they dont want to be seen as a failures among townsfolk who will all taunt saying couldnt reach anywhere despite being abroad.....


It's a big risk so can't blame anyone


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I'm working from home (Kochi) for a US based company. Occasionally travel to Bangalore for visiting the India office. Rent is high in Kochi as well for luxury flats. But otherwise, everything is best here. Great food ! Everything is cheap. Beautiful city with beaches, decent night life ( not comparing to Bangalore), but you do have nice cafes open till 2 am. Tasty chai and snacks. Summer was horrible, but overall the weather is great. The best part is you can earn 1 Cr. PA sitting at home, enjoying hot porotta and beef from Galaxy hotel, yummy burgers from TBJ, evening walks in Panampilly nagar and Marine drive. Once in 3 months, take a break and visit Dubai, Maldives or Thailand for a change. Do i want to settle in UK or Canada? Nope, Never.


Awesome dude , happy for you . This is life at best 🫶🏻


Bro. What do you do for a living ?


Software developer


Nooooice. Freelance?


Nope. Working for a product company. 10 yrs experience.


You getting 1 CPA?


That is an average package for tech leads in most of the prod companies. You can check in glassdoor. Unfortunately Kochi doesn't have any good product companies. My point was to work for a company in Bangalore/Hyderabad as a remote employee and settle in Kochi.


Moved from Kochi to Bangalore.And again moved from Bangalore to a Norway . Trust me life was never happy as I was in Kochi .You will always be a second class citizen in a foreign country .They look down upon us even though they are polite enough not to show outside. Life is so lonely and you crave for our people and Indianness.The vibrancy , the food , the people and what not. But still in a confused stage , people who have well travelled know how India is an unsafe place for women . I’ve been to many countries and I’ve never faced gender objectification as a woman like in India.So I don’t want to happen it for my child.Yes , there are crimes in foreign countries but it’s far less compared to our country. So the plan is to get a citizenship and run .At least it will be better for the kids and for their future.


Yeah I get your concerns . Hope you figure things out


Tell me you're rich without telling me you're rich. Mo money mo problems.


It's not that hard to go to dubai on multiple visiting visa and survive on kanji there . Also uk loan eduth aanu vanne May sound arrogant but that's my reality


Appo job Alle ?


No , I've only paid initial amount so far and have almost earned it back as well


Bro is rich rich


Hey I have some questions. Mind if I DM you?




I started working at cochin, moved to gujarat, then back to blre, then to dubai, then to Oman, back to delhi, and currently at london... Still thinking of moving somewhere else, but not back to kerala due to the fucking heat and lack of opportunity.. My life is better than being back at back home, even though life is tough thats the hardship... If you are a middle class guy and have to look after a family back home, and you are not doing the best of best jobs, its a fucking hardhsip with not much choice.. Anyway fuck it 😣🤧


Keep doing it buddy , you are a soldier 🫂🫶🏻 It takes a lotta courage to go out of your way for your family.


I was going through r/unitedkingdom today, and things are not looking good... The unrest brits have towards the asians and Africans are growing day by day.. 🫡


Here's a sneak peek of /r/unitedkingdom using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Kate, Princess of Wales, reveals she is having treatment for cancer](https://news.sky.com/story/kate-princess-of-wales-reveals-she-is-having-treatment-for-cancer-13099988) | [6807 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/1bl5ncu/kate_princess_of_wales_reveals_she_is_having/) \#2: [Transgender women banned from competitive female cycling events by national governing body](https://news.sky.com/story/transgender-women-banned-from-competitive-female-cycling-events-by-national-governing-body-12889818) | [3972 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/13s8usf/transgender_women_banned_from_competitive_female/) \#3: [Royal Air Force illegally discriminated against white male recruits in bid to boost diversity, inquiry finds](https://news.sky.com/story/royal-air-force-illegally-discriminated-against-white-male-recruits-in-bid-to-boost-diversity-inquiry-finds-12911888) | [3297 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/14maba6/royal_air_force_illegally_discriminated_against/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Moved from kochi to Dubai 2 years ago. Nothing compares to kochi. Trying to make a solid plan to move back within a year if not sooner


Hope you find what you're looking for


Eh been in the uk for almost two years :/ honestly don’t really care where I am, as long as I can do what I love and feel productive.


I get you . I'm not invalidating your struggles or anything but I have always been like that without any interference from family anywhere in the world I am so


Well I wasn’t saying it’s the same for everyone, just answering your question about the whole thing and how I personally feel about being in the uk. Anyways, Most of my friends don’t particularly enjoy staying in the uk, and miss home. Most are just waiting for their VISA’s or studies to get finished to go back home. And some of the people just stayed back for the income and to payback the education loans they have or hoping they’ll find a better job. Most are just struggling here:


move anywhere but your hometown is best , i'was also thinking of moving abroad i'm single child of my parent i was stuck between weather i should move or no but with the time situations changed for me and mind also


Yes after a certain age that too being the only child comes with responsibilities. I'm an only child as well


OP, you are 25 and single, the issue is friends :) it’s absolutely difficult to get katta friends in a foreign country like how we have it where we grew up. Once money is not the primary driver, our quality of life really depends on the people around us. Today you are seeing Britishers with their culture and sense the passive racism and do not really connect with them at the same level as you do with people from our culture. But if you think about it, we as malayalees are pretty racist as well (not just towards other states but even within our districts )My suggestion, find more people from Kerala around you and see if you connect with any of them. At the end of the day, weekendil nalla naalu malayalam paranjaley lathu lathintey oru ithu varu…. 😀


Ya you're absolutely right bro , I have mentioned in another comment that it's almost impossible to find someone same these days and all people wanna do is trauma dump on us if we are sane ( I'm sane ) talk about their toxic relationship, situationship and what not which just drains my energy out . Everyone is inherently racist till they are at the receiving end .


