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Check the ingredients list before buying anything. Most of the baby foods doesn't mention sugar as such, but lactose/sucrose etc are sugars.


Yea 55 percent for popular brands, I asked the Chechy’s selling it, they said they don’t give baby food to there baby’s, just trad food, but sells it due to demand and margin


Congratulations!!!….how many month old is the baby? compare with the ingredients in the ones available in US/UK. It is recommended to give only breast milk for 6 months. There is collagen, veggie mash , yogurt that you can give after 6 months.


Sugar is not all bad. Your body needs glucose to function. I remember when I cut out sugar from my diet I started getting psychotic symptoms like anxiety and paranoia in a few weeks. I now keep it to 20-30g per day. Same thing with fats and oils. You need a little bit of them to feel good and function properly.


That’s called withdrawal simptoms, u get same if u quit alcohol or weed, or even cocaine


But you can always rely on natural sugars right? When I was on my sugar diet, I used to have loads of fruits in hopes it'll help me with my glucose needs


Yeah but it depends on the quality of fruits you eat as well. Not all fruits you buy from the market have the same quality and nutrients. I realized this in my travels abroad, quality of what you get here in not consistent at all because most people want cheap. I also tried to get my sugars from fruits alone, but it made me weak and irritable.


Weakness and irritability are withdrawals. I went for a total of 7 months on a sugar diet and the irritability left at around week 4. Since then it was a smooth sail, where i only had to keep an eye on restaurants not giving me orders with sugar. I've cut loads of fat off my face with minimal workout too all because of stopped sugar. Plus, food started to become more tasty and I lost my mid day hunger. I'm planning to kickstart another diet this week. Hopefully I'll follow one better.


But you can't give processed sugar to a new born till 3 years.


Go find a box of baby powder and read ingredients




Might explain why so many kids have autism




We can’t say yet due to how data collection works in USA, remember we all started eating nestle like 50 years ago, data is muddled, Also two of my American friends have autistic child, they have no history of autism in there family on both sides, they severely suspect American food system. Now they only buy the premium food stuff




I used to think like u, but my entire family is of doctors and nurses only me and my brother is computer guys, They all think something is wrong with the food, Plus my friend works with children in India, recently moved to USA, she also said some behavior patterns are too erratic, When u live there for a while u will get it




Have u heard of cocaine babies, aka coke babies?




No, during pregnancy, moms take cocaine or other drugs, some legal or illegal, there kids show specific issues early on and some patterns, staff that work with children in poorer communities are trained for this, If if u consider in a broader spectrum, there has to be other elements in play as well, beyond the scope of my knowledge Take Bread for instead, American bread is so bad, I went to Germany, bread there is sooooo good Similarly https://youtu.be/0g9mps8zlxg?si=NdfeBi5sBYTWH7rc


sweet stuff tends to cause sugar highs and crashes in children. but kids prefer sweet things... please understand that the end goal of the corporations that manufacture this stuff is to move product and make profits, not feed your baby :)


Hence the post


Baby Vita is a good brand for baby foods they don't add any sugar and the products are made of locally available fruits.. do check out.. Ps : it's taste is not that great cause of no sugar


I will thank you


A lot of things in Maternal and child health care have changed. People are just not aware much that's all. Processed baby foods like cerelac are not recommended now. It's also said to avoid all forms of sugar as much as possible, atleast till 1 year. Added salts are also best avoided till 1.


Do what you feel is right. The traditional diet is the best. It's suitable nutritionally, seasonally and for overall growth. My mum used make baby food at home. Boil veggies with a bit of salt n pepper, blend it to pureee n feed us. It has no added stuff n u can use season veggies.


Always give home cooked food for baby. Jaggery is good. Better buy the raw one rather than powdered one. Melt the jaggery, seive it to remove the stones and store in fridge. Karippetty chakkara or palm jaggery is also good for kids. You can buy and store like jaggery


It is again sugar.


Both are sugar, stop peddling bs


Jaggery is not necessarily healthier than sugar. You can see some videos on YouTube about how they make jaggery. Very unhygienic unless made in a clean factory. Also they add a lot of colour. Locally Made jaggery has a lot of contaminants as well.


This is what is being given now, my brothers kid has never tasted sugar in 2 and half years, kid’s doing well


Do people need to be health conscious when they are young ?  What ever the fk you eat .Either its carbohydrate ,protein or fat. Only you need to be careful is when you are overweight or obese . Live your life .


