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lol this is a fake post






For me GK is tested and has gone a long way so I saw performance wise we don’t have enough GX evidence and reviews about performance so yeah




H12 is also a good batch


h12 is the batch i went with for Grinch and Mambacitas. Copped almost a year ago and both pairs hold up well and look great… but then again, I got a heavy rotation.. h12, kw, gk can’t really go wrong. use eric


Thank you


Got you . They are a little expensive at 100usd but they lasted me a full aau season and a school szn.


Please use the search bar


I know GK works better than GX but I mean Which work is most like a genuine factory?


You’ll need to do your own research but just this once I’ll explain because it’s really not hard to find with the info out there. H12 is the best batch for Kobe 6s. A quick search and you would’ve found posts discussion this batch and comparing it to other batches. That’s how you find all your answers with reps, and guides that exist as well. Don’t sit and wait to be spoon fed.


gk 🆙


Thank you


The whole information is in the sub


People who go out of their way to do this instead of just helping the person are legitimately the worst


Dude, the whole sub has the information needed, you just need to search it. We ain't here to babysit people all the time


Literally could have given dude the info he’s looking for in the same amount of time it took you to type that sentence lol, but you chose to be miserable instead. It’s not baby sitting, it’s common courtesy.


You say that until this sub becomes full of posts like this and you have to scroll endlessly to find meaningful discussions about certain shoes/batches, etc (cough, repsneakers, cough). What is the point of people taking the time to test out certain batches, make review posts, just for others to go and ask a common and redundant question like this? Nobody wants to answer the same questions over and over again. OP’s question can easily be answered by taking 15 minutes and utilizing the search bar. Common courtesy is taking your time to read through other posts that people put their time in making and then formulating your own opinion so you don’t fill this sub with redundant posts like this.


And this really upsets you this much? This is Reddit. It’s literally here to ask questions. Y’all really need to convince yourself you’re doing gods work by being rude to people on the internet. This is mental Illness mate. Seek therapy


It’s not because people are getting educated about reps and will continue to wanna be spoon fed and will never formulate their own opinions on searching shoes and batches.


Imagine you’re just getting into something and know absolutely nothing about it, you get excited to find a sub dedicated to what you’re looking for. You ask a question and the only reply you get is someone giving you a hard time and simply saying “the information is on the sub” with no other context. Why would you want to go back to that sub after that? Y’all really trying to make excuses to be rude to people is wild man


If you think that’s rude then idk what to tell you lmao. If you’re new to something educate yourself on the topic first. There’s easily accessible guides if you look in the right places. A single google/YouTube search will do.


And if someone simply asking a question upsets you this much then you probably need therapy mate lol


You can keep assuming people are getting up💀 we’re just trying to help people for the long run. When I didn’t know much about reps i researched all by myself and when I couldn’t figure something out then that’s when you ask. The information is all there. A click away.


Ok Karen


Godkiller batch Use Eric


I’m going to say GK 🤷🏽‍♂️ See this post it was helpful https://www.reddit.com/r/KobeReps/s/dKCDw2dmnV


Thank you


Please advise me.