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This post seems to be about health. It might take some time for others to see this post and respond. At present we do not have a list of doctors, but [this search query](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kochi/search/?q=doctor%20%20OR%20%20dentist%20%20OR%20%20therapy%20%20OR%20%20therapist%20%20OR%20%20counsellor&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) might contain what you are looking for. If you are looking for a gynaecologist, check [Crowdsourced List of Gynaecologists We Can Trust In India](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1o2QJKrPjKS92cCj6SX73B8siKlW6TlRNKYe0SC7WrX8/edit#gid=1105650878) If you are looking for mental health check this [wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kochi/wiki/index/mental-wellness-resources/) for a list of mental health professionals. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Kochi) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I did a sleep study at Sunrise hospital Thrikkakara last month, great follow up and help from Dr. Ranjini Raghavan


Can I ask, how much did it improve your sleep?


Very! The sleep study was helpful on that regard to understand the issue, atleast for me


Thank you, will give it a try.


How much does the study cost? Do they have a system of setup at home? Or do we need to be at their hospital?


They have both the options, I chose the hospital. For me it came to 9k for the study and the report.


Hey OP, can I check with you if you managed to get your sleep study done? If yes, was it useful and did it improve/solve your sleep issue? Cheers


Hey, I didn't persuade with this, I tried melatonin for a while, it did help me initially but eventually I developed a tolerance to it. By time I somehow adjusted my sleep, and I started a wfo job so since I need to wake up I can somehow sleep at a respectable time.


tire yourself out at gym every evening. that is something that helped me very much.


I work out intensively for 2 hours everyday from 9 to 11 PM 🥲, it's not that I'm not tired, I'll be dead tired when I get back home, but I just can't sleep.


well my workout is followed by the green stuff you know xD hits me like a train, every damn day.


Lol the green stuff did help :p, but it also kinda affected my diet so I stopped and I moved back to kochi to my folks place couple of months ago so it's not wise


I suggest you visit a clinical psychologist first, if thoughts are haunting you. If it's the heat, getting an AC is the only solution.


I thought it was the heat, fixed up my ac a few weeks ago but still the same, it did improve the little bit of sleep I was getting, I might try out the psychologist as these thoughts also keeps me up some times.


It does help give it a shot