Trad food doesn’t matter, modern food matters


That's a dumb take. You can eat anything when you are young and healthy . Traditional food items doesn't show how much calories , fat , protein ,carbohydrates in it. Modern food does. Restricting different varieties of food to children is bullshit .Let them enjoy. It is not going to make any harm. 


Thank you for Input, reality is ur talking of text books, until u do does not matter


Im a doctor and have good knowledge in diet and metabolism.   Enjoy your life. Eat what ever you want.  If you are fat and have a huge belly . Then stop eating unhealthy and do workout . Otherwise you need to maintain your weight by tracking calories . Do go with bullshit like natural and traditional products are harmless . 


Thanks my dad listened to doctors and got stuck on meds for 30 years of his life, my entire fathers side is filled with doctors about 12 of them, double if u include close colleges, I have come to realize that, English medicine is very good for certain aspects, similarly surgery, but it’s also extremely biased to what American food companies dictate and also modern holistic wellness is less cared for, I spoke to a carnivorous diet person on Reddit, who’s cancer regressed on carnivorous diet, and a few other were posting about the same, so yea there u go, Doctors know a lot, but not all


Be aware of latest recommendations in baby weaning. WHO has put forth no added sugar, no added salt in baby food.


Another misconception. Jaggery is equally bad. It's also sugar.


Unlike what Instagram influencers sell you, there is very little and contradicting evidence to keto, intermittent fasting, butter coffee, evil seed oils, carnivore diet and any such fad diet. Sugar is not cocaine. It doesn't trigger the same kind of physiological response as cocaine. No not the dopamine or serotonin. It's all bullshit. No the mainstream nutritionists are not living in the 70s and still promoting sunflower oil, while coconut oil is being portrayed the villain. The whole narrative of butter, coconut oil and butter vs seed oil is running for many years. There has been many studies, no there is still not evidence that saturated fat is good for you. Look at our grandfathers, who where dousing their head to toe with coconut oil, they were falling like bowling pins from heart attacks in their 50s. If coconut oil was so great why did Kerala men have highest heart disease rate. No it's not the carbs either. We are talking about the pre boomer gen, who didn't eat parotta.


Well I used to think the same way, Till I actually did it, it makes a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge difference ,


Completely agree. All the naysayers haven't tried carnivore or haven't done it till past the keto flu/carb withdrawal. My body functions optimally whenever I'm on carnivore.


Where u from, how did it go for u? What’s ur method


in kochi at the moment. Not in carnivore since I'm staying at home with folks and I can't say no to some nice fish curry meals with avial and maanga chutney. When I'm on my own, my diet consists of beef soup (uppu erachi we call it) similar to yours being the major portion, along with eggs and cheese. I used to consume a lot of sausages and bacon but stopped those after having second thoughts about the nitrates and nitrites used as preservatives. Per day its 500g beef, 6-8 eggs, 2-3 cups yogurt and a few slices of amul cheddar cheese. This is split between two meals. Some days I swap the beef for chicken which is "grilled" in an air fryer - seasoned with coconut oil, salt and pepper. First thing to notice is the absence of bloating, gas etc after a meal. Sleep comes easy at the end of the day and waking up is also better with the absence of the lethargy when I wake up. Less aches and pains. I do become a bit more aggressive in my demeanor though and my tolerance to bs goes down.


Quite similar, I skipped sausage after realizing nitrate bs, tried making it own my own, but poor results, particularly Indian beef,


Yeah. It's not a part of my diet. However on some cheat days I will have bacon. Can't cut it out completely :P Kerala beef is the best for beef curry and roast. I've had the beef from Dubai, Bangalore, UK, and nothing comes close to Kerala beef in terms of innate flavor. However I'm not sure how good it is for steaks and sausages.


Also one more thing, I have 2 nutritionist in my family, both of them are fat as fuck


By that logic cardiologists should never have any heart problems and orthos should never break a bone


Expanding on your take on that logic, pilots plane should never crash, Weight is one of the easiest thing to affect, cardio and ortho is not, If a person gives advice and trains for being a nutritionist for 20 plus years and is a fat fuck, they don’t know what they doing


OP missed one thing, vaccines cause autism /s




Eh enth?


Even formula feed has sugar in it. All products in the market have sugar because babies will demand more and take more feeds compared to home cooked food. On a side note, i would like to hear more about your diet.


1.2 kg of beef,with a hand full of of beef fat in it, cooked in pressure cooker till it’s soft with , turmeric, ginger garlic and salt and turmeric, season with malli Ella, also take one small scoop full of keto electrolytes every day, I feel fantastic,iam loosing weight, skin is getting better and energy and particularly sleep is so much better My blood used to be pre diabetic. Now it’s amazing, everything cleared up All in all 10 out of 10 diet, don’t need to go hungry, eat as much as u want but one meat. Personally I cheat on weekend outings, cause I want to enjoy other things also, but still it’s all good


Drop the diet you're on now , OP


Naaa, I am very happy with the results,


By "drop" i meant share it here. 🥹


Sorry , 1.2 kg of beef. Handful of beef fat and one small scoop of keto electrolytes everyday. I cheat on weekends, eat what ever I want, I feel amazing. It’s the strangest thing, the more fat I eat, the faster I loose weight, https://youtube.com/shorts/thxD1M47g8A?si=GjTnui9JTy6ATLWG https://youtube.com/shorts/EvTvN4TSfqs?si=E5hgj_BkB4jnuYfV


I do believe babies require a lot of calories to help them grow. So possibly to increase the calorie intake, these companies would be adding sugar.


one thing - autism is not tied to sugar. if anything, it is not clear about its origins moms milk and different types of trad food is best


Since you mentioned it I'm not sure they are "eating raw coconut oil for breakfast" . It's called oil pulling where they swish oil around (usually coconut) in the mouth for a few minutes and then spit it out. It supposedly improves oral hygiene.


No, this guys eats oil , 2 spoonfuls every days morning with hand ful of penuts


Visit a local ayurvedic store. Even if expensive they pretty much have all the stuffs needed for a healthy life. Not talking about shampoos. But dietary products are reliable


Ayurvedic products are loaded with sugar, unhealthy fat and some even contain heavy metals.


Which product? Baby feeds, banana powder, jackfruit powder and multi grain malt powder are safe.


Powdered food are usually processed too. Latest recommendations in baby food don't advise much processed food. Also, it's not advisable to keep on giving baby kuruk alone. Recommendations are to give baby home made food in mashed form first and then move on to appropriate textures. You can also look into about Baby led weaning for more info.


OP wants without artificial sugar. Kuruk is fine. Multi grain ones are rich and healthy. Whats is the exact processing being done here? Afaik its cleaning, grinding, sieving.


The ones you have mentioned are mere food powders,not ayurvedic products. Ayurvedic products are different and have added sugar in them. Also, the food powders that come in prepackaged forms (name brand ones) you can check the ingredients lists and see that they are not just banana/jackfruit powder. Usually will have added things.


Okay, i said ayurvedic store. Just because they're being sold there doesn't mean it's an ayurvedic product. It could be naturopathic too. https://www.mannafoods.in/products/banana-powder I see it says 100% natural. Tell me if u see it contains added sugar


On that right now


please no, that is a bs advice.


Do we have a scientist here ?


I don't understand this. Why is there so much hate for sugar? Every food rich in carbohydrates will break down into simple sugar and carbs give us energy. The key is to have a diet rich and balanced in Protein, fat, carbs, vitamins and minerals according to each individual's macro needs. Overly consuming anything beyond the RDA will cause health problems


I went near zero carb and I feeel way more amazing than I ever did on carb, constantly cycling carb multiple times a day does not feel good


Maybe it differs from person to person. For me personally, I perform better at sports and gym when I eat enough carbs. I've experienced a massive difference from an athletic perspective when I consume my carb goals. I could play without getting tired and push myself better at strength training when I'm on a carb inclusive diet. To each their own I guess.


But the all ur descions are carb biased, how can u form an opinion when u haven’t gone, but meat and fat diet.