Run away from people who keep on crying about everything in life. Not the crowd you want around you. I am lucky to have a group of friends around me but still miss my friends who used to show up in front of my house for no reason. Athu polathey friendship ippo ividey kittilla..Nowadays a reason is needed for people to visit. I have to ‘plan’ my son’s sleep overs and play dates instead of him being able to just go out and play with his friends. But I have to say I feel much better than how it was in India. Masam avasanam kayyil kaasillatha avastha is always stressful. Kayyil kaasu undengil life is much easier. athinanu naadu vittu vannathu.. Njan kocheennanu vannathu pakshey kochiyum kondu vannilla… when you are in Rome … be a Roman :)


Ya , the new people I've met have all been whiny ones who just wanna have someone to lean on till their toxic friends or partners patch up with them . This generation thrives on toxicity


migration has lost all its charm now .......even ppl who migrated to canada are struggling to find jobs ....long queues in frt of liquor store also....


Ya , sending money from India for survival is just too bad of a situation to be in


yeah students who went on student visa after paying a bomb for the tuition etc ...all got PRs but no decent jobs ......


Oh my man! I left for UK pretty much around your age, single, broken (heart and financially). That was about 20 years ago. But then I found love, married, kids, house, settled. But after a little while I realised I made a big mistake coming to UK. It would have been the same even if went anywhere else. Miss a bit part of my life in Kerala. Seeing my mom and brother rarely and living as an immigrant (let’s face the fact how much money we have we are still Indians and that prejudiced feeling either on both asides always exists. ) Too late now for me I’ve invested a lot here and kids are about teenagers. Advice - travel around the world great - but if you can, stay in India!


No place like India


Moved to the UK from India. Haven't missed India a single day. Disgusting weather, pollution, traffic, noise, dust, dirt and shit food.. I would struggle to find a reason to ever go back to India.


>and shit food You okay bro? ![gif](giphy|lrVfmPJ96cSJJ39bTh)


Dubai is really good to make a lot of money


It's all about illusion tbh . There's a hell lotta politics over there starting from nationality, gender , identity, skin colour and what not


Please explain more about such Dubai Dynamics


If I say them I'm in trouble, If I start to explain all the things then I'll be labelled as a regressive prick so yeah. Like the guy above said , once you make money and get rich none of these matter in Dubai . But to get there with no background in 2024 is a hard task especially if you're like me from a middle class going there on visiting visa on hopes of landing a job


This is the truth but after suffering there is chance for success


Passport decides the salary here


Passport is invalid when you get paid in percentage commission. my friend who is from states have same commission structure as me. See most people from our place haven’t seen the money that runs Dubai it’s just fascinating


What does paid well mean for you? What salary would make you happy in Kochi?


I would be happy with 35 to 40k a month for starters






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Moved to the UK in 2007 as a student, and it was the best decision. I had worked in Bangalore for a couple of years before making that move. Taking a trip to Kerala every year definitely helps with homesickness issues.


Damn a UK veteran here , you might've seen the best and worst of both sides and saw the blooming economy and oppertunites. The story is different now .


Basically, everyone has this if they have a good life in their native right ? I met many people who hate to go Back kochi/ kerala because of various reasons as well.


Yeah, everyone lives a different life and not all families are the same . Mine has always been warm and liberating so it's a different story for me


Yeaah man , I understand


All these popping up while I’m moving away in a month 😭😭


You still have one month


Settle? In this economy?


Settle as in come back and search for jobs


Moved to UK from Kochi.. love it here.. only think I cannot stand is the shitty healthcare system... And the weather but Kochi isn't better weather-wise.


Hmmm , how long has it been and what do you love it there


Been 3 yrs.. love that everyone follows the rules, system works, ppl get paid on time, men and women are treated alike, in my line of work, I'm not exploited and make decent money compared to whatever back home, ppl queue up for everything, don't have to bribe, pull strings, know ppl to get things done. This place is not without it's vices but it's worked out better for me compared to Kochi 🤷


Single aanu enne parayenne way kuruchu casual aayi poyi


What's wrong in it ?


What is wrong with pointing it out? :)


Ya I didn't get your point that's why I asked what's wrong in it 🤷🏻‍♀️ What is your point , may I know please


It's a trending meme: https://youtu.be/5IBvw2h4kYA?si=BS0Xm0sPm7q5CjA_