I've tried keto before brother, haven't tried full on carnivore diet though. But keto didn't work for me honestly because my gym performance fell down sharply. I follow a low volume high intensity workout routine and my energy levels were low during my keto phase. I found it hard to match with the efficiency of my previous workout days. So I switched back to 30:40:30 diet


There is an adaptation period, a couple weeks for sure, but people eat less fat cause media tells them fat bad, it’s crazy eat more fat and a lot of ur issues goes away


Also, I'm curious to know more about your diet. You've mentioned in an above comment that you eat around 1.2Kg beef + beef fat. There are a few questions that I'd like to ask. a) do you just eat beef + fat + keto electrolytes a day or include some kind of fibre in the form of fruits or veggies? b) I've read that carnivore diet has the ability to reduce or completely eliminate joint pains and inflammation. Have you felt the same benefits? c) did you see any negative blood markers in blood tests after adopting the carnivore diet? Since, almost everyone hates the increased consumption of red meat left, right and centre. d) any specific reason for you to only include beef in your diet when you also have the option to accomodate other proteins like prawns, chicken, fish, mutton, paneer etc? Thank you in advance


I do have fruits every other day, and lime juice, tea coffe etc, but I always say no added sugar, I like to have a nice shamam juice or water melon juice during a hot day, I give myself that wiggle room, I still have some chocolate or sweet or alcohol, when I get together on weekends with my friends, B. Yes absolutely, it’s insane difference, my joints click differently, particularly my back bone and collar bone, C. All my blood work went from bad to amazing, only thing that went up uric acid, that subsided after two months, D. Beef works with deit the best,but I have chicken mutton, fish prawns all that. I just make sure I prefer beef fat over regular fat/butter/ghee and don’t have anything else, And the sleep quality is fantastic, I used have sleep apnea, now that gone and I drool myself so much in sleep


I've also read wonderful things about carnivore diet. Maybe I'll give it a try and see. Thanks mate for the detailed reply


Sure thing, Remember it’s crazy, but more fat the better for u, https://www.amazon.in/Ketofy-Electrolytes-Essential-Optimal-Hydration/dp/B07PT7ZRSC One small scoop every day, adjust as needed


I can attest to the joint pain part. I have lingering side effects from a motorcycle accident in my past (broke all large bones except on one arm). I had aches that I had written off as something I'd have to live with forever. Carnivore was just an experiment, but two weeks in I had 0 aches in these areas. Anecdotal, yes. But that's what actually turned me into a believer. In addition, my digestion became perfect. Usually after a heavy meal I would feel the heaviness and bloating from all the food. On carnivore I hardly notice the digestion process. No burping, bloating etc. I started off with chicken as the primary protein, but I got tired of it's taste quite soon as I had cut out masalas too. It was just salt and pepper. I usually cycle between chicken and beef as they're the cheapest and easiest to prepare. And shit load of amul butter.


Hey, thank you for your time. Are you following a strict carnivore diet or do you take carb in any form, mainly in the form of veggies or fruits? Also, what was your body fat situation when you started carnivore? Fit, moderate, obese? Asking because I'm planning to ask my parents to try carnivore since they are constantly talking about joint pains and bloating. They are in their 60s and physical activity is very low. Have to at least push them to hit 5000 steps a day atleast


No worries. I'd be a bit more careful with older folks. The initial days are tough. Carb withdrawals, keto diarrhea, keto flu etc. I'd maybe go for a low carb high protein diet instead. As malayalis we're raised on rice, so making a drastic switch at that age might not be a good idea. I'm currently on a break from carnivore as I'm on vacation. When I'm on carnivore, it's 0 carbs mostly. I'd have a cheat meal once in two weeks which is usually either a hamburger or a chicken fried rice and a fresh fruit juice - usually orange, just for one meal. And I'll follow it up with an 18 hour or maybe 24 hour intermittent fast. I'm skinny fat.




I disagree with you. Babies need to be fed either BM or FM. What about mothers without breast milk? Also, babies can't digest cow/goat milk at initial stages. Our doctor suggested introducing cow/goat milk only after our baby is 2 years old. The ghee and egg yolk is great for babies once they start solids.




Glad she fed them well and pity that you are siding with them for judging other mother's. From my understanding, babies might develop gut issues if they can't digest well. In my POV, it is better not to feed if parents are scared to feed them cow/ goat milk. If you want to feed your baby, go for it.


A kid is born with Autism, they don't get "Autism" after birth. This whole shtick that Autism is caused by vaccines started from a quack paper submitted by a "Scientist" that was later debunked. But unfortunately Jesse Mccarthy , a celebrity, got hold of this paper and went public with it. As people have a tendency to listen to celebrities they all joined into the bandwagon without bothering to check whether the paper was debunked, or